length = mb_strlen($data, '8bit'); $resource = fopen('php://memory', 'rb+'); Assertion::isResource($resource, 'Unable to open memory'); $result = fwrite($resource, $data); Assertion::integer($result, 'Unable to write memory'); $result = rewind($resource); Assertion::true($result, 'Unable to read memory'); $this->data = $resource; } public function read(int $length): string { if (0 === $length) { return ''; } $read = fread($this->data, $length); Assertion::string($read, 'Unable to read memory'); $bytesRead = mb_strlen($read, '8bit'); Assertion::length($read, $length, sprintf('Out of range. Expected: %d, read: %d.', $length, $bytesRead), null, '8bit'); $this->totalRead += $bytesRead; return $read; } public function close(): void { $result = fclose($this->data); Assertion::true($result, 'Unable to close the memory'); } public function isEOF(): bool { return $this->totalRead === $this->length; } }