. /** * Steps definitions related with the forum activity. * * @package mod_forum * @category test * @copyright 2013 David Monllaó * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ // NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php. require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php'); use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode as TableNode; /** * Forum-related steps definitions. * * @package mod_forum * @category test * @copyright 2013 David Monllaó * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class behat_mod_forum extends behat_base { /** * Adds a topic to the forum specified by it's name. Useful for the Announcements and blog-style forums. * * @Given /^I add a new topic to "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" forum with:$/ * @param string $forumname * @param TableNode $table */ public function i_add_a_new_topic_to_forum_with($forumname, TableNode $table) { $this->add_new_discussion($forumname, $table, get_string('addanewtopic', 'forum')); } /** * Adds a Q&A discussion to the Q&A-type forum specified by it's name with the provided table data. * * @Given /^I add a new question to "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" forum with:$/ * @param string $forumname * @param TableNode $table */ public function i_add_a_new_question_to_forum_with($forumname, TableNode $table) { $this->add_new_discussion($forumname, $table, get_string('addanewquestion', 'forum')); } /** * Adds a discussion to the forum specified by it's name with the provided table data (usually Subject and Message). The step begins from the forum's course page. * * @Given /^I add a new discussion to "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" forum with:$/ * @param string $forumname * @param TableNode $table */ public function i_add_a_forum_discussion_to_forum_with($forumname, TableNode $table) { $this->add_new_discussion($forumname, $table, get_string('addanewdiscussion', 'forum')); } /** * Adds a discussion to the forum specified by it's name with the provided table data (usually Subject and Message). * The step begins from the forum's course page. * * @Given /^I add a new discussion to "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" forum inline with:$/ * @param string $forumname * @param TableNode $table */ public function i_add_a_forum_discussion_to_forum_inline_with($forumname, TableNode $table) { $this->add_new_discussion_inline($forumname, $table, get_string('addanewdiscussion', 'forum')); } /** * Adds a reply to the specified post of the specified forum. The step begins from the forum's page or from the forum's course page. * * @Given /^I reply "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" post from "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" forum with:$/ * @param string $postname The subject of the post * @param string $forumname The forum name * @param TableNode $table */ public function i_reply_post_from_forum_with($postsubject, $forumname, TableNode $table) { // Navigate to forum. $this->goto_main_post_reply($postsubject); // Fill form and post. $this->execute('behat_forms::i_set_the_following_fields_to_these_values', $table); $this->execute('behat_forms::press_button', get_string('posttoforum', 'forum')); $this->execute('behat_general::i_wait_to_be_redirected'); } /** * Inpage Reply - adds a reply to the specified post of the specified forum. The step begins from the forum's page or from the forum's course page. * * @Given /^I reply "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" post from "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" forum using an inpage reply with:$/ * @param string $postsubject The subject of the post * @param string $forumname The forum name * @param TableNode $table */ public function i_reply_post_from_forum_using_an_inpage_reply_with($postsubject, $forumname, TableNode $table) { // Navigate to forum. $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $this->escape($forumname)); $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $this->escape($postsubject)); $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', get_string('reply', 'forum')); // Fill form and post. $this->execute('behat_forms::i_set_the_following_fields_to_these_values', $table); $this->execute('behat_forms::press_button', get_string('submit', 'core')); } /** * Navigates to a particular discussion page * * @Given /^I navigate to post "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" forum$/ * @param string $postsubject The subject of the post * @param string $forumname The forum name */ public function i_navigate_to_post_in_forum($postsubject, $forumname) { // Navigate to forum discussion. $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $this->escape($forumname)); $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $this->escape($postsubject)); } /** * Opens up the action menu for the discussion * * @Given /^I click on "(?P
(?:[^"]|\\")*)" action menu$/ * @param string $discussion The subject of the discussion */ public function i_click_on_action_menu($discussion) { $this->execute('behat_general::i_click_on_in_the', [ "[data-container='discussion-tools'] [data-toggle='dropdown']", "css_element", "//tr[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' discussion ') and contains(.,'$discussion')]", "xpath_element" ]); } /** * Returns the steps list to add a new discussion to a forum. * * Abstracts add a new topic and add a new discussion, as depending * on the forum type the button string changes. * * @param string $forumname * @param TableNode $table * @param string $buttonstr */ protected function add_new_discussion($forumname, TableNode $table, $buttonstr) { // Navigate to forum. $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $this->escape($forumname)); $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $buttonstr); $this->execute('behat_forms::press_button', get_string('showadvancededitor')); $this->fill_new_discussion_form($table); } /** * Returns the steps list to add a new discussion to a forum inline. * * Abstracts add a new topic and add a new discussion, as depending * on the forum type the button string changes. * * @param string $forumname * @param TableNode $table * @param string $buttonstr */ protected function add_new_discussion_inline($forumname, TableNode $table, $buttonstr) { // Navigate to forum. $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $this->escape($forumname)); $this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $buttonstr); $this->fill_new_discussion_form($table); } /** * Fill in the forum's post form and submit. It assumes you've already navigated and enabled the form for view. * * @param TableNode $table * @throws coding_exception */ protected function fill_new_discussion_form(TableNode $table) { // Fill form and post. $this->execute('behat_forms::i_set_the_following_fields_to_these_values', $table); $this->execute('behat_forms::press_button', get_string('posttoforum', 'forum')); $this->execute('behat_general::i_wait_to_be_redirected'); } /** * Go to the default reply to post page. * This is used instead of navigating through 4-5 different steps and to solve issues where JS would be required to click * on the advanced button * * @param $postsubject * @throws coding_exception * @throws dml_exception * @throws moodle_exception */ protected function goto_main_post_reply($postsubject) { global $DB; $post = $DB->get_record("forum_posts", array("subject" => $postsubject), 'id', MUST_EXIST); $url = new moodle_url('/mod/forum/post.php', ['reply' => $post->id]); $this->getSession()->visit($this->locate_path($url->out_as_local_url(false))); } }