. /** * User class * * @package core * @copyright 2013 Rajesh Taneja
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * User class to access user details. * * @todo move api's from user/lib.php and deprecate old ones. * @package core * @copyright 2013 Rajesh Taneja
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_user { /** * No reply user id. */ const NOREPLY_USER = -10; /** * Support user id. */ const SUPPORT_USER = -20; /** * Hide email address from everyone. */ const MAILDISPLAY_HIDE = 0; /** * Display email address to everyone. */ const MAILDISPLAY_EVERYONE = 1; /** * Display email address to course members only. */ const MAILDISPLAY_COURSE_MEMBERS_ONLY = 2; /** * List of fields that can be synched/locked during authentication. */ const AUTHSYNCFIELDS = [ 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'city', 'country', 'lang', 'description', 'url', 'idnumber', 'institution', 'department', 'phone1', 'phone2', 'address', 'firstnamephonetic', 'lastnamephonetic', 'middlename', 'alternatename' ]; /** @var int Indicates that user profile view should be prevented */ const VIEWPROFILE_PREVENT = -1; /** @var int Indicates that user profile view should not be prevented */ const VIEWPROFILE_DO_NOT_PREVENT = 0; /** @var int Indicates that user profile view should be allowed even if Moodle would prevent it */ const VIEWPROFILE_FORCE_ALLOW = 1; /** @var stdClass keep record of noreply user */ public static $noreplyuser = false; /** @var stdClass keep record of support user */ public static $supportuser = false; /** @var array store user fields properties cache. */ protected static $propertiescache = null; /** @var array store user preferences cache. */ protected static $preferencescache = null; /** * Return user object from db or create noreply or support user, * if userid matches corse_user::NOREPLY_USER or corse_user::SUPPORT_USER * respectively. If userid is not found, then return false. * * @param int $userid user id * @param string $fields A comma separated list of user fields to be returned, support and noreply user * will not be filtered by this. * @param int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING means compatible mode, false returned if user not found, debug message if more found; * IGNORE_MULTIPLE means return first user, ignore multiple user records found(not recommended); * MUST_EXIST means throw an exception if no user record or multiple records found. * @return stdClass|bool user record if found, else false. * @throws dml_exception if user record not found and respective $strictness is set. */ public static function get_user($userid, $fields = '*', $strictness = IGNORE_MISSING) { global $DB; // If noreply user then create fake record and return. switch ($userid) { case self::NOREPLY_USER: return self::get_noreply_user(); break; case self::SUPPORT_USER: return self::get_support_user(); break; default: return $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), $fields, $strictness); } } /** * Return user object from db based on their email. * * @param string $email The email of the user searched. * @param string $fields A comma separated list of user fields to be returned, support and noreply user. * @param int $mnethostid The id of the remote host. * @param int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING means compatible mode, false returned if user not found, debug message if more found; * IGNORE_MULTIPLE means return first user, ignore multiple user records found(not recommended); * MUST_EXIST means throw an exception if no user record or multiple records found. * @return stdClass|bool user record if found, else false. * @throws dml_exception if user record not found and respective $strictness is set. */ public static function get_user_by_email($email, $fields = '*', $mnethostid = null, $strictness = IGNORE_MISSING) { global $DB, $CFG; // Because we use the username as the search criteria, we must also restrict our search based on mnet host. if (empty($mnethostid)) { // If empty, we restrict to local users. $mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; } return $DB->get_record('user', array('email' => $email, 'mnethostid' => $mnethostid), $fields, $strictness); } /** * Return user object from db based on their username. * * @param string $username The username of the user searched. * @param string $fields A comma separated list of user fields to be returned, support and noreply user. * @param int $mnethostid The id of the remote host. * @param int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING means compatible mode, false returned if user not found, debug message if more found; * IGNORE_MULTIPLE means return first user, ignore multiple user records found(not recommended); * MUST_EXIST means throw an exception if no user record or multiple records found. * @return stdClass|bool user record if found, else false. * @throws dml_exception if user record not found and respective $strictness is set. */ public static function get_user_by_username($username, $fields = '*', $mnethostid = null, $strictness = IGNORE_MISSING) { global $DB, $CFG; // Because we use the username as the search criteria, we must also restrict our search based on mnet host. if (empty($mnethostid)) { // If empty, we restrict to local users. $mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; } return $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => $username, 'mnethostid' => $mnethostid), $fields, $strictness); } /** * Searches for users by name, possibly within a specified context, with current user's access. * * Deciding which users to search is complicated because it relies on user permissions; * ideally, we shouldn't show names if you aren't allowed to see their profile. The permissions * for seeing profile are really complicated. * * Even if search is restricted to a course, it's possible that other people might have * been able to contribute within the course (e.g. they were enrolled before and not now; * or people with system-level roles) so if the user has permission we do want to include * everyone. However, if there are multiple results then we prioritise the ones who are * enrolled in the course. * * If you have moodle/user:viewdetails at system level, you can search everyone. * Otherwise we check which courses you *do* have that permission and search everyone who is * enrolled on those courses. * * Normally you can only search the user's name. If you have the moodle/site:viewuseridentity * capability then we also let you search the fields which are listed as identity fields in * the 'showuseridentity' config option. For example, this might include the user's ID number * or email. * * The $max parameter controls the maximum number of users returned. If users are restricted * from view for some reason, multiple runs of the main query might be made; the $querylimit * parameter allows this to be restricted. Both parameters can be zero to remove limits. * * The returned user objects include id, username, all fields required for user pictures, and * user identity fields. * * @param string $query Search query text * @param \context_course|null $coursecontext Course context or null if system-wide * @param int $max Max number of users to return, default 30 (zero = no limit) * @param int $querylimit Max number of database queries, default 5 (zero = no limit) * @return array Array of user objects with limited fields */ public static function search($query, \context_course $coursecontext = null, $max = 30, $querylimit = 5) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php'); // Allow limits to be turned off. if (!$max) { $max = PHP_INT_MAX; } if (!$querylimit) { $querylimit = PHP_INT_MAX; } // Check permission to view profiles at each context. $systemcontext = \context_system::instance(); $viewsystem = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $systemcontext); if ($viewsystem) { $userquery = 'SELECT id FROM {user}'; $userparams = []; } if (!$viewsystem) { list($userquery, $userparams) = self::get_enrolled_sql_on_courses_with_capability( 'moodle/user:viewdetails'); if (!$userquery) { // No permissions anywhere, return nothing. return []; } } // Start building the WHERE clause based on name. list ($where, $whereparams) = users_search_sql($query, 'u', false); // We allow users to search with extra identity fields (as well as name) but only if they // have the permission to display those identity fields. $extrasql = ''; $extraparams = []; if (empty($CFG->showuseridentity)) { // Explode gives wrong result with empty string. $extra = []; } else { $extra = explode(',', $CFG->showuseridentity); } // We need the username just to skip guests. $extrafieldlist = $extra; if (!in_array('username', $extra)) { $extrafieldlist[] = 'username'; } // The deleted flag will always be false because users_search_sql excludes deleted users, // but it must be present or it causes PHP warnings in some functions below. if (!in_array('deleted', $extra)) { $extrafieldlist[] = 'deleted'; } $selectfields = \user_picture::fields('u', array_merge(get_all_user_name_fields(), $extrafieldlist)); $index = 1; foreach ($extra as $fieldname) { if ($extrasql) { $extrasql .= ' OR '; } $extrasql .= $DB->sql_like('u.' . $fieldname, ':extra' . $index, false); $extraparams['extra' . $index] = $query . '%'; $index++; } $identitysystem = has_capability('moodle/site:viewuseridentity', $systemcontext); $usingshowidentity = false; if ($identitysystem) { // They have permission everywhere so just add the extra query to the normal query. $where .= ' OR ' . $extrasql; $whereparams = array_merge($whereparams, $extraparams); } else { // Get all courses where user can view full user identity. list($sql, $params) = self::get_enrolled_sql_on_courses_with_capability( 'moodle/site:viewuseridentity'); if ($sql) { // Join that with the user query to get an extra field indicating if we can. $userquery = " SELECT innerusers.id, COUNT(identityusers.id) AS showidentity FROM ($userquery) innerusers LEFT JOIN ($sql) identityusers ON identityusers.id = innerusers.id GROUP BY innerusers.id"; $userparams = array_merge($userparams, $params); $usingshowidentity = true; // Query on the extra fields only in those places. $where .= ' OR (users.showidentity > 0 AND (' . $extrasql . '))'; $whereparams = array_merge($whereparams, $extraparams); } } // Default order is just name order. But if searching within a course then we show users // within the course first. list ($order, $orderparams) = users_order_by_sql('u', $query, $systemcontext); if ($coursecontext) { list ($sql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($coursecontext); $mainfield = 'innerusers2.id'; if ($usingshowidentity) { $mainfield .= ', innerusers2.showidentity'; } $userquery = " SELECT $mainfield, COUNT(courseusers.id) AS incourse FROM ($userquery) innerusers2 LEFT JOIN ($sql) courseusers ON courseusers.id = innerusers2.id GROUP BY $mainfield"; $userparams = array_merge($userparams, $params); $order = 'incourse DESC, ' . $order; } // Get result (first 30 rows only) from database. Take a couple spare in case we have to // drop some. $result = []; $got = 0; $pos = 0; $readcount = $max + 2; for ($i = 0; $i < $querylimit; $i++) { $rawresult = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT $selectfields FROM ($userquery) users JOIN {user} u ON u.id = users.id WHERE $where ORDER BY $order", array_merge($userparams, $whereparams, $orderparams), $pos, $readcount); foreach ($rawresult as $user) { // Skip guest. if ($user->username === 'guest') { continue; } // Check user can really view profile (there are per-user cases where this could // be different for some reason, this is the same check used by the profile view pages // to double-check that it is OK). if (!user_can_view_profile($user)) { continue; } $result[] = $user; $got++; if ($got >= $max) { break; } } if ($got >= $max) { // All necessary results obtained. break; } if (count($rawresult) < $readcount) { // No more results from database. break; } $pos += $readcount; } return $result; } /** * Gets an SQL query that lists all enrolled user ids on any course where the current * user has the specified capability. Helper function used for searching users. * * @param string $capability Required capability * @return array Array containing SQL and params, or two nulls if there are no courses */ protected static function get_enrolled_sql_on_courses_with_capability($capability) { // Get all courses where user have the capability. $courses = get_user_capability_course($capability, null, true, implode(',', array_values(context_helper::get_preload_record_columns('ctx')))); if (!$courses) { return [null, null]; } // Loop around all courses getting the SQL for enrolled users. Note: This query could // probably be more efficient (without the union) if get_enrolled_sql had a way to // pass an array of courseids, but it doesn't. $unionsql = ''; $unionparams = []; foreach ($courses as $course) { // Get SQL to list user ids enrolled in this course. \context_helper::preload_from_record($course); list ($sql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql(\context_course::instance($course->id)); // Combine to a big union query. if ($unionsql) { $unionsql .= ' UNION '; } $unionsql .= $sql; $unionparams = array_merge($unionparams, $params); } return [$unionsql, $unionparams]; } /** * Helper function to return dummy noreply user record. * * @return stdClass */ protected static function get_dummy_user_record() { global $CFG; $dummyuser = new stdClass(); $dummyuser->id = self::NOREPLY_USER; $dummyuser->email = $CFG->noreplyaddress; $dummyuser->firstname = get_string('noreplyname'); $dummyuser->username = 'noreply'; $dummyuser->lastname = ''; $dummyuser->confirmed = 1; $dummyuser->suspended = 0; $dummyuser->deleted = 0; $dummyuser->picture = 0; $dummyuser->auth = 'manual'; $dummyuser->firstnamephonetic = ''; $dummyuser->lastnamephonetic = ''; $dummyuser->middlename = ''; $dummyuser->alternatename = ''; $dummyuser->imagealt = ''; return $dummyuser; } /** * Return noreply user record, this is currently used in messaging * system only for sending messages from noreply email. * It will return record of $CFG->noreplyuserid if set else return dummy * user object with hard-coded $user->emailstop = 1 so noreply can be sent to user. * * @return stdClass user record. */ public static function get_noreply_user() { global $CFG; if (!empty(self::$noreplyuser)) { return self::$noreplyuser; } // If noreply user is set then use it, else create one. if (!empty($CFG->noreplyuserid)) { self::$noreplyuser = self::get_user($CFG->noreplyuserid); self::$noreplyuser->emailstop = 1; // Force msg stop for this user. return self::$noreplyuser; } else { // Do not cache the dummy user record to avoid language internationalization issues. $noreplyuser = self::get_dummy_user_record(); $noreplyuser->maildisplay = '1'; // Show to all. $noreplyuser->emailstop = 1; return $noreplyuser; } } /** * Return support user record, this is currently used in messaging * system only for sending messages to support email. * $CFG->supportuserid is set then returns user record * $CFG->supportemail is set then return dummy record with $CFG->supportemail * else return admin user record with hard-coded $user->emailstop = 0, so user * gets support message. * * @return stdClass user record. */ public static function get_support_user() { global $CFG; if (!empty(self::$supportuser)) { return self::$supportuser; } // If custom support user is set then use it, else if supportemail is set then use it, else use noreply. if (!empty($CFG->supportuserid)) { self::$supportuser = self::get_user($CFG->supportuserid, '*', MUST_EXIST); } else if (empty(self::$supportuser) && !empty($CFG->supportemail)) { // Try sending it to support email if support user is not set. $supportuser = self::get_dummy_user_record(); $supportuser->id = self::SUPPORT_USER; $supportuser->email = $CFG->supportemail; if ($CFG->supportname) { $supportuser->firstname = $CFG->supportname; } $supportuser->username = 'support'; $supportuser->maildisplay = '1'; // Show to all. // Unset emailstop to make sure support message is sent. $supportuser->emailstop = 0; return $supportuser; } // Send support msg to admin user if nothing is set above. if (empty(self::$supportuser)) { self::$supportuser = get_admin(); } // Unset emailstop to make sure support message is sent. self::$supportuser->emailstop = 0; return self::$supportuser; } /** * Reset self::$noreplyuser and self::$supportuser. * This is only used by phpunit, and there is no other use case for this function. * Please don't use it outside phpunit. */ public static function reset_internal_users() { if (PHPUNIT_TEST) { self::$noreplyuser = false; self::$supportuser = false; } else { debugging('reset_internal_users() should not be used outside phpunit.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } } /** * Return true if user id is greater than 0 and alternatively check db. * * @param int $userid user id. * @param bool $checkdb if true userid will be checked in db. By default it's false, and * userid is compared with 0 for performance. * @return bool true is real user else false. */ public static function is_real_user($userid, $checkdb = false) { global $DB; if ($userid <= 0) { return false; } if ($checkdb) { return $DB->record_exists('user', array('id' => $userid)); } else { return true; } } /** * Check if the given user is an active user in the site. * * @param stdClass $user user object * @param boolean $checksuspended whether to check if the user has the account suspended * @param boolean $checknologin whether to check if the user uses the nologin auth method * @throws moodle_exception * @since Moodle 3.0 */ public static function require_active_user($user, $checksuspended = false, $checknologin = false) { if (!self::is_real_user($user->id)) { throw new moodle_exception('invaliduser', 'error'); } if ($user->deleted) { throw new moodle_exception('userdeleted'); } if (empty($user->confirmed)) { throw new moodle_exception('usernotconfirmed', 'moodle', '', $user->username); } if (isguestuser($user)) { throw new moodle_exception('guestsarenotallowed', 'error'); } if ($checksuspended and $user->suspended) { throw new moodle_exception('suspended', 'auth'); } if ($checknologin and $user->auth == 'nologin') { throw new moodle_exception('suspended', 'auth'); } } /** * Updates the provided users profile picture based upon the expected fields returned from the edit or edit_advanced forms. * * @param stdClass $usernew An object that contains some information about the user being updated * @param array $filemanageroptions * @return bool True if the user was updated, false if it stayed the same. */ public static function update_picture(stdClass $usernew, $filemanageroptions = array()) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once("$CFG->libdir/gdlib.php"); $context = context_user::instance($usernew->id, MUST_EXIST); $user = core_user::get_user($usernew->id, 'id, picture', MUST_EXIST); $newpicture = $user->picture; // Get file_storage to process files. $fs = get_file_storage(); if (!empty($usernew->deletepicture)) { // The user has chosen to delete the selected users picture. $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'icon'); // Drop all images in area. $newpicture = 0; } else { // Save newly uploaded file, this will avoid context mismatch for newly created users. file_save_draft_area_files($usernew->imagefile, $context->id, 'user', 'newicon', 0, $filemanageroptions); if (($iconfiles = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'newicon')) && count($iconfiles) == 2) { // Get file which was uploaded in draft area. foreach ($iconfiles as $file) { if (!$file->is_directory()) { break; } } // Copy file to temporary location and the send it for processing icon. if ($iconfile = $file->copy_content_to_temp()) { // There is a new image that has been uploaded. // Process the new image and set the user to make use of it. // NOTE: Uploaded images always take over Gravatar. $newpicture = (int)process_new_icon($context, 'user', 'icon', 0, $iconfile); // Delete temporary file. @unlink($iconfile); // Remove uploaded file. $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'newicon'); } else { // Something went wrong while creating temp file. // Remove uploaded file. $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'newicon'); return false; } } } if ($newpicture != $user->picture) { $DB->set_field('user', 'picture', $newpicture, array('id' => $user->id)); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Definition of user profile fields and the expected parameter type for data validation. * * array( * 'property_name' => array( // The user property to be checked. Should match the field on the user table. * 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED, // Defaults to NULL_NOT_ALLOWED. Takes NULL_NOT_ALLOWED or NULL_ALLOWED. * 'type' => PARAM_TYPE, // Expected parameter type of the user field. * 'choices' => array(1, 2..) // An array of accepted values of the user field. * 'default' => $CFG->setting // An default value for the field. * ) * ) * * The fields choices and default are optional. * * @return void */ protected static function fill_properties_cache() { global $CFG; if (self::$propertiescache !== null) { return; } // Array of user fields properties and expected parameters. // Every new field on the user table should be added here otherwise it won't be validated. $fields = array(); $fields['id'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['auth'] = array('type' => PARAM_AUTH, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['confirmed'] = array('type' => PARAM_BOOL, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['policyagreed'] = array('type' => PARAM_BOOL, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['deleted'] = array('type' => PARAM_BOOL, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['suspended'] = array('type' => PARAM_BOOL, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['mnethostid'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['username'] = array('type' => PARAM_USERNAME, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['password'] = array('type' => PARAM_RAW, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['idnumber'] = array('type' => PARAM_RAW, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['firstname'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['lastname'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['surname'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['email'] = array('type' => PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['emailstop'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['icq'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['skype'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED); $fields['aim'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['yahoo'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['msn'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['phone1'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['phone2'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['institution'] = array('type' => PARAM_TEXT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['department'] = array('type' => PARAM_TEXT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['address'] = array('type' => PARAM_TEXT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['city'] = array('type' => PARAM_TEXT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->defaultcity); $fields['country'] = array('type' => PARAM_ALPHA, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->country, 'choices' => array_merge(array('' => ''), get_string_manager()->get_list_of_countries(true, true))); $fields['lang'] = array('type' => PARAM_LANG, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->lang, 'choices' => array_merge(array('' => ''), get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(false))); $fields['calendartype'] = array('type' => PARAM_PLUGIN, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->calendartype, 'choices' => array_merge(array('' => ''), \core_calendar\type_factory::get_list_of_calendar_types())); $fields['theme'] = array('type' => PARAM_THEME, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => theme_config::DEFAULT_THEME, 'choices' => array_merge(array('' => ''), get_list_of_themes())); $fields['timezone'] = array('type' => PARAM_TIMEZONE, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => core_date::get_server_timezone()); // Must not use choices here: timezones can come and go. $fields['firstaccess'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['lastaccess'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['lastlogin'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['currentlogin'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['lastip'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['secret'] = array('type' => PARAM_RAW, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['picture'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['url'] = array('type' => PARAM_URL, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['description'] = array('type' => PARAM_RAW, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED); $fields['descriptionformat'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['mailformat'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->defaultpreference_mailformat); $fields['maildigest'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->defaultpreference_maildigest); $fields['maildisplay'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->defaultpreference_maildisplay); $fields['autosubscribe'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->defaultpreference_autosubscribe); $fields['trackforums'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => $CFG->defaultpreference_trackforums); $fields['timecreated'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['timemodified'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['trustbitmask'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); $fields['imagealt'] = array('type' => PARAM_TEXT, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED); $fields['lastnamephonetic'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED); $fields['firstnamephonetic'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED); $fields['middlename'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED); $fields['alternatename'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED); self::$propertiescache = $fields; } /** * Get properties of a user field. * * @param string $property property name to be retrieved. * @throws coding_exception if the requested property name is invalid. * @return array the property definition. */ public static function get_property_definition($property) { self::fill_properties_cache(); if (!array_key_exists($property, self::$propertiescache)) { throw new coding_exception('Invalid property requested.'); } return self::$propertiescache[$property]; } /** * Validate user data. * * This method just validates each user field and return an array of errors. It doesn't clean the data, * the methods clean() and clean_field() should be used for this purpose. * * @param stdClass|array $data user data object or array to be validated. * @return array|true $errors array of errors found on the user object, true if the validation passed. */ public static function validate($data) { // Get all user profile fields definition. self::fill_properties_cache(); foreach ($data as $property => $value) { try { if (isset(self::$propertiescache[$property])) { validate_param($value, self::$propertiescache[$property]['type'], self::$propertiescache[$property]['null']); } // Check that the value is part of a list of allowed values. if (!empty(self::$propertiescache[$property]['choices']) && !isset(self::$propertiescache[$property]['choices'][$value])) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception($value); } } catch (invalid_parameter_exception $e) { $errors[$property] = $e->getMessage(); } } return empty($errors) ? true : $errors; } /** * Clean the properties cache. * * During unit tests we need to be able to reset all caches so that each new test starts in a known state. * Intended for use only for testing, phpunit calls this before every test. */ public static function reset_caches() { self::$propertiescache = null; } /** * Clean the user data. * * @param stdClass|array $user the user data to be validated against properties definition. * @return stdClass $user the cleaned user data. */ public static function clean_data($user) { if (empty($user)) { return $user; } foreach ($user as $field => $value) { // Get the property parameter type and do the cleaning. try { $user->$field = core_user::clean_field($value, $field); } catch (coding_exception $e) { debugging("The property '$field' could not be cleaned.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } } return $user; } /** * Clean a specific user field. * * @param string $data the user field data to be cleaned. * @param string $field the user field name on the property definition cache. * @return string the cleaned user data. */ public static function clean_field($data, $field) { if (empty($data) || empty($field)) { return $data; } try { $type = core_user::get_property_type($field); if (isset(self::$propertiescache[$field]['choices'])) { if (!array_key_exists($data, self::$propertiescache[$field]['choices'])) { if (isset(self::$propertiescache[$field]['default'])) { $data = self::$propertiescache[$field]['default']; } else { $data = ''; } } else { return $data; } } else { $data = clean_param($data, $type); } } catch (coding_exception $e) { debugging("The property '$field' could not be cleaned.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } return $data; } /** * Get the parameter type of the property. * * @param string $property property name to be retrieved. * @throws coding_exception if the requested property name is invalid. * @return int the property parameter type. */ public static function get_property_type($property) { self::fill_properties_cache(); if (!array_key_exists($property, self::$propertiescache)) { throw new coding_exception('Invalid property requested: ' . $property); } return self::$propertiescache[$property]['type']; } /** * Discover if the property is NULL_ALLOWED or NULL_NOT_ALLOWED. * * @param string $property property name to be retrieved. * @throws coding_exception if the requested property name is invalid. * @return bool true if the property is NULL_ALLOWED, false otherwise. */ public static function get_property_null($property) { self::fill_properties_cache(); if (!array_key_exists($property, self::$propertiescache)) { throw new coding_exception('Invalid property requested: ' . $property); } return self::$propertiescache[$property]['null']; } /** * Get the choices of the property. * * This is a helper method to validate a value against a list of acceptable choices. * For instance: country, language, themes and etc. * * @param string $property property name to be retrieved. * @throws coding_exception if the requested property name is invalid or if it does not has a list of choices. * @return array the property parameter type. */ public static function get_property_choices($property) { self::fill_properties_cache(); if (!array_key_exists($property, self::$propertiescache) && !array_key_exists('choices', self::$propertiescache[$property])) { throw new coding_exception('Invalid property requested, or the property does not has a list of choices.'); } return self::$propertiescache[$property]['choices']; } /** * Get the property default. * * This method gets the default value of a field (if exists). * * @param string $property property name to be retrieved. * @throws coding_exception if the requested property name is invalid or if it does not has a default value. * @return string the property default value. */ public static function get_property_default($property) { self::fill_properties_cache(); if (!array_key_exists($property, self::$propertiescache) || !isset(self::$propertiescache[$property]['default'])) { throw new coding_exception('Invalid property requested, or the property does not has a default value.'); } return self::$propertiescache[$property]['default']; } /** * Definition of updateable user preferences and rules for data and access validation. * * array( * 'preferencename' => array( // Either exact preference name or a regular expression. * 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED, // Defaults to NULL_NOT_ALLOWED. Takes NULL_NOT_ALLOWED or NULL_ALLOWED. * 'type' => PARAM_TYPE, // Expected parameter type of the user field - mandatory * 'choices' => array(1, 2..) // An array of accepted values of the user field - optional * 'default' => $CFG->setting // An default value for the field - optional * 'isregex' => false/true // Whether the name of the preference is a regular expression (default false). * 'permissioncallback' => callable // Function accepting arguments ($user, $preferencename) that checks if current user * // is allowed to modify this preference for given user. * // If not specified core_user::default_preference_permission_check() will be assumed. * 'cleancallback' => callable // Custom callback for cleaning value if something more difficult than just type/choices is needed * // accepts arguments ($value, $preferencename) * ) * ) * * @return void */ protected static function fill_preferences_cache() { if (self::$preferencescache !== null) { return; } // Array of user preferences and expected types/values. // Every preference that can be updated directly by user should be added here. $preferences = array(); $preferences['auth_forcepasswordchange'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'choices' => array(0, 1), 'permissioncallback' => function($user, $preferencename) { global $USER; $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); return ($USER->id != $user->id && (has_capability('moodle/user:update', $systemcontext) || ($user->timecreated > time() - 10 && has_capability('moodle/user:create', $systemcontext)))); }); $preferences['usemodchooser'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => 1, 'choices' => array(0, 1)); $preferences['forum_markasreadonnotification'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => 1, 'choices' => array(0, 1)); $preferences['htmleditor'] = array('type' => PARAM_NOTAGS, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED, 'cleancallback' => function($value, $preferencename) { if (empty($value) || !array_key_exists($value, core_component::get_plugin_list('editor'))) { return null; } return $value; }); $preferences['badgeprivacysetting'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => 1, 'choices' => array(0, 1), 'permissioncallback' => function($user, $preferencename) { global $CFG, $USER; return !empty($CFG->enablebadges) && $user->id == $USER->id; }); $preferences['blogpagesize'] = array('type' => PARAM_INT, 'null' => NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, 'default' => 10, 'permissioncallback' => function($user, $preferencename) { global $USER; return $USER->id == $user->id && has_capability('moodle/blog:view', context_system::instance()); }); // Core components that may want to define their preferences. // List of core components implementing callback is hardcoded here for performance reasons. // TODO MDL-58184 cache list of core components implementing a function. $corecomponents = ['core_message', 'core_calendar']; foreach ($corecomponents as $component) { if (($pluginpreferences = component_callback($component, 'user_preferences')) && is_array($pluginpreferences)) { $preferences += $pluginpreferences; } } // Plugins that may define their preferences. if ($pluginsfunction = get_plugins_with_function('user_preferences')) { foreach ($pluginsfunction as $plugintype => $plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $function) { if (($pluginpreferences = call_user_func($function)) && is_array($pluginpreferences)) { $preferences += $pluginpreferences; } } } } self::$preferencescache = $preferences; } /** * Retrieves the preference definition * * @param string $preferencename * @return array */ protected static function get_preference_definition($preferencename) { self::fill_preferences_cache(); foreach (self::$preferencescache as $key => $preference) { if (empty($preference['isregex'])) { if ($key === $preferencename) { return $preference; } } else { if (preg_match($key, $preferencename)) { return $preference; } } } throw new coding_exception('Invalid preference requested.'); } /** * Default callback used for checking if current user is allowed to change permission of user $user * * @param stdClass $user * @param string $preferencename * @return bool */ protected static function default_preference_permission_check($user, $preferencename) { global $USER; if (is_mnet_remote_user($user)) { // Can't edit MNET user. return false; } if ($user->id == $USER->id) { // Editing own profile. $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); return has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $systemcontext); } else { // Teachers, parents, etc. $personalcontext = context_user::instance($user->id); if (!has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $personalcontext)) { return false; } if (is_siteadmin($user->id) and !is_siteadmin($USER)) { // Only admins may edit other admins. return false; } return true; } } /** * Can current user edit preference of this/another user * * @param string $preferencename * @param stdClass $user * @return bool */ public static function can_edit_preference($preferencename, $user) { if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) { // Guests can not edit anything. return false; } try { $definition = self::get_preference_definition($preferencename); } catch (coding_exception $e) { return false; } if ($user->deleted || !context_user::instance($user->id, IGNORE_MISSING)) { // User is deleted. return false; } if (isset($definition['permissioncallback'])) { $callback = $definition['permissioncallback']; if (is_callable($callback)) { return call_user_func_array($callback, [$user, $preferencename]); } else { throw new coding_exception('Permission callback for preference ' . s($preferencename) . ' is not callable'); return false; } } else { return self::default_preference_permission_check($user, $preferencename); } } /** * Clean value of a user preference * * @param string $value the user preference value to be cleaned. * @param string $preferencename the user preference name * @return string the cleaned preference value */ public static function clean_preference($value, $preferencename) { $definition = self::get_preference_definition($preferencename); if (isset($definition['type']) && $value !== null) { $value = clean_param($value, $definition['type']); } if (isset($definition['cleancallback'])) { $callback = $definition['cleancallback']; if (is_callable($callback)) { return $callback($value, $preferencename); } else { throw new coding_exception('Clean callback for preference ' . s($preferencename) . ' is not callable'); } } else if ($value === null && (!isset($definition['null']) || $definition['null'] == NULL_ALLOWED)) { return null; } else if (isset($definition['choices'])) { if (!in_array($value, $definition['choices'])) { if (isset($definition['default'])) { return $definition['default']; } else { $first = reset($definition['choices']); return $first; } } else { return $value; } } else { if ($value === null) { return isset($definition['default']) ? $definition['default'] : ''; } return $value; } } }