. /** * Settings block * * @package block_settings * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class block_settings_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base { public function settings_tree(settings_navigation $navigation) { $count = 0; foreach ($navigation->children as &$child) { $child->preceedwithhr = ($count!==0); if ($child->display) { $count++; } } $navigationattrs = array( 'class' => 'block_tree list', 'role' => 'tree', 'data-ajax-loader' => 'block_navigation/site_admin_loader'); $content = $this->navigation_node($navigation, $navigationattrs); if (isset($navigation->id) && !is_numeric($navigation->id) && !empty($content)) { $content = $this->output->box($content, 'block_tree_box', $navigation->id); } return $content; } /** * Build the navigation node. * * @param navigation_node $node the navigation node object. * @param array $attrs list of attributes. * @param int $depth the depth, default to 1. * @return string the navigation node code. */ protected function navigation_node(navigation_node $node, $attrs=array(), $depth = 1) { $items = $node->children; // exit if empty, we don't want an empty ul element if ($items->count()==0) { return ''; } // array of nested li elements $lis = array(); $number = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $number++; if (!$item->display) { continue; } $isbranch = ($item->children->count()>0 || $item->nodetype==navigation_node::NODETYPE_BRANCH); if ($isbranch) { $item->hideicon = true; } $content = $this->output->render($item); $id = $item->id ? $item->id : html_writer::random_id(); $ulattr = ['id' => $id . '_group', 'role' => 'group']; $liattr = ['class' => [$item->get_css_type(), 'depth_'.$depth], 'tabindex' => '-1']; $pattr = ['class' => ['tree_item'], 'role' => 'treeitem']; $pattr += !empty($item->id) ? ['id' => $item->id] : []; $hasicon = (!$isbranch && $item->icon instanceof renderable); if ($isbranch) { $liattr['class'][] = 'contains_branch'; if (!$item->forceopen || (!$item->forceopen && $item->collapse) || ($item->children->count() == 0 && $item->nodetype == navigation_node::NODETYPE_BRANCH)) { $pattr += ['aria-expanded' => 'false']; } else { $pattr += ['aria-expanded' => 'true']; } if ($item->requiresajaxloading) { $pattr['data-requires-ajax'] = 'true'; $pattr['data-loaded'] = 'false'; } else { $pattr += ['aria-owns' => $id . '_group']; } } else if ($hasicon) { $liattr['class'][] = 'item_with_icon'; $pattr['class'][] = 'hasicon'; } if ($item->isactive === true) { $liattr['class'][] = 'current_branch'; } if (!empty($item->classes) && count($item->classes) > 0) { $pattr['class'] = array_merge($pattr['class'], $item->classes); } $nodetextid = 'label_' . $depth . '_' . $number; // class attribute on the div item which only contains the item content $pattr['class'][] = 'tree_item'; if ($isbranch) { $pattr['class'][] = 'branch'; } else { $pattr['class'][] = 'leaf'; } $liattr['class'] = join(' ', $liattr['class']); $pattr['class'] = join(' ', $pattr['class']); if (isset($pattr['aria-expanded']) && $pattr['aria-expanded'] === 'false') { $ulattr += ['aria-hidden' => 'true']; } $content = html_writer::tag('p', $content, $pattr) . $this->navigation_node($item, $ulattr, $depth + 1); if (!empty($item->preceedwithhr) && $item->preceedwithhr===true) { $content = html_writer::empty_tag('hr') . $content; } $liattr['aria-labelledby'] = $nodetextid; $content = html_writer::tag('li', $content, $liattr); $lis[] = $content; } if (count($lis)) { if (empty($attrs['role'])) { $attrs['role'] = 'group'; } return html_writer::tag('ul', implode("\n", $lis), $attrs); } else { return ''; } } public function search_form(moodle_url $formtarget, $searchvalue) { $data = [ 'action' => $formtarget->out(false), 'label' => get_string('searchinsettings', 'admin'), 'searchvalue' => $searchvalue ]; return $this->render_from_template('block_settings/search_form', $data); } }