// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * This module handles the in page replying to forum posts. * * @module mod_forum/inpage_reply * @package mod_forum * @copyright 2019 Peter Dias * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define([ 'jquery', 'core/templates', 'core/notification', 'mod_forum/repository', 'mod_forum/selectors', ], function( $, Templates, Notification, Repository, Selectors ) { var DISPLAYCONSTANTS = { THREADED: 2, NESTED: 3, FLAT_OLDEST_FIRST: 1, FLAT_NEWEST_FIRST: -1 }; /** * Moodle formats taken from the FORMAT_* constants declared in lib/weblib.php. * @type {Object} */ var CONTENT_FORMATS = { MOODLE: 0 }; /** * Show the loading icon for the submit button. * * @param {Object} button The submit button element */ var showSubmitButtonLoadingIcon = function(button) { var textContainer = button.find(Selectors.post.inpageSubmitBtnText); var loadingIconContainer = button.find(Selectors.post.loadingIconContainer); var width = button.outerWidth(); // Fix the width so that the button size doesn't change when we show the loading icon. button.css('width', width); textContainer.addClass('hidden'); loadingIconContainer.removeClass('hidden'); }; /** * Hide the loading icon for the submit button. * * @param {Object} button The submit button element */ var hideSubmitButtonLoadingIcon = function(button) { var textContainer = button.find(Selectors.post.inpageSubmitBtnText); var loadingIconContainer = button.find(Selectors.post.loadingIconContainer); // Reset the width back to it's default. button.css('width', ''); textContainer.removeClass('hidden'); loadingIconContainer.addClass('hidden'); }; /** * Register the event listeners for the submit button of the in page reply. * * @param {Object} root The discussion container element. */ var registerEventListeners = function(root) { root.on('click', Selectors.post.inpageSubmitBtn, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var submitButton = $(e.currentTarget); var allButtons = submitButton.parent().find(Selectors.post.inpageReplyButton); var form = submitButton.parents(Selectors.post.inpageReplyForm).get(0); var message = form.elements.post.value.trim(); // For now, we consider the inline reply post written using the FORMAT_MOODLE (because a textarea is displayed). // In the future, other formats should be supported, letting users to use their preferred editor and format. var messageformat = CONTENT_FORMATS.MOODLE; // The message post will be converted from messageformat to FORMAT_HTML. var topreferredformat = true; var postid = form.elements.reply.value; var subject = form.elements.subject.value; var currentRoot = submitButton.parents(Selectors.post.forumContent); var isprivatereply = form.elements.privatereply != undefined ? form.elements.privatereply.checked : false; var mode = parseInt(root.find(Selectors.post.modeSelect).get(0).value); var newid; if (message.length) { showSubmitButtonLoadingIcon(submitButton); allButtons.prop('disabled', true); Repository.addDiscussionPost(postid, subject, message, messageformat, isprivatereply, topreferredformat) .then(function(context) { var message = context.messages.reduce(function(carry, message) { if (message.type == 'success') { carry += '
' + message.message + '
'; } return carry; }, ''); Notification.addNotification({ message: message, type: "success" }); return context; }) .then(function(context) { form.reset(); var post = context.post; newid = post.id; switch (mode) { case DISPLAYCONSTANTS.THREADED: return Templates.render('mod_forum/forum_discussion_threaded_post', post); case DISPLAYCONSTANTS.NESTED: return Templates.render('mod_forum/forum_discussion_nested_post', post); default: return Templates.render('mod_forum/forum_discussion_post', post); } }) .then(function(html, js) { var repliesnode; // Try and get the replies-container which can either be a sibling OR parent if it's flat if (mode == DISPLAYCONSTANTS.FLAT_OLDEST_FIRST || mode == DISPLAYCONSTANTS.FLAT_NEWEST_FIRST) { repliesnode = currentRoot.parents(Selectors.post.repliesContainer).children().get(0); } if (repliesnode == undefined) { repliesnode = currentRoot.siblings(Selectors.post.repliesContainer).children().get(0); } if (mode == DISPLAYCONSTANTS.FLAT_NEWEST_FIRST) { return Templates.prependNodeContents(repliesnode, html, js); } else { return Templates.appendNodeContents(repliesnode, html, js); } }) .then(function() { hideSubmitButtonLoadingIcon(submitButton); allButtons.prop('disabled', false); return currentRoot.find(Selectors.post.inpageReplyContent).hide(); }) .then(function() { location.href = "#p" + newid; return; }) .catch(function(error) { hideSubmitButtonLoadingIcon(submitButton); allButtons.prop('disabled', false); return Notification.exception(error); }); } }); }; return { init: function(root) { registerEventListeners(root); }, CONTENT_FORMATS: CONTENT_FORMATS }; });