/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /* global SELECTOR */ var COMMENTSEARCHNAME = "commentsearch", COMMENTSEARCH; /** * Provides an in browser PDF editor. * * @module moodle-assignfeedback_editpdf-editor */ /** * This is a searchable dialogue of comments. * * @namespace M.assignfeedback_editpdf * @class commentsearch * @constructor * @extends M.core.dialogue */ COMMENTSEARCH = function(config) { config.draggable = false; config.centered = true; config.width = '400px'; config.visible = false; config.headerContent = M.util.get_string('searchcomments', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); config.footerContent = ''; COMMENTSEARCH.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [config]); }; Y.extend(COMMENTSEARCH, M.core.dialogue, { /** * Initialise the menu. * * @method initializer * @return void */ initializer: function(config) { var editor, container, placeholder, commentfilter, commentlist, bb; bb = this.get('boundingBox'); bb.addClass('assignfeedback_editpdf_commentsearch'); editor = this.get('editor'); container = Y.Node.create('
'); placeholder = M.util.get_string('filter', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); commentfilter = Y.Node.create('
'); container.append(commentfilter); commentlist = Y.Node.create('
'); container.append(commentlist); commentfilter.on('keyup', this.filter_search_comments, this); commentlist.delegate('click', this.focus_on_comment, 'a', this); commentlist.delegate('key', this.focus_on_comment, 'enter,space', 'a', this); // Set the body content. this.set('bodyContent', container); COMMENTSEARCH.superclass.initializer.call(this, config); }, /** * Event handler to filter the list of comments. * * @protected * @method filter_search_comments */ filter_search_comments: function() { var filternode, commentslist, filtertext, dialogueid; dialogueid = this.get('id'); filternode = Y.one('#' + dialogueid + SELECTOR.SEARCHFILTER); commentslist = Y.one('#' + dialogueid + SELECTOR.SEARCHCOMMENTSLIST); filtertext = filternode.get('value'); commentslist.all('li').each(function(node) { if (node.get('text').indexOf(filtertext) !== -1) { node.show(); } else { node.hide(); } }); }, /** * Event handler to focus on a selected comment. * * @param Event e * @protected * @method focus_on_comment */ focus_on_comment: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = e.target.ancestor('li'), comment = target.getData('comment'), editor = this.get('editor'); this.hide(); comment.pageno = comment.clean().pageno; if (comment.pageno !== editor.currentpage) { // Comment is on a different page. editor.currentpage = comment.pageno; editor.change_page(); } comment.node = comment.drawable.nodes[0].one('textarea'); comment.node.ancestor('div').removeClass('commentcollapsed'); comment.node.focus(); }, /** * Show the menu. * * @method show * @return void */ show: function() { var commentlist = this.get('boundingBox').one('ul'), editor = this.get('editor'); commentlist.all('li').remove(true); // Rebuild the latest list of comments. Y.each(editor.pages, function(page) { Y.each(page.comments, function(comment) { var commentnode = Y.Node.create('
' + comment.rawtext + '
'); commentlist.append(commentnode); commentnode.setData('comment', comment); }, this); }, this); this.centerDialogue(); COMMENTSEARCH.superclass.show.call(this); } }, { NAME: COMMENTSEARCHNAME, ATTRS: { /** * The editor this search window is attached to. * * @attribute editor * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor * @default null */ editor: { value: null } } }); Y.Base.modifyAttrs(COMMENTSEARCH, { /** * Whether the widget should be modal or not. * * Moodle override: We override this for commentsearch to force it always true. * * @attribute Modal * @type Boolean * @default true */ modal: { getter: function() { return true; } } }); M.assignfeedback_editpdf = M.assignfeedback_editpdf || {}; M.assignfeedback_editpdf.commentsearch = COMMENTSEARCH;