* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\Component\Users\Site\Controller; \defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Application\ApplicationHelper; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Multilanguage; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController; use Joomla\CMS\Router\Route; use Joomla\CMS\Session\Session; use Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri; use Joomla\Database\ParameterType; /** * Registration controller class for Users. * * @since 1.6 */ class UserController extends BaseController { /** * Method to log in a user. * * @return void * * @since 1.6 */ public function login() { $this->checkToken('post'); $input = $this->input->getInputForRequestMethod(); // Populate the data array: $data = array(); $data['return'] = base64_decode($input->get('return', '', 'BASE64')); $data['username'] = $input->get('username', '', 'USERNAME'); $data['password'] = $input->get('password', '', 'RAW'); $data['secretkey'] = $input->get('secretkey', '', 'RAW'); // Check for a simple menu item id if (is_numeric($data['return'])) { if (Multilanguage::isEnabled()) { $db = Factory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('language')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__menu')) ->where($db->quoteName('client_id') . ' = 0') ->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = :id') ->bind(':id', $data['return'], ParameterType::INTEGER); $db->setQuery($query); try { $language = $db->loadResult(); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return; } if ($language !== '*') { $lang = '&lang=' . $language; } else { $lang = ''; } } else { $lang = ''; } $data['return'] = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $data['return'] . $lang; } else { // Don't redirect to an external URL. if (!Uri::isInternal($data['return'])) { $data['return'] = ''; } } // Set the return URL if empty. if (empty($data['return'])) { $data['return'] = 'index.php?option=com_users&view=profile'; } // Set the return URL in the user state to allow modification by plugins $this->app->setUserState('users.login.form.return', $data['return']); // Get the log in options. $options = array(); $options['remember'] = $this->input->getBool('remember', false); $options['return'] = $data['return']; // Get the log in credentials. $credentials = array(); $credentials['username'] = $data['username']; $credentials['password'] = $data['password']; $credentials['secretkey'] = $data['secretkey']; // Perform the log in. if (true !== $this->app->login($credentials, $options)) { // Login failed ! // Clear user name, password and secret key before sending the login form back to the user. $data['remember'] = (int) $options['remember']; $data['username'] = ''; $data['password'] = ''; $data['secretkey'] = ''; $this->app->setUserState('users.login.form.data', $data); $this->app->redirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login', false)); } // Success if ($options['remember'] == true) { $this->app->setUserState('rememberLogin', true); } $this->app->setUserState('users.login.form.data', array()); $this->app->redirect(Route::_($this->app->getUserState('users.login.form.return'), false)); } /** * Method to log out a user. * * @return void * * @since 1.6 */ public function logout() { $this->checkToken('request'); $app = $this->app; // Prepare the logout options. $options = array( 'clientid' => $app->get('shared_session', '0') ? null : 0, ); // Perform the log out. $error = $app->logout(null, $options); $input = $app->input->getInputForRequestMethod(); // Check if the log out succeeded. if ($error instanceof \Exception) { $app->redirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login', false)); } // Get the return URL from the request and validate that it is internal. $return = $input->get('return', '', 'BASE64'); $return = base64_decode($return); // Check for a simple menu item id if (is_numeric($return)) { if (Multilanguage::isEnabled()) { $db = Factory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('language')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__menu')) ->where($db->quoteName('client_id') . ' = 0') ->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = :id') ->bind(':id', $return, ParameterType::INTEGER); $db->setQuery($query); try { $language = $db->loadResult(); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return; } if ($language !== '*') { $lang = '&lang=' . $language; } else { $lang = ''; } } else { $lang = ''; } $return = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $return . $lang; } else { // Don't redirect to an external URL. if (!Uri::isInternal($return)) { $return = ''; } } // In case redirect url is not set, redirect user to homepage if (empty($return)) { $return = Uri::root(); } // Redirect the user. $app->redirect(Route::_($return, false)); } /** * Method to logout directly and redirect to page. * * @return void * * @since 3.5 */ public function menulogout() { // Get the ItemID of the page to redirect after logout $app = $this->app; $active = $app->getMenu()->getActive(); $itemid = $active ? $active->getParams()->get('logout') : 0; // Get the language of the page when multilang is on if (Multilanguage::isEnabled()) { if ($itemid) { $db = Factory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('language')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__menu')) ->where($db->quoteName('client_id') . ' = 0') ->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = :id') ->bind(':id', $itemid, ParameterType::INTEGER); $db->setQuery($query); try { $language = $db->loadResult(); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return; } if ($language !== '*') { $lang = '&lang=' . $language; } else { $lang = ''; } // URL to redirect after logout $url = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $itemid . $lang; } else { // Logout is set to default. Get the home page ItemID $lang_code = $app->input->cookie->getString(ApplicationHelper::getHash('language')); $item = $app->getMenu()->getDefault($lang_code); $itemid = $item->id; // Redirect to Home page after logout $url = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $itemid; } } else { // URL to redirect after logout, default page if no ItemID is set $url = $itemid ? 'index.php?Itemid=' . $itemid : Uri::root(); } // Logout and redirect $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_users&task=user.logout&' . Session::getFormToken() . '=1&return=' . base64_encode($url)); } /** * Method to request a username reminder. * * @return boolean * * @since 1.6 */ public function remind() { // Check the request token. $this->checkToken('post'); $app = $this->app; /** @var \Joomla\Component\Users\Site\Model\RemindModel $model */ $model = $this->getModel('Remind', 'Site'); $data = $this->input->post->get('jform', array(), 'array'); // Submit the username remind request. $return = $model->processRemindRequest($data); // Check for a hard error. if ($return instanceof \Exception) { // Get the error message to display. $message = $app->get('error_reporting') ? $return->getMessage() : Text::_('COM_USERS_REMIND_REQUEST_ERROR'); // Go back to the complete form. $this->setRedirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=remind', false), $message, 'error'); return false; } if ($return === false) { // Go back to the complete form. $message = Text::sprintf('COM_USERS_REMIND_REQUEST_FAILED', $model->getError()); $this->setRedirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=remind', false), $message, 'notice'); return false; } // Proceed to the login form. $message = Text::_('COM_USERS_REMIND_REQUEST_SUCCESS'); $this->setRedirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login', false), $message); return true; } /** * Method to resend a user. * * @return void * * @since 1.6 */ public function resend() { // Check for request forgeries // $this->checkToken('post'); } }