. /** * Class containing data for managelearningplans page * * @package tool_lp * @copyright 2015 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_lp\output; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use context; use renderable; use templatable; use renderer_base; use single_button; use stdClass; use moodle_url; use context_system; use core_competency\api; use core_competency\template; use core_competency\external\template_exporter; /** * Class containing data for managecompetencyframeworks page * * @copyright 2015 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class manage_templates_page implements renderable, templatable { /** @var context The context in which everything is happening. */ protected $pagecontext; /** @var array $navigation List of links to display on the page. Each link contains a url and a title. */ protected $navigation = array(); /** @var array $templates List of learning plan templates. */ protected $templates = array(); /** * Construct this renderable. * @param context $pagecontext */ public function __construct(context $pagecontext) { $this->pagecontext = $pagecontext; if (template::can_manage_context($this->pagecontext)) { $addpage = new single_button( new moodle_url('/admin/tool/lp/edittemplate.php', array('pagecontextid' => $this->pagecontext->id)), get_string('addnewtemplate', 'tool_lp'), 'get' ); $this->navigation[] = $addpage; } $this->templates = api::list_templates('shortname', 'ASC', 0, 0, $this->pagecontext); } /** * Export this data so it can be used as the context for a mustache template. * * @param renderer_base $output Renderer base. * @return stdClass */ public function export_for_template(renderer_base $output) { $data = new stdClass(); $data->pagecontextid = $this->pagecontext->id; $data->templates = array(); foreach ($this->templates as $template) { $exporter = new template_exporter($template); $data->templates[] = $exporter->export($output); } $data->pluginbaseurl = (new moodle_url('/admin/tool/lp'))->out(true); $data->navigation = array(); foreach ($this->navigation as $button) { $data->navigation[] = $output->render($button); } $data->canmanage = template::can_manage_context($this->pagecontext); return $data; } }