0; $i -= 2) { $x4 ^= self::rotate($x0 + $x12, 7); $x8 ^= self::rotate($x4 + $x0, 9); $x12 ^= self::rotate($x8 + $x4, 13); $x0 ^= self::rotate($x12 + $x8, 18); $x9 ^= self::rotate($x5 + $x1, 7); $x13 ^= self::rotate($x9 + $x5, 9); $x1 ^= self::rotate($x13 + $x9, 13); $x5 ^= self::rotate($x1 + $x13, 18); $x14 ^= self::rotate($x10 + $x6, 7); $x2 ^= self::rotate($x14 + $x10, 9); $x6 ^= self::rotate($x2 + $x14, 13); $x10 ^= self::rotate($x6 + $x2, 18); $x3 ^= self::rotate($x15 + $x11, 7); $x7 ^= self::rotate($x3 + $x15, 9); $x11 ^= self::rotate($x7 + $x3, 13); $x15 ^= self::rotate($x11 + $x7, 18); $x1 ^= self::rotate($x0 + $x3, 7); $x2 ^= self::rotate($x1 + $x0, 9); $x3 ^= self::rotate($x2 + $x1, 13); $x0 ^= self::rotate($x3 + $x2, 18); $x6 ^= self::rotate($x5 + $x4, 7); $x7 ^= self::rotate($x6 + $x5, 9); $x4 ^= self::rotate($x7 + $x6, 13); $x5 ^= self::rotate($x4 + $x7, 18); $x11 ^= self::rotate($x10 + $x9, 7); $x8 ^= self::rotate($x11 + $x10, 9); $x9 ^= self::rotate($x8 + $x11, 13); $x10 ^= self::rotate($x9 + $x8, 18); $x12 ^= self::rotate($x15 + $x14, 7); $x13 ^= self::rotate($x12 + $x15, 9); $x14 ^= self::rotate($x13 + $x12, 13); $x15 ^= self::rotate($x14 + $x13, 18); } $x0 += $j0; $x1 += $j1; $x2 += $j2; $x3 += $j3; $x4 += $j4; $x5 += $j5; $x6 += $j6; $x7 += $j7; $x8 += $j8; $x9 += $j9; $x10 += $j10; $x11 += $j11; $x12 += $j12; $x13 += $j13; $x14 += $j14; $x15 += $j15; return self::store32_le($x0) . self::store32_le($x1) . self::store32_le($x2) . self::store32_le($x3) . self::store32_le($x4) . self::store32_le($x5) . self::store32_le($x6) . self::store32_le($x7) . self::store32_le($x8) . self::store32_le($x9) . self::store32_le($x10) . self::store32_le($x11) . self::store32_le($x12) . self::store32_le($x13) . self::store32_le($x14) . self::store32_le($x15); } /** * @internal You should not use this directly from another application * * @param int $len * @param string $nonce * @param string $key * @return string * @throws SodiumException * @throws TypeError */ public static function salsa20($len, $nonce, $key) { if (self::strlen($key) !== 32) { throw new RangeException('Key must be 32 bytes long'); } $kcopy = '' . $key; $in = self::substr($nonce, 0, 8) . str_repeat("\0", 8); $c = ''; while ($len >= 64) { $c .= self::core_salsa20($in, $kcopy, null); $u = 1; // Internal counter. for ($i = 8; $i < 16; ++$i) { $u += self::chrToInt($in[$i]); $in[$i] = self::intToChr($u & 0xff); $u >>= 8; } $len -= 64; } if ($len > 0) { $c .= self::substr( self::core_salsa20($in, $kcopy, null), 0, $len ); } try { ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::memzero($kcopy); } catch (SodiumException $ex) { $kcopy = null; } return $c; } /** * @internal You should not use this directly from another application * * @param string $m * @param string $n * @param int $ic * @param string $k * @return string * @throws SodiumException * @throws TypeError */ public static function salsa20_xor_ic($m, $n, $ic, $k) { $mlen = self::strlen($m); if ($mlen < 1) { return ''; } $kcopy = self::substr($k, 0, 32); $in = self::substr($n, 0, 8); // Initialize the counter $in .= ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::store64_le($ic); $c = ''; while ($mlen >= 64) { $block = self::core_salsa20($in, $kcopy, null); $c .= self::xorStrings( self::substr($m, 0, 64), self::substr($block, 0, 64) ); $u = 1; for ($i = 8; $i < 16; ++$i) { $u += self::chrToInt($in[$i]); $in[$i] = self::intToChr($u & 0xff); $u >>= 8; } $mlen -= 64; $m = self::substr($m, 64); } if ($mlen) { $block = self::core_salsa20($in, $kcopy, null); $c .= self::xorStrings( self::substr($m, 0, $mlen), self::substr($block, 0, $mlen) ); } try { ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::memzero($block); ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::memzero($kcopy); } catch (SodiumException $ex) { $block = null; $kcopy = null; } return $c; } /** * @internal You should not use this directly from another application * * @param string $message * @param string $nonce * @param string $key * @return string * @throws SodiumException * @throws TypeError */ public static function salsa20_xor($message, $nonce, $key) { return self::xorStrings( $message, self::salsa20( self::strlen($message), $nonce, $key ) ); } /** * @internal You should not use this directly from another application * * @param int $u * @param int $c * @return int */ public static function rotate($u, $c) { $u &= 0xffffffff; $c %= 32; return (int) (0xffffffff & ( ($u << $c) | ($u >> (32 - $c)) ) ); } }