0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid ORDER BY a.attnum"; // used when schema defined var $metaColumnsSQL1 = " SELECT a.attname, CASE WHEN x.sequence_name != '' THEN 'SERIAL' ELSE t.typname END AS typname, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, a.attnum FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n, pg_attribute a JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid LEFT JOIN ( SELECT c.relname as sequence_name, c1.relname as related_table, a.attname as related_column FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_class c1 ON d.refobjid = c1.oid LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON (d.refobjid, d.refobjsubid) = (a.attrelid, a.attnum) WHERE c.relkind = 'S' AND c1.relname = '%s' ) x ON x.related_column= a.attname WHERE c.relkind in ('r','v') AND (c.relname='%s' or c.relname = lower('%s')) AND c.relnamespace=n.oid and n.nspname='%s' AND a.attname not like '....%%' AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND a.attrelid = c.oid ORDER BY a.attnum"; function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE !== ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_NATIVE) { $this->rsPrefix .= 'assoc_'; } $this->_bindInputArray = PHP_VERSION >= 5.1; } // the following should be compat with postgresql 7.2, // which makes obsolete the LIMIT limit,offset syntax function SelectLimit($sql,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1,$inputarr=false,$secs2cache=0) { $offsetStr = ($offset >= 0) ? " OFFSET ".((integer)$offset) : ''; $limitStr = ($nrows >= 0) ? " LIMIT ".((integer)$nrows) : ''; if ($secs2cache) $rs = $this->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql."$limitStr$offsetStr",$inputarr); else $rs = $this->Execute($sql."$limitStr$offsetStr",$inputarr); return $rs; } /* function Prepare($sql) { $info = $this->ServerInfo(); if ($info['version']>=7.3) { return array($sql,false); } return $sql; } */ /** * Generate the SQL to retrieve MetaColumns data * @param string $table Table name * @param string $schema Schema name (can be blank) * @return string SQL statement to execute */ protected function _generateMetaColumnsSQL($table, $schema) { if ($schema) { return sprintf($this->metaColumnsSQL1, $table, $table, $table, $schema); } else { return sprintf($this->metaColumnsSQL, $table, $table, $schema); } } /** * @returns assoc array where keys are tables, and values are foreign keys */ function MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner=false, $upper=false) { # Regex isolates the 2 terms between parenthesis using subexpressions $regex = '^.*\((.*)\).*\((.*)\).*$'; $sql=" SELECT lookup_table, regexp_replace(consrc, '$regex', '\\2') AS lookup_field, dep_table, regexp_replace(consrc, '$regex', '\\1') AS dep_field FROM ( SELECT pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS consrc, t.relname AS dep_table, ft.relname AS lookup_table FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class t ON (t.oid = c.conrelid) JOIN pg_class ft ON (ft.oid = c.confrelid) JOIN pg_namespace nft ON (nft.oid = ft.relnamespace) LEFT JOIN pg_description ds ON (ds.objoid = c.oid) JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = t.relnamespace) WHERE c.contype = 'f'::\"char\" ORDER BY t.relname, n.nspname, c.conname, c.oid ) constraints WHERE dep_table='".strtolower($table)."' ORDER BY lookup_table, dep_table, dep_field"; $rs = $this->Execute($sql); if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) return false; $a = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { if ($upper) { $a[strtoupper($rs->Fields('lookup_table'))][] = strtoupper(str_replace('"','',$rs->Fields('dep_field').'='.$rs->Fields('lookup_field'))); } else { $a[$rs->Fields('lookup_table')][] = str_replace('"','',$rs->Fields('dep_field').'='.$rs->Fields('lookup_field')); } $rs->MoveNext(); } return $a; } // from Edward Jaramilla, improved version - works on pg 7.4 function _old_MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner=false, $upper=false) { $sql = 'SELECT t.tgargs as args FROM pg_trigger t,pg_class c,pg_proc p WHERE t.tgenabled AND t.tgrelid = c.oid AND t.tgfoid = p.oid AND p.proname = \'RI_FKey_check_ins\' AND c.relname = \''.strtolower($table).'\' ORDER BY t.tgrelid'; $rs = $this->Execute($sql); if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) return false; $arr = $rs->GetArray(); $a = array(); foreach($arr as $v) { $data = explode(chr(0), $v['args']); $size = count($data)-1; //-1 because the last node is empty for($i = 4; $i < $size; $i++) { if ($upper) $a[strtoupper($data[2])][] = strtoupper($data[$i].'='.$data[++$i]); else $a[$data[2]][] = $data[$i].'='.$data[++$i]; } } return $a; } function _query($sql,$inputarr=false) { if (! $this->_bindInputArray) { // We don't have native support for parameterized queries, so let's emulate it at the parent return ADODB_postgres64::_query($sql, $inputarr); } $this->_pnum = 0; $this->_errorMsg = false; // -- added Cristiano da Cunha Duarte if ($inputarr) { $sqlarr = explode('?',trim($sql)); $sql = ''; $i = 1; $last = sizeof($sqlarr)-1; foreach($sqlarr as $v) { if ($last < $i) $sql .= $v; else $sql .= $v.' $'.$i; $i++; } $rez = pg_query_params($this->_connectionID,$sql, $inputarr); } else { $rez = pg_query($this->_connectionID,$sql); } // check if no data returned, then no need to create real recordset if ($rez && pg_num_fields($rez) <= 0) { if (is_resource($this->_resultid) && get_resource_type($this->_resultid) === 'pgsql result') { pg_free_result($this->_resultid); } $this->_resultid = $rez; return true; } return $rez; } // this is a set of functions for managing client encoding - very important if the encodings // of your database and your output target (i.e. HTML) don't match //for instance, you may have UNICODE database and server it on-site as WIN1251 etc. // GetCharSet - get the name of the character set the client is using now // the functions should work with Postgres 7.0 and above, the set of charsets supported // depends on compile flags of postgres distribution - if no charsets were compiled into the server // it will return 'SQL_ANSI' always function GetCharSet() { //we will use ADO's builtin property charSet $this->charSet = @pg_client_encoding($this->_connectionID); if (!$this->charSet) { return false; } else { return $this->charSet; } } // SetCharSet - switch the client encoding function SetCharSet($charset_name) { $this->GetCharSet(); if ($this->charSet !== $charset_name) { $if = pg_set_client_encoding($this->_connectionID, $charset_name); if ($if == "0" & $this->GetCharSet() == $charset_name) { return true; } else return false; } else return true; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Name: Recordset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class ADORecordSet_postgres7 extends ADORecordSet_postgres64{ var $databaseType = "postgres7"; function __construct($queryID, $mode=false) { parent::__construct($queryID, $mode); } // 10% speedup to move MoveNext to child class function MoveNext() { if (!$this->EOF) { $this->_currentRow++; if ($this->_numOfRows < 0 || $this->_numOfRows > $this->_currentRow) { $this->fields = @pg_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->_currentRow,$this->fetchMode); if (is_array($this->fields)) { if ($this->fields && isset($this->_blobArr)) $this->_fixblobs(); return true; } } $this->fields = false; $this->EOF = true; } return false; } } class ADORecordSet_assoc_postgres7 extends ADORecordSet_postgres64{ var $databaseType = "postgres7"; function __construct($queryID, $mode=false) { parent::__construct($queryID, $mode); } function _fetch() { if ($this->_currentRow >= $this->_numOfRows && $this->_numOfRows >= 0) { return false; } $this->fields = @pg_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->_currentRow,$this->fetchMode); if ($this->fields) { if (isset($this->_blobArr)) $this->_fixblobs(); $this->_updatefields(); } return (is_array($this->fields)); } function MoveNext() { if (!$this->EOF) { $this->_currentRow++; if ($this->_numOfRows < 0 || $this->_numOfRows > $this->_currentRow) { $this->fields = @pg_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->_currentRow,$this->fetchMode); if (is_array($this->fields)) { if ($this->fields) { if (isset($this->_blobArr)) $this->_fixblobs(); $this->_updatefields(); } return true; } } $this->fields = false; $this->EOF = true; } return false; } }