0 ) { $themeisle_sdk_max_version = $themeisle_sdk_version; $themeisle_sdk_max_path = $themeisle_sdk_path; } // load the latest sdk version from the active Themeisle products. if ( ! function_exists( 'themeisle_sdk_load_licenser_if_present' ) ) : /** * Always load the licenser, if present. * * @param array $to_load Previously files to load. */ function themeisle_sdk_load_licenser_if_present( $to_load ) { global $themeisle_sdk_abs_licenser_path; $to_load[] = $themeisle_sdk_abs_licenser_path; return $to_load; } endif; // load the latest sdk version from the active Themeisle products. if ( ! function_exists( 'themeisle_sdk_load_latest' ) ) : /** * Always load the latest sdk version. */ function themeisle_sdk_load_latest() { /** * Don't load the library if we are on < 5.4. */ if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.4.32', '<' ) ) { return; } global $themeisle_sdk_max_path; require_once $themeisle_sdk_max_path . '/start.php'; } endif; add_action( 'init', 'themeisle_sdk_load_latest' );