/** * A collection of utility classes for use with slots. * * @module moodle-mod_quiz-util * @submodule moodle-mod_quiz-util-slot */ Y.namespace('Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot'); /** * A collection of utility classes for use with slots. * * @class Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot * @static */ Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot = { CSS: { SLOT: 'slot', QUESTIONTYPEDESCRIPTION: 'qtype_description', CANNOT_DEPEND: 'question_dependency_cannot_depend' }, CONSTANTS: { SLOTIDPREFIX: 'slot-', QUESTION: M.util.get_string('question', 'moodle') }, SELECTORS: { SLOT: 'li.slot', INSTANCENAME: '.instancename', NUMBER: 'span.slotnumber', PAGECONTENT: 'div#page-content', PAGEBREAK: 'span.page_split_join_wrapper', ICON: '.icon', QUESTIONTYPEDESCRIPTION: '.qtype_description', SECTIONUL: 'ul.section', DEPENDENCY_WRAPPER: '.question_dependency_wrapper', DEPENDENCY_LINK: '.question_dependency_wrapper .cm-edit-action', DEPENDENCY_ICON: '.question_dependency_wrapper .icon' }, /** * Retrieve the slot item from one of it's child Nodes. * * @method getSlotFromComponent * @param slotcomponent {Node} The component Node. * @return {Node|null} The Slot Node. */ getSlotFromComponent: function(slotcomponent) { return Y.one(slotcomponent).ancestor(this.SELECTORS.SLOT, true); }, /** * Determines the slot ID for the provided slot. * * @method getId * @param slot {Node} The slot to find an ID for. * @return {Number|false} The ID of the slot in question or false if no ID was found. */ getId: function(slot) { // We perform a simple substitution operation to get the ID. var id = slot.get('id').replace( this.CONSTANTS.SLOTIDPREFIX, ''); // Attempt to validate the ID. id = parseInt(id, 10); if (typeof id === 'number' && isFinite(id)) { return id; } return false; }, /** * Determines the slot name for the provided slot. * * @method getName * @param slot {Node} The slot to find a name for. * @return {string|false} The name of the slot in question or false if no ID was found. */ getName: function(slot) { var instance = slot.one(this.SELECTORS.INSTANCENAME); if (instance) { return instance.get('firstChild').get('data'); } return null; }, /** * Determines the slot number for the provided slot. * * @method getNumber * @param slot {Node} The slot to find the number for. * @return {Number|false} The number of the slot in question or false if no number was found. */ getNumber: function(slot) { if (!slot) { return false; } // We perform a simple substitution operation to get the number. var number = slot.one(this.SELECTORS.NUMBER).get('text').replace( this.CONSTANTS.QUESTION, ''); // Attempt to validate the ID. number = parseInt(number, 10); if (typeof number === 'number' && isFinite(number)) { return number; } return false; }, /** * Updates the slot number for the provided slot. * * @method setNumber * @param slot {Node} The slot to update the number for. * @return void */ setNumber: function(slot, number) { var numbernode = slot.one(this.SELECTORS.NUMBER); numbernode.setHTML('
' + number); }, /** * Returns a list of all slot elements on the page. * * @method getSlots * @return {node[]} An array containing slot nodes. */ getSlots: function() { return Y.all(this.SELECTORS.PAGECONTENT + ' ' + this.SELECTORS.SECTIONUL + ' ' + this.SELECTORS.SLOT); }, /** * Returns a list of all slot elements on the page that have numbers. Excudes description questions. * * @method getSlots * @return {node[]} An array containing slot nodes. */ getNumberedSlots: function() { var selector = this.SELECTORS.PAGECONTENT + ' ' + this.SELECTORS.SECTIONUL; selector += ' ' + this.SELECTORS.SLOT + ':not(' + this.SELECTORS.QUESTIONTYPEDESCRIPTION + ')'; return Y.all(selector); }, /** * Returns the previous slot to the given slot. * * @method getPrevious * @param slot Slot node * @return {node|false} The previous slot node or false. */ getPrevious: function(slot) { return slot.previous(this.SELECTORS.SLOT); }, /** * Returns the previous numbered slot to the given slot. * * Ignores slots containing description question types. * * @method getPrevious * @param slot Slot node * @return {node|false} The previous slot node or false. */ getPreviousNumbered: function(slot) { var previous = slot.previous(this.SELECTORS.SLOT + ':not(' + this.SELECTORS.QUESTIONTYPEDESCRIPTION + ')'); if (previous) { return previous; } var section = slot.ancestor('li.section').previous('li.section'); while (section) { var questions = section.all(this.SELECTORS.SLOT + ':not(' + this.SELECTORS.QUESTIONTYPEDESCRIPTION + ')'); if (questions.size() > 0) { return questions.item(questions.size() - 1); } section = section.previous('li.section'); } return false; }, /** * Reset the order of the numbers given to each slot. * * @method reorderSlots * @return void */ reorderSlots: function() { // Get list of slot nodes. var slots = this.getSlots(); // Loop through slots incrementing the number each time. slots.each(function(slot) { if (!Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.getPageFromSlot(slot)) { // Move the next page to the front. var nextpage = slot.next(Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.SELECTORS.PAGE); slot.swap(nextpage); } var previousSlot = this.getPreviousNumbered(slot), previousslotnumber = 0; if (slot.hasClass(this.CSS.QUESTIONTYPEDESCRIPTION)) { return; } if (previousSlot) { previousslotnumber = this.getNumber(previousSlot); } // Set slot number. this.setNumber(slot, previousslotnumber + 1); }, this); }, /** * Add class only-has-one-slot to those sections that need it. * * @method updateOneSlotSections * @return void */ updateOneSlotSections: function() { Y.all('.mod-quiz-edit-content ul.slots li.section').each(function(section) { if (section.all(this.SELECTORS.SLOT).size() > 1) { section.removeClass('only-has-one-slot'); } else { section.addClass('only-has-one-slot'); } }, this); }, /** * Remove a slot and related elements from the list of slots. * * @method remove * @param slot Slot node * @return void */ remove: function(slot) { var page = Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.getPageFromSlot(slot); slot.remove(); // Is the page empty. if (!Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.isEmpty(page)) { return; } // If so remove it. Including add menu and page break. Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.remove(page); }, /** * Returns a list of all page break elements on the page. * * @method getPageBreaks * @return {node[]} An array containing page break nodes. */ getPageBreaks: function() { var selector = this.SELECTORS.PAGECONTENT + ' ' + this.SELECTORS.SECTIONUL; selector += ' ' + this.SELECTORS.SLOT + this.SELECTORS.PAGEBREAK; return Y.all(selector); }, /** * Retrieve the page break element item from the given slot. * * @method getPageBreak * @param slot Slot node * @return {Node|null} The Page Break Node. */ getPageBreak: function(slot) { return Y.one(slot).one(this.SELECTORS.PAGEBREAK); }, /** * Add a page break and related elements to the list of slots. * * @method addPageBreak * @param beforenode Int | Node | HTMLElement | String to add * @return pagebreak PageBreak node */ addPageBreak: function(slot) { var nodetext = M.mod_quiz.resource_toolbox.get('config').addpageiconhtml; nodetext = nodetext.replace('%%SLOT%%', this.getNumber(slot)); var pagebreak = Y.Node.create(nodetext); slot.one('div').insert(pagebreak, 'after'); return pagebreak; }, /** * Remove a pagebreak from the given slot. * * @method removePageBreak * @param slot Slot node * @return boolean */ removePageBreak: function(slot) { var pagebreak = this.getPageBreak(slot); if (!pagebreak) { return false; } pagebreak.remove(); return true; }, /** * Reorder each pagebreak by iterating through each related slot. * * @method reorderPageBreaks * @return void */ reorderPageBreaks: function() { // Get list of slot nodes. var slots = this.getSlots(); var slotnumber = 0; // Loop through slots incrementing the number each time. slots.each(function(slot, key) { slotnumber++; var pagebreak = this.getPageBreak(slot); var nextitem = slot.next('li.activity'); if (!nextitem) { // Last slot in a section. Should not have an icon. return; } // No pagebreak and not last slot. Add one. if (!pagebreak) { pagebreak = this.addPageBreak(slot); } // Remove last page break if there is one. if (pagebreak && key === slots.size() - 1) { this.removePageBreak(slot); } // Get page break anchor element. var pagebreaklink = pagebreak.get('childNodes').item(0); // Get the correct title. var action = ''; var iconname = ''; if (Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.isPage(nextitem)) { action = 'removepagebreak'; iconname = 'e/remove_page_break'; } else { action = 'addpagebreak'; iconname = 'e/insert_page_break'; } // Update the link and image titles pagebreaklink.set('title', M.util.get_string(action, 'quiz')); pagebreaklink.setData('action', action); // Update the image title. var icon = pagebreaklink.one(this.SELECTORS.ICON); icon.set('title', M.util.get_string(action, 'quiz')); icon.set('alt', M.util.get_string(action, 'quiz')); // Update the image src. icon.set('src', M.util.image_url(iconname)); // Get anchor url parameters as an associative array. var params = Y.QueryString.parse(pagebreaklink.get('href')); // Update slot number. params.slot = slotnumber; // Create the new url. var newurl = ''; for (var index in params) { if (newurl.length) { newurl += "&"; } newurl += index + "=" + params[index]; } // Update the anchor. pagebreaklink.set('href', newurl); }, this); }, /** * Update the dependency icons. * * @method updateAllDependencyIcons * @return void */ updateAllDependencyIcons: function() { // Get list of slot nodes. var slots = this.getSlots(), slotnumber = 0, previousslot = null; // Loop through slots incrementing the number each time. slots.each(function(slot) { slotnumber++; if (slotnumber == 1 || previousslot.getData('canfinish') === '0') { slot.one(this.SELECTORS.DEPENDENCY_WRAPPER).addClass(this.CSS.CANNOT_DEPEND); } else { slot.one(this.SELECTORS.DEPENDENCY_WRAPPER).removeClass(this.CSS.CANNOT_DEPEND); } this.updateDependencyIcon(slot, null); previousslot = slot; }, this); }, /** * Update the slot icon to indicate the new requiresprevious state. * * @method slot Slot node * @method requiresprevious Whether this node now requires the previous one. * @return void */ updateDependencyIcon: function(slot, requiresprevious) { var link = slot.one(this.SELECTORS.DEPENDENCY_LINK); var icon = slot.one(this.SELECTORS.DEPENDENCY_ICON); var previousSlot = this.getPrevious(slot); var a = {thisq: this.getNumber(slot)}; if (previousSlot) { a.previousq = this.getNumber(previousSlot); } if (requiresprevious === null) { requiresprevious = link.getData('action') === 'removedependency'; } if (requiresprevious) { link.set('title', M.util.get_string('questiondependencyremove', 'quiz', a)); link.setData('action', 'removedependency'); window.require(['core/templates'], function(Templates) { Templates.renderPix('t/locked', 'core', M.util.get_string('questiondependsonprevious', 'quiz')).then( function(html) { icon.replace(html); } ); }); } else { link.set('title', M.util.get_string('questiondependencyadd', 'quiz', a)); link.setData('action', 'adddependency'); window.require(['core/templates'], function(Templates) { Templates.renderPix('t/unlocked', 'core', M.util.get_string('questiondependencyfree', 'quiz')).then( function(html) { icon.replace(html); } ); }); } } };