'wp_template_part', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_name__in' => array( $attributes['slug'] ), 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'wp_theme', 'field' => 'name', 'terms' => $theme, ), ), 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'lazy_load_term_meta' => false, // Do not lazy load term meta, as template parts only have one term. ) ); $template_part_post = $template_part_query->have_posts() ? $template_part_query->next_post() : null; if ( $template_part_post ) { // A published post might already exist if this template part was customized elsewhere // or if it's part of a customized template. $block_template = _build_block_template_result_from_post( $template_part_post ); $content = $block_template->content; if ( isset( $block_template->area ) ) { $area = $block_template->area; } /** * Fires when a block template part is loaded from a template post stored in the database. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param string $template_part_id The requested template part namespaced to the theme. * @param array $attributes The block attributes. * @param WP_Post $template_part_post The template part post object. * @param string $content The template part content. */ do_action( 'render_block_core_template_part_post', $template_part_id, $attributes, $template_part_post, $content ); } else { $template_part_file_path = ''; // Else, if the template part was provided by the active theme, // render the corresponding file content. if ( 0 === validate_file( $attributes['slug'] ) ) { $block_template = get_block_file_template( $template_part_id, 'wp_template_part' ); $content = $block_template->content; if ( isset( $block_template->area ) ) { $area = $block_template->area; } // Needed for the `render_block_core_template_part_file` and `render_block_core_template_part_none` actions below. $block_template_file = _get_block_template_file( 'wp_template_part', $attributes['slug'] ); if ( $block_template_file ) { $template_part_file_path = $block_template_file['path']; } } if ( '' !== $content && null !== $content ) { /** * Fires when a block template part is loaded from a template part in the theme. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param string $template_part_id The requested template part namespaced to the theme. * @param array $attributes The block attributes. * @param string $template_part_file_path Absolute path to the template path. * @param string $content The template part content. */ do_action( 'render_block_core_template_part_file', $template_part_id, $attributes, $template_part_file_path, $content ); } else { /** * Fires when a requested block template part does not exist in the database nor in the theme. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param string $template_part_id The requested template part namespaced to the theme. * @param array $attributes The block attributes. * @param string $template_part_file_path Absolute path to the not found template path. */ do_action( 'render_block_core_template_