(function () { 'use strict'; /** * @copyright (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ /* global Cropper */ var formElements; var activated = false; var instance; var addListeners = function addListeners() { formElements.cropX.addEventListener('change', function (_ref) { var currentTarget = _ref.currentTarget; instance.setData({ x: parseInt(currentTarget.value, 10) }); }); formElements.cropY.addEventListener('change', function (_ref2) { var currentTarget = _ref2.currentTarget; instance.setData({ y: parseInt(currentTarget.value, 10) }); }); formElements.cropWidth.addEventListener('change', function (_ref3) { var currentTarget = _ref3.currentTarget; instance.setData({ width: parseInt(currentTarget.value, 10) }); }); formElements.cropHeight.addEventListener('change', function (_ref4) { var currentTarget = _ref4.currentTarget; instance.setData({ height: parseInt(currentTarget.value, 10) }); }); formElements.aspectRatio.addEventListener('change', function (_ref5) { var currentTarget = _ref5.currentTarget; instance.setAspectRatio(currentTarget.value); }); activated = true; }; var init = function init(image) { // Set default aspect ratio after numeric check, option has a dummy value var defaultCropFactor = image.naturalWidth / image.naturalHeight; if (!Number.isNaN(defaultCropFactor) && Number.isFinite(defaultCropFactor)) { formElements.cropAspectRatioOption.value = defaultCropFactor; } // Initiate the cropper instance = new Cropper(image, { viewMode: 1, responsive: true, restore: true, autoCrop: true, movable: false, zoomable: false, rotatable: false, autoCropArea: 1, // scalable: false, crop: function crop(e) { formElements.cropX.value = Math.round(e.detail.x); formElements.cropY.value = Math.round(e.detail.y); formElements.cropWidth.value = Math.round(e.detail.width); formElements.cropHeight.value = Math.round(e.detail.height); var format = Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.original.extension === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.original.extension; var quality = formElements.cropQuality.value; // Update the store Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.current.contents = this.cropper.getCroppedCanvas().toDataURL("image/" + format, quality); // Notify the app that a change has been made window.dispatchEvent(new Event('mediaManager.history.point')); } }); // Add listeners if (!activated) { addListeners(); } instance.setAspectRatio(formElements.cropAspectRatioOption.value); }; // Register the Events window.addEventListener('media-manager-edit-init', function () { formElements = { aspectRatio: document.getElementById('jform_aspectRatio'), cropHeight: document.getElementById('jform_crop_height'), cropWidth: document.getElementById('jform_crop_width'), cropY: document.getElementById('jform_crop_y'), cropX: document.getElementById('jform_crop_x'), cropQuality: document.getElementById('jform_crop_quality'), cropAspectRatioOption: document.querySelector('.crop-aspect-ratio-option') }; Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.plugins.crop = { Activate: function Activate(image) { return new Promise(function (resolve /* , reject */ ) { init(image); resolve(); }); }, Deactivate: function Deactivate(image) { return new Promise(function (resolve /* , reject */ ) { if (image.cropper) { image.cropper.destroy(); instance = null; } resolve(); }); } }; }, { once: true }); }());