. /** * The library file for the file cache store. * * This file is part of the file cache store, it contains the API for interacting with an instance of the store. * This is used as a default cache store within the Cache API. It should never be deleted. * * @package cachestore_file * @category cache * @copyright 2012 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $string['autocreate'] = 'Auto create directory'; $string['autocreate_help'] = 'If enabled the directory specified in path will be automatically created if it does not already exist.'; $string['path'] = 'Cache path'; $string['path_help'] = 'The directory that should be used to store files for this cache store. If left blank (default) a directory will be automatically created in the moodledata directory. This can be used to point a file store towards a directory on a better performing drive (such as one in memory).'; $string['pluginname'] = 'File cache'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The File cache cachestore plugin stores data briefly as part of its caching functionality but this data is regularly cleared.'; $string['prescan'] = 'Prescan directory'; $string['prescan_help'] = 'If enabled the directory is scanned when the cache is first used and requests for files are first checked against the scan data. This can help if you have a slow file system and are finding that file operations are causing you a bottle neck.'; $string['singledirectory'] = 'Single directory store'; $string['singledirectory_help'] = 'If enabled files (cached items) will be stored in a single directory rather than being broken up into multiple directories. Enabling this will speed up file interactions but comes at the cost of increased risk of hitting file system limitations. It is advisable to only turn this on if the following is true: * If you know the number of items in the cache is going to be small enough that it won\'t cause issues on the file system you are running with. * The data being cached is not expensive to generate. If it is then sticking with the default may still be the better option as it reduces the chance of issues.'; /** * This is is like the file store, but designed for siutations where: * - many more things are likely to be stored in the cache, so CRC hashing is * too likely to give collisions, and storing everything in a completely flat * directory structure is inadvisable. * - the things we are caching are more expensive to calculate, so the extra * time to computer a better hash is a worthwhile trade-off. */