// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Javascript controller for the "Grading" panel at the right of the page. * * @module mod_assign/grading_panel * @package mod_assign * @class GradingPanel * @copyright 2016 Damyon Wiese
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 3.1 */ define(['jquery', 'core/yui', 'core/notification', 'core/templates', 'core/fragment', 'core/ajax', 'core/str', 'mod_assign/grading_form_change_checker', 'mod_assign/grading_events', 'core/event'], function($, Y, notification, templates, fragment, ajax, str, checker, GradingEvents, Event) { /** * GradingPanel class. * * @class GradingPanel * @param {String} selector The selector for the page region containing the user navigation. */ var GradingPanel = function(selector) { this._regionSelector = selector; this._region = $(selector); this._userCache = []; this.registerEventListeners(); }; /** @type {String} Selector for the page region containing the user navigation. */ GradingPanel.prototype._regionSelector = null; /** @type {Integer} Remember the last user id to prevent unnessecary reloads. */ GradingPanel.prototype._lastUserId = 0; /** @type {Integer} Remember the last attempt number to prevent unnessecary reloads. */ GradingPanel.prototype._lastAttemptNumber = -1; /** @type {JQuery} JQuery node for the page region containing the user navigation. */ GradingPanel.prototype._region = null; /** @type {Integer} The id of the next user in the grading list */ GradingPanel.prototype.nextUserId = null; /** @type {Boolean} Next user exists in the grading list */ GradingPanel.prototype.nextUser = false; /** * Fade the dom node out, update it, and fade it back. * * @private * @method _niceReplaceNodeContents * @param {JQuery} node * @param {String} html * @param {String} js * @return {Deferred} promise resolved when the animations are complete. */ GradingPanel.prototype._niceReplaceNodeContents = function(node, html, js) { var promise = $.Deferred(); node.fadeOut("fast", function() { templates.replaceNodeContents(node, html, js); node.fadeIn("fast", function() { promise.resolve(); }); }); return promise.promise(); }; /** * Make sure all form fields have the latest saved state. * @private * @method _saveFormState */ GradingPanel.prototype._saveFormState = function() { // Copy data from notify students checkbox which was moved out of the form. var checked = $('[data-region="grading-actions-form"] [name="sendstudentnotifications"]').prop("checked"); $('.gradeform [name="sendstudentnotifications"]').val(checked); }; /** * Make form submit via ajax. * * @private * @param {Object} event * @param {Integer} nextUserId * @param {Boolean} nextUser optional. Load next user in the grading list. * @method _submitForm */ GradingPanel.prototype._submitForm = function(event, nextUserId, nextUser) { // The form was submitted - send it via ajax instead. var form = $(this._region.find('form.gradeform')); $('[data-region="overlay"]').show(); // We call this, so other modules can update the form with the latest state. form.trigger('save-form-state'); // Tell all form fields we are about to submit the form. Event.notifyFormSubmitAjax(form[0]); // Now we get all the current values from the form. var data = form.serialize(); var assignmentid = this._region.attr('data-assignmentid'); // Now we can continue... ajax.call([{ methodname: 'mod_assign_submit_grading_form', args: {assignmentid: assignmentid, userid: this._lastUserId, jsonformdata: JSON.stringify(data)}, done: this._handleFormSubmissionResponse.bind(this, data, nextUserId, nextUser), fail: notification.exception }]); }; /** * Handle form submission response. * * @private * @method _handleFormSubmissionResponse * @param {Array} formdata - submitted values * @param {Integer} nextUserId - optional. The id of the user to load after the form is saved. * @param {Array} response List of errors. * @param {Boolean} nextUser - optional. If true, switch to next user in the grading list. */ GradingPanel.prototype._handleFormSubmissionResponse = function(formdata, nextUserId, nextUser, response) { if (typeof nextUserId === "undefined") { nextUserId = this._lastUserId; } if (response.length) { // There was an error saving the grade. Re-render the form using the submitted data so we can show // validation errors. $(document).trigger('reset', [this._lastUserId, formdata]); } else { str.get_strings([ {key: 'changessaved', component: 'core'}, {key: 'gradechangessaveddetail', component: 'mod_assign'}, ]).done(function(strs) { notification.alert(strs[0], strs[1]); }).fail(notification.exception); Y.use('moodle-core-formchangechecker', function() { M.core_formchangechecker.reset_form_dirty_state(); }); if (nextUserId == this._lastUserId) { $(document).trigger('reset', nextUserId); } else if (nextUser) { $(document).trigger('done-saving-show-next', true); } else { $(document).trigger('user-changed', nextUserId); } } $('[data-region="overlay"]').hide(); }; /** * Refresh form with default values. * * @private * @method _resetForm * @param {Event} e * @param {Integer} userid * @param {Array} formdata */ GradingPanel.prototype._resetForm = function(e, userid, formdata) { // The form was cancelled - refresh with default values. var event = $.Event("custom"); if (typeof userid == "undefined") { userid = this._lastUserId; } this._lastUserId = 0; this._refreshGradingPanel(event, userid, formdata); }; /** * Open a picker to choose an older attempt. * * @private * @param {Object} e * @method _chooseAttempt */ GradingPanel.prototype._chooseAttempt = function(e) { // Show a dialog. // The form is in the element pointed to by data-submissions. var link = $(e.target); var submissionsId = link.data('submissions'); var submissionsform = $(document.getElementById(submissionsId)); var formcopy = submissionsform.clone(); var formhtml = formcopy.wrap($('
')).html(); str.get_strings([ {key: 'viewadifferentattempt', component: 'mod_assign'}, {key: 'view', component: 'core'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'core'}, ]).done(function(strs) { notification.confirm(strs[0], formhtml, strs[1], strs[2], function() { var attemptnumber = $("input:radio[name='select-attemptnumber']:checked").val(); this._refreshGradingPanel(null, this._lastUserId, '', attemptnumber); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Add popout buttons * * @private * @method _addPopoutButtons * @param {JQuery} selector The region selector to add popout buttons to. */ GradingPanel.prototype._addPopoutButtons = function(selector) { var region = $(selector); templates.render('mod_assign/popout_button', {}).done(function(html) { var parents = region.find('[data-fieldtype="filemanager"],[data-fieldtype="editor"],[data-fieldtype="grading"]') .closest('.fitem'); parents.addClass('has-popout').find('label').parent().append(html); region.on('click', '[data-region="popout-button"]', this._togglePopout.bind(this)); }.bind(this)).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Make a div "popout" or "popback". * * @private * @method _togglePopout * @param {Event} event */ GradingPanel.prototype._togglePopout = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var container = $(event.target).closest('.fitem'); if (container.hasClass('popout')) { $('.popout').removeClass('popout'); } else { $('.popout').removeClass('popout'); container.addClass('popout'); container.addClass('moodle-has-zindex'); } }; /** * Get the user context - re-render the template in the page. * * @private * @method _refreshGradingPanel * @param {Event} event * @param {Number} userid * @param {String} submissiondata serialised submission data. * @param {Integer} attemptnumber */ GradingPanel.prototype._refreshGradingPanel = function(event, userid, submissiondata, attemptnumber) { var contextid = this._region.attr('data-contextid'); if (typeof submissiondata === 'undefined') { submissiondata = ''; } if (typeof attemptnumber === 'undefined') { attemptnumber = -1; } // Skip reloading if it is the same user. if (this._lastUserId == userid && this._lastAttemptNumber == attemptnumber && submissiondata === '') { return; } this._lastUserId = userid; this._lastAttemptNumber = attemptnumber; $(document).trigger('start-loading-user'); // Tell behat to back off too. window.M.util.js_pending('mod-assign-loading-user'); // First insert the loading template. templates.render('mod_assign/loading', {}).done(function(html, js) { // Update the page. this._niceReplaceNodeContents(this._region, html, js).done(function() { if (userid > 0) { this._region.show(); // Reload the grading form "fragment" for this user. var params = {userid: userid, attemptnumber: attemptnumber, jsonformdata: JSON.stringify(submissiondata)}; fragment.loadFragment('mod_assign', 'gradingpanel', contextid, params).done(function(html, js) { this._niceReplaceNodeContents(this._region, html, js) .done(function() { checker.saveFormState('[data-region="grade-panel"] .gradeform'); $(document).on('editor-content-restored', function() { // If the editor has some content that has been restored // then save the form state again for comparison. checker.saveFormState('[data-region="grade-panel"] .gradeform'); }); $('[data-region="attempt-chooser"]').on('click', this._chooseAttempt.bind(this)); this._addPopoutButtons('[data-region="grade-panel"] .gradeform'); $(document).trigger('finish-loading-user'); // Tell behat we are friends again. window.M.util.js_complete('mod-assign-loading-user'); }.bind(this)) .fail(notification.exception); }.bind(this)).fail(notification.exception); $('[data-region="review-panel"]').show(); } else { this._region.hide(); $('[data-region="review-panel"]').hide(); $(document).trigger('finish-loading-user'); // Tell behat we are friends again. window.M.util.js_complete('mod-assign-loading-user'); } }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Get next user data and store it in global variables * * @private * @method _getNextUser * @param {Event} event * @param {Object} data Next user's data */ GradingPanel.prototype._getNextUser = function(event, data) { this.nextUserId = data.nextUserId; this.nextUser = data.nextUser; }; /** * Handle the save-and-show-next event * * @private * @method _handleSaveAndShowNext */ GradingPanel.prototype._handleSaveAndShowNext = function() { this._submitForm(null, this.nextUserId, this.nextUser); }; /** * Get the grade panel element. * * @method getPanelElement * @return {jQuery} */ GradingPanel.prototype.getPanelElement = function() { return $('[data-region="grade-panel"]'); }; /** * Hide the grade panel. * * @method collapsePanel */ GradingPanel.prototype.collapsePanel = function() { this.getPanelElement().addClass('collapsed'); }; /** * Show the grade panel. * * @method expandPanel */ GradingPanel.prototype.expandPanel = function() { this.getPanelElement().removeClass('collapsed'); }; /** * Register event listeners for the grade panel. * * @method registerEventListeners */ GradingPanel.prototype.registerEventListeners = function() { var docElement = $(document); var region = $(this._region); // Add an event listener to prevent form submission when pressing enter key. region.on('submit', 'form', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); docElement.on('next-user', this._getNextUser.bind(this)); docElement.on('user-changed', this._refreshGradingPanel.bind(this)); docElement.on('save-changes', this._submitForm.bind(this)); docElement.on('save-and-show-next', this._handleSaveAndShowNext.bind(this)); docElement.on('reset', this._resetForm.bind(this)); docElement.on('save-form-state', this._saveFormState.bind(this)); docElement.on(GradingEvents.COLLAPSE_GRADE_PANEL, function() { this.collapsePanel(); }.bind(this)); // We should expand if the review panel is collapsed. docElement.on(GradingEvents.COLLAPSE_REVIEW_PANEL, function() { this.expandPanel(); }.bind(this)); docElement.on(GradingEvents.EXPAND_GRADE_PANEL, function() { this.expandPanel(); }.bind(this)); }; return GradingPanel; });