@core @core_auth Feature: Authentication In order to validate my credentials in the system As a user I need to log into the system Scenario: Log in with the predefined admin user with Javascript disabled Given I log in as "admin" Then I should see "You are logged in as Admin User" in the "page-footer" "region" @javascript Scenario: Log in with the predefined admin user with Javascript enabled Given I log in as "admin" Then I should see "You are logged in as Admin User" in the "page-footer" "region" Scenario: Log in as an existing admin user filling the form Given the following "users" exist: | username | password | firstname | lastname | email | | testuser | testuser | Test | User | moodle@example.com | And I am on site homepage When I follow "Log in" And I set the field "Username" to "testuser" And I set the field "Password" to "testuser" And I press "Log in" Then I should see "You are logged in as" in the "page-footer" "region" Scenario: Log in as an unexisting user filling the form Given the following "users" exist: | username | password | firstname | lastname | email | | testuser | testuser | Test | User | moodle@example.com | And I am on site homepage When I follow "Log in" And I set the field "Username" to "testuser" And I set the field "Password" to "unexisting" And I press "Log in" Then I should see "Invalid login, please try again" Scenario: Log out Given I log in as "admin" When I log out Then I should see "You are not logged in" in the "page-footer" "region" Scenario Outline: Checking the display of the Remember username checkbox Given I log in as "admin" And I set the following administration settings values: | rememberusername |
| And I log out And I am on homepage When I click on "Log in" "link" in the ".logininfo" "css_element" Then I should
"Remember username" Examples: | settingvalue | expect | | 0 | not see | | 1 | see | | 2 | see |