. /** * Strings for component 'filters', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package core_filters * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['actfilterhdr'] = 'Active filters'; $string['addfilter'] = 'Add filter'; $string['anycategory'] = 'any category'; $string['anycourse'] = 'any course'; $string['anycourses'] = 'Enrolled in any course'; $string['anyfield'] = 'any field'; $string['anyrole'] = 'any role'; $string['anyvalue'] = 'any value'; $string['applyto'] = 'Apply to'; $string['categoryrole'] = 'Category role'; $string['contains'] = 'contains'; $string['content'] = 'Content'; $string['contentandheadings'] = 'Content and headings'; $string['coursecategory'] = 'course category'; $string['courserole'] = 'Course role'; $string['courserolelabel'] = '{$a->label} is {$a->rolename} in {$a->coursename} from {$a->categoryname}'; $string['courserolelabelerror'] = '{$a->label} error: course {$a->coursename} does not exist'; $string['coursevalue'] = 'course value'; $string['datelabelisafter'] = '{$a->label} is after {$a->after}'; $string['datelabelisbefore'] = '{$a->label} is before {$a->before}'; $string['datelabelisbetween'] = '{$a->label} is between {$a->after} and {$a->before}'; $string['defaultx'] = 'Default ({$a})'; $string['disabled'] = 'Disabled'; $string['doesnotcontain'] = 'doesn\'t contain'; $string['endswith'] = 'ends with'; $string['filterallwarning'] = 'Applying filters to headings as well as content can greatly increase the load on your server. Please use that \'Apply to\' settings sparingly. The main use is with the multilang filter.'; $string['filtersettings'] = 'Filter settings'; $string['filtersettings_help'] = 'This page lets you turn filters on or off in a particular part of the site. Some filters may also let you set local settings, in which case there will be a settings link next to their name.'; $string['filtersettingsforin'] = 'Filter settings for {$a->filter} in {$a->context}'; $string['filtersettingsin'] = 'Filter settings in {$a}'; $string['firstaccess'] = 'First access'; $string['globalrolelabel'] = '{$a->label} is {$a->value}'; $string['isactive'] = 'Active?'; $string['isafter'] = 'is after'; $string['isanyvalue'] = 'is any value'; $string['isbefore'] = 'is before'; $string['isdefined'] = 'is defined'; $string['isempty'] = 'is empty'; $string['isequalto'] = 'is equal to'; $string['isnotdefined'] = 'isn\'t defined'; $string['isnotequalto'] = 'isn\'t equal to'; $string['limiterfor'] = '{$a} field limiter'; $string['neveraccessed'] = 'Never accessed'; $string['nevermodified'] = 'Never modified'; $string['newfilter'] = 'New filter'; $string['nofiltersenabled'] = 'No filter plugins have been enabled on this site.'; $string['off'] = 'Off'; $string['offbutavailable'] = 'Off, but available'; $string['on'] = 'On'; $string['privacy:reason'] = 'The Filter subsystem does not store any personal data.'; $string['profilefilterfield'] = 'Profile field name'; $string['profilefilterlimiter'] = 'Profile field operator'; $string['profilelabel'] = '{$a->label}: {$a->profile} {$a->operator} {$a->value}'; $string['profilelabelnovalue'] = '{$a->label}: {$a->profile} {$a->operator}'; $string['removeall'] = 'Remove all filters'; $string['removeselected'] = 'Remove selected'; $string['selectlabel'] = '{$a->label} {$a->operator} {$a->value}'; $string['startswith'] = 'starts with'; $string['tablenosave'] = 'Changes in table above are saved automatically.'; $string['textlabel'] = '{$a->label} {$a->operator} {$a->value}'; $string['textlabelnovalue'] = '{$a->label} {$a->operator}'; $string['valuefor'] = '{$a} value';