libdir.'/filelib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/filter/tex/lib.php'); $cmd = ''; // Initialise these variables $status = ''; $relativepath = get_file_argument(); $args = explode('/', trim($relativepath, '/')); if (count($args) == 1) { $image = $args[0]; $pathname = $CFG->dataroot.'/filter/algebra/'.$image; } else { print_error('invalidarguments', 'error'); } if (!file_exists($pathname)) { $md5 = str_replace('.gif','',$image); if ($texcache = $DB->get_record('cache_filters', array('filter'=>'algebra', 'md5key'=>$md5))) { if (!file_exists($CFG->dataroot.'/filter/algebra')) { make_upload_directory('filter/algebra'); } $texexp = $texcache->rawtext; $texexp = str_replace('<','<',$texexp); $texexp = str_replace('>','>',$texexp); $texexp = preg_replace('!\r\n?!',' ',$texexp); $texexp = '\Large ' . $texexp; $cmd = filter_tex_get_cmd($pathname, $texexp); system($cmd, $status); } } if (file_exists($pathname)) { send_file($pathname, $image); } else { if (debugging()) { echo "The shell command
returned status = $status
\n"; echo "Image not found!
"; echo "Please try the
wwwroot/filter/algebra/algebradebug.php\">debugging script
"; } else { echo "Image not found!
"; echo "Please try the
wwwroot/filter/algebra/algebradebug.php\">debugging script
"; echo "Please turn on debug mode in site configuration to see more info here."; } }