dirroot.'/mod/wiki/parser/'; } $type = strtolower($type); self::$parsers[$type] = null; // Reset the current parser because it may have other options. if(self::create_parser_instance($type)) { return self::$parsers[$type]->parse($string, $options); } else { return false; } } public static function get_token($name, $type) { if(self::create_parser_instance($type)) { return self::$parsers[$type]->get_token($name); } else { return false; } } public static function get_section(&$string, $type, $section, $all_content = false) { if(self::create_parser_instance($type)) { $content = self::$parsers[$type]->get_section($section, $string, true); if($all_content) { return $content; } else { return $content[1]; } } else { return false; } } private static function create_parser_instance($type) { if(empty(self::$parsers[$type])) { include_once(self::$basepath."markups/$type.php"); $class = strtolower($type)."_parser"; if(class_exists($class)) { self::$parsers[$type] = new $class; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } } require_once('utils.php'); abstract class generic_parser { protected $string; protected $blockrules = array(); protected $tagrules = array(); private $rulestack = array(); protected $parser_status = 'Before'; /** * Dynamic return values */ protected $returnvalues = array(); private $nowikiindex = array(); protected $nowikitoken = "%!"; public function __construct() {} /** * Parse function */ public function parse(&$string, $options = array()) { if(!is_string($string)) { return false; } $this->string =& $string; $this->set_options(is_array($options) ? $options : array()); $this->initialize_nowiki_index(); if(method_exists($this, 'before_parsing')) { $this->before_parsing(); } $this->parser_status = 'Parsing'; foreach($this->blockrules as $name => $block) { $this->process_block_rule($name, $block); } $this->commit_nowiki_index(); $this->parser_status = 'After'; if(method_exists($this, 'after_parsing')) { $this->after_parsing(); } return array('parsed_text' => $this->string) + $this->returnvalues; } /** * Initialize options */ protected function set_options($options) {} /** * Block processing function & callbacks */ protected function process_block_rule($name, $block) { $this->rulestack[] = array('callback' => method_exists($this, $name."_block_rule") ? $name."_block_rule" : null, 'rule' => $block); $this->string = preg_replace_callback($block['expression'], array($this, 'block_callback'), $this->string); array_pop($this->rulestack); } private function block_callback($match) { $rule = end($this->rulestack); if(!empty($rule['callback'])) { $stuff = $this->{$rule['callback']}($match); } else { $stuff = $match[1]; } if(is_array($stuff) && $rule['rule']['tag']) { $this->rules($stuff[0], $rule['rule']['tags']); $stuff = "\n".parser_utils::h($rule['rule']['tag'], $stuff[0], $stuff[1])."\n"; } else { if(!isset($rule['rule']['tags'])) { $rule['rule']['tags'] = null; } $this->rules($stuff, $rule['rule']['tags']); if(isset($rule['rule']['tag']) && is_string($rule['rule']['tag'])) { $stuff = "\n".parser_utils::h($rule['rule']['tag'], $stuff)."\n"; } } return $stuff; } /** * Rules processing function & callback */ protected final function rules(&$text, $rules = null) { if($rules === null) { $rules = array('except' => array()); } else if(is_array($rules) && count($rules) > 1) { $rules = array('only' => $rules); } if(isset($rules['only']) && is_array($rules['only'])) { $rules = $rules['only']; foreach($rules as $r) { if(!empty($this->tagrules[$r])) { $this->process_tag_rule($r, $this->tagrules[$r], $text); } } } else if(isset($rules['except']) && is_array($rules['except'])) { $rules = $rules['except']; foreach($this->tagrules as $r => $tr) { if(!in_array($r, $rules)) { $this->process_tag_rule($r, $tr, $text); } } } } private function process_tag_rule($name, $rule, &$text) { if(method_exists($this, $name."_tag_rule")) { $this->rulestack[] = array('callback' => $name."_tag_rule", 'rule' => $rule); $text = preg_replace_callback($rule['expression'], array($this, 'tag_callback'), $text); array_pop($this->rulestack); } else { if(isset($rule['simple'])) { $replace = "<{$rule['tag']} />"; } else { $replace = parser_utils::h($rule['tag'], "$1"); } $text = preg_replace($rule['expression'], $replace, $text); } } private function tag_callback($match) { $rule = end($this->rulestack); $stuff = $this->{$rule['callback']}($match); if(is_array($stuff)) { return parser_utils::h($rule['rule']['tag'], $stuff[0], $stuff[1]); } else { return $stuff; } } /** * Special nowiki parser index */ private function initialize_nowiki_index() { $token = "\Q".$this->nowikitoken."\E"; $this->string = preg_replace_callback("/".$token."\d+".$token."/", array($this, "initialize_nowiki_index_callback"), $this->string); } private function initialize_nowiki_index_callback($match) { return $this->protect($match[0]); } protected function protect($text) { $this->nowikiindex[] = $text; return $this->nowikitoken.(count($this->nowikiindex)-1).$this->nowikitoken; } private function commit_nowiki_index() { $token = "\Q".$this->nowikitoken."\E"; $this->string = preg_replace_callback("/".$token."(\d+)".$token."/", array($this, "commit_nowiki_index_callback"), $this->string); } private function commit_nowiki_index_callback($match) { return $this->nowikiindex[intval($match[1])]; } /** * Get token of the parsable element $name. */ public function get_token($name) { foreach(array_merge($this->blockrules, $this->tagrules) as $n => $v) { if($name == $n && isset($v['token'])) { return $v['token'] ? $v['token'] : false; } } return false; } }