// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Javascript to handle changing users via the user selector in the header. * * @module mod_assign/grading_navigation * @package mod_assign * @copyright 2016 Damyon Wiese
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 3.1 */ define(['jquery', 'core/notification', 'core/str', 'core/form-autocomplete', 'core/ajax', 'mod_assign/grading_form_change_checker'], function($, notification, str, autocomplete, ajax, checker) { /** * GradingNavigation class. * * @class GradingNavigation * @param {String} selector The selector for the page region containing the user navigation. */ var GradingNavigation = function(selector) { this._regionSelector = selector; this._region = $(selector); this._filters = []; this._users = []; this._filteredUsers = []; this._lastXofYUpdate = 0; this._firstLoadUsers = true; // Get the current user list from a webservice. this._loadAllUsers(); // We do not allow navigation while ajax requests are pending. // Attach listeners to the select and arrow buttons. this._region.find('[data-action="previous-user"]').on('click', this._handlePreviousUser.bind(this)); this._region.find('[data-action="next-user"]').on('click', this._handleNextUser.bind(this)); this._region.find('[data-action="change-user"]').on('change', this._handleChangeUser.bind(this)); this._region.find('[data-region="user-filters"]').on('click', this._toggleExpandFilters.bind(this)); $(document).on('user-changed', this._refreshSelector.bind(this)); $(document).on('done-saving-show-next', this._handleNextUser.bind(this)); // Position the configure filters panel under the link that expands it. var toggleLink = this._region.find('[data-region="user-filters"]'); var configPanel = $(document.getElementById(toggleLink.attr('aria-controls'))); configPanel.on('change', 'select', this._filterChanged.bind(this)); var userid = $('[data-region="grading-navigation-panel"]').data('first-userid'); if (userid) { this._selectUserById(userid); } str.get_string('changeuser', 'mod_assign').done(function(s) { autocomplete.enhance('[data-action=change-user]', false, 'mod_assign/participant_selector', s); } ).fail(notification.exception); $(document).bind("start-loading-user", function() { this._isLoading = true; }.bind(this)); $(document).bind("finish-loading-user", function() { this._isLoading = false; }.bind(this)); }; /** @type {Boolean} Boolean tracking active ajax requests. */ GradingNavigation.prototype._isLoading = false; /** @type {String} Selector for the page region containing the user navigation. */ GradingNavigation.prototype._regionSelector = null; /** @type {Array} The list of active filter keys */ GradingNavigation.prototype._filters = null; /** @type {Array} The list of users */ GradingNavigation.prototype._users = null; /** @type {JQuery} JQuery node for the page region containing the user navigation. */ GradingNavigation.prototype._region = null; /** @type {String} Last active filters */ GradingNavigation.prototype._lastFilters = ''; /** * Load the list of all users for this assignment. * * @private * @method _loadAllUsers * @return {Boolean} True if the user list was fetched. */ GradingNavigation.prototype._loadAllUsers = function() { var select = this._region.find('[data-action=change-user]'); var assignmentid = select.attr('data-assignmentid'); var groupid = select.attr('data-groupid'); var filterPanel = this._region.find('[data-region="configure-filters"]'); var filter = filterPanel.find('select[name="filter"]').val(); var workflowFilter = filterPanel.find('select[name="workflowfilter"]'); if (workflowFilter) { filter += ',' + workflowFilter.val(); } var markerFilter = filterPanel.find('select[name="markerfilter"]'); if (markerFilter) { filter += ',' + markerFilter.val(); } if (this._lastFilters == filter) { return false; } this._lastFilters = filter; ajax.call([{ methodname: 'mod_assign_list_participants', args: {assignid: assignmentid, groupid: groupid, filter: '', onlyids: true, tablesort: true}, done: this._usersLoaded.bind(this), fail: notification.exception }]); return true; }; /** * Call back to rebuild the user selector and x of y info when the user list is updated. * * @private * @method _usersLoaded * @param {Array} users */ GradingNavigation.prototype._usersLoaded = function(users) { this._firstLoadUsers = false; this._filteredUsers = this._users = users; if (this._users.length) { // Position the configure filters panel under the link that expands it. var toggleLink = this._region.find('[data-region="user-filters"]'); var configPanel = $(document.getElementById(toggleLink.attr('aria-controls'))); configPanel.find('select[name="filter"]').trigger('change'); } else { this._selectNoUser(); } this._triggerNextUserEvent(); }; /** * Close the configure filters panel if a click is detected outside of it. * * @private * @method _checkClickOutsideConfigureFilters * @param {Event} event */ GradingNavigation.prototype._checkClickOutsideConfigureFilters = function(event) { var configPanel = this._region.find('[data-region="configure-filters"]'); if (!configPanel.is(event.target) && configPanel.has(event.target).length === 0) { var toggleLink = this._region.find('[data-region="user-filters"]'); configPanel.hide(); configPanel.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); toggleLink.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); $(document).unbind('click.mod_assign_grading_navigation'); } }; /** * Close the configure filters panel if a click is detected outside of it. * * @private * @method _updateFilterPreference * @param {Number} userId The current user id. * @param {Array} filterList The list of current filter values. * @param {Array} preferenceNames The names of the preferences to update * @return {Promise} Resolved when all the preferences are updated. */ GradingNavigation.prototype._updateFilterPreferences = function(userId, filterList, preferenceNames) { var preferences = [], i = 0; if (filterList.length == 0 || this._firstLoadUsers) { // Nothing to update. var deferred = $.Deferred(); deferred.resolve(); return deferred; } // General filter. // Set the user preferences to the current filters. for (i = 0; i < filterList.length; i++) { var newValue = filterList[i]; if (newValue == 'none') { newValue = ''; } preferences.push({ userid: userId, name: preferenceNames[i], value: newValue }); } return ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_user_set_user_preferences', args: { preferences: preferences } }])[0]; }; /** * Turn a filter on or off. * * @private * @method _filterChanged * @param {Event} event */ GradingNavigation.prototype._filterChanged = function() { // There are 3 types of filter right now. var filterPanel = this._region.find('[data-region="configure-filters"]'); var filters = filterPanel.find('select'); this._filters = []; filters.each(function(idx, ele) { this._filters.push($(ele).val()); }.bind(this)); // Update the active filter string. var filterlist = []; filterPanel.find('option:checked').each(function(idx, ele) { filterlist[filterlist.length] = $(ele).text(); }); if (filterlist.length) { this._region.find('[data-region="user-filters"] span').text(filterlist.join(', ')); } else { str.get_string('nofilters', 'mod_assign').done(function(s) { this._region.find('[data-region="user-filters"] span').text(s); }.bind(this)).fail(notification.exception); } var select = this._region.find('[data-action=change-user]'); var currentUserID = select.data('currentuserid'); var preferenceNames = ['assign_filter', 'assign_workflowfilter', 'assign_markerfilter']; this._updateFilterPreferences(currentUserID, this._filters, preferenceNames).done(function() { // Reload the list of users to apply the new filters. if (!this._loadAllUsers()) { var userid = parseInt(select.attr('data-selected')); var foundIndex = 0; // Search the returned users for the current selection. $.each(this._filteredUsers, function(index, user) { if (userid == user.id) { foundIndex = index; } }); if (this._filteredUsers.length) { this._selectUserById(this._filteredUsers[foundIndex].id); } else { this._selectNoUser(); } } }.bind(this)).fail(notification.exception); this._refreshCount(); }; /** * Select no users, because no users match the filters. * * @private * @method _selectNoUser */ GradingNavigation.prototype._selectNoUser = function() { // Detect unsaved changes, and offer to save them - otherwise change user right now. if (this._isLoading) { return; } if (checker.checkFormForChanges('[data-region="grade-panel"] .gradeform')) { // Form has changes, so we need to confirm before switching users. str.get_strings([ {key: 'unsavedchanges', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'unsavedchangesquestion', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'saveandcontinue', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'core'}, ]).done(function(strs) { notification.confirm(strs[0], strs[1], strs[2], strs[3], function() { $(document).trigger('save-changes', -1); }); }); } else { $(document).trigger('user-changed', -1); } }; /** * Select the specified user by id. * * @private * @method _selectUserById * @param {Number} userid */ GradingNavigation.prototype._selectUserById = function(userid) { var select = this._region.find('[data-action=change-user]'); var useridnumber = parseInt(userid, 10); // Detect unsaved changes, and offer to save them - otherwise change user right now. if (this._isLoading) { return; } if (checker.checkFormForChanges('[data-region="grade-panel"] .gradeform')) { // Form has changes, so we need to confirm before switching users. str.get_strings([ {key: 'unsavedchanges', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'unsavedchangesquestion', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'saveandcontinue', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'core'}, ]).done(function(strs) { notification.confirm(strs[0], strs[1], strs[2], strs[3], function() { $(document).trigger('save-changes', useridnumber); }); }); } else { select.attr('data-selected', userid); if (!isNaN(useridnumber) && useridnumber > 0) { $(document).trigger('user-changed', userid); } } }; /** * Expand or collapse the filter config panel. * * @private * @method _toggleExpandFilters * @param {Event} event */ GradingNavigation.prototype._toggleExpandFilters = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var toggleLink = $(event.target).closest('[data-region="user-filters"]'); var expanded = toggleLink.attr('aria-expanded') == 'true'; var configPanel = $(document.getElementById(toggleLink.attr('aria-controls'))); if (expanded) { configPanel.hide(); configPanel.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); toggleLink.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); $(document).unbind('click.mod_assign_grading_navigation'); } else { configPanel.css('display', 'inline-block'); configPanel.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); toggleLink.attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); event.stopPropagation(); $(document).on('click.mod_assign_grading_navigation', this._checkClickOutsideConfigureFilters.bind(this)); } }; /** * Change to the previous user in the grading list. * * @private * @method _handlePreviousUser * @param {Event} e */ GradingNavigation.prototype._handlePreviousUser = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var select = this._region.find('[data-action=change-user]'); var currentUserId = select.attr('data-selected'); var i = 0; var currentIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < this._filteredUsers.length; i++) { if (this._filteredUsers[i].id == currentUserId) { currentIndex = i; break; } } var count = this._filteredUsers.length; var newIndex = (currentIndex - 1); if (newIndex < 0) { newIndex = count - 1; } if (count) { this._selectUserById(this._filteredUsers[newIndex].id); } }; /** * Change to the next user in the grading list. * * @param {Event} e * @param {Boolean} saved Has the form already been saved? Skips checking for changes if true. */ GradingNavigation.prototype._handleNextUser = function(e, saved) { e.preventDefault(); var select = this._region.find('[data-action=change-user]'); var currentUserId = select.attr('data-selected'); var i = 0; var currentIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < this._filteredUsers.length; i++) { if (this._filteredUsers[i].id == currentUserId) { currentIndex = i; break; } } var count = this._filteredUsers.length; var newIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % count; if (saved && count) { // If we've already saved the grade, skip checking if we've made any changes. var userid = this._filteredUsers[newIndex].id; var useridnumber = parseInt(userid, 10); select.attr('data-selected', userid); if (!isNaN(useridnumber) && useridnumber > 0) { $(document).trigger('user-changed', userid); } } else if (count) { this._selectUserById(this._filteredUsers[newIndex].id); } }; /** * Set count string. This method only sets the value for the last time it was ever called to deal * with promises that return in a non-predictable order. * * @private * @method _setCountString * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y */ GradingNavigation.prototype._setCountString = function(x, y) { var updateNumber = 0; this._lastXofYUpdate++; updateNumber = this._lastXofYUpdate; var param = {x: x, y: y}; str.get_string('xofy', 'mod_assign', param).done(function(s) { if (updateNumber == this._lastXofYUpdate) { this._region.find('[data-region="user-count-summary"]').text(s); } }.bind(this)).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Rebuild the x of y string. * * @private * @method _refreshCount */ GradingNavigation.prototype._refreshCount = function() { var select = this._region.find('[data-action=change-user]'); var userid = select.attr('data-selected'); var i = 0; var currentIndex = 0; if (isNaN(userid) || userid <= 0) { this._region.find('[data-region="user-count"]').hide(); } else { this._region.find('[data-region="user-count"]').show(); for (i = 0; i < this._filteredUsers.length; i++) { if (this._filteredUsers[i].id == userid) { currentIndex = i; break; } } var count = this._filteredUsers.length; if (count) { currentIndex += 1; } this._setCountString(currentIndex, count); // Update window URL if (currentIndex > 0) { var url = new URL(window.location); if (parseInt(url.searchParams.get('blindid')) > 0) { var newid = this._filteredUsers[currentIndex - 1].recordid; url.searchParams.set('blindid', newid); } else { url.searchParams.set('userid', userid); } // We do this so a browser refresh will return to the same user. window.history.replaceState({}, "", url); } } }; /** * Respond to a user-changed event by updating the selector. * * @private * @method _refreshSelector * @param {Event} event * @param {String} userid */ GradingNavigation.prototype._refreshSelector = function(event, userid) { var select = this._region.find('[data-action=change-user]'); userid = parseInt(userid, 10); if (!isNaN(userid) && userid > 0) { select.attr('data-selected', userid); } this._refreshCount(); }; /** * Trigger the next user event depending on the number of filtered users * * @private * @method _triggerNextUserEvent */ GradingNavigation.prototype._triggerNextUserEvent = function() { if (this._filteredUsers.length > 1) { $(document).trigger('next-user', {nextUserId: null, nextUser: true}); } else { $(document).trigger('next-user', {nextUser: false}); } }; /** * Change to a different user in the grading list. * * @private * @method _handleChangeUser * @param {Event} event */ GradingNavigation.prototype._handleChangeUser = function() { var select = this._region.find('[data-action=change-user]'); var userid = parseInt(select.val(), 10); if (this._isLoading) { return; } if (checker.checkFormForChanges('[data-region="grade-panel"] .gradeform')) { // Form has changes, so we need to confirm before switching users. str.get_strings([ {key: 'unsavedchanges', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'unsavedchangesquestion', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'saveandcontinue', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'core'}, ]).done(function(strs) { notification.confirm(strs[0], strs[1], strs[2], strs[3], function() { $(document).trigger('save-changes', userid); }); }); } else { if (!isNaN(userid) && userid > 0) { select.attr('data-selected', userid); $(document).trigger('user-changed', userid); } } }; return GradingNavigation; });