startApp(); } return Yii::$app; } /** * @param bool $closeSession */ public function resetApplication($closeSession = true) { codecept_debug('Destroying application'); if (true === $closeSession) { $this->closeSession(); } Yii::$app = null; \yii\web\UploadedFile::reset(); if (method_exists(\yii\base\Event::className(), 'offAll')) { \yii\base\Event::offAll(); } Yii::setLogger(null); // This resolves an issue with database connections not closing properly. gc_collect_cycles(); } /** * Finds and logs in a user * @internal * @param $user * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function findAndLoginUser($user) { $app = $this->getApplication(); if (!$app->has('user')) { throw new ConfigurationException('The user component is not configured'); } if ($user instanceof \yii\web\IdentityInterface) { $identity = $user; } else { // class name implementing IdentityInterface $identityClass = $app->user->identityClass; $identity = call_user_func([$identityClass, 'findIdentity'], $user); if (!isset($identity)) { throw new \RuntimeException('User not found'); } } $app->user->login($identity); } /** * Masks a value * @internal * @param string $val * @return string * @see \yii\base\Security::maskToken */ public function maskToken($val) { return $this->getApplication()->security->maskToken($val); } /** * @internal * @param string $name The name of the cookie * @param string $value The value of the cookie * @return string The value to send to the browser */ public function hashCookieData($name, $value) { $app = $this->getApplication(); if (!$app->request->enableCookieValidation) { return $value; } return $app->security->hashData(serialize([$name, $value]), $app->request->cookieValidationKey); } /** * @internal * @return array List of regex patterns for recognized domain names */ public function getInternalDomains() { /** @var \yii\web\UrlManager $urlManager */ $urlManager = $this->getApplication()->urlManager; $domains = [$this->getDomainRegex($urlManager->hostInfo)]; if ($urlManager->enablePrettyUrl) { foreach ($urlManager->rules as $rule) { /** @var \yii\web\UrlRule $rule */ if (isset($rule->host)) { $domains[] = $this->getDomainRegex($rule->host); } } } return array_unique($domains); } /** * @internal * @return array List of sent emails */ public function getEmails() { return $this->emails; } /** * Deletes all stored emails. * @internal */ public function clearEmails() { $this->emails = []; } /** * @internal */ public function getComponent($name) { $app = $this->getApplication(); if (!$app->has($name)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Component $name is not available in current application"); } return $app->get($name); } /** * Getting domain regex from rule host template * * @param string $template * @return string */ private function getDomainRegex($template) { if (preg_match('#https?://(.*)#', $template, $matches)) { $template = $matches[1]; } $parameters = []; if (strpos($template, '<') !== false) { $template = preg_replace_callback( '/<(?:\w+):?([^>]+)?>/u', function ($matches) use (&$parameters) { $key = '__' . count($parameters) . '__'; $parameters[$key] = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '\w+'; return $key; }, $template ); } $template = preg_quote($template); $template = strtr($template, $parameters); return '/^' . $template . '$/u'; } /** * Gets the name of the CSRF param. * @internal * @return string */ public function getCsrfParamName() { return $this->getApplication()->request->csrfParam; } /** * @internal * @param $params * @return mixed */ public function createUrl($params) { return is_array($params) ?$this->getApplication()->getUrlManager()->createUrl($params) : $params; } public function startApp() { codecept_debug('Starting application'); $config = require($this->configFile); if (!isset($config['class'])) { if (null !== $this->applicationClass) { $config['class'] = $this->applicationClass; } else { $config['class'] = 'yii\web\Application'; } } if (isset($config['container'])) { Yii::configure(Yii::$container, $config['container']); unset($config['container']); } $config = $this->mockMailer($config); /** @var \yii\base\Application $app */ Yii::$app = Yii::createObject($config); Yii::setLogger(new Logger()); } /** * * @param \Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Request $request * * @return \Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Response */ public function doRequest($request) { $_COOKIE = $request->getCookies(); $_SERVER = $request->getServer(); $_FILES = $this->remapFiles($request->getFiles()); $_REQUEST = $this->remapRequestParameters($request->getParameters()); $_POST = $_GET = []; if (strtoupper($request->getMethod()) === 'GET') { $_GET = $_REQUEST; } else { $_POST = $_REQUEST; } $uri = $request->getUri(); $pathString = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH); $queryString = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_QUERY); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $queryString === null ? $pathString : $pathString . '?' . $queryString; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = strtoupper($request->getMethod()); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = (string)$queryString; parse_str($queryString, $params); foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $_GET[$k] = $v; } ob_start(); $this->beforeRequest(); $app = $this->getApplication(); // disabling logging. Logs are slowing test execution down foreach ($app->log->targets as $target) { $target->enabled = false; } $yiiRequest = $app->getRequest(); if ($request->getContent() !== null) { $yiiRequest->setRawBody($request->getContent()); $yiiRequest->setBodyParams(null); } else { $yiiRequest->setRawBody(null); $yiiRequest->setBodyParams($_POST); } $yiiRequest->setQueryParams($_GET); try { /* * This is basically equivalent to $app->run() without sending the response. * Sending the response is problematic because it tries to send headers. */ $app->trigger($app::EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST); $response = $app->handleRequest($yiiRequest); $app->trigger($app::EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST); $response->send(); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof HttpException) { // Don't discard output and pass exception handling to Yii to be able // to expect error response codes in tests. $app->errorHandler->discardExistingOutput = false; $app->errorHandler->handleException($e); } elseif (!$e instanceof ExitException) { // for exceptions not related to Http, we pass them to Codeception throw $e; } $response = $app->response; } $this->encodeCookies($response, $yiiRequest, $app->security); if ($response->isRedirection) { Debug::debug("[Redirect with headers]" . print_r($response->getHeaders()->toArray(), true)); } $content = ob_get_clean(); if (empty($content) && !empty($response->content) && !isset($response->stream)) { throw new \Exception('No content was sent from Yii application'); } return new Response($content, $response->statusCode, $response->getHeaders()->toArray()); } protected function revertErrorHandler() { $handler = new ErrorHandler(); set_error_handler([$handler, 'errorHandler']); } /** * Encodes the cookies and adds them to the headers. * @param \yii\web\Response $response * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException */ protected function encodeCookies( YiiResponse $response, Request $request, Security $security ) { if ($request->enableCookieValidation) { $validationKey = $request->cookieValidationKey; } foreach ($response->getCookies() as $cookie) { /** @var \yii\web\Cookie $cookie */ $value = $cookie->value; if ($cookie->expire != 1 && isset($validationKey)) { $data = version_compare(Yii::getVersion(), '2.0.2', '>') ? [$cookie->name, $cookie->value] : $cookie->value; $value = $security->hashData(serialize($data), $validationKey); } $c = new Cookie( $cookie->name, $value, $cookie->expire, $cookie->path, $cookie->domain, $cookie->secure, $cookie->httpOnly ); $this->getCookieJar()->set($c); } } /** * Replace mailer with in memory mailer * @param array $config Original configuration * @return array New configuration */ protected function mockMailer(array $config) { // options that make sense for mailer mock $allowedOptions = [ 'htmlLayout', 'textLayout', 'messageConfig', 'messageClass', 'useFileTransport', 'fileTransportPath', 'fileTransportCallback', 'view', 'viewPath', ]; $mailerConfig = [ 'class' => TestMailer::class, 'callback' => function (MessageInterface $message) { $this->emails[] = $message; } ]; if (isset($config['components']['mailer']) && is_array($config['components']['mailer'])) { foreach ($config['components']['mailer'] as $name => $value) { if (in_array($name, $allowedOptions, true)) { $mailerConfig[$name] = $value; } } } $config['components']['mailer'] = $mailerConfig; return $config; } public function restart() { parent::restart(); $this->resetApplication(); } /** * Return an assoc array with the client context: cookieJar, history. * * @return array */ public function getContext() { return [ 'cookieJar' => $this->cookieJar, 'history' => $this->history, ]; } /** * Reset the client context: empty cookieJar and history. */ public function removeContext() { parent::restart(); } /** * Set the context, see getContext(). * * @param array $context */ public function setContext(array $context) { $this->cookieJar = $context['cookieJar']; $this->history = $context['history']; } /** * This functions closes the session of the application, if the application exists and has a session. * @internal */ public function closeSession() { if (isset(\Yii::$app) && \Yii::$app->has('session', true)) { \Yii::$app->session->close(); } } /** * Resets the applications' response object. * The method used depends on the module configuration. */ protected function resetResponse(Application $app) { $method = $this->responseCleanMethod; // First check the current response object. if (($app->response->hasEventHandlers(\yii\web\Response::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND) || $app->response->hasEventHandlers(\yii\web\Response::EVENT_AFTER_SEND) || $app->response->hasEventHandlers(\yii\web\Response::EVENT_AFTER_PREPARE) || count($app->response->getBehaviors()) > 0 ) && $method === self::CLEAN_RECREATE ) { Debug::debug(<<
set('response', $app->getComponents()['response']); break; case self::CLEAN_CLEAR: $app->response->clear(); break; case self::CLEAN_MANUAL: break; } } protected function resetRequest(Application $app) { $method = $this->requestCleanMethod; $request = $app->request; // First check the current request object. if (count($request->getBehaviors()) > 0 && $method === self::CLEAN_RECREATE) { Debug::debug(<<
set('request', $app->getComponents()['request']); break; case self::CLEAN_CLEAR: $request->getHeaders()->removeAll(); $request->setBaseUrl(null); $request->setHostInfo(null); $request->setPathInfo(null); $request->setScriptFile(null); $request->setScriptUrl(null); $request->setUrl(null); $request->setPort(null); $request->setSecurePort(null); $request->setAcceptableContentTypes(null); $request->setAcceptableLanguages(null); break; case self::CLEAN_MANUAL: break; } } /** * Called before each request, preparation happens here. */ protected function beforeRequest() { if ($this->recreateApplication) { $this->resetApplication($this->closeSessionOnRecreateApplication); return; } $application = $this->getApplication(); $this->resetResponse($application); $this->resetRequest($application); $definitions = $application->getComponents(true); foreach ($this->recreateComponents as $component) { // Only recreate if it has actually been instantiated. if ($application->has($component, true)) { $application->set($component, $definitions[$component]); } } } }