* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/filter/mediaplugin/filter.php'); // Include the code to test
class filter_mediaplugin_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
function test_filter_mediaplugin_link() {
// we need to enable the plugins somehow and the flash fallback.
set_config('useflash', true, 'media_videojs');
$filterplugin = new filter_mediaplugin(null, array());
$longurl = 'my test file';
$longhref = '';
do {
$longhref .= 'a';
} while(strlen($longhref) + strlen($longurl) < 4095);
$longurl = 'my test file';
$validtexts = array (
'test mp3',
'test ogg',
'test mp4',
'test file',
'test file',
'test file',
'test file',
'test file',
'test flv',
'test file',
'test ogg',
'test mp3',
'test mp3',
'test mp3',
test mp3',
'test wav
// Test a long URL under 4096 characters.
//test for valid link
foreach ($validtexts as $text) {
$msg = "Testing text: ". $text;
$filter = $filterplugin->filter($text);
$this->assertNotEquals($text, $filter, $msg);
$insertpoint = strrpos($longurl, 'http://');
$longurl = substr_replace($longurl, 'http://pushover4096chars', $insertpoint, 0);
$originalurl = 'Some text.
' .
'Valid link
$paddedurl = str_pad($originalurl, 6000, 'z');
$validpaddedurl = 'Some text.
$validpaddedurl = str_pad($validpaddedurl, 6000 + (strlen($validpaddedurl) - strlen($originalurl)), 'z');
$invalidtexts = array(
'test test',
'test test',
'test test',
'test test',
'test mp3',
'test mp3',
'test mp3',
'test mp3',
// Test a long URL over 4096 characters.
//test for invalid link
foreach ($invalidtexts as $text) {
$msg = "Testing text: ". $text;
$filter = $filterplugin->filter($text);
$this->assertEquals($text, $filter, $msg);
// Valid mediaurl followed by a longurl.
$precededlongurl = 'test.mp3'. $longurl;
$filter = $filterplugin->filter($precededlongurl);
$this->assertEquals(1, substr_count($filter, ''));
$this->assertContains($longurl, $filter);
// Testing for cases where: to be filtered content has 6+ text afterwards.
$filter = $filterplugin->filter($paddedurl);
$this->assertEquals($validpaddedurl, $filter, $msg);