// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /* global STROKEWEIGHT, SELECTOR, SELECTEDBORDERCOLOUR, SELECTEDFILLCOLOUR */ /** * Provides an in browser PDF editor. * * @module moodle-assignfeedback_editpdf-editor */ /** * Class representing a highlight. * * @namespace M.assignfeedback_editpdf * @class annotation * @constructor */ var ANNOTATION = function(config) { ANNOTATION.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [config]); }; ANNOTATION.NAME = "annotation"; ANNOTATION.ATTRS = {}; Y.extend(ANNOTATION, Y.Base, { /** * Reference to M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor. * @property editor * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor * @public */ editor: null, /** * Grade id * @property gradeid * @type Int * @public */ gradeid: 0, /** * Comment page number * @property pageno * @type Int * @public */ pageno: 0, /** * X position * @property x * @type Int * @public */ x: 0, /** * Y position * @property y * @type Int * @public */ y: 0, /** * Ending x position * @property endx * @type Int * @public */ endx: 0, /** * Ending y position * @property endy * @type Int * @public */ endy: 0, /** * Path * @property path * @type String - list of points like x1,y1:x2,y2 * @public */ path: '', /** * Tool. * @property type * @type String * @public */ type: 'rect', /** * Annotation colour. * @property colour * @type String * @public */ colour: 'red', /** * Reference to M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable * @property drawable * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable * @public */ drawable: false, /** * Initialise the annotation. * * @method initializer * @return void */ initializer: function(config) { this.editor = config.editor || null; this.gradeid = parseInt(config.gradeid, 10) || 0; this.pageno = parseInt(config.pageno, 10) || 0; this.x = parseInt(config.x, 10) || 0; this.y = parseInt(config.y, 10) || 0; this.endx = parseInt(config.endx, 10) || 0; this.endy = parseInt(config.endy, 10) || 0; this.path = config.path || ''; this.type = config.type || 'rect'; this.colour = config.colour || 'red'; this.drawable = false; }, /** * Clean a comment record, returning an oject with only fields that are valid. * @public * @method clean * @return {} */ clean: function() { return { gradeid: this.gradeid, x: parseInt(this.x, 10), y: parseInt(this.y, 10), endx: parseInt(this.endx, 10), endy: parseInt(this.endy, 10), type: this.type, path: this.path, pageno: this.pageno, colour: this.colour }; }, /** * Draw a selection around this annotation if it is selected. * @public * @method draw_highlight * @return M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable */ draw_highlight: function() { var bounds, drawingregion = this.editor.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGREGION), offsetcanvas = this.editor.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS).getXY(), shape; if (this.editor.currentannotation === this) { // Draw a highlight around the annotation. bounds = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.rect(); bounds.bound([new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(this.x, this.y), new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(this.endx, this.endy)]); shape = this.editor.graphic.addShape({ type: Y.Rect, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height, stroke: { weight: STROKEWEIGHT, color: SELECTEDBORDERCOLOUR }, fill: { color: SELECTEDFILLCOLOUR }, x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y }); this.drawable.shapes.push(shape); // Add a delete X to the annotation. var deleteicon = Y.Node.create('
'), deletelink = Y.Node.create('
'); deleteicon.setAttrs({ 'alt': M.util.get_string('deleteannotation', 'assignfeedback_editpdf') }); deleteicon.setStyles({ 'backgroundColor': 'white' }); deletelink.addClass('deleteannotationbutton'); deletelink.append(deleteicon); drawingregion.append(deletelink); deletelink.setData('annotation', this); deletelink.on('click', this.remove, this); deletelink.on('key', this.remove, 'space,enter', this); deletelink.setX(offsetcanvas[0] + bounds.x + bounds.width - 18); deletelink.setY(offsetcanvas[1] + bounds.y + 6); this.drawable.nodes.push(deletelink); } return this.drawable; }, /** * Draw an annotation * @public * @method draw * @return M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable|false */ draw: function() { // Should be overridden by the subclass. this.draw_highlight(); return this.drawable; }, /** * Delete an annotation * @protected * @method remove * @param event */ remove: function(e) { var annotations, i; e.preventDefault(); annotations = this.editor.pages[this.editor.currentpage].annotations; for (i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { if (annotations[i] === this) { annotations.splice(i, 1); if (this.drawable) { this.drawable.erase(); } this.editor.currentannotation = false; this.editor.save_current_page(); return; } } }, /** * Move an annotation to a new location. * @public * @param int newx * @param int newy * @method move_annotation */ move: function(newx, newy) { var diffx = newx - this.x, diffy = newy - this.y, newpath, oldpath, xy, x, y; this.x += diffx; this.y += diffy; this.endx += diffx; this.endy += diffy; if (this.path) { newpath = []; oldpath = this.path.split(':'); Y.each(oldpath, function(position) { xy = position.split(','); x = parseInt(xy[0], 10); y = parseInt(xy[1], 10); newpath.push((x + diffx) + ',' + (y + diffy)); }); this.path = newpath.join(':'); } if (this.drawable) { this.drawable.erase(); } this.editor.drawables.push(this.draw()); }, /** * Draw the in progress edit. * * @public * @method draw_current_edit * @param M.assignfeedback_editpdf.edit edit */ draw_current_edit: function(edit) { var noop = edit && false; // Override me please. return noop; }, /** * Promote the current edit to a real annotation. * * @public * @method init_from_edit * @param M.assignfeedback_editpdf.edit edit * @return bool if width/height is more than min. required. */ init_from_edit: function(edit) { var bounds = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.rect(); bounds.bound([edit.start, edit.end]); this.gradeid = this.editor.get('gradeid'); this.pageno = this.editor.currentpage; this.x = bounds.x; this.y = bounds.y; this.endx = bounds.x + bounds.width; this.endy = bounds.y + bounds.height; this.colour = edit.annotationcolour; this.path = ''; return (bounds.has_min_width() && bounds.has_min_height()); } }); M.assignfeedback_editpdf = M.assignfeedback_editpdf || {}; M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotation = ANNOTATION;