* @since 2.0 */ class QueryBuilder extends \yii\db\QueryBuilder { /** * Defines a UNIQUE index for [[createIndex()]]. * @since 2.0.6 */ const INDEX_UNIQUE = 'unique'; /** * Defines a B-tree index for [[createIndex()]]. * @since 2.0.6 */ const INDEX_B_TREE = 'btree'; /** * Defines a hash index for [[createIndex()]]. * @since 2.0.6 */ const INDEX_HASH = 'hash'; /** * Defines a GiST index for [[createIndex()]]. * @since 2.0.6 */ const INDEX_GIST = 'gist'; /** * Defines a GIN index for [[createIndex()]]. * @since 2.0.6 */ const INDEX_GIN = 'gin'; /** * @var array mapping from abstract column types (keys) to physical column types (values). */ public $typeMap = [ Schema::TYPE_PK => 'serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', Schema::TYPE_UPK => 'serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', Schema::TYPE_BIGPK => 'bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', Schema::TYPE_UBIGPK => 'bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', Schema::TYPE_CHAR => 'char(1)', Schema::TYPE_STRING => 'varchar(255)', Schema::TYPE_TEXT => 'text', Schema::TYPE_TINYINT => 'smallint', Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT => 'smallint', Schema::TYPE_INTEGER => 'integer', Schema::TYPE_BIGINT => 'bigint', Schema::TYPE_FLOAT => 'double precision', Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE => 'double precision', Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL => 'numeric(10,0)', Schema::TYPE_DATETIME => 'timestamp(0)', Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP => 'timestamp(0)', Schema::TYPE_TIME => 'time(0)', Schema::TYPE_DATE => 'date', Schema::TYPE_BINARY => 'bytea', Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN => 'boolean', Schema::TYPE_MONEY => 'numeric(19,4)', Schema::TYPE_JSON => 'jsonb', ]; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function defaultConditionClasses() { return array_merge(parent::defaultConditionClasses(), [ 'ILIKE' => 'yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition', 'NOT ILIKE' => 'yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition', 'OR ILIKE' => 'yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition', 'OR NOT ILIKE' => 'yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition', ]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function defaultExpressionBuilders() { return array_merge(parent::defaultExpressionBuilders(), [ 'yii\db\ArrayExpression' => 'yii\db\pgsql\ArrayExpressionBuilder', 'yii\db\JsonExpression' => 'yii\db\pgsql\JsonExpressionBuilder', ]); } /** * Builds a SQL statement for creating a new index. * @param string $name the name of the index. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string $table the table that the new index will be created for. The table name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string|array $columns the column(s) that should be included in the index. If there are multiple columns, * separate them with commas or use an array to represent them. Each column name will be properly quoted * by the method, unless a parenthesis is found in the name. * @param bool|string $unique whether to make this a UNIQUE index constraint. You can pass `true` or [[INDEX_UNIQUE]] to create * a unique index, `false` to make a non-unique index using the default index type, or one of the following constants to specify * the index method to use: [[INDEX_B_TREE]], [[INDEX_HASH]], [[INDEX_GIST]], [[INDEX_GIN]]. * @return string the SQL statement for creating a new index. * @see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/sql-createindex.html */ public function createIndex($name, $table, $columns, $unique = false) { if ($unique === self::INDEX_UNIQUE || $unique === true) { $index = false; $unique = true; } else { $index = $unique; $unique = false; } return ($unique ? 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' : 'CREATE INDEX ') . $this->db->quoteTableName($name) . ' ON ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . ($index !== false ? " USING $index" : '') . ' (' . $this->buildColumns($columns) . ')'; } /** * Builds a SQL statement for dropping an index. * @param string $name the name of the index to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string $table the table whose index is to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @return string the SQL statement for dropping an index. */ public function dropIndex($name, $table) { if (strpos($table, '.') !== false && strpos($name, '.') === false) { if (strpos($table, '{{') !== false) { $table = preg_replace('/\\{\\{(.*?)\\}\\}/', '\1', $table); list($schema, $table) = explode('.', $table); if (strpos($schema, '%') === false) $name = $schema.'.'.$name; else $name = '{{'.$schema.'.'.$name.'}}'; } else { list($schema) = explode('.', $table); $name = $schema.'.'.$name; } } return 'DROP INDEX ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($name); } /** * Builds a SQL statement for renaming a DB table. * @param string $oldName the table to be renamed. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string $newName the new table name. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @return string the SQL statement for renaming a DB table. */ public function renameTable($oldName, $newName) { return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($oldName) . ' RENAME TO ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($newName); } /** * Creates a SQL statement for resetting the sequence value of a table's primary key. * The sequence will be reset such that the primary key of the next new row inserted * will have the specified value or 1. * @param string $tableName the name of the table whose primary key sequence will be reset * @param mixed $value the value for the primary key of the next new row inserted. If this is not set, * the next new row's primary key will have a value 1. * @return string the SQL statement for resetting sequence * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the table does not exist or there is no sequence associated with the table. */ public function resetSequence($tableName, $value = null) { $table = $this->db->getTableSchema($tableName); if ($table !== null && $table->sequenceName !== null) { // c.f. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/functions-sequence.html $sequence = $this->db->quoteTableName($table->sequenceName); $tableName = $this->db->quoteTableName($tableName); if ($value === null) { $key = $this->db->quoteColumnName(reset($table->primaryKey)); $value = "(SELECT COALESCE(MAX({$key}),0) FROM {$tableName})+1"; } else { $value = (int) $value; } return "SELECT SETVAL('$sequence',$value,false)"; } elseif ($table === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Table not found: $tableName"); } throw new InvalidArgumentException("There is not sequence associated with table '$tableName'."); } /** * Builds a SQL statement for enabling or disabling integrity check. * @param bool $check whether to turn on or off the integrity check. * @param string $schema the schema of the tables. * @param string $table the table name. * @return string the SQL statement for checking integrity */ public function checkIntegrity($check = true, $schema = '', $table = '') { $enable = $check ? 'ENABLE' : 'DISABLE'; $schema = $schema ?: $this->db->getSchema()->defaultSchema; $tableNames = $table ? [$table] : $this->db->getSchema()->getTableNames($schema); $viewNames = $this->db->getSchema()->getViewNames($schema); $tableNames = array_diff($tableNames, $viewNames); $command = ''; foreach ($tableNames as $tableName) { $tableName = $this->db->quoteTableName("{$schema}.{$tableName}"); $command .= "ALTER TABLE $tableName $enable TRIGGER ALL; "; } // enable to have ability to alter several tables $this->db->getMasterPdo()->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true); return $command; } /** * Builds a SQL statement for truncating a DB table. * Explicitly restarts identity for PGSQL to be consistent with other databases which all do this by default. * @param string $table the table to be truncated. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @return string the SQL statement for truncating a DB table. */ public function truncateTable($table) { return 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . ' RESTART IDENTITY'; } /** * Builds a SQL statement for changing the definition of a column. * @param string $table the table whose column is to be changed. The table name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string $column the name of the column to be changed. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string $type the new column type. The [[getColumnType()]] method will be invoked to convert abstract * column type (if any) into the physical one. Anything that is not recognized as abstract type will be kept * in the generated SQL. For example, 'string' will be turned into 'varchar(255)', while 'string not null' * will become 'varchar(255) not null'. You can also use PostgreSQL-specific syntax such as `SET NOT NULL`. * @return string the SQL statement for changing the definition of a column. */ public function alterColumn($table, $column, $type) { $columnName = $this->db->quoteColumnName($column); $tableName = $this->db->quoteTableName($table); // https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/4492 // https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/sql-altertable.html if (preg_match('/^(DROP|SET|RESET)\s+/i', $type)) { return "ALTER TABLE {$tableName} ALTER COLUMN {$columnName} {$type}"; } $type = 'TYPE ' . $this->getColumnType($type); $multiAlterStatement = []; $constraintPrefix = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]/i', '', $table . '_' . $column); if (preg_match('/\s+DEFAULT\s+(["\']?\w*["\']?)/i', $type, $matches)) { $type = preg_replace('/\s+DEFAULT\s+(["\']?\w*["\']?)/i', '', $type); $multiAlterStatement[] = "ALTER COLUMN {$columnName} SET DEFAULT {$matches[1]}"; } else { // safe to drop default even if there was none in the first place $multiAlterStatement[] = "ALTER COLUMN {$columnName} DROP DEFAULT"; } $type = preg_replace('/\s+NOT\s+NULL/i', '', $type, -1, $count); if ($count) { $multiAlterStatement[] = "ALTER COLUMN {$columnName} SET NOT NULL"; } else { // remove additional null if any $type = preg_replace('/\s+NULL/i', '', $type); // safe to drop not null even if there was none in the first place $multiAlterStatement[] = "ALTER COLUMN {$columnName} DROP NOT NULL"; } if (preg_match('/\s+CHECK\s+\((.+)\)/i', $type, $matches)) { $type = preg_replace('/\s+CHECK\s+\((.+)\)/i', '', $type); $multiAlterStatement[] = "ADD CONSTRAINT {$constraintPrefix}_check CHECK ({$matches[1]})"; } $type = preg_replace('/\s+UNIQUE/i', '', $type, -1, $count); if ($count) { $multiAlterStatement[] = "ADD UNIQUE ({$columnName})"; } // add what's left at the beginning array_unshift($multiAlterStatement, "ALTER COLUMN {$columnName} {$type}"); return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tableName . ' ' . implode(', ', $multiAlterStatement); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function insert($table, $columns, &$params) { return parent::insert($table, $this->normalizeTableRowData($table, $columns), $params); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/sql-insert.html#SQL-ON-CONFLICT * @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1109061/insert-on-duplicate-update-in-postgresql/8702291#8702291 */ public function upsert($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns, &$params) { $insertColumns = $this->normalizeTableRowData($table, $insertColumns); if (!is_bool($updateColumns)) { $updateColumns = $this->normalizeTableRowData($table, $updateColumns); } if (version_compare($this->db->getServerVersion(), '9.5', '<')) { return $this->oldUpsert($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns, $params); } return $this->newUpsert($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns, $params); } /** * [[upsert()]] implementation for PostgreSQL 9.5 or higher. * @param string $table * @param array|Query $insertColumns * @param array|bool $updateColumns * @param array $params * @return string */ private function newUpsert($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns, &$params) { $insertSql = $this->insert($table, $insertColumns, $params); list($uniqueNames, , $updateNames) = $this->prepareUpsertColumns($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns); if (empty($uniqueNames)) { return $insertSql; } if ($updateNames === []) { // there are no columns to update $updateColumns = false; } if ($updateColumns === false) { return "$insertSql ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"; } if ($updateColumns === true) { $updateColumns = []; foreach ($updateNames as $name) { $updateColumns[$name] = new Expression('EXCLUDED.' . $this->db->quoteColumnName($name)); } } list($updates, $params) = $this->prepareUpdateSets($table, $updateColumns, $params); return $insertSql . ' ON CONFLICT (' . implode(', ', $uniqueNames) . ') DO UPDATE SET ' . implode(', ', $updates); } /** * [[upsert()]] implementation for PostgreSQL older than 9.5. * @param string $table * @param array|Query $insertColumns * @param array|bool $updateColumns * @param array $params * @return string */ private function oldUpsert($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns, &$params) { /** @var Constraint[] $constraints */ list($uniqueNames, $insertNames, $updateNames) = $this->prepareUpsertColumns($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns, $constraints); if (empty($uniqueNames)) { return $this->insert($table, $insertColumns, $params); } if ($updateNames === []) { // there are no columns to update $updateColumns = false; } /** @var Schema $schema */ $schema = $this->db->getSchema(); if (!$insertColumns instanceof Query) { $tableSchema = $schema->getTableSchema($table); $columnSchemas = $tableSchema !== null ? $tableSchema->columns : []; foreach ($insertColumns as $name => $value) { // NULLs and numeric values must be type hinted in order to be used in SET assigments // NVM, let's cast them all if (isset($columnSchemas[$name])) { $phName = self::PARAM_PREFIX . count($params); $params[$phName] = $value; $insertColumns[$name] = new Expression("CAST($phName AS {$columnSchemas[$name]->dbType})"); } } } list(, $placeholders, $values, $params) = $this->prepareInsertValues($table, $insertColumns, $params); $updateCondition = ['or']; $insertCondition = ['or']; $quotedTableName = $schema->quoteTableName($table); foreach ($constraints as $constraint) { $constraintUpdateCondition = ['and']; $constraintInsertCondition = ['and']; foreach ($constraint->columnNames as $name) { $quotedName = $schema->quoteColumnName($name); $constraintUpdateCondition[] = "$quotedTableName.$quotedName=\"EXCLUDED\".$quotedName"; $constraintInsertCondition[] = "\"upsert\".$quotedName=\"EXCLUDED\".$quotedName"; } $updateCondition[] = $constraintUpdateCondition; $insertCondition[] = $constraintInsertCondition; } $withSql = 'WITH "EXCLUDED" (' . implode(', ', $insertNames) . ') AS (' . (!empty($placeholders) ? 'VALUES (' . implode(', ', $placeholders) . ')' : ltrim($values, ' ')) . ')'; if ($updateColumns === false) { $selectSubQuery = (new Query()) ->select(new Expression('1')) ->from($table) ->where($updateCondition); $insertSelectSubQuery = (new Query()) ->select($insertNames) ->from('EXCLUDED') ->where(['not exists', $selectSubQuery]); $insertSql = $this->insert($table, $insertSelectSubQuery, $params); return "$withSql $insertSql"; } if ($updateColumns === true) { $updateColumns = []; foreach ($updateNames as $name) { $quotedName = $this->db->quoteColumnName($name); if (strrpos($quotedName, '.') === false) { $quotedName = '"EXCLUDED".' . $quotedName; } $updateColumns[$name] = new Expression($quotedName); } } list($updates, $params) = $this->prepareUpdateSets($table, $updateColumns, $params); $updateSql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $updates) . ' FROM "EXCLUDED" ' . $this->buildWhere($updateCondition, $params) . ' RETURNING ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) .'.*'; $selectUpsertSubQuery = (new Query()) ->select(new Expression('1')) ->from('upsert') ->where($insertCondition); $insertSelectSubQuery = (new Query()) ->select($insertNames) ->from('EXCLUDED') ->where(['not exists', $selectUpsertSubQuery]); $insertSql = $this->insert($table, $insertSelectSubQuery, $params); return "$withSql, \"upsert\" AS ($updateSql) $insertSql"; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function update($table, $columns, $condition, &$params) { return parent::update($table, $this->normalizeTableRowData($table, $columns), $condition, $params); } /** * Normalizes data to be saved into the table, performing extra preparations and type converting, if necessary. * * @param string $table the table that data will be saved into. * @param array|Query $columns the column data (name => value) to be saved into the table or instance * of [[yii\db\Query|Query]] to perform INSERT INTO ... SELECT SQL statement. * Passing of [[yii\db\Query|Query]] is available since version 2.0.11. * @return array|Query normalized columns * @since 2.0.9 */ private function normalizeTableRowData($table, $columns) { if ($columns instanceof Query) { return $columns; } if (($tableSchema = $this->db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($table)) !== null) { $columnSchemas = $tableSchema->columns; foreach ($columns as $name => $value) { if (isset($columnSchemas[$name]) && $columnSchemas[$name]->type === Schema::TYPE_BINARY && is_string($value)) { $columns[$name] = new PdoValue($value, \PDO::PARAM_LOB); // explicitly setup PDO param type for binary column } } } return $columns; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows, &$params = []) { if (empty($rows)) { return ''; } $schema = $this->db->getSchema(); if (($tableSchema = $schema->getTableSchema($table)) !== null) { $columnSchemas = $tableSchema->columns; } else { $columnSchemas = []; } $values = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $vs = []; foreach ($row as $i => $value) { if (isset($columns[$i], $columnSchemas[$columns[$i]])) { $value = $columnSchemas[$columns[$i]]->dbTypecast($value); } if (is_string($value)) { $value = $schema->quoteValue($value); } elseif (is_float($value)) { // ensure type cast always has . as decimal separator in all locales $value = StringHelper::floatToString($value); } elseif ($value === true) { $value = 'TRUE'; } elseif ($value === false) { $value = 'FALSE'; } elseif ($value === null) { $value = 'NULL'; } elseif ($value instanceof ExpressionInterface) { $value = $this->buildExpression($value, $params); } $vs[] = $value; } $values[] = '(' . implode(', ', $vs) . ')'; } if (empty($values)) { return ''; } foreach ($columns as $i => $name) { $columns[$i] = $schema->quoteColumnName($name); } return 'INSERT INTO ' . $schema->quoteTableName($table) . ' (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') VALUES ' . implode(', ', $values); } }