; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2006 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_CACHE="Cache" COM_CACHE_CLEAR_CACHE="Maintenance: Clear Cache" COM_CACHE_CONFIGURATION="Cache: Options" COM_CACHE_EMPTYSTATE_CONTENT="If you enable caching in Joomla Global Configuration, then any cached items will be displayed here." COM_CACHE_EMPTYSTATE_TITLE="You have no cached content." COM_CACHE_ERROR_CACHE_CONNECTION_FAILED="Could not connect to the cache store to fetch the cache data." COM_CACHE_ERROR_CACHE_DRIVER_UNSUPPORTED="Could not read the cache data, the configured cache handler is not supported by this environment." COM_CACHE_EXPIRED_ITEMS_DELETE_ERROR="Error clearing cache group(s): %s." COM_CACHE_EXPIRED_ITEMS_HAVE_BEEN_DELETED="The selected cache group(s) have been cleared." COM_CACHE_EXPIRED_ITEMS_HAVE_BEEN_PURGED="Expired cached items have been cleared." COM_CACHE_EXPIRED_ITEMS_PURGING_ERROR="Error clearing expired cached items." COM_CACHE_FILTER_SEARCH_DESC="Search in cache group." COM_CACHE_FILTER_SEARCH_LABEL="Search Cache" COM_CACHE_GROUP="Cache Group" COM_CACHE_HEADING_COUNT_ASC="Number of Files ascending" COM_CACHE_HEADING_COUNT_DESC="Number of Files descending" COM_CACHE_HEADING_GROUP_ASC="Cache Group ascending" COM_CACHE_HEADING_GROUP_DESC="Cache Group descending" COM_CACHE_HEADING_SIZE_ASC="Size ascending" COM_CACHE_HEADING_SIZE_DESC="Size descending" COM_CACHE_MSG_ALL_CACHE_GROUPS_CLEARED="All cache group(s) have been cleared." COM_CACHE_MSG_SOME_CACHE_GROUPS_CLEARED="Only some cache group(s) have been cleared." COM_CACHE_NUMBER_OF_FILES="Number of Files" COM_CACHE_PURGE_EXPIRED="Clear Expired Cache" COM_CACHE_PURGE_EXPIRED_ITEMS="Clear expired items" COM_CACHE_PURGE_INSTRUCTIONS="Select the Clear Expired Cache button in the toolbar to delete all expired cache files. Note: Cache files that are still current will not be deleted." COM_CACHE_QUICKICON_SRONLY="Cache: Size of cache is %s." COM_CACHE_QUICKICON_SRONLY_NOCACHE="Cache is not enabled." COM_CACHE_RESOURCE_INTENSIVE_WARNING="This can be resource intensive on sites with a large number of items!" COM_CACHE_SELECT_CLIENT="- Select Location -" COM_CACHE_SIZE="Size" COM_CACHE_TABLE_CAPTION="Table of Cached Files" COM_CACHE_XML_DESCRIPTION="Component for cache management." JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES_COM_CACHE="Changes apply to this component only.<br><em><strong>Inherited</strong></em> - a Global Configuration setting or higher level setting is applied.<br><em><strong>Denied</strong></em> always wins - whatever is set at the Global or higher level and applies to all child elements.<br><em><strong>Allowed</strong></em> will enable the action for this component unless overruled by a Global Configuration setting." ; Alternate language strings for the rules form field