\n"; if ($texexp) { echo s($texexp)."\n\n"; } else { echo "No text output available\n\n"; } echo "
base filename for expression is '$md5'
Processing TeX expression:
$ $cmd\n"; $lines = implode("\n", $result); $output .= "OUTPUT: $lines\n"; $output .= "RETURN CODE: $code\n
If the following image displays correctly, set your "; echo "Administration->Server->HTTP "; echo "setting for slasharguments to file.php/1/pic.jpg: "; echo "wwwroot/filter/tex/pix.php/$image\" align=\"absmiddle\">
Otherwise set it to file.php?file=/1/pic.jpg "; echo "It should display correctly as "; echo "wwwroot/filter/tex/pix.php?file=$image\" align=\"absmiddle\">
If neither equation image displays correctly, please seek "; echo "further help at moodle.org at the "; echo ""; echo "Mathematics Tools Forum
Please enter an algebraic expression without any surrounding $$ into the text box below. (Click here for help.)
The following tests are available:
First a brief overview of how the TeX filter works. The TeX filter first searches the database cache_filters table to see if this TeX expression had been processed before. If not, it adds a DB entry for that expression. It then replaces the TeX expression by an <img src=".../filter/tex/pix.php..."> tag. The filter/tex/pix.php script then searches the database to find an appropriate gif/png/svg image file for that expression and to create one if it doesn't exist. It will then use either the LaTex/Ghostscript renderer (using external executables on your system) or the bundled Mimetex executable. The full Latex/Ghostscript renderer produces better results and is tried first. Here are a few common things that can go wrong and some suggestions on how you might try to fix them.