// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Various actions on modules and sections in the editing mode - hiding, duplicating, deleting, etc. * * @module core_course/actions * @package core * @copyright 2016 Marina Glancy * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 3.3 */ define(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/templates', 'core/notification', 'core/str', 'core/url', 'core/yui', 'core/modal_factory', 'core/modal_events', 'core/key_codes'], function($, ajax, templates, notification, str, url, Y, ModalFactory, ModalEvents, KeyCodes) { var CSS = { EDITINPROGRESS: 'editinprogress', SECTIONDRAGGABLE: 'sectiondraggable', EDITINGMOVE: 'editing_move' }; var SELECTOR = { ACTIVITYLI: 'li.activity', ACTIONAREA: '.actions', ACTIVITYACTION: 'a.cm-edit-action', MENU: '.moodle-actionmenu[data-enhance=moodle-core-actionmenu]', TOGGLE: '.toggle-display,.dropdown-toggle', SECTIONLI: 'li.section', SECTIONACTIONMENU: '.section_action_menu', ADDSECTIONS: '#changenumsections [data-add-sections]' }; Y.use('moodle-course-coursebase', function() { var courseformatselector = M.course.format.get_section_selector(); if (courseformatselector) { SELECTOR.SECTIONLI = courseformatselector; } }); /** * Wrapper for Y.Moodle.core_course.util.cm.getId * * @param {JQuery} element * @returns {Integer} */ var getModuleId = function(element) { var id; Y.use('moodle-course-util', function(Y) { id = Y.Moodle.core_course.util.cm.getId(Y.Node(element.get(0))); }); return id; }; /** * Wrapper for Y.Moodle.core_course.util.cm.getName * * @param {JQuery} element * @returns {String} */ var getModuleName = function(element) { var name; Y.use('moodle-course-util', function(Y) { name = Y.Moodle.core_course.util.cm.getName(Y.Node(element.get(0))); }); return name; }; /** * Wrapper for M.util.add_spinner for an activity * * @param {JQuery} activity * @returns {Node} */ var addActivitySpinner = function(activity) { activity.addClass(CSS.EDITINPROGRESS); var actionarea = activity.find(SELECTOR.ACTIONAREA).get(0); if (actionarea) { var spinner = M.util.add_spinner(Y, Y.Node(actionarea)); spinner.show(); return spinner; } return null; }; /** * Wrapper for M.util.add_spinner for a section * * @param {JQuery} sectionelement * @returns {Node} */ var addSectionSpinner = function(sectionelement) { sectionelement.addClass(CSS.EDITINPROGRESS); var actionarea = sectionelement.find(SELECTOR.SECTIONACTIONMENU).get(0); if (actionarea) { var spinner = M.util.add_spinner(Y, Y.Node(actionarea)); spinner.show(); return spinner; } return null; }; /** * Wrapper for M.util.add_lightbox * * @param {JQuery} sectionelement * @returns {Node} */ var addSectionLightbox = function(sectionelement) { var lightbox = M.util.add_lightbox(Y, Y.Node(sectionelement.get(0))); lightbox.show(); return lightbox; }; /** * Removes the spinner element * * @param {JQuery} element * @param {Node} spinner * @param {Number} delay */ var removeSpinner = function(element, spinner, delay) { window.setTimeout(function() { element.removeClass(CSS.EDITINPROGRESS); if (spinner) { spinner.hide(); } }, delay); }; /** * Removes the lightbox element * * @param {Node} lightbox lighbox YUI element returned by addSectionLightbox * @param {Number} delay */ var removeLightbox = function(lightbox, delay) { if (lightbox) { window.setTimeout(function() { lightbox.hide(); }, delay); } }; /** * Initialise action menu for the element (section or module) * * @param {String} elementid CSS id attribute of the element */ var initActionMenu = function(elementid) { // Initialise action menu in the new activity. Y.use('moodle-course-coursebase', function() { M.course.coursebase.invoke_function('setup_for_resource', '#' + elementid); }); if (M.core.actionmenu && M.core.actionmenu.newDOMNode) { M.core.actionmenu.newDOMNode(Y.one('#' + elementid)); } }; /** * Returns focus to the element that was clicked or "Edit" link if element is no longer visible. * * @param {String} elementId CSS id attribute of the element * @param {String} action data-action property of the element that was clicked */ var focusActionItem = function(elementId, action) { var mainelement = $('#' + elementId); var selector = '[data-action=' + action + ']'; if (action === 'groupsseparate' || action === 'groupsvisible' || action === 'groupsnone') { // New element will have different data-action. selector = '[data-action=groupsseparate],[data-action=groupsvisible],[data-action=groupsnone]'; } if (mainelement.find(selector).is(':visible')) { mainelement.find(selector).focus(); } else { // Element not visible, focus the "Edit" link. mainelement.find(SELECTOR.MENU).find(SELECTOR.TOGGLE).focus(); } }; /** * Find next
after the element * * @param {JQuery} mainElement element that is about to be deleted * @returns {JQuery} */ var findNextFocusable = function(mainElement) { var tabables = $("a:visible"); var isInside = false; var foundElement = null; tabables.each(function() { if ($.contains(mainElement[0], this)) { isInside = true; } else if (isInside) { foundElement = this; return false; // Returning false in .each() is equivalent to "break;" inside the loop in php. } }); return foundElement; }; /** * Performs an action on a module (moving, deleting, duplicating, hiding, etc.) * * @param {JQuery} moduleElement activity element we perform action on * @param {Number} cmid * @param {JQuery} target the element (menu item) that was clicked */ var editModule = function(moduleElement, cmid, target) { var action = target.attr('data-action'); var spinner = addActivitySpinner(moduleElement); var promises = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_course_edit_module', args: {id: cmid, action: action, sectionreturn: target.attr('data-sectionreturn') ? target.attr('data-sectionreturn') : 0 } }], true); var lightbox; if (action === 'duplicate') { lightbox = addSectionLightbox(target.closest(SELECTOR.SECTIONLI)); } $.when.apply($, promises) .done(function(data) { var elementToFocus = findNextFocusable(moduleElement); moduleElement.replaceWith(data); // Initialise action menu for activity(ies) added as a result of this. $('
' + data + '
').find(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYLI).each(function(index) { initActionMenu($(this).attr('id')); if (index === 0) { focusActionItem($(this).attr('id'), action); elementToFocus = null; } }); // In case of activity deletion focus the next focusable element. if (elementToFocus) { elementToFocus.focus(); } // Remove spinner and lightbox with a delay. removeSpinner(moduleElement, spinner, 400); removeLightbox(lightbox, 400); // Trigger event that can be observed by course formats. moduleElement.trigger($.Event('coursemoduleedited', {ajaxreturn: data, action: action})); }).fail(function(ex) { // Remove spinner and lightbox. removeSpinner(moduleElement, spinner); removeLightbox(lightbox); // Trigger event that can be observed by course formats. var e = $.Event('coursemoduleeditfailed', {exception: ex, action: action}); moduleElement.trigger(e); if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { notification.exception(ex); } }); }; /** * Requests html for the module via WS core_course_get_module and updates the module on the course page * * Used after d&d of the module to another section * * @param {JQuery} activityElement * @param {Number} cmid * @param {Number} sectionreturn */ var refreshModule = function(activityElement, cmid, sectionreturn) { var spinner = addActivitySpinner(activityElement); var promises = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_course_get_module', args: {id: cmid, sectionreturn: sectionreturn} }], true); $.when.apply($, promises) .done(function(data) { removeSpinner(activityElement, spinner, 400); replaceActivityHtmlWith(data); }).fail(function() { removeSpinner(activityElement, spinner); }); }; /** * Displays the delete confirmation to delete a module * * @param {JQuery} mainelement activity element we perform action on * @param {function} onconfirm function to execute on confirm */ var confirmDeleteModule = function(mainelement, onconfirm) { var modtypename = mainelement.attr('class').match(/modtype_([^\s]*)/)[1]; var modulename = getModuleName(mainelement); str.get_string('pluginname', modtypename).done(function(pluginname) { var plugindata = { type: pluginname, name: modulename }; str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm'}, {key: modulename === null ? 'deletechecktype' : 'deletechecktypename', param: plugindata}, {key: 'yes'}, {key: 'no'} ]).done(function(s) { notification.confirm(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], onconfirm); } ); }); }; /** * Displays the delete confirmation to delete a section * * @param {String} message confirmation message * @param {function} onconfirm function to execute on confirm */ var confirmEditSection = function(message, onconfirm) { str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm'}, // TODO link text {key: 'yes'}, {key: 'no'} ]).done(function(s) { notification.confirm(s[0], message, s[1], s[2], onconfirm); } ); }; /** * Replaces an action menu item with another one (for example Show->Hide, Set marker->Remove marker) * * @param {JQuery} actionitem * @param {String} image new image name ("i/show", "i/hide", etc.) * @param {String} stringname new string for the action menu item * @param {String} stringcomponent * @param {String} titlestr not used * @param {String} titlecomponent not used * @param {String} newaction new value for data-action attribute of the link * @return {Promise} promise which is resolved when the replacement has completed */ var replaceActionItem = function(actionitem, image, stringname, stringcomponent, titlestr, titlecomponent, newaction) { var stringRequests = [{key: stringname, component: stringcomponent}]; // Do not provide an icon with duplicate, different text to the menu item. return str.get_strings(stringRequests).then(function(strings) { actionitem.find('span.menu-action-text').html(strings[0]); return templates.renderPix(image, 'core'); }).then(function(pixhtml) { actionitem.find('.icon').replaceWith(pixhtml); actionitem.attr('data-action', newaction); return; }).catch(notification.exception); }; /** * Default post-processing for section AJAX edit actions. * * This can be overridden in course formats by listening to event coursesectionedited: * * $('body').on('coursesectionedited', 'li.section', function(e) { * var action = e.action, * sectionElement = $(e.target), * data = e.ajaxreturn; * // ... Do some processing here. * e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default handler. * }); * * @param {JQuery} sectionElement * @param {JQuery} actionItem * @param {Object} data * @param {String} courseformat */ var defaultEditSectionHandler = function(sectionElement, actionItem, data, courseformat) { var action = actionItem.attr('data-action'); if (action === 'hide' || action === 'show') { if (action === 'hide') { sectionElement.addClass('hidden'); replaceActionItem(actionItem, 'i/show', 'showfromothers', 'format_' + courseformat, null, null, 'show'); } else { sectionElement.removeClass('hidden'); replaceActionItem(actionItem, 'i/hide', 'hidefromothers', 'format_' + courseformat, null, null, 'hide'); } // Replace the modules with new html (that indicates that they are now hidden or not hidden). if (data.modules !== undefined) { for (var i in data.modules) { replaceActivityHtmlWith(data.modules[i]); } } // Replace the section availability information. if (data.section_availability !== undefined) { sectionElement.find('.section_availability').first().replaceWith(data.section_availability); } } else if (action === 'setmarker') { var oldmarker = $(SELECTOR.SECTIONLI + '.current'), oldActionItem = oldmarker.find(SELECTOR.SECTIONACTIONMENU + ' ' + 'a[data-action=removemarker]'); oldmarker.removeClass('current'); replaceActionItem(oldActionItem, 'i/marker', 'highlight', 'core', 'markthistopic', 'core', 'setmarker'); sectionElement.addClass('current'); replaceActionItem(actionItem, 'i/marked', 'highlightoff', 'core', 'markedthistopic', 'core', 'removemarker'); } else if (action === 'removemarker') { sectionElement.removeClass('current'); replaceActionItem(actionItem, 'i/marker', 'highlight', 'core', 'markthistopic', 'core', 'setmarker'); } }; /** * Replaces the course module with the new html (used to update module after it was edited or its visibility was changed). * * @param {String} activityHTML */ var replaceActivityHtmlWith = function(activityHTML) { $('
' + activityHTML + '
').find(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYLI).each(function() { // Extract id from the new activity html. var id = $(this).attr('id'); // Find the existing element with the same id and replace its contents with new html. $(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYLI + '#' + id).replaceWith(activityHTML); // Initialise action menu. initActionMenu(id); }); }; /** * Performs an action on a module (moving, deleting, duplicating, hiding, etc.) * * @param {JQuery} sectionElement section element we perform action on * @param {Nunmber} sectionid * @param {JQuery} target the element (menu item) that was clicked * @param {String} courseformat */ var editSection = function(sectionElement, sectionid, target, courseformat) { var action = target.attr('data-action'), sectionreturn = target.attr('data-sectionreturn') ? target.attr('data-sectionreturn') : 0; var spinner = addSectionSpinner(sectionElement); var promises = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_course_edit_section', args: {id: sectionid, action: action, sectionreturn: sectionreturn} }], true); var lightbox = addSectionLightbox(sectionElement); $.when.apply($, promises) .done(function(dataencoded) { var data = $.parseJSON(dataencoded); removeSpinner(sectionElement, spinner); removeLightbox(lightbox); sectionElement.find(SELECTOR.SECTIONACTIONMENU).find(SELECTOR.TOGGLE).focus(); // Trigger event that can be observed by course formats. var e = $.Event('coursesectionedited', {ajaxreturn: data, action: action}); sectionElement.trigger(e); if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { defaultEditSectionHandler(sectionElement, target, data, courseformat); } }).fail(function(ex) { // Remove spinner and lightbox. removeSpinner(sectionElement, spinner); removeLightbox(lightbox); // Trigger event that can be observed by course formats. var e = $.Event('coursesectioneditfailed', {exception: ex, action: action}); sectionElement.trigger(e); if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { notification.exception(ex); } }); }; // Register a function to be executed after D&D of an activity. Y.use('moodle-course-coursebase', function() { M.course.coursebase.register_module({ // Ignore camelcase eslint rule for the next line because it is an expected name of the callback. // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase set_visibility_resource_ui: function(args) { var mainelement = $(args.element.getDOMNode()); var cmid = getModuleId(mainelement); if (cmid) { var sectionreturn = mainelement.find('.' + CSS.EDITINGMOVE).attr('data-sectionreturn'); refreshModule(mainelement, cmid, sectionreturn); } } }); }); return /** @alias module:core_course/actions */ { /** * Initialises course page * * @method init * @param {String} courseformat name of the current course format (for fetching strings) */ initCoursePage: function(courseformat) { // Add a handler for course module actions. $('body').on('click keypress', SELECTOR.ACTIVITYLI + ' ' + SELECTOR.ACTIVITYACTION + '[data-action]', function(e) { if (e.type === 'keypress' && e.keyCode !== 13) { return; } var actionItem = $(this), moduleElement = actionItem.closest(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYLI), action = actionItem.attr('data-action'), moduleId = getModuleId(moduleElement); switch (action) { case 'moveleft': case 'moveright': case 'delete': case 'duplicate': case 'hide': case 'stealth': case 'show': case 'groupsseparate': case 'groupsvisible': case 'groupsnone': break; default: // Nothing to do here! return; } if (!moduleId) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (action === 'delete') { // Deleting requires confirmation. confirmDeleteModule(moduleElement, function() { editModule(moduleElement, moduleId, actionItem); }); } else { editModule(moduleElement, moduleId, actionItem); } }); // Add a handler for section show/hide actions. $('body').on('click keypress', SELECTOR.SECTIONLI + ' ' + SELECTOR.SECTIONACTIONMENU + '[data-sectionid] ' + 'a[data-action]', function(e) { if (e.type === 'keypress' && e.keyCode !== 13) { return; } var actionItem = $(this), sectionElement = actionItem.closest(SELECTOR.SECTIONLI), sectionId = actionItem.closest(SELECTOR.SECTIONACTIONMENU).attr('data-sectionid'); e.preventDefault(); if (actionItem.attr('data-confirm')) { // Action requires confirmation. confirmEditSection(actionItem.attr('data-confirm'), function() { editSection(sectionElement, sectionId, actionItem, courseformat); }); } else { editSection(sectionElement, sectionId, actionItem, courseformat); } }); // Add a handler for "Add sections" link to ask for a number of sections to add. str.get_string('numberweeks').done(function(strNumberSections) { var trigger = $(SELECTOR.ADDSECTIONS), modalTitle = trigger.attr('data-add-sections'), newSections = trigger.attr('data-new-sections'); var modalBody = $('
' + '
'); modalBody.find('label').html(strNumberSections); ModalFactory.create({ title: modalTitle, type: ModalFactory.types.SAVE_CANCEL, body: modalBody.html() }, trigger) .done(function(modal) { var numSections = $(modal.getBody()).find('#add_section_numsections'), addSections = function() { // Check if value of the "Number of sections" is a valid positive integer and redirect // to adding a section script. if ('' + parseInt(numSections.val()) === numSections.val() && parseInt(numSections.val()) >= 1) { document.location = trigger.attr('href') + '&numsections=' + parseInt(numSections.val()); } }; modal.setSaveButtonText(modalTitle); modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.shown, function() { // When modal is shown focus and select the input and add a listener to keypress of "Enter". numSections.focus().select().on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === KeyCodes.enter) { addSections(); } }); }); modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.save, function(e) { // When modal "Add" button is pressed. e.preventDefault(); addSections(); }); }); }); }, /** * Replaces a section action menu item with another one (for example Show->Hide, Set marker->Remove marker) * * This method can be used by course formats in their listener to the coursesectionedited event * * @param {JQuery} sectionelement * @param {String} selector CSS selector inside the section element, for example "a[data-action=show]" * @param {String} image new image name ("i/show", "i/hide", etc.) * @param {String} stringname new string for the action menu item * @param {String} stringcomponent * @param {String} titlestr string for "title" attribute (if different from stringname) * @param {String} titlecomponent * @param {String} newaction new value for data-action attribute of the link */ replaceSectionActionItem: function(sectionelement, selector, image, stringname, stringcomponent, titlestr, titlecomponent, newaction) { var actionitem = sectionelement.find(SELECTOR.SECTIONACTIONMENU + ' ' + selector); replaceActionItem(actionitem, image, stringname, stringcomponent, titlestr, titlecomponent, newaction); } }; });