// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * AMD module to handle overriding activity completion status. * * @module report_progress/completion_override * @package report_progress * @copyright 2016 onwards Eiz Eddin Al Katrib
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 3.1 */ define(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/str', 'core/modal_factory', 'core/modal_events', 'core/notification', 'core/custom_interaction_events', 'core/templates'], function($, Ajax, Str, ModalFactory, ModalEvents, Notification, CustomEvents, Templates) { /** * @type {String} the full name of the current user. * @private */ var userFullName; /** * @type {JQuery} JQuery object containing the element (completion link) that was most recently activated. * @private */ var triggerElement; /** * Helper function to get the pix icon key based on the completion state. * @method getIconDescriptorFromState * @param {number} state The current completion state. * @param {string} tracking The completion tracking type, either 'manual' or 'auto'. * @return {string} the key for the respective icon. * @private */ var getIconKeyFromState = function(state, tracking) { return state > 0 ? 'i/completion-' + tracking + '-y-override' : 'i/completion-' + tracking + '-n-override'; }; /** * Handles the confirmation of an override change, calling the web service to update it. * @method setOverride * @param {Object} override the override data * @private */ var setOverride = function(override) { // Generate a loading spinner while we're working. Templates.render('core/loading', {}).then(function(html) { // Append the loading spinner to the trigger element. triggerElement.append(html); // Update the completion status override. return Ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_completion_override_activity_completion_status', args: override }])[0]; }).then(function(results) { var completionState = (results.state > 0) ? 1 : 0; // Now, build the new title string, get the new icon, and update the DOM. var tooltipKey = completionState ? 'completion-y-override' : 'completion-n-override'; Str.get_string(tooltipKey, 'completion', userFullName).then(function(stateString) { var params = { state: stateString, date: '', user: triggerElement.attr('data-userfullname'), activity: triggerElement.attr('data-activityname') }; return Str.get_string('progress-title', 'completion', params); }).then(function(titleString) { var completionTracking = triggerElement.attr('data-completiontracking'); return Templates.renderPix(getIconKeyFromState(completionState, completionTracking), 'core', titleString); }).then(function(html) { var oppositeState = completionState > 0 ? 0 : 1; triggerElement.find('.loading-icon').remove(); triggerElement.data('changecompl', override.userid + '-' + override.cmid + '-' + oppositeState); triggerElement.attr('data-changecompl', override.userid + '-' + override.cmid + '-' + oppositeState); triggerElement.children("img").replaceWith(html); return; }).catch(Notification.exception); return; }).catch(Notification.exception); }; /** * Handler for activation of a completion status button element. * @method userConfirm * @param {Event} e the CustomEvents event (CustomEvents.events.activate in this case) * @param {Object} data an object containing the original event (click, keydown, etc.). * @private */ var userConfirm = function(e, data) { data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); data.originalEvent.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); triggerElement = $(e.currentTarget); var elemData = triggerElement.data('changecompl').split('-'); var override = { userid: elemData[0], cmid: elemData[1], newstate: elemData[2] }; var newStateStr = (override.newstate == 1) ? 'completion-y' : 'completion-n'; Str.get_strings([ {key: newStateStr, component: 'completion'} ]).then(function(strings) { return Str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'areyousureoverridecompletion', component: 'completion', param: strings[0]} ]); }).then(function(strings) { // Create a yes/no modal. return ModalFactory.create({ type: ModalFactory.types.CONFIRM, title: strings[0], body: strings[1], }); }).then(function(modal) { // Now set up the handlers for the confirmation or cancellation of the modal, and show it. // Confirmation only. modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.yes, function() { setOverride(override); }); // Confirming, closing, or cancelling will destroy the modal and return focus to the trigger element. modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.hidden, function() { triggerElement.focus(); modal.destroy(); }); // Display. modal.show(); return; }).catch(Notification.exception); }; /** * Init this module which allows activity completion state to be changed via ajax. * @method init * @param {string} fullName The current user's full name. * @private */ var init = function(fullName) { userFullName = fullName; // Register the click, space and enter events as activators for the trigger element. $('#completion-progress a.changecompl').each(function(index, element) { CustomEvents.define(element, [CustomEvents.events.activate]); }); // Set the handler on the parent element (the table), but filter so the callback is only called for
type children // having the '.changecompl' class. The
element can then be accessed in the callback via e.currentTarget. $('#completion-progress').on(CustomEvents.events.activate, "a.changecompl", function(e, data) { userConfirm(e, data); }); }; return /** @alias module:report_progress/completion_override */ { init: init }; });