. /** * Store management UI lang strings. * * @package tool_log * @copyright 2013 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['actlogshdr'] = 'Available log stores'; $string['configlogplugins'] = 'Please enable all required plugins and arrange them in appropriate order.'; $string['exportlog'] = 'Include logs when exporting'; $string['exportlogdetail'] = 'Include logs that relate to the user when exporting.'; $string['logging'] = 'Logging'; $string['managelogging'] = 'Manage log stores'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Log store manager'; $string['privacy:metadata:logstore'] = 'The log stores'; $string['privacy:path:logs'] = 'Logs'; $string['privacy:request:origin:cli'] = 'Command line tool'; $string['privacy:request:origin:restore'] = 'Backup being restored'; $string['privacy:request:origin:web'] = 'Standard web request'; $string['privacy:request:origin:ws'] = 'Mobile app or web service'; $string['reportssupported'] = 'Reports supported'; $string['subplugintype_logstore'] = 'Log store'; $string['subplugintype_logstore_plural'] = 'Log stores';