## Last modification: 8/3/00 by akp ## Originally written by Daniel Martin, Dept of Math, John Hopkins ## Additions and modifications were made by James Martino, Dept of Math, John Hopkins ## Additions and modifications were made by Arnold Pizer, Dept of Math, Univ of Rochester #use Data::Dumper; package AlgParser; use HTML::Entities; %close = (); sub new { my $package = shift; my (%ret); $ret{string} = ""; $ret{posarray} = []; $ret{parseerror} = ""; $ret{parseresult} = []; bless \%ret, $package; return \%ret; } sub inittokenizer { my($self, $string) = @_; $self->{string} =~ m/\G.*$/g; $self->{string} = undef; $self->{string} = $string; $self->{string} =~ m/\G.*$/g; $self->{string} =~ m/^/g; } $close{'{'} = '}'; $close{'['} = ']'; $close{'('} = ')'; $binoper3 = '(?:\\^|\\*\\*)'; $binoper2 = '[/*_,]'; $binoper1 = '[-+=><%!#]'; $openparen = '[{(\\[]'; $closeparen = '[})\\]]'; $varname = '[A-Za-z](?:_[0-9]+)?'; $specialvalue = '(?:e|pi|da|db|dc|de|df|dg|dh|di|dj|dk|dl|dm|dn|do|dp|dq|dr|ds|dt|du|dv|dw|dx|dy|dz|infty|alpha|bita|gamma|zita|thita|iota|kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|rho|sigma|tau|phi|chi|psi|omega|zepslon|zdelta|xeta|zupslon|zeroplace)'; $numberplain = '(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)'; $numberE = '(?:' . $numberplain . 'E[-+]?\d+)'; $number = '(?:' . $numberE . '|' . $numberplain . ')'; # # DPVC -- 2003/03/31 # added missing trig and inverse functions # #$trigfname = '(?:cosh|sinh|tanh|cot|(?:a(?:rc)?)?cos|(?:a(?:rc)?)?sin|' . # '(?:a(?:rc)?)?tan|sech?)'; $trigfname = '(?:(?:a(?:rc)?)?(?:sin|cos|tan|sec|csc|cot)h?)'; # # End DPVC # $otherfunc = '(?:exp|abs|logten|log|ln|sqrt|sgn|step|fact|int|lim|fun[a-zA-Z])'; $funcname = '(?:' . $otherfunc . '|' . $trigfname . ')'; $tokenregexp = "(?:($binoper3)|($binoper2)|($binoper1)|($openparen)|" . "($closeparen)|($funcname)|($specialvalue)|($varname)|" . "($numberE)|($number))"; sub nexttoken { my($self) = shift; $self->{string} =~ m/\G\s+/gc; my($p1) = pos($self->{string}) || 0; if(scalar($self->{string} =~ m/\G$tokenregexp/gc)) { push @{$self->{posarray}}, [$p1, pos($self->{string})]; if (defined($1)) {return ['binop3', $1];} if (defined($2)) {return ['binop2', $2];} if (defined($3)) {return ['binop1', $3];} if (defined($4)) {return ['openp', $4];} if (defined($5)) {return ['closep', $5];} if (defined($6)) {return ['func1', $6];} if (defined($7)) {return ['special', $7];} if (defined($8)) {return ['varname', $8];} if (defined($9)) {return ['numberE', $9];} if (defined($10)) {return ['number', $10];} } else { push @{$self->{posarray}}, [$p1, undef]; return undef; } } sub parse { my $self = shift; $self->{parseerror} = ""; $self->{posarray} = []; $self->{parseresult} = ['top', undef]; my (@backtrace) = (\$self->{parseresult}); my (@pushback) = (); my $currentref = \$self->{parseresult}->[1]; my $curenttok; my $sstring = shift; $self->inittokenizer($sstring); $currenttok = $self->nexttoken; if (!$currenttok) { if ($self->{string} =~ m/\G$/g) { return $self->error("empty"); } else { my($mark) = pop @{$self->{posarray}}; my $position = 1+$mark->[0]; return $self->error("Illegal character at position $position", $mark); } } # so I can assume we got a token local $_; while ($currenttok) { $_ = $currenttok->[0]; /binop1/ && do { # check if we have a binary or unary operation here. if (defined(${$currentref})) { # binary - walk up the tree until we hit an open paren or the top while (${$currentref}->[0] !~ /^(openp|top)/) { $currentref = pop @backtrace; } my $index = ((${$currentref}->[0] eq 'top')?1:3); ${$currentref}->[$index] = ['binop1', $currenttok->[1], ${$currentref}->[$index], undef]; push @backtrace, $currentref; push @backtrace, \${$currentref}->[$index]; $currentref = \${$currentref}->[$index]->[3]; } else { # unary ${$currentref} = ['unop1', $currenttok->[1], undef]; push @backtrace, $currentref; $currentref = \${$currentref}->[2]; } }; /binop2/ && do { if (defined(${$currentref})) { # walk up the tree until an open paren, the top, binop1 or unop1 # I decide arbitrarily that -3*4 should be parsed as -(3*4) # instead of as (-3)*4. Not that it makes a difference. while (${$currentref}->[0] !~ /^(openp|top|binop1)/) { $currentref = pop @backtrace; } my $a = ${$currentref}->[0]; my $index = (($a eq 'top')?1:3); ${$currentref}->[$index] = ['binop2', $currenttok->[1], ${$currentref}->[$index], undef]; push @backtrace, $currentref; push @backtrace, \${$currentref}->[$index]; $currentref = \${$currentref}->[$index]->[3]; } else { # Error my($mark) = pop @{$self->{posarray}}; my $position =1+$mark->[0]; return $self->error("Didn't expect " . $currenttok->[1] . " at position $position" , $mark); } }; /binop3/ && do { if (defined(${$currentref})) { # walk up the tree until we need to stop # Note that the right-associated nature of ^ means we need to # stop walking backwards when we hit a ^ as well. while (${$currentref}->[0] !~ /^(openp|top|binop[123]|unop1)/) { $currentref = pop @backtrace; } my $a = ${$currentref}->[0]; my $index = ($a eq 'top')?1:($a eq 'unop1')?2:3; ${$currentref}->[$index] = ['binop3', $currenttok->[1], ${$currentref}->[$index], undef]; push @backtrace, $currentref; push @backtrace, \${$currentref}->[$index]; $currentref = \${$currentref}->[$index]->[3]; } else { # Error my($mark) = pop @{$self->{posarray}}; my $position = 1+$mark->[0]; return $self->error("Didn't expect " . $currenttok->[1] . " at position $position", $mark); } }; /openp/ && do { if (defined(${$currentref})) { # we weren't expecting this - must be implicit # multiplication. push @pushback, $currenttok; $currenttok = ['binop2', 'implicit']; next; } else { my($me) = pop @{$self->{posarray}}; ${$currentref} = [$currenttok->[0], $currenttok->[1], $me, undef]; push @backtrace, $currentref; $currentref = \${$currentref}->[3]; } }; /func1/ && do { if (defined(${$currentref})) { # we weren't expecting this - must be implicit # multiplication. push @pushback, $currenttok; $currenttok = ['binop2', 'implicit']; next; } else { # just like a unary operator ${$currentref} = [$currenttok->[0], $currenttok->[1], undef]; push @backtrace, $currentref; $currentref = \${$currentref}->[2]; } }; /closep/ && do { if (defined(${$currentref})) { # walk up the tree until we need to stop while (${$currentref}->[0] !~ /^(openp|top)/) { $currentref = pop @backtrace; } my $a = ${$currentref}->[0]; if ($a eq 'top') { my($mark) = pop @{$self->{posarray}}; my $position = 1+$mark->[0]; return $self->error("Unmatched close " . $currenttok->[1] . " at position $position", $mark); } elsif ($close{${$currentref}->[1]} ne $currenttok->[1]) { my($mark) = pop @{$self->{posarray}}; my $position = 1+$mark->[0]; return $self->error("Mismatched parens at position $position" , ${$currentref}->[2], $mark); } else { ${$currentref}->[0] = 'closep'; ${$currentref}->[2] = pop @{${$currentref}}; } } else { # Error - something like (3+4*) my($mark) = pop @{$self->{posarray}}; my $position = 1+$mark->[0]; return $self->error("Premature close " . $currenttok->[1] . " at position $position", $mark); } }; /special|varname|numberE?/ && do { if (defined(${$currentref})) { # we weren't expecting this - must be implicit # multiplication. push @pushback, $currenttok; $currenttok = ['binop2', 'implicit']; next; } else { ${$currentref} = [$currenttok->[0], $currenttok->[1]]; } }; if (@pushback) { $currenttok = pop @pushback; } else { $currenttok = $self->nexttoken; } } # ok, we stopped parsing. Now we need to see why. if ($self->{parseresult}->[0] eq 'top') { $self->{parseresult} = $self->arraytoexpr($self->{parseresult}->[1]); } else { return $self->error("Internal consistency error; not at top when done"); } if ($self->{string} =~ m/\G\s*$/g) { if (!defined(${$currentref})) { $self->{string} .= " "; return $self->error("I was expecting more at the end of the line", [length($self->{string})-1, length($self->{string})]); } else { # check that all the parens were closed while (@backtrace) { $currentref = pop @backtrace; if (${$currentref}->[0] eq 'openp') { my($mark) = ${$currentref}->[2]; my $position = 1+$mark->[0]; return $self->error("Unclosed parentheses beginning at position $position" , $mark); } } # Ok, we must really have parsed something return $self->{parseresult}; } } else { my($mark) = pop @{$self->{posarray}}; my $position = 1+$mark->[0]; return $self->error("Illegal character at position $position",$mark); } } sub arraytoexpr { my ($self) = shift; return Expr->fromarray(@_); } sub error { my($self, $errstr, @markers) = @_; # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\@markers], # ['$markers']); $self->{parseerror} = $errstr; my($htmledstring) = '
'; my($str) = $self->{string}; # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$str], ['$str']); my($lastpos) = 0; $str =~ s/ /\240/g; while(@markers) { my($ref) = shift @markers; my($pos1) = $ref->[0]; my($pos2) = $ref->[1]; if (!defined($pos2)) {$pos2 = $pos1+1;} $htmledstring .= encode_entities(substr($str,$lastpos,$pos1-$lastpos)) . '
' . encode_entities(substr($str,$pos1,$pos2-$pos1)) . '
'; $lastpos = $pos2; } # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$str, $htmledstring, $lastpos], # ['$str', '$htmledstring', '$lastpos']); $htmledstring .= encode_entities(substr($str,$lastpos)); $htmledstring .= '
'; # $self->{htmlerror} = '
' . "\n" . # '
' . # encode_entities($errstr) . '
' . "\n" . # $htmledstring . "\n" . '
' . "\n"; $self->{htmlerror} = $htmledstring ; $self->{htmlerror} = 'empty' if $errstr eq 'empty'; $self->{error_msg} = $errstr; # warn $errstr . "\n"; return undef; } sub tostring { my ($self) = shift; return $self->{parseresult}->tostring(@_); } sub tolatex { my ($self) = shift; return $self->{parseresult}->tolatex(@_); } sub tolatexstring { return tolatex(@_);} sub exprtolatexstr { return exprtolatex(@_); } sub exprtolatex { my($expr) = shift; my($exprobj); if ((ref $expr) eq 'ARRAY') { $exprobj = Expr->new(@$expr); } else { $exprobj = $expr; } return $exprobj->tolatex(); } sub exprtostr { my($expr) = shift; my($exprobj); if ((ref $expr) eq 'ARRAY') { $exprobj = Expr->new(@$expr); } else { $exprobj = $expr; } return $exprobj->tostring(); } sub normalize { my ($self, $degree) = @_; $self->{parseresult} = $self->{parseresult}->normalize($degree); } sub normalize_expr { my($expr, $degree) = @_; my($exprobj); if ((ref $expr) eq 'ARRAY') { $exprobj = Expr->new(@$expr); } else { $exprobj = $expr; } return $exprobj->normalize($degree); } package AlgParserWithImplicitExpand; @ISA=qw(AlgParser); sub arraytoexpr { my ($self) = shift; my ($foo) = ExprWithImplicitExpand->fromarray(@_); # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$foo],['retval']); return $foo; } package Expr; sub new { my($class) = shift; my(@args) = @_; my($ret) = [@args]; return (bless $ret, $class); } sub head { my($self) = shift; return ($self->[0]); } sub normalize { #print STDERR "normalize\n"; #print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([@_]); my($self, $degree) = @_; my($class) = ref $self; $degree = $degree || 0; my($type, @args) = @$self; local $_; $_ = $type; my ($ret) = [$type, @args]; if(/closep/) { $ret = $args[1]->normalize($degree); } elsif (/unop1/) { $ret = $class->new($type, $args[0], $args[1]->normalize($degree)); } elsif (/binop/) { $ret = $class->new($type, $args[0], $args[1]->normalize($degree), $args[2]->normalize($degree)); } elsif (/func1/) { $args[0] =~ s/^arc/a/; $ret = $class->new($type, $args[0], $args[1]->normalize($degree)); } if ($degree < 0) {return $ret;} ($type, @args) = @$ret; $ret = $class->new($type, @args); $_ = $type; if (/binop1/ && ($args[2]->[0] =~ 'unop1')) { my($h1, $h2) = ($args[0], $args[2]->[1]); my($s1, $s2) = ($h1 eq '-', $h2 eq '-'); my($eventual) = ($s1==$s2); if ($eventual) { $ret = $class->new('binop1', '+', $args[1], $args[2]->[2] ); } else { $ret = $class->new('binop1', '-', $args[1], $args[2]->[2] ); } } elsif (/binop2/ && ($args[1]->[0] =~ 'unop1')) { $ret = $class->new('unop1', '-', $class->new($type, $args[0], $args[1]->[2], $args[2])->normalize($degree) ); } elsif (/binop[12]/ && ($args[2]->[0] eq $type) && ($args[0] =~ /[+*]/)) { # Remove frivolous right-association # For example, fix 3+(4-5) or 3*(4x) $ret = $class->new($type, $args[2]->[1], $class->new($type, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2]->[2])->normalize($degree), $args[2]->[3]); } elsif (/unop1/ && ($args[0] eq '+')) { $ret = $args[1]; } elsif (/unop1/ && ($args[1]->[0] =~ 'unop1')) { $ret = $args[1]->[2]; } if ($degree > 0) { } return $ret; } sub tostring { # print STDERR "Expr::tostring\n"; # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([@_]); my($self) = shift; my($type, @args) = @$self; local $_; $_ = $type; /binop1/ && do { my ($p1, $p2) = ('',''); if ($args[2]->[0] eq 'binop1') {($p1,$p2)=qw{ ( ) };} return ($args[1]->tostring() . $args[0] . $p1 . $args[2]->tostring() . $p2); }; /unop1/ && do { my ($p1, $p2) = ('',''); if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop1/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ ( ) };} return ($args[0] . $p1 . $args[1]->tostring() . $p2); }; /binop2/ && do { my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4)=('','','',''); if ($args[0] =~ /implicit/) {$args[0] = ' ';} if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop1/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ ( ) };} # if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]/) {($p3,$p4)=qw{ ( ) };} if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]|unop1/) {($p3,$p4)=qw{ ( ) };} return ($p1 . $args[1]->tostring() . $p2 . $args[0] . $p3 . $args[2]->tostring() . $p4); }; /binop3/ && do { my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4)=('','','',''); # if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop[123]|numberE/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ ( ) };} if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop[123]|unop1|numberE/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ ( ) };} # if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]|numberE/) {($p3,$p4)=qw{ ( ) };} if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]|unop1|numberE/) {($p3,$p4)=qw{ ( ) };} return ($p1 . $args[1]->tostring() . $p2 . $args[0] . $p3 . $args[2]->tostring() . $p4); }; /func1/ && do { return ($args[0] . '(' . $args[1]->tostring() . ')'); }; /special|varname|numberE?/ && return $args[0]; /closep/ && do { my(%close) = %AlgParser::close; return ($args[0] . $args[1]->tostring() . $close{$args[0]}); }; } sub tolatex { my($self) = shift; my($type, @args) = @$self; local $_; $_ = $type; /binop1/ && do { my ($p1, $p2) = ('',''); if ($args[2]->[0] eq 'binop1') {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };} return ($args[1]->tolatex() . $args[0] . $p1 . $args[2]->tolatex() . $p2); }; /unop1/ && do { my ($p1, $p2) = ('',''); if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop1/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };} return ($args[0] . $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2); }; /binop2/ && do { my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) = ('','','',''); if ($args[0] =~ /implicit/) { if ( (($args[1]->head eq qq(number)) && ($args[2]->head eq qq(number))) || (($args[1]->head eq qq(binop2)) && ($args[1]->[2]->head eq qq(number))) ) { $args[0] = '\\,'; } else { $args[0] = ' '; } } if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop1|numberE/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };} # if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]|numberE/) if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]|numberE|unop1/) {($p3,$p4)=qw{ \left( \right) };} if ($args[0] eq '/'){ # return('\frac{' . $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2 . '}'. # '{' . $p3 . $args[2]->tolatex() . $p4 . '}' ); return('\frac{' . $args[1]->tolatex() . '}'. '{' . $args[2]->tolatex() . '}' ); } else{ return ($p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2 . $args[0] . $p3 . $args[2]->tolatex() . $p4); } }; /binop3/ && do { my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4)=('','','',''); # if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop[123]|numberE/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };} if ($args[1]->[0] =~ /binop[123]|unop1|numberE/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };} # Not necessary in latex # if ($args[2]->[0] =~ /binop[12]/) {($p3,$p4)=qw{ \left( \right) };} return ($p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2 . "^{" . $p3 . $args[2]->tolatex() . $p4 . "}"); }; /func1/ && do { my($p1,$p2); if($args[0] eq "sqrt"){($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left{ \right} };} else {($p1,$p2)=qw{ \left( \right) };} # # DPVC -- 2003/03/31 # added missing trig functions # #$specialfunc = '(?:abs|logten|asin|acos|atan|sech|sgn|step|fact)'; $specialfunc = '(?:abs|logten|a(?:sin|cos|tan|sec|csc|cot)h?|sgn|step|fact)'; # # End DPVC # if ($args[0] =~ /$specialfunc/) { return ('\mbox{' . $args[0] .'}'. $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2); } else { return ('\\' . $args[0] . $p1 . $args[1]->tolatex() . $p2); } }; /special/ && do { if ($args[0] eq 'pi') {return '\pi';} else {return $args[0];} }; /varname|(:?number$)/ && return $args[0]; /numberE/ && do { $args[0] =~ m/($AlgParser::numberplain)E([-+]?\d+)/; return ($1 . '\times 10^{' . $2 . '}'); }; /closep/ && do { my($backslash) = ''; my(%close) = %AlgParser::close; if ($args[0] eq '{') {$backslash = '\\';} #This is for editors to match: } return ('\left' . $backslash . $args[0] . $args[1]->tolatex() . '\right' . $backslash . $close{$args[0]}); }; } sub fromarray { my($class) = shift; my($expr) = shift; if ((ref $expr) ne qq{ARRAY}) { die "Program error; fromarray not passed an array ref."; } my($type, @args) = @$expr; foreach my $i (@args) { if (ref $i) { $i = $class->fromarray($i); } } return $class->new($type, @args); } package ExprWithImplicitExpand; @ISA=qw(Expr); sub tostring { # print STDERR "ExprWIE::tostring\n"; # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([@_]); my ($self) = shift; my($type, @args) = @$self; if (($type eq qq(binop2)) && ($args[0] eq qq(implicit))) { my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4)=('','','',''); if ($args[1]->head =~ /binop1/) {($p1,$p2)=qw{ ( ) };} # if ($args[2]->head =~ /binop[12]/) {($p3,$p4)=qw{ ( ) };} if ($args[2]->head =~ /binop[12]|unop1/) {($p3,$p4)=qw{ ( ) };} return ($p1 . $args[1]->tostring() . $p2 . '*' . $p3 . $args[2]->tostring() . $p4); } else { return $self->SUPER::tostring(@_); } }