// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /* global SELECTOR, COMMENTCOLOUR, COMMENTTEXTCOLOUR */ /** * Provides an in browser PDF editor. * * @module moodle-assignfeedback_editpdf-editor */ /** * Class representing a list of comments. * * @namespace M.assignfeedback_editpdf * @class comment * @param M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor editor * @param Int gradeid * @param Int pageno * @param Int x * @param Int y * @param Int width * @param String colour * @param String rawtext */ var COMMENT = function(editor, gradeid, pageno, x, y, width, colour, rawtext) { /** * Reference to M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor. * @property editor * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor * @public */ this.editor = editor; /** * Grade id * @property gradeid * @type Int * @public */ this.gradeid = gradeid || 0; /** * X position * @property x * @type Int * @public */ this.x = parseInt(x, 10) || 0; /** * Y position * @property y * @type Int * @public */ this.y = parseInt(y, 10) || 0; /** * Comment width * @property width * @type Int * @public */ this.width = parseInt(width, 10) || 0; /** * Comment rawtext * @property rawtext * @type String * @public */ this.rawtext = rawtext || ''; /** * Comment page number * @property pageno * @type Int * @public */ this.pageno = pageno || 0; /** * Comment background colour. * @property colour * @type String * @public */ this.colour = colour || 'yellow'; /** * Reference to M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable * @property drawable * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable * @public */ this.drawable = false; /** * Boolean used by a timeout to delete empty comments after a short delay. * @property deleteme * @type Boolean * @public */ this.deleteme = false; /** * Reference to the link that opens the menu. * @property menulink * @type Y.Node * @public */ this.menulink = null; /** * Reference to the dialogue that is the context menu. * @property menu * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.dropdown * @public */ this.menu = null; /** * Clean a comment record, returning an oject with only fields that are valid. * @public * @method clean * @return {} */ this.clean = function() { return { gradeid: this.gradeid, x: parseInt(this.x, 10), y: parseInt(this.y, 10), width: parseInt(this.width, 10), rawtext: this.rawtext, pageno: parseInt(this.pageno, 10), colour: this.colour }; }; /** * Draw a comment. * @public * @method draw_comment * @param boolean focus - Set the keyboard focus to the new comment if true * @return M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable */ this.draw = function(focus) { var drawable = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable(this.editor), node, drawingcanvas = this.editor.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS), container, label, marker, menu, position, scrollheight; // Lets add a contenteditable div. node = Y.Node.create('
'); container = Y.Node.create('
'); label = Y.Node.create('
'); marker = Y.Node.create('
' + '
'); menu = Y.Node.create('
'); this.menulink = menu; container.append(label); label.append(node); container.append(marker); container.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); label.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); node.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); menu.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); if (!this.editor.get('readonly')) { container.append(menu); } else { node.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly'); } if (this.width < 100) { this.width = 100; } position = this.editor.get_window_coordinates(new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(this.x, this.y)); node.setStyles({ width: this.width + 'px', backgroundColor: COMMENTCOLOUR[this.colour], color: COMMENTTEXTCOLOUR }); drawingcanvas.append(container); container.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); container.setX(position.x); container.setY(position.y); drawable.store_position(container, position.x, position.y); drawable.nodes.push(container); node.set('value', this.rawtext); scrollheight = node.get('scrollHeight'); node.setStyles({ 'height': scrollheight + 'px', 'overflow': 'hidden' }); marker.setStyle('color', COMMENTCOLOUR[this.colour]); this.attach_events(node, menu); if (focus) { node.focus(); } else if (editor.collapsecomments) { container.addClass('commentcollapsed'); } this.drawable = drawable; return drawable; }; /** * Delete an empty comment if it's menu hasn't been opened in time. * @method delete_comment_later */ this.delete_comment_later = function() { if (this.deleteme) { this.remove(); } }; /** * Comment nodes have a bunch of event handlers attached to them directly. * This is all done here for neatness. * * @protected * @method attach_comment_events * @param node - The Y.Node representing the comment. * @param menu - The Y.Node representing the menu. */ this.attach_events = function(node, menu) { var container = node.ancestor('div'), label = node.ancestor('label'), marker = label.next('svg'); // Function to collapse a comment to a marker icon. node.collapse = function(delay) { node.collapse.delay = Y.later(delay, node, function() { if (editor.collapsecomments) { container.addClass('commentcollapsed'); } }); }; // Function to expand a comment. node.expand = function() { if (node.getData('dragging') !== true) { if (node.collapse.delay) { node.collapse.delay.cancel(); } container.removeClass('commentcollapsed'); } }; // Expand comment on mouse over (under certain conditions) or click/tap. container.on('mouseenter', function() { if (editor.currentedit.tool === 'comment' || editor.currentedit.tool === 'select' || this.editor.get('readonly')) { node.expand(); } }, this); container.on('click|tap', function() { node.expand(); node.focus(); }, this); // Functions to capture reverse tabbing events. node.on('keyup', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 9 && e.shiftKey && menu.getAttribute('tabindex') === '0') { // User landed here via Shift+Tab (but not from this comment's menu). menu.focus(); } menu.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); }, this); menu.on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 9 && e.shiftKey) { // User is tabbing back to the comment node from its own menu. menu.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); } }, this); // Comment becomes "active" on label or menu focus. label.on('focus', function() { node.active = true; if (node.collapse.delay) { node.collapse.delay.cancel(); } // Give comment a tabindex to prevent focus outline being suppressed. node.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); // Expand comment and pass focus to it. node.expand(); node.focus(); // Now remove label tabindex so user can reverse tab past it. label.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); }, this); menu.on('focus', function() { node.active = true; if (node.collapse.delay) { node.collapse.delay.cancel(); } this.deleteme = false; // Restore label tabindex so user can tab back to it from menu. label.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); }, this); // Always restore the default tabindex states when moving away. node.on('blur', function() { node.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); }, this); label.on('blur', function() { label.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); }, this); // Collapse comment on mouse out if not currently active. container.on('mouseleave', function() { if (editor.collapsecomments && node.active !== true) { node.collapse(400); } }, this); // Collapse comment on blur. container.on('blur', function() { node.active = false; node.collapse(800); }, this); if (!this.editor.get('readonly')) { // Save the text on blur. node.on('blur', function() { // Save the changes back to the comment. this.rawtext = node.get('value'); this.width = parseInt(node.getStyle('width'), 10); // Trim. if (this.rawtext.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") === '') { // Delete empty comments. this.deleteme = true; Y.later(400, this, this.delete_comment_later); } this.editor.save_current_page(); this.editor.editingcomment = false; }, this); // For delegated event handler. menu.setData('comment', this); node.on('keyup', function() { node.setStyle('height', 'auto'); var scrollheight = node.get('scrollHeight'), height = parseInt(node.getStyle('height'), 10); // Webkit scrollheight fix. if (scrollheight === height + 8) { scrollheight -= 8; } node.setStyle('height', scrollheight + 'px'); }); node.on('gesturemovestart', function(e) { if (editor.currentedit.tool === 'select') { e.preventDefault(); if (editor.collapsecomments) { node.setData('offsetx', 8); node.setData('offsety', 8); } else { node.setData('offsetx', e.clientX - container.getX()); node.setData('offsety', e.clientY - container.getY()); } } }); node.on('gesturemove', function(e) { if (editor.currentedit.tool === 'select') { var x = e.clientX - node.getData('offsetx'), y = e.clientY - node.getData('offsety'), newlocation, windowlocation, bounds; if (node.getData('dragging') !== true) { // Collapse comment during move. node.collapse(0); node.setData('dragging', true); } newlocation = this.editor.get_canvas_coordinates(new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(x, y)); bounds = this.editor.get_canvas_bounds(true); bounds.x = 0; bounds.y = 0; bounds.width -= 24; bounds.height -= 24; // Clip to the window size - the comment icon size. newlocation.clip(bounds); this.x = newlocation.x; this.y = newlocation.y; windowlocation = this.editor.get_window_coordinates(newlocation); container.setX(windowlocation.x); container.setY(windowlocation.y); this.drawable.store_position(container, windowlocation.x, windowlocation.y); } }, null, this); node.on('gesturemoveend', function() { if (editor.currentedit.tool === 'select') { if (node.getData('dragging') === true) { node.setData('dragging', false); } this.editor.save_current_page(); } }, null, this); marker.on('gesturemovestart', function(e) { if (editor.currentedit.tool === 'select') { e.preventDefault(); node.setData('offsetx', e.clientX - container.getX()); node.setData('offsety', e.clientY - container.getY()); node.expand(); } }); marker.on('gesturemove', function(e) { if (editor.currentedit.tool === 'select') { var x = e.clientX - node.getData('offsetx'), y = e.clientY - node.getData('offsety'), newlocation, windowlocation, bounds; if (node.getData('dragging') !== true) { // Collapse comment during move. node.collapse(100); node.setData('dragging', true); } newlocation = this.editor.get_canvas_coordinates(new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(x, y)); bounds = this.editor.get_canvas_bounds(true); bounds.x = 0; bounds.y = 0; bounds.width -= 24; bounds.height -= 24; // Clip to the window size - the comment icon size. newlocation.clip(bounds); this.x = newlocation.x; this.y = newlocation.y; windowlocation = this.editor.get_window_coordinates(newlocation); container.setX(windowlocation.x); container.setY(windowlocation.y); this.drawable.store_position(container, windowlocation.x, windowlocation.y); } }, null, this); marker.on('gesturemoveend', function() { if (editor.currentedit.tool === 'select') { if (node.getData('dragging') === true) { node.setData('dragging', false); } this.editor.save_current_page(); } }, null, this); this.menu = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.commentmenu({ buttonNode: this.menulink, comment: this }); } }; /** * Delete a comment. * @method remove */ this.remove = function() { var i = 0; var comments; comments = this.editor.pages[this.editor.currentpage].comments; for (i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) { if (comments[i] === this) { comments.splice(i, 1); this.drawable.erase(); this.editor.save_current_page(); return; } } }; /** * Event handler to remove a comment from the users quicklist. * * @protected * @method remove_from_quicklist */ this.remove_from_quicklist = function(e, quickcomment) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.menu.hide(); this.editor.quicklist.remove(quickcomment); }; /** * A quick comment was selected in the list, update the active comment and redraw the page. * * @param Event e * @protected * @method set_from_quick_comment */ this.set_from_quick_comment = function(e, quickcomment) { e.preventDefault(); this.menu.hide(); this.deleteme = false; this.rawtext = quickcomment.rawtext; this.width = quickcomment.width; this.colour = quickcomment.colour; this.editor.save_current_page(); this.editor.redraw(); this.node = this.drawable.nodes[0].one('textarea'); this.node.ancestor('div').removeClass('commentcollapsed'); this.node.focus(); }; /** * Event handler to add a comment to the users quicklist. * * @protected * @method add_to_quicklist */ this.add_to_quicklist = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.menu.hide(); this.editor.quicklist.add(this); }; /** * Draw the in progress edit. * * @public * @method draw_current_edit * @param M.assignfeedback_editpdf.edit edit */ this.draw_current_edit = function(edit) { var drawable = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable(this.editor), shape, bounds; bounds = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.rect(); bounds.bound([edit.start, edit.end]); // We will draw a box with the current background colour. shape = this.editor.graphic.addShape({ type: Y.Rect, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height, fill: { color: COMMENTCOLOUR[edit.commentcolour] }, x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y }); drawable.shapes.push(shape); return drawable; }; /** * Promote the current edit to a real comment. * * @public * @method init_from_edit * @param M.assignfeedback_editpdf.edit edit * @return bool true if comment bound is more than min width/height, else false. */ this.init_from_edit = function(edit) { var bounds = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.rect(); bounds.bound([edit.start, edit.end]); // Minimum comment width. if (bounds.width < 100) { bounds.width = 100; } // Save the current edit to the server and the current page list. this.gradeid = this.editor.get('gradeid'); this.pageno = this.editor.currentpage; this.x = bounds.x; this.y = bounds.y; this.width = bounds.width; this.colour = edit.commentcolour; this.rawtext = ''; return (bounds.has_min_width() && bounds.has_min_height()); }; /** * Update comment position when rotating page. * @public * @method updatePosition */ this.updatePosition = function() { var node = this.drawable.nodes[0].one('textarea'); var container = node.ancestor('div'); var newlocation = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(this.x, this.y); var windowlocation = this.editor.get_window_coordinates(newlocation); container.setX(windowlocation.x); container.setY(windowlocation.y); this.drawable.store_position(container, windowlocation.x, windowlocation.y); }; }; M.assignfeedback_editpdf = M.assignfeedback_editpdf || {}; M.assignfeedback_editpdf.comment = COMMENT;