. /** * Functions used by the health tool. * * @package tool_health * @copyright 2013 Marko Vidberg * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Given a list of categories, this function searches for ones * that have a missing parent category. * * @param array $categories List of categories. * @return array List of categories with missing parents. */ function tool_health_category_find_missing_parents($categories) { $missingparent = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($category->parent != 0 && !array_key_exists($category->parent, $categories)) { $missingparent[$category->id] = $category; } } return $missingparent; } /** * Generates a list of categories with missing parents. * * @param array $missingparent List of categories with missing parents. * @return string Bullet point list of categories with missing parents. */ function tool_health_category_list_missing_parents($missingparent) { $description = ''; if (!empty($missingparent)) { $description .= '
The following categories are missing their parents:
'; foreach ($missingparent as $cat) { $description .= "
Category $cat->id: " . s($cat->name) . "
\n"; } $description .= "
\n"; } return $description; } /** * Given a list of categories, this function searches for ones * that have loops to previous parent categories. * * @param array $categories List of categories. * @return array List of categories with loops. */ function tool_health_category_find_loops($categories) { $loops = array(); while (!empty($categories)) { $current = array_pop($categories); $thisloop = array($current->id => $current); while (true) { if (isset($thisloop[$current->parent])) { // Loop detected. $loops = $loops + $thisloop; break; } else if ($current->parent === 0) { // Top level. break; } else if (isset($loops[$current->parent])) { // If the parent is in a loop we should also update this category. $loops = $loops + $thisloop; break; } else if (!isset($categories[$current->parent])) { // We already checked this category and is correct. break; } else { // Continue following the path. $current = $categories[$current->parent]; $thisloop[$current->id] = $current; unset($categories[$current->id]); } } } return $loops; } /** * Generates a list of categories with loops. * * @param array $loops List of categories with loops. * @return string Bullet point list of categories with loops. */ function tool_health_category_list_loops($loops) { $description = ''; if (!empty($loops)) { $description .= '
The following categories form a loop of parents:
'; foreach ($loops as $loop) { $description .= "
\n"; $description .= "Category $loop->id: " . s($loop->name) . " has parent $loop->parent\n"; $description .= "
\n"; } $description .= "
\n"; } return $description; }