= 'a' && $ch <= 'z' || $ch >= 'A' && $ch <= 'Z' || $ch >= '0' && $ch <= '9' || $ch == '-' || $ch == '+')) { if($ch == '=' && $len - $i <= 2) { continue; } return false; } } return true; break; case RFC2445_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if(is_bool($value)) { return true; } if(is_string($value)) { $value = strtoupper($value); return ($value == 'TRUE' || $value == 'FALSE'); } return false; break; case RFC2445_TYPE_DATE: if(is_int($value)) { if($value < 0) { return false; } $value = "$value"; } else if(!is_string($value)) { return false; } if(strlen($value) != 8) { return false; } $y = intval(substr($value, 0, 4)); $m = intval(substr($value, 4, 2)); $d = intval(substr($value, 6, 2)); return checkdate($m, $d, $y); break; case RFC2445_TYPE_DATE_TIME: if(!is_string($value) || strlen($value) < 15) { return false; } return($value{8} == 'T' && rfc2445_is_valid_value(substr($value, 0, 8), RFC2445_TYPE_DATE) && rfc2445_is_valid_value(substr($value, 9), RFC2445_TYPE_TIME)); break; case RFC2445_TYPE_DURATION: if(!is_string($value)) { return false; } $len = strlen($value); if($len < 3) { // Minimum conformant length: "P1W" return false; } if($value{0} == '+' || $value{0} == '-') { $value = substr($value, 1); --$len; // Don't forget to update this! } if($value{0} != 'P') { return false; } // OK, now break it up $num = ''; $allowed = 'WDT'; for($i = 1; $i < $len; ++$i) { $ch = $value{$i}; if($ch >= '0' && $ch <= '9') { $num .= $ch; continue; } if(strpos($allowed, $ch) === false) { // Non-numeric character which shouldn't be here return false; } if($num === '' && $ch != 'T') { // Allowed non-numeric character, but no digits came before it return false; } // OK, $ch now holds a character which tells us what $num is switch($ch) { case 'W': // If duration in weeks is specified, this must end the string return ($i == $len - 1); break; case 'D': // Days specified, now if anything comes after it must be a 'T' $allowed = 'T'; break; case 'T': // Starting to specify time, H M S are now valid delimiters $allowed = 'HMS'; break; case 'H': $allowed = 'M'; break; case 'M': $allowed = 'S'; break; case 'S': return ($i == $len - 1); break; } // If we 're going to continue, reset $num $num = ''; } // $num is kept for this reason: if we 're here, we ran out of chars // therefore $num must be empty for the period to be legal return ($num === '' && $ch != 'T'); break; case RFC2445_TYPE_FLOAT: if(is_float($value)) { return true; } if(!is_string($value) || $value === '') { return false; } $dot = false; $int = false; $len = strlen($value); for($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { switch($value{$i}) { case '-': case '+': // A sign can only be seen at position 0 and cannot be the only char if($i != 0 || $len == 1) { return false; } break; case '.': // A second dot is an error // Make sure we had at least one int before the dot if($dot || !$int) { return false; } $dot = true; // Make also sure that the float doesn't end with a dot if($i == $len - 1) { return false; } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': $int = true; break; default: // Any other char is a no-no return false; break; } } return true; break; case RFC2445_TYPE_INTEGER: if(is_int($value)) { return true; } if(!is_string($value) || $value === '') { return false; } if($value{0} == '+' || $value{0} == '-') { if(strlen($value) == 1) { return false; } $value = substr($value, 1); } if(strspn($value, '0123456789') != strlen($value)) { return false; } return ($value >= -2147483648 && $value <= 2147483647); break; case RFC2445_TYPE_PERIOD: if(!is_string($value) || empty($value)) { return false; } $parts = explode('/', $value); if(count($parts) != 2) { return false; } if(!rfc2445_is_valid_value($parts[0], RFC2445_TYPE_DATE_TIME)) { return false; } // Two legal cases for the second part: if(rfc2445_is_valid_value($parts[1], RFC2445_TYPE_DATE_TIME)) { // It has to be after the start time, so return ($parts[1] > $parts[0]); } else if(rfc2445_is_valid_value($parts[1], RFC2445_TYPE_DURATION)) { // The period MUST NOT be negative return ($parts[1]{0} != '-'); } // It seems to be illegal return false; break; case RFC2445_TYPE_RECUR: if(!is_string($value)) { return false; } $parts = explode(';', strtoupper($value)); // We need at least one part for a valid rule, for example: "FREQ=DAILY". if(empty($parts)) { return false; } // Let's get that into a more easily comprehensible format $vars = array(); foreach($parts as $part) { $pieces = explode('=', $part); // There must be exactly 2 pieces, e.g. FREQ=WEEKLY if(count($pieces) != 2) { return false; } // It's illegal for a variable to appear twice if(isset($vars[$pieces[0]])) { return false; } // Sounds good $vars[$pieces[0]] = $pieces[1]; } // OK... now to test everything else // FREQ must be the first thing appearing reset($vars); if(key($vars) != 'FREQ') { return false; } // It's illegal to have both UNTIL and COUNT appear if(isset($vars['UNTIL']) && isset($vars['COUNT'])) { return false; } // Special case: BYWEEKNO is only valid for FREQ=YEARLY if(isset($vars['BYWEEKNO']) && $vars['FREQ'] != 'YEARLY') { return false; } // Special case: BYSETPOS is only valid if another BY option is specified if(isset($vars['BYSETPOS'])) { $options = array('BYSECOND', 'BYMINUTE', 'BYHOUR', 'BYDAY', 'BYMONTHDAY', 'BYYEARDAY', 'BYWEEKNO', 'BYMONTH'); $defined = array_keys($vars); $common = array_intersect($options, $defined); if(empty($common)) { return false; } } // OK, now simply check if each element has a valid value, // unsetting them on the way. If at the end the array still // has some elements, they are illegal. if($vars['FREQ'] != 'SECONDLY' && $vars['FREQ'] != 'MINUTELY' && $vars['FREQ'] != 'HOURLY' && $vars['FREQ'] != 'DAILY' && $vars['FREQ'] != 'WEEKLY' && $vars['FREQ'] != 'MONTHLY' && $vars['FREQ'] != 'YEARLY') { return false; } unset($vars['FREQ']); // Set this, we may need it later $weekdays = explode(',', RFC2445_WEEKDAYS); if(isset($vars['UNTIL'])) { if(rfc2445_is_valid_value($vars['UNTIL'], RFC2445_TYPE_DATE_TIME)) { // The time MUST be in UTC format if(!(substr($vars['UNTIL'], -1) == 'Z')) { return false; } } else if(!rfc2445_is_valid_value($vars['UNTIL'], RFC2445_TYPE_DATE_TIME)) { return false; } } unset($vars['UNTIL']); if(isset($vars['COUNT'])) { if(empty($vars['COUNT'])) { // This also catches the string '0', which makes no sense return false; } if(strspn($vars['COUNT'], '0123456789') != strlen($vars['COUNT'])) { return false; } } unset($vars['COUNT']); if(isset($vars['INTERVAL'])) { if(empty($vars['INTERVAL'])) { // This also catches the string '0', which makes no sense return false; } if(strspn($vars['INTERVAL'], '0123456789') != strlen($vars['INTERVAL'])) { return false; } } unset($vars['INTERVAL']); if(isset($vars['BYSECOND'])) { if($vars['BYSECOND'] == '') { return false; } // Comma also allowed if(strspn($vars['BYSECOND'], '0123456789,') != strlen($vars['BYSECOND'])) { return false; } $secs = explode(',', $vars['BYSECOND']); foreach($secs as $sec) { if($sec == '' || $sec < 0 || $sec > 59) { return false; } } } unset($vars['BYSECOND']); if(isset($vars['BYMINUTE'])) { if($vars['BYMINUTE'] == '') { return false; } // Comma also allowed if(strspn($vars['BYMINUTE'], '0123456789,') != strlen($vars['BYMINUTE'])) { return false; } $mins = explode(',', $vars['BYMINUTE']); foreach($mins as $min) { if($min == '' || $min < 0 || $min > 59) { return false; } } } unset($vars['BYMINUTE']); if(isset($vars['BYHOUR'])) { if($vars['BYHOUR'] == '') { return false; } // Comma also allowed if(strspn($vars['BYHOUR'], '0123456789,') != strlen($vars['BYHOUR'])) { return false; } $hours = explode(',', $vars['BYHOUR']); foreach($hours as $hour) { if($hour == '' || $hour < 0 || $hour > 23) { return false; } } } unset($vars['BYHOUR']); if(isset($vars['BYDAY'])) { if(empty($vars['BYDAY'])) { return false; } // First off, split up all values we may have $days = explode(',', $vars['BYDAY']); foreach($days as $day) { $daypart = substr($day, -2); if(!in_array($daypart, $weekdays)) { return false; } if(strlen($day) > 2) { $intpart = substr($day, 0, strlen($day) - 2); if(!rfc2445_is_valid_value($intpart, RFC2445_TYPE_INTEGER)) { return false; } if(intval($intpart) == 0) { return false; } } } } unset($vars['BYDAY']); if(isset($vars['BYMONTHDAY'])) { if(empty($vars['BYMONTHDAY'])) { return false; } $mdays = explode(',', $vars['BYMONTHDAY']); foreach($mdays as $mday) { if(!rfc2445_is_valid_value($mday, RFC2445_TYPE_INTEGER)) { return false; } $mday = abs(intval($mday)); if($mday == 0 || $mday > 31) { return false; } } } unset($vars['BYMONTHDAY']); if(isset($vars['BYYEARDAY'])) { if(empty($vars['BYYEARDAY'])) { return false; } $ydays = explode(',', $vars['BYYEARDAY']); foreach($ydays as $yday) { if(!rfc2445_is_valid_value($yday, RFC2445_TYPE_INTEGER)) { return false; } $yday = abs(intval($yday)); if($yday == 0 || $yday > 366) { return false; } } } unset($vars['BYYEARDAY']); if(isset($vars['BYWEEKNO'])) { if(empty($vars['BYWEEKNO'])) { return false; } $weeknos = explode(',', $vars['BYWEEKNO']); foreach($weeknos as $weekno) { if(!rfc2445_is_valid_value($weekno, RFC2445_TYPE_INTEGER)) { return false; } $weekno = abs(intval($weekno)); if($weekno == 0 || $weekno > 53) { return false; } } } unset($vars['BYWEEKNO']); if(isset($vars['BYMONTH'])) { if(empty($vars['BYMONTH'])) { return false; } // Comma also allowed if(strspn($vars['BYMONTH'], '0123456789,') != strlen($vars['BYMONTH'])) { return false; } $months = explode(',', $vars['BYMONTH']); foreach($months as $month) { if($month == '' || $month < 1 || $month > 12) { return false; } } } unset($vars['BYMONTH']); if(isset($vars['BYSETPOS'])) { if(empty($vars['BYSETPOS'])) { return false; } $sets = explode(',', $vars['BYSETPOS']); foreach($sets as $set) { if(!rfc2445_is_valid_value($set, RFC2445_TYPE_INTEGER)) { return false; } $set = abs(intval($set)); if($set == 0 || $set > 366) { return false; } } } unset($vars['BYSETPOS']); if(isset($vars['WKST'])) { if(!in_array($vars['WKST'], $weekdays)) { return false; } } unset($vars['WKST']); // Any remaining vars must be x-names if(empty($vars)) { return true; } foreach($vars as $name => $var) { if(!rfc2445_is_xname($name)) { return false; } } // At last, all is OK! return true; break; case RFC2445_TYPE_TEXT: return true; break; case RFC2445_TYPE_TIME: if(is_int($value)) { if($value < 0) { return false; } $value = "$value"; } else if(!is_string($value)) { return false; } if(strlen($value) == 7) { if(strtoupper(substr($value, -1)) != 'Z') { return false; } $value = substr($value, 0, 6); } if(strlen($value) != 6) { return false; } $h = intval(substr($value, 0, 2)); $m = intval(substr($value, 2, 2)); $s = intval(substr($value, 4, 2)); return ($h <= 23 && $m <= 59 && $s <= 60); break; case RFC2445_TYPE_UTC_OFFSET: if(is_int($value)) { if($value >= 0) { $value = "+$value"; } else { $value = "$value"; } } else if(!is_string($value)) { return false; } $s = 0; if(strlen($value) == 7) { $s = intval(substr($value, 5, 2)); $value = substr($value, 0, 5); } if(strlen($value) != 5 || $value == "-0000") { return false; } if($value{0} != '+' && $value{0} != '-') { return false; } $h = intval(substr($value, 1, 2)); $m = intval(substr($value, 3, 2)); return ($h <= 23 && $m <= 59 && $s <= 59); break; } // TODO: remove this assertion trigger_error('bad code path', E_USER_WARNING); var_dump($type); return false; } function rfc2445_do_value_formatting($value, $type) { // Note: this does not only do formatting; it also does conversion to string! switch($type) { case RFC2445_TYPE_CAL_ADDRESS: case RFC2445_TYPE_URI: // Enclose in double quotes $value = '"'.$value.'"'; break; case RFC2445_TYPE_TEXT: // Escape entities $value = strtr($value, array("\r\n" => '\\n', "\n" => '\\n', '\\' => '\\\\', ',' => '\\,', ';' => '\\;')); break; } return $value; } function rfc2445_undo_value_formatting($value, $type) { switch($type) { case RFC2445_TYPE_CAL_ADDRESS: case RFC2445_TYPE_URI: // Trim beginning and end double quote $value = substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 2); break; case RFC2445_TYPE_TEXT: // Unescape entities $value = strtr($value, array('\\n' => "\n", '\\N' => "\n", '\\\\' => '\\', '\\,' => ',', '\\;' => ';')); break; } return $value; }