return $html;
* Returns an array of ids of peers of an item.
* @param int itemid - if given, restrict records to those with this parent id.
* @return array peer ids
public function get_items_peers($itemid) {
$itemref = $this->find_item($itemid);
$peerids = $itemref->parentlist->get_child_ids();
return $peerids;
* Returns an array of ids of child items.
* @return array peer ids
public function get_child_ids() {
$childids = array();
foreach ($this->items as $child) {
$childids[] = $child->id;
return $childids;
* Returns the value to be used as the parent for the $item when it goes to the top level.
* Override if needed.
* @param list_item $item The item which its top level parent is going to be returned.
* @return int
public function get_top_level_parent_id($item) {
return 0; // Top level items have no parent.
* Move a record up or down
* @param string $direction up / down
* @param integer $id
public function move_item_up_down($direction, $id) {
$peers = $this->get_items_peers($id);
$itemkey = array_search($id, $peers);
switch ($direction) {
case 'down' :
if (isset($peers[$itemkey+1])) {
$olditem = $peers[$itemkey+1];
$peers[$itemkey+1] = $id;
$peers[$itemkey] = $olditem;
} else {
case 'up' :
if (isset($peers[$itemkey-1])) {
$olditem = $peers[$itemkey-1];
$peers[$itemkey-1] = $id;
$peers[$itemkey] = $olditem;
} else {
public function reorder_peers($peers) {
global $DB;
foreach ($peers as $key => $peer) {
$DB->set_field($this->table, "sortorder", $key, array("id"=>$peer));
* Moves the item one step up in the tree.
* @param int $id an item index.
* @return list_item the item that used to be the parent of the item moved.
public function move_item_left($id) {
global $DB;
$item = $this->find_item($id);
if (!isset($item->parentlist->parentitem->parentlist)) {
} else {
$newpeers = $this->get_items_peers($item->parentlist->parentitem->id);
if (isset($item->parentlist->parentitem->parentlist->parentitem)) {
$newparent = $item->parentlist->parentitem->parentlist->parentitem->id;
} else {
$newparent = $this->get_top_level_parent_id($item);
$DB->set_field($this->table, "parent", $newparent, array("id"=>$item->id));
$oldparentkey = array_search($item->parentlist->parentitem->id, $newpeers);
$neworder = array_merge(array_slice($newpeers, 0, $oldparentkey+1), array($item->id), array_slice($newpeers, $oldparentkey+1));
return $item->parentlist->parentitem;
* Make item with id $id the child of the peer that is just above it in the sort order.
* @param integer $id
public function move_item_right($id) {
global $DB;
$peers = $this->get_items_peers($id);
$itemkey = array_search($id, $peers);
if (!isset($peers[$itemkey-1])) {
} else {
$DB->set_field($this->table, "parent", $peers[$itemkey-1], array("id"=>$peers[$itemkey]));
$newparent = $this->find_item($peers[$itemkey-1]);
if (isset($newparent->children)) {
$newpeers = $newparent->children->get_child_ids();
if ($newpeers) {
$newpeers[] = $peers[$itemkey];
* process any actions.
* @param integer $left id of item to move left
* @param integer $right id of item to move right
* @param integer $moveup id of item to move up
* @param integer $movedown id of item to move down
* @return unknown
public function process_actions($left, $right, $moveup, $movedown) {
//should this action be processed by this list object?
if (!(array_key_exists($left, $this->records) || array_key_exists($right, $this->records) || array_key_exists($moveup, $this->records) || array_key_exists($movedown, $this->records))) {
return false;
if (!empty($left)) {
$oldparentitem = $this->move_item_left($left);
if ($this->item_is_last_on_page($oldparentitem->id)) {
// Item has jumped onto the next page, change page when we redirect.
$this->page ++;
$this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
} else if (!empty($right)) {
if ($this->item_is_first_on_page($right)) {
// Item has jumped onto the previous page, change page when we redirect.
$this->page --;
$this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
} else if (!empty($moveup)) {
$this->move_item_up_down('up', $moveup);
if ($this->item_is_first_on_page($moveup)) {
// Item has jumped onto the previous page, change page when we redirect.
$this->page --;
$this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
} else if (!empty($movedown)) {
$this->move_item_up_down('down', $movedown);
if ($this->item_is_last_on_page($movedown)) {
// Item has jumped onto the next page, change page when we redirect.
$this->page ++;
$this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
} else {
return false;
* @param integer $itemid an item id.
* @return boolean Is the item with the given id the first top-level item on
* the current page?
public function item_is_first_on_page($itemid) {
return $this->page && isset($this->items[$this->firstitem]) &&
$itemid == $this->items[$this->firstitem]->id;
* @param integer $itemid an item id.
* @return boolean Is the item with the given id the last top-level item on
* the current page?
public function item_is_last_on_page($itemid) {
return $this->page && isset($this->items[$this->lastitem]) &&
$itemid == $this->items[$this->lastitem]->id;
* @package moodlecore
* @copyright Jamie Pratt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class list_item {
/** @var integer id of record, used if list is editable. */
public $id;
/** @var string name of this item, used if list is editable. */
public $name;
/** @var mixed The object or string representing this item. */
public $item;
public $fieldnamesname = 'name';
public $attributes;
public $display;
public $icons = array();
/** @var moodle_list */
public $parentlist;
/** @var moodle_list Set if there are any children of this listitem. */
public $children;
* Constructor
* @param mixed $item fragment of html for list item or record
* @param object $parent reference to parent of this item
* @param string $attributes attributes for li tag
* @param boolean $display whether this item is displayed. Some items may be loaded so we have a complete
* structure in memory to work with for actions but are not displayed.
* @return list_item
public function __construct($item, $parent, $attributes = '', $display = true) {
$this->item = $item;
if (is_object($this->item)) {
$this->id = $this->item->id;
$this->name = $this->item->{$this->fieldnamesname};
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$parentlistclass = get_class($parent);
$this->children = new $parentlistclass($parent->type, $parent->attributes, $parent->editable, $parent->pageurl, 0);
$this->display = $display;
* Output the html just for this item. Called by to_html which adds html for children.
public function item_html($extraargs = array()) {
if (is_string($this->item)) {
$html = $this->item;
} elseif (is_object($this->item)) {
//for debug purposes only. You should create a sub class to
//properly handle the record
$html = join(', ', (array)$this->item);
return $html;
* Returns html
* @param integer $indent
* @param array $extraargs any extra data that is needed to print the list item
* may be used by sub class.
* @return string html
public function to_html($indent = 0, $extraargs = array()) {
if (!$this->display) {
return '';
$tabs = str_repeat("\t", $indent);
if (isset($this->children)) {
$childrenhtml = $this->children->to_html($indent+1, $extraargs);
} else {
$childrenhtml = '';
return $this->item_html($extraargs).' '.(join($this->icons, '')).(($childrenhtml !='')?("\n".$childrenhtml):'');
public function set_icon_html($first, $last, $lastitem) {
global $CFG;
$strmoveup = get_string('moveup');
$strmovedown = get_string('movedown');
$strmoveleft = get_string('maketoplevelitem', 'question');
if (right_to_left()) { // Exchange arrows on RTL
$rightarrow = 'left';
$leftarrow = 'right';
} else {
$rightarrow = 'right';
$leftarrow = 'left';
if (isset($this->parentlist->parentitem)) {
$parentitem = $this->parentlist->parentitem;
if (isset($parentitem->parentlist->parentitem)) {
$action = get_string('makechildof', 'question', $parentitem->parentlist->parentitem->name);
} else {
$action = $strmoveleft;
$url = new moodle_url($this->parentlist->pageurl, (array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'left'=>$this->id)));
$this->icons['left'] = $this->image_icon($action, $url, $leftarrow);
} else {
$this->icons['left'] = $this->image_spacer();
if (!$first) {
$url = new moodle_url($this->parentlist->pageurl, (array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'moveup'=>$this->id)));
$this->icons['up'] = $this->image_icon($strmoveup, $url, 'up');
} else {
$this->icons['up'] = $this->image_spacer();
if (!$last) {
$url = new moodle_url($this->parentlist->pageurl, (array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'movedown'=>$this->id)));
$this->icons['down'] = $this->image_icon($strmovedown, $url, 'down');
} else {
$this->icons['down'] = $this->image_spacer();
if (!empty($lastitem)) {
$makechildof = get_string('makechildof', 'question', $lastitem->name);
$url = new moodle_url($this->parentlist->pageurl, (array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'right'=>$this->id)));
$this->icons['right'] = $this->image_icon($makechildof, $url, $rightarrow);
} else {
$this->icons['right'] = $this->image_spacer();
public function image_icon($action, $url, $icon) {
global $OUTPUT;
return '