/** * Main customize js file * * @package Hestia */ /* global initializeAllElements */ /* global AOS */ /* exported hestiaGetCss */ ( function( $ ) { /** * This handles the customizer live actions */ $.hestiaCustomizeLive = { 'init':function () { this.liveShowHideSection(); this.liveTextReplace(); this.liveBackgroundReplace(); this.livePricingSection(); this.sliderHeightFix(); }, /** * Fix the slider height. */ 'sliderHeightFix': function() { var windowWidth = $( window ).width(); var windowHeight = $( window ).height(); if ( windowWidth > 768 ) { $( '.carousel .page-header' ).css( 'min-height', (windowHeight * 0.9) ); // 90% of window height } else { $( '.carousel .page-header' ).css( 'min-height', (windowHeight) ); // 90% of window height } }, /** * This function handle the action when a user clicks on show/hide customizer control. * It toggles the section and then refresh animations. */ 'liveShowHideSection':function () { var showHideControls = { 'hestia_big_title_hide' : '#carousel-hestia-generic', 'hestia_features_hide' : '.hestia-features', 'hestia_about_hide' : '.hestia-about', 'hestia_shop_hide' : '.hestia-shop', 'hestia_portfolio_hide' : '.hestia-work', 'hestia_team_hide' : '.hestia-team', 'hestia_pricing_hide' : '.hestia-pricing', 'hestia_ribbon_hide' : '.hestia-ribbon', 'hestia_testimonials_hide' : '.hestia-testimonials', 'hestia_subscribe_hide' : '.hestia-subscribe', 'hestia_clients_bar_hide' : '.hestia-clients-bar', 'hestia_blog_hide' : '.hestia-blogs', 'hestia_contact_hide' : '.hestia-contact' }; Object.keys(showHideControls).forEach(function (key) { wp.customize( key, function (value) { value.bind( function(newval){ $(showHideControls[key]).toggle(); if( newval === true ){ if ( typeof AOS !== 'undefined' ) { AOS.refresh(); } } } ); } ); }); }, /** * This function handle the action when a user change a simple html input. * It target the class and then replace the inside of it with the new value. */ 'liveTextReplace': function () { var textToReplace = [ { controlName:'hestia_features_title', selector:'.hestia-features .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_features_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-features .description', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_shop_title', selector:'.hestia-shop .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_shop_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-shop .description', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_portfolio_title', selector:'.hestia-work .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_portfolio_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-work .description', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_team_title', selector:'.hestia-team .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_team_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-team .description', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_pricing_title', selector:'.hestia-pricing .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_pricing_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-pricing p.text-gray', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_pricing_table_one_title', selector:'.hestia-pricing .hestia-table-one .category', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_pricing_table_one_price', selector:'.hestia-pricing .hestia-table-one .card-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_pricing_table_one_text', selector:'.hestia-pricing .hestia-table-one .btn', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_pricing_table_two_title', selector:'.hestia-pricing .hestia-table-two .category', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_pricing_table_two_price', selector:'.hestia-pricing .hestia-table-two .card-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_pricing_table_two_text', selector:'.hestia-pricing .hestia-table-two .btn', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_ribbon_text', selector:'.hestia-ribbon .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_ribbon_button_text', selector:'.hestia-ribbon .hestia-ribbon-content-right a', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_testimonials_title', selector:'.hestia-testimonials .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_testimonials_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-testimonials .description', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_subscribe_title', selector:'.hestia-subscribe .title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_subscribe_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-subscribe .subscribe-description', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_blog_title', selector:'.hestia-blogs .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_blog_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-blogs .description', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_contact_title', selector:'.hestia-contact .hestia-contact-title-area .hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_contact_subtitle', selector:'.hestia-contact h5.description', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_contact_area_title', selector:'.hestia-contact .card-contact .card-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_blog_subscribe_title', selector:'#subscribe-on-blog h3.hestia-title', isHtml:true }, { controlName:'hestia_blog_subscribe_subtitle', selector:'#subscribe-on-blog p.description', isHtml:true } ]; textToReplace.forEach(function (item) { wp.customize( item.controlName, function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { if(typeof item.isHtml !== 'undefined' ){ $( item.selector ).html( newval ); } else { $( item.selector ).text( newval ); } } ); } ); }); }, /** * This function handle the action when a user change the background of a section. * It target the class and then replace the background. If the input is empty, * it will toggle the class section-image (or you can specify what class to toggle), * class that adds overlay and make the text white. */ 'liveBackgroundReplace': function () { var backgroundImages = [ {controlName: 'hestia_feature_thumbnail', selector:'.hestia-about'}, {controlName: 'hestia_ribbon_background', selector:'.hestia-ribbon'}, {controlName: 'hestia_subscribe_background', selector:'.hestia-subscribe', toggleClass:'subscribe-line-image'}, {controlName: 'hestia_contact_background', selector:'.hestia-contact'} ]; backgroundImages.forEach(function (item) { wp.customize( item.controlName, function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( item.selector ).css( 'background-image', 'url('+newval+')' ); var toggleClass = 'section-image'; if( typeof item.toggleClass !== 'undefined' ){ toggleClass = item.toggleClass; } if ( newval === '' ) { $( item.selector ).removeClass( toggleClass ); } else { $( item.selector ).addClass( toggleClass ); } } ); } ); }); }, 'updatePricingTableIcon': function( newval, tableNumber ){ var accent_color = wp.customize._value.accent_color(); var packageSelector = '.home .hestia-pricing .hestia-table-' + tableNumber + ' .hestia-pricing-icon-wrapper'; if ( newval ) { $( packageSelector + ' i' ).removeClass().addClass( newval ); $( packageSelector ).addClass( 'pricing-has-icon' ).css( {'display' : 'block', 'color' : accent_color } ); } else { $( packageSelector + '.pricing-has-icon .card-title' ).css( { 'font-size' : '60px', 'margin-top' : '30px' } ); $( packageSelector + '.pricing-has-icon .card-title small' ).css( { 'color' : '#777', 'top' : '-17px', 'font-size' : '26px', 'font-weight' : 'normal', 'line-height' : '1' } ); $( packageSelector + '.pricing-has-icon' ).removeClass( 'pricing-has-icon' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); } }, /** * This function handle the action when a user change the content of pricing tables. */ 'livePricingSection':function(){ var self = this; wp.customize( 'hestia_pricing_table_one_features', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var result = self.parsePricingFeatures(newval); $( '.hestia-pricing .hestia-table-one ul' ).html( result ); } ); } ); wp.customize( 'hestia_pricing_table_two_features', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var result = self.parsePricingFeatures(newval); $( '.hestia-pricing .hestia-table-two ul' ).html( result ); } ); } ); /* Live refresh for pricing icon, table one */ wp.customize( 'hestia_pricing_table_one_icon', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $.hestiaCustomizeLive.updatePricingTableIcon( newval, 'one' ); } ); } ); /* Live refresh for pricing icon, table two */ wp.customize( 'hestia_pricing_table_two_icon', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $.hestiaCustomizeLive.updatePricingTableIcon( newval, 'two' ); } ); } ); }, /** * This function parse the content of pricing table and create html for it. */ 'parsePricingFeatures': function (newval) { var val = newval.replace('\\r', ''); var features = val.split('\\n'); var result = ''; features.forEach(function (feature) { result += '
'; }); return result; }, }; $.hestiaCustomizeLive.init(); /** * This extends jQuery functionality and adds a function to check if a jQuery element contain * any of classes in an array. */ $.fn.extend({ hasClasses: function (selectors) { var self = this; for (var i in selectors) { if ($(self).hasClass(selectors[i])) { return true; } } return false; } }); /** * This handles the customizer shortcuts. * Send events on click etc. */ $.hestiaCustomize = { 'init': function () { this.focusForCustomShortcut(); this.focusTab(); this.handleShowHideShortcut(); this.addShortcutForMenu(); this.handleTextEditor(); this.handleTopBarWidgetFocus(); this.handleShowHideSlider(); }, /** * This function does the focus on controls when the user clicks on a custom shortcut. * If controls are in a tab, it does focus on tab too. */ 'focusForCustomShortcut': function () { /** * All controls that have custom shortcuts */ var fakeShortcutClasses = [ 'hestia_features_hide', 'hestia_features_title', 'hestia_about_hide', 'hestia_shop_hide', 'hestia_shop_title', 'hestia_portfolio_hide', 'hestia_portfolio_title', 'hestia_team_hide', 'hestia_team_title', 'hestia_pricing_hide', 'hestia_pricing_title', 'hestia_pricing_table_one_title', 'hestia_pricing_table_two_title', 'hestia_ribbon_hide', 'hestia_ribbon_text', 'hestia_testimonials_hide', 'hestia_testimonials_title', 'hestia_clients_bar_hide', 'hestia_subscribe_hide', 'hestia_subscribe_title', 'hestia_blog_hide', 'hestia_blog_title', 'hestia_contact_hide', 'hestia_contact_title', 'hestia_contact_info' ]; /** * Controls that have custom shortcuts and are in a tab in customizer. * We need to focus on tab too if clicked on one of those controls. */ var controlsInTabs = [ 'hestia_pricing_title', 'hestia_pricing_table_one_title', 'hestia_pricing_table_two_title', 'hestia_subscribe_hide', 'hestia_subscribe_title', 'hestia_contact_hide', 'hestia_contact_title', 'hestia_contact_info' ]; fakeShortcutClasses.forEach(function (element) { $('.customize-partial-edit-shortcut-'+element).on('click',function () { if( controlsInTabs.indexOf(element) > -1) { var tabToActivate = $('.hestia-customizer-tab>.' + element); wp.customize.preview.send('focus-control', element); wp.customize.preview.send('tab-previewer-edit', tabToActivate); } else { wp.customize.preview.send( 'hestia-customize-focus-control', element ); } }); }); }, 'handleShowHideSlider': function () { wp.customize( 'hestia_big_title_hide', function( value ) { 'use strict'; value.bind( function( to ) { var navbar_fixed = $( '.home.page .navbar-fixed-top' ); var navbar_height = navbar_fixed.outerHeight(); if( navbar_fixed.hasClass('navbar-transparent') ){ navbar_height -= 15; } if( to === true ){ $('.home.page .navbar').addClass('no-slider navbar-not-transparent'); var mobile_media = window.matchMedia( '(max-width: 600px)' ); if( $('#wpadminbar').length && mobile_media.matches ) { $('.home.page .main').css( 'margin-top', navbar_height - 46 ); } else { $('.home.page .main').css( 'margin-top', navbar_height ); } } else { $('.home.page .navbar').removeClass('no-slider navbar-not-transparent'); $('.home.page .main').removeAttr('style'); $.navigation.toggleNavbarTransparency(); } if( typeof (wp.customize._value.hestia_navbar_transparent ) !== 'undefined' && wp.customize._value.hestia_navbar_transparent() === true ){ if( to === true ){ $('.home.page .navbar').removeClass('navbar-transparent'); $('.home.page .navbar').removeClass('navbar-color-on-scroll'); } else { $('.home.page .navbar').addClass('navbar-transparent'); $('.home.page .navbar').addClass('navbar-color-on-scroll'); $.navigation.toggleNavbarTransparency(); } } else { if( typeof (wp.customize._value.hestia_navbar_transparent ) === 'undefined' ){ if( to === true ){ $('.home.page .navbar').removeClass('navbar-transparent'); $('.home.page .navbar').removeClass('navbar-color-on-scroll'); } else { $('.home.page .navbar').addClass('navbar-transparent'); $('.home.page .navbar').addClass('navbar-color-on-scroll'); $.navigation.toggleNavbarTransparency(); } } else { $('.home.page .navbar').removeClass('navbar-transparent'); $('.home.page .navbar').removeClass('navbar-color-on-scroll'); } } } ); } ); }, 'focusTab': function () { $( '.customize-partial-edit-shortcut' ).bind( 'DOMNodeInserted', function () { $( this ).on( 'click', function() { var controlId = $( this ).attr( 'class' ); var tabToActivate = ''; var controlFinalId = controlId.split( ' ' ).pop().split( '-' ).pop(); if ( controlId.indexOf( 'widget' ) !== -1 ) { tabToActivate = $( '.hestia-customizer-tab>.widgets' ); } else { tabToActivate = $( '.hestia-customizer-tab>.' + controlFinalId ); } wp.customize.preview.send( 'tab-previewer-edit', tabToActivate ); wp.customize.preview.send( 'focus-control', controlFinalId ); } ); } ); }, /** * This function triggers click on show/hide control when user clicks on one of their custom shortcut. */ 'handleShowHideShortcut': function () { var classesToLook = [ 'hestia_features_hide', 'hestia_about_hide', 'hestia_shop_hide', 'hestia_portfolio_hide', 'hestia_team_hide', 'hestia_pricing_hide', 'hestia_ribbon_hide', 'hestia_testimonials_hide', 'hestia_clients_bar_hide', 'hestia_subscribe_hide', 'hestia_blog_hide', 'hestia_contact_hide']; classesToLook.forEach(function(element){ $( '.customize-partial-edit-shortcut-'+element ).on( 'click', function() { wp.customize.preview.send('hestia-customize-disable-section', element); }); }); }, /** * Add shortcut button for primary menu. */ 'addShortcutForMenu' : function () { var primaryMenu = $('.navbar-nav'); var menuShortcutHtml = '
'; primaryMenu.before(menuShortcutHtml); this.handleMenuShortcutClick(); }, /** * Handle the click of shortcut of the menu */ 'handleMenuShortcutClick': function () { $( '.menu-shortcut' ).on( 'click', function() { wp.customize.preview.send('trigger-focus-menu'); }); }, /** * Handle the opening of text editor */ 'handleTextEditor': function(){ $(document).on('DOMNodeInserted','.customize-partial-edit-shortcut', function() { $( this ).on( 'click', function(){ var controls = ['hestia_contact_content_new']; var clickedControl = $( this ).attr('class'); var openControl = ''; $.each(controls, function(index, value){ if (clickedControl.indexOf( value ) !== -1){ openControl = value; return false; } }); if( openControl !== ''){ wp.customize.preview.send( 'trigger-open-editor', openControl ); } else { wp.customize.preview.send( 'trigger-close-editor'); } } ); }); }, 'handleTopBarWidgetFocus': function(){ $('.customize-partial-edit-shortcut-hestia-top-bar-widget').on('click', function(){ wp.customize.preview.send('focus-section', 'sidebar-widgets-sidebar-top-bar'); }); } }; $.hestiaCustomize.init(); /** * Live refresh for container width */ wp.customize( 'hestia_container_width', function( value ) { 'use strict'; value.bind( function( to ) { if ( to ) { var values = JSON.parse( to ); if ( values ) { if ( values.mobile ) { var settings = { selectors: 'div.container', cssProperty: 'width', propertyUnit: 'px', styleClass: 'hestia-container-width-css' }, val; val = JSON.parse( to ); hestiaSetCss( settings, val ); } } } } ); } ); // Site Identity > Site Title wp.customize( 'blogname', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.navbar .navbar-brand p' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Site Identity > Site Description wp.customize( 'blogdescription', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.blog .page-header .title' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Appearance Settings > General Settings > Boxed Layout wp.customize( 'hestia_general_layout', function( value ) { value.bind( function() { var navbar_height = $( '.navbar-fixed-top' ).outerHeight(); if ( $( '.main' ).hasClass( 'main-raised' ) ) { $( '.main' ).removeClass( 'main-raised' ); $( '.main.classic-blog' ).css( 'margin-top', navbar_height ); } else { $( '.main' ).addClass( 'main-raised' ); $('.main.classic-blog').css('margin-top', navbar_height); } } ); } ); // Appearance Settings > General Settings > Footer Credits wp.customize( 'hestia_general_credits', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.footer-black .copyright' ).html( newval ); } ); } ); // Footer Options > Alternative Footer Style wp.customize( 'hestia_alternative_footer_style', function( value ) { value.bind( function() { var footer = $( '.footer.footer-big' ); if ( footer.hasClass( 'footer-black' ) ) { footer.removeClass( 'footer-black' ); } else { footer.addClass( 'footer-black' ); } } ); } ); // Appearance Settings > Appearance Settings > General Settings > Sidebar Width wp.customize( 'hestia_sidebar_width', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { if ( $( 'body > .wrapper' ).width() > 991 ) { var layout = wp.customize._value.hestia_page_sidebar_layout(), hestia_content_width, content_width; if (layout !== 'full-width' && layout !== '') { hestia_content_width = 100 - newval; if (newval <= 3 || newval >= 80) { hestia_content_width = 100; newval = 100; } content_width = hestia_content_width - 8.33333333; $( '.content-sidebar-left, .content-sidebar-right, .page-content-wrap' ).css( 'width', hestia_content_width + '%' ); $( '.blog-sidebar-wrapper:not(.no-variable-width), .shop-sidebar.col-md-3' ).css( 'width', newval + '%' ); } // layout = wp.customize._value.hestia_blog_sidebar_layout(); layout = $( '.single-post-container' ).data('layout'); if( typeof layout === 'undefined' ){ layout = $( '.hestia-blogs' ).data('layout'); } if (layout !== 'full-width' && layout !== '') { hestia_content_width = 100 - newval; if (newval <= 3 || newval >= 80) { hestia_content_width = 100; newval = 100; if (layout === 'sidebar-left') { $( '.blog-posts-wrap, .archive-post-wrap, .single-post-container' ).removeClass( 'col-md-offset-1' ); } else { $( 'body:not(.page) .blog-sidebar-wrapper:not(.no-variable-width)' ).removeClass( 'col-md-offset-1' ); } } else { if (layout === 'sidebar-left') { $( '.blog-posts-wrap, .archive-post-wrap, .single-post-container' ).addClass( 'col-md-offset-1' ); } else { $( 'body:not(.page) .blog-sidebar-wrapper:not(.no-variable-width)' ).addClass( 'col-md-offset-1' ); } } content_width = hestia_content_width - 8.33333333; $( '.blog-posts-wrap, .archive-post-wrap, .single-post-container' ).css( 'width', content_width + '%' ); $( '.blog-sidebar-wrapper:not(.no-variable-width), .shop-sidebar-wrapper' ).css( 'width', newval + '%' ); } layout = typeof wp.customize._value.hestia_shop_sidebar_layout !== 'undefined' ? wp.customize._value.hestia_shop_sidebar_layout() : ''; if (layout !== 'full-width' && layout !== '') { hestia_content_width = 100 - newval; if (newval <= 3 || newval >= 80) { hestia_content_width = 100; newval = 100; } $( '.content-sidebar-left, .content-sidebar-right, .page-content-wrap' ).css( 'width', hestia_content_width + '%' ); $( '.blog-sidebar-wrapper:not(.no-variable-width), .shop-sidebar.col-md-3' ).css( 'width', newval + '%' ); } } } ); } ); // Frontpage Sections > Portfolio > Title wp.customize( 'hestia_portfolio_title', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.hestia-work .title' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Frontpage Sections > Portfolio > Subtitle wp.customize( 'hestia_portfolio_subtitle', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.hestia-work .description' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Frontpage Sections > Contact > Background wp.customize( 'hestia_contact_background', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.contactus' ).css( 'background-image', 'url(' + newval + ')' ); } ); } ); // Blog Settiungs > Authors Section > Background wp.customize( 'hestia_authors_on_blog_background', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var section = $( '#authors-on-blog.authors-on-blog' ); section.removeClass('section-image'); if( newval !== '' ){ section.addClass('section-image'); section.css( 'background', 'url(' + newval + ')' ); section.css( 'background-size', 'cover' ); section.css( 'background-position', 'center center' ); } else { section.removeAttr('style'); } } ); } ); // Colors > Accent Color wp.customize( 'accent_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.main section:not(.hestia-blogs) a:not(.btn):not(.blog-item-title-link):not(.shop-item-title-link):not(.moretag):not(.button), .navbar.navbar-color-on-scroll:not(.navbar-transparent) li.active a, .single-product a.woocommerce-review-link, .woocommerce-checkout .woocommerce-checkout-payment a, .woocommerce-account .blog-post a:not(.woocommerce-Button)' ).css( 'color', newval ); $( '.btn.btn-primary:not(.has-color), .card .header-primary, input#searchsubmit, .woocommerce nav.woocommerce-pagination ul li span.current, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale, .woocommerce span.onsale, article .section-text a, body:not(.woocommerce-cart) .woocommerce .button:not(.btn-just-icon), .woocommerce-cart .checkout-button.button, .hestia-work .portfolio-item:nth-child(6n+1) .label, .pagination span.current, div.wpforms-container .wpforms-form button[type=submit].wpforms-submit, .woocommerce-product-search button, .single-product input[type="submit"]' ).css( 'background-color', newval ); var accentColorVariation2 = convertHex( newval, 20 ); var accentColorVariation3 = convertHex( newval, 42 ); var accentColorVariation4 = convertHex( newval, 12 ); var accentColorVariation5 = convertHex( newval, 14 ); // Pricing icon $( '.home .hestia-pricing .card-pricing .content .hestia-pricing-icon-wrapper' ).css( 'color', newval) ; // Price filter widget $( 'div[id^=woocommerce_price_filter] .price_slider .ui-slider-range' ).css( 'background-color', newval) ; $( '.price_slider .ui-slider-handle' ).css( 'border-color', newval) ; // LINKS HOVER STYLE var style = ''; el = $( '.hover-styles' ); // look for a matching style element that might already be there if ( el.length ) { el.replaceWith( style ); // style element already exists, so replace it } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); // style element doesn't exist so add it } } ); } ); // Colors > Gradient Color wp.customize( 'hestia_header_gradient_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var gradientColor1 = convertHex( newval, 100 ); var gradientColor2 = generateGradientSecondColor( newval, 100 ); var style = ''; $( 'head' ).append( style ); } ); } ); // Colors > Secondary Color wp.customize( 'secondary_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.main .title, .main .title a, .card-title,.card-title a, .info-title, .info-title a, .footer-brand, .footer-brand a, .media .media-heading, .media .media-heading a, .hestia-info .info-title, .card-blog a.moretag, .card .author a, aside .widget h5, aside .widget a, .hestia-about:not(.section-image) h1, .hestia-about:not(.section-image) h2, .hestia-about:not(.section-image) h3, .hestia-about:not(.section-image) h4, .hestia-about:not(.section-image) h5' ).css( 'color', newval ); $( '.section-image .title, .section-image .card-plain .card-title, .card [class*="header-"] .card-title, .contactus .hestia-info .info-title, .hestia-work h4.card-title' ).css( 'color', '#fff' ); } ); } ); // Colors > Body Color wp.customize( 'body_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.description, .card-description, .footer-big, .hestia-features .hestia-info p, .text-gray, .card-description p, .hestia-about:not(.section-image) p, .hestia-about:not(.section-image) h6' ).css( 'color', newval ); $( '.contactus .description' ).css( 'color', '#fff' ); } ); } ); // Colors > Header/Slider Text Color wp.customize( 'header_text_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.page-header, .page-header .hestia-title, .page-header .sub-title' ).css( 'color', newval ); } ); } ); // Header options > Top Bar > Background color wp.customize( 'hestia_top_bar_background_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.hestia-top-bar' ).css( 'background-color', newval ); } ); } ); // Header options > Top Bar > Text color wp.customize( 'hestia_top_bar_text_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.hestia-top-bar' ).css( 'color', newval ); var headStyle = $('head style.top-bar-icons-color'); if ( headStyle.length > 0 ) { headStyle.html( '.hestia-top-bar div.widget.widget_shopping_cart:before, .hestia-top-bar .widget.widget_product_search form.form-group:before, .hestia-top-bar .widget.widget_search form.form-group:before{ background-color:' + newval + '}' ); } else { $('head').append(''); } } ); } ); // Header options > Top Bar > Link color wp.customize( 'hestia_top_bar_link_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.hestia-top-bar a' ).css( 'color', newval ); var headStyle = $('head style.top-bar-link-icons-color'); if ( headStyle.length > 0 ) { headStyle.html( '.hestia-top-bar ul li a[href*="mailto:"]:before, .hestia-top-bar ul li a[href*="tel:"]:before{ background-color:' + newval + '}' ); } else { $('head').append(''); } } ); } ); // Header options > Top Bar > Link color on hover wp.customize( 'hestia_top_bar_link_color_hover', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.hestia-top-bar a' ).hover( function(){ $( this ).css( 'color', newval ); }, function(){ var initial = wp.customize._value.hestia_top_bar_link_color(); $( this ).css( 'color', initial ); } ); var headStyle = $('head style.top-bar-link-icons-color-hover'); if ( headStyle.length > 0 ) { headStyle.html( '.hestia-top-bar ul li:hover a[href*="mailto:"]:before, .hestia-top-bar ul li:hover a[href*="tel:"]:before{ background-color:' + newval + '}' ); } else { $('head').append(''); } } ); } ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp && 'undefined' !== typeof wp.customize && 'undefined' !== typeof wp.customize.selectiveRefresh ) { wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.bind( 'partial-content-rendered', function( placement ) { initializeAllElements( $( placement.container ) ); } ); } wp.customize( 'header_video', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var linkedControl = wp.customize._value.external_header_video(); trigger_slider_selective( newval, linkedControl ); } ); } ); wp.customize( 'external_header_video', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var linkedControl = wp.customize._value.header_video(); trigger_slider_selective( newval, linkedControl ); } ); } ); /** * Documentation: http://vitaliykiyko.com/en/4077/fire-custom-js-code-wp-customizer-selective-refresh-made/ */ var reEnableParallaxFor = ['hestia_slider_content','hestia_slider_alignment']; reEnableParallaxFor.forEach(function (controlName) { wp.customize( controlName, function(value) { value.bind( function() { wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.bind('partial-content-rendered', function ( placement ) { if( typeof wp.customize._value.hestia_slider_type === 'function' ) { var sliderType = wp.customize._value.hestia_slider_type(); if (placement.partial.id === controlName && sliderType) { $.hestiaCustomizeLive.sliderHeightFix(); if (sliderType === 'parallax') { $.hestiaParallax.parallaxMove(); } else if ( typeof wp.customHeader !== 'undefined' ) { wp.customHeader.initialize(); } } } }); } ); } ); }); function trigger_slider_selective( newval, linkedControl ){ if ( newval || linkedControl ) { return; } var partial = wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.partial( 'hestia_slider_content' ); var refreshPromise = wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.requestPartial( partial ); if ( ! partial._pendingRefreshPromise ) { _.each( partial.placements(), function( placement ) { partial.preparePlacement( placement ); } ); refreshPromise.done( function( placements ) { _.each( placements, function( placement ) { partial.renderContent( placement ); } ); } ); refreshPromise.fail( function( data, placements ) { partial.fallback( data, placements ); } ); // Allow new request when this one finishes. partial._pendingRefreshPromise = refreshPromise; refreshPromise.always( function() { partial._pendingRefreshPromise = null; } ); } } function convertHex(hex,opacity){ hex = hex.replace( '#','' ); var r = parseInt( hex.substring( 0,2 ), 16 ); var g = parseInt( hex.substring( 2,4 ), 16 ); var b = parseInt( hex.substring( 4,6 ), 16 ); var result = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + opacity / 100 + ')'; return result; } function generateGradientSecondColor(hex, opacity){ hex = hex.replace( '#','' ); var r = parseInt( hex.substring( 0,2 ), 16 ); var g = parseInt( hex.substring( 2,4 ), 16 ); var b = parseInt( hex.substring( 4,6 ), 16 ); var x = r + 66; var y = g + 28; var z = b - 21; if ( x >= 255 ) { x = 255; } if ( y >= 255 ) { y = 255; } if ( z <= 0 ) { z = 0; } var result = 'rgba(' + x + ',' + y + ',' + z + ',' + opacity / 100 + ')'; return result; } } )( jQuery ); /** * This function builds two arrays of settings for each value from arraySizes. Those two arrays are parameters for * hestiaSetCss function. Those parameters are: * data: an object with desktop, tablet and mobile value * settings: an object with class of the style tag and the selectors on witch the style will be applied * * * @param arraySizes * An object with multiple sizes. Foreach size you have to specify: * selectors on which to apply sizes * list of values on mobile, tablet and desktop * * @param settings * An object with the following components: * cssProperty: what css property is changed (ex: font-size, width etc. ) * propertyUnit: unit (ex: px, em etc.) * styleClass: the class of the temporary style tag that is added while changing the control. * * @param to * Current value of the control */ function hestiaGetCss( arraySizes, settings, to ) { 'use strict'; var data, desktopVal, tabletVal, mobileVal, className = settings.styleClass, i = 1; var val = JSON.parse( to ); if ( typeof( val ) === 'object' && val !== null ) { if ('desktop' in val) { desktopVal = val.desktop; } if ('tablet' in val) { tabletVal = val.tablet; } if ('mobile' in val) { mobileVal = val.mobile; } } for ( var key in arraySizes ) { // skip loop if the property is from prototype if ( ! arraySizes.hasOwnProperty( key )) { continue; } var obj = arraySizes[key]; var limit = 0; var correlation = [1,1,1]; if ( typeof( val ) === 'object' && val !== null ) { if( typeof obj.limit !== 'undefined'){ limit = obj.limit; } if( typeof obj.correlation !== 'undefined'){ correlation = obj.correlation; } data = { desktop: ( parseInt(parseFloat( desktopVal ) / correlation[0]) + obj.values[0]) > limit ? ( parseInt(parseFloat( desktopVal ) / correlation[0]) + obj.values[0] ) : limit, tablet: ( parseInt(parseFloat( tabletVal ) / correlation[1]) + obj.values[1] ) > limit ? ( parseInt(parseFloat( tabletVal ) / correlation[1]) + obj.values[1] ) : limit, mobile: ( parseInt(parseFloat( mobileVal ) / correlation[2]) + obj.values[2] ) > limit ? ( parseInt(parseFloat( mobileVal ) / correlation[2]) + obj.values[2] ) : limit }; } else { if( typeof obj.limit !== 'undefined'){ limit = obj.limit; } if( typeof obj.correlation !== 'undefined'){ correlation = obj.correlation; } data =( parseInt( parseFloat( to ) / correlation[0] ) ) + obj.values[0] > limit ? ( parseInt( parseFloat( to ) / correlation[0] ) ) + obj.values[0] : limit; } settings.styleClass = className + '-' + i; settings.selectors = obj.selectors; hestiaSetCss( settings, data ); i++; } } /** * Add media query on settings from setStyle function. * * @param settings * An object with the following components: * styleClass class that will be on style tag * selectors specified selectors * * @param to * Current value of the control */ function hestiaSetCss( settings, to ){ 'use strict'; var result = ''; var styleClass = jQuery( '.' + settings.styleClass ); if ( to !== null && typeof to === 'object' ) { jQuery.each( to, function ( key, value ) { var style_to_add; if ( settings.selectors === '.container' ) { style_to_add = settings.selectors + '{ ' + settings.cssProperty + ':' + value + settings.propertyUnit + '; max-width: 100%; }'; } else { style_to_add = settings.selectors + '{ ' + settings.cssProperty + ':' + value + settings.propertyUnit + '}'; } switch ( key ) { case 'desktop': result += style_to_add; break; case 'tablet': result += '@media (max-width: 767px){' + style_to_add + '}'; break; case 'mobile': result += '@media (max-width: 480px){' + style_to_add + '}'; break; } } ); if ( styleClass.length > 0 ) { styleClass.text( result ); } else { jQuery( 'head' ).append( '' ); } } else { jQuery( settings.selectors ).css( settings.cssProperty, to + 'px' ); } }