this is __strong__ and this is **strong**. this is _em_ and this is *em*. _`code`_ __`code`__ *`code`**`code`**`code`* Hey *this is italic* Hey **this is bold** **strong text***emphasized text* *emphasized text***strong text** **strong text**_emphasized text_ *emphasized text*__strong text__ __strong text__*emphasized text* _emphasized text_**strong text** simple_word_with_underscores this is text, _this is emph_ simple_word_with_underscores text again. highlight something in**side** of a word. a**b**c. a ** a\*b ** a __ a\_b __ a * a\*b * a _ a\_b _ a **this *is* strong** a *this **is** strong* a ***this is strong*** a **\* ABC** a **A****B** a **A____B** a __A____B__ a __A****B__ 5 * 4 = 20 ** aha * * haha _em\_text_ __strong\_\_text\___ *em\*text* **strong\*\*text\***