<?php namespace Defuse\Crypto; use Defuse\Crypto\Exception as Ex; class Crypto { /** * Encrypts a string with a Key. * * @param string $plaintext * @param Key $key * @param bool $raw_binary * * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * @throws \TypeError * * @return string */ public static function encrypt($plaintext, $key, $raw_binary = false) { if (!\is_string($plaintext)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 1. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($plaintext)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!($key instanceof Key)) { throw new \TypeError( 'Key expected for argument 2. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($key)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!\is_bool($raw_binary)) { throw new \TypeError( 'Boolean expected for argument 3. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($raw_binary)) . ' given instead.' ); } return self::encryptInternal( $plaintext, KeyOrPassword::createFromKey($key), $raw_binary ); } /** * Encrypts a string with a password, using a slow key derivation function * to make password cracking more expensive. * * @param string $plaintext * @param string $password * @param bool $raw_binary * * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * @throws \TypeError * * @return string */ public static function encryptWithPassword($plaintext, $password, $raw_binary = false) { if (!\is_string($plaintext)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 1. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($plaintext)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!\is_string($password)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 2. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($password)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!\is_bool($raw_binary)) { throw new \TypeError( 'Boolean expected for argument 3. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($raw_binary)) . ' given instead.' ); } return self::encryptInternal( $plaintext, KeyOrPassword::createFromPassword($password), $raw_binary ); } /** * Decrypts a ciphertext to a string with a Key. * * @param string $ciphertext * @param Key $key * @param bool $raw_binary * * @throws \TypeError * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * @throws Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException * * @return string */ public static function decrypt($ciphertext, $key, $raw_binary = false) { if (!\is_string($ciphertext)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 1. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($ciphertext)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!($key instanceof Key)) { throw new \TypeError( 'Key expected for argument 2. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($key)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!\is_bool($raw_binary)) { throw new \TypeError( 'Boolean expected for argument 3. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($raw_binary)) . ' given instead.' ); } return self::decryptInternal( $ciphertext, KeyOrPassword::createFromKey($key), $raw_binary ); } /** * Decrypts a ciphertext to a string with a password, using a slow key * derivation function to make password cracking more expensive. * * @param string $ciphertext * @param string $password * @param bool $raw_binary * * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * @throws Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException * @throws \TypeError * * @return string */ public static function decryptWithPassword($ciphertext, $password, $raw_binary = false) { if (!\is_string($ciphertext)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 1. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($ciphertext)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!\is_string($password)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 2. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($password)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!\is_bool($raw_binary)) { throw new \TypeError( 'Boolean expected for argument 3. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($raw_binary)) . ' given instead.' ); } return self::decryptInternal( $ciphertext, KeyOrPassword::createFromPassword($password), $raw_binary ); } /** * Decrypts a legacy ciphertext produced by version 1 of this library. * * @param string $ciphertext * @param string $key * * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * @throws Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException * @throws \TypeError * * @return string */ public static function legacyDecrypt($ciphertext, $key) { if (!\is_string($ciphertext)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 1. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($ciphertext)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!\is_string($key)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 2. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($key)) . ' given instead.' ); } RuntimeTests::runtimeTest(); // Extract the HMAC from the front of the ciphertext. if (Core::ourStrlen($ciphertext) <= Core::LEGACY_MAC_BYTE_SIZE) { throw new Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException( 'Ciphertext is too short.' ); } /** * @var string */ $hmac = Core::ourSubstr($ciphertext, 0, Core::LEGACY_MAC_BYTE_SIZE); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($hmac)); /** * @var string */ $messageCiphertext = Core::ourSubstr($ciphertext, Core::LEGACY_MAC_BYTE_SIZE); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($messageCiphertext)); // Regenerate the same authentication sub-key. $akey = Core::HKDF( Core::LEGACY_HASH_FUNCTION_NAME, $key, Core::LEGACY_KEY_BYTE_SIZE, Core::LEGACY_AUTHENTICATION_INFO_STRING, null ); if (self::verifyHMAC($hmac, $messageCiphertext, $akey)) { // Regenerate the same encryption sub-key. $ekey = Core::HKDF( Core::LEGACY_HASH_FUNCTION_NAME, $key, Core::LEGACY_KEY_BYTE_SIZE, Core::LEGACY_ENCRYPTION_INFO_STRING, null ); // Extract the IV from the ciphertext. if (Core::ourStrlen($messageCiphertext) <= Core::LEGACY_BLOCK_BYTE_SIZE) { throw new Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException( 'Ciphertext is too short.' ); } /** * @var string */ $iv = Core::ourSubstr($messageCiphertext, 0, Core::LEGACY_BLOCK_BYTE_SIZE); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($iv)); /** * @var string */ $actualCiphertext = Core::ourSubstr($messageCiphertext, Core::LEGACY_BLOCK_BYTE_SIZE); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($actualCiphertext)); // Do the decryption. $plaintext = self::plainDecrypt($actualCiphertext, $ekey, $iv, Core::LEGACY_CIPHER_METHOD); return $plaintext; } else { throw new Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException( 'Integrity check failed.' ); } } /** * Encrypts a string with either a key or a password. * * @param string $plaintext * @param KeyOrPassword $secret * @param bool $raw_binary * * @return string */ private static function encryptInternal($plaintext, KeyOrPassword $secret, $raw_binary) { RuntimeTests::runtimeTest(); $salt = Core::secureRandom(Core::SALT_BYTE_SIZE); $keys = $secret->deriveKeys($salt); $ekey = $keys->getEncryptionKey(); $akey = $keys->getAuthenticationKey(); $iv = Core::secureRandom(Core::BLOCK_BYTE_SIZE); $ciphertext = Core::CURRENT_VERSION . $salt . $iv . self::plainEncrypt($plaintext, $ekey, $iv); $auth = \hash_hmac(Core::HASH_FUNCTION_NAME, $ciphertext, $akey, true); $ciphertext = $ciphertext . $auth; if ($raw_binary) { return $ciphertext; } return Encoding::binToHex($ciphertext); } /** * Decrypts a ciphertext to a string with either a key or a password. * * @param string $ciphertext * @param KeyOrPassword $secret * @param bool $raw_binary * * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * @throws Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException * * @return string */ private static function decryptInternal($ciphertext, KeyOrPassword $secret, $raw_binary) { RuntimeTests::runtimeTest(); if (! $raw_binary) { try { $ciphertext = Encoding::hexToBin($ciphertext); } catch (Ex\BadFormatException $ex) { throw new Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException( 'Ciphertext has invalid hex encoding.' ); } } if (Core::ourStrlen($ciphertext) < Core::MINIMUM_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE) { throw new Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException( 'Ciphertext is too short.' ); } // Get and check the version header. /** @var string $header */ $header = Core::ourSubstr($ciphertext, 0, Core::HEADER_VERSION_SIZE); if ($header !== Core::CURRENT_VERSION) { throw new Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException( 'Bad version header.' ); } // Get the salt. /** @var string $salt */ $salt = Core::ourSubstr( $ciphertext, Core::HEADER_VERSION_SIZE, Core::SALT_BYTE_SIZE ); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($salt)); // Get the IV. /** @var string $iv */ $iv = Core::ourSubstr( $ciphertext, Core::HEADER_VERSION_SIZE + Core::SALT_BYTE_SIZE, Core::BLOCK_BYTE_SIZE ); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($iv)); // Get the HMAC. /** @var string $hmac */ $hmac = Core::ourSubstr( $ciphertext, Core::ourStrlen($ciphertext) - Core::MAC_BYTE_SIZE, Core::MAC_BYTE_SIZE ); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($hmac)); // Get the actual encrypted ciphertext. /** @var string $encrypted */ $encrypted = Core::ourSubstr( $ciphertext, Core::HEADER_VERSION_SIZE + Core::SALT_BYTE_SIZE + Core::BLOCK_BYTE_SIZE, Core::ourStrlen($ciphertext) - Core::MAC_BYTE_SIZE - Core::SALT_BYTE_SIZE - Core::BLOCK_BYTE_SIZE - Core::HEADER_VERSION_SIZE ); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($encrypted)); // Derive the separate encryption and authentication keys from the key // or password, whichever it is. $keys = $secret->deriveKeys($salt); if (self::verifyHMAC($hmac, $header . $salt . $iv . $encrypted, $keys->getAuthenticationKey())) { $plaintext = self::plainDecrypt($encrypted, $keys->getEncryptionKey(), $iv, Core::CIPHER_METHOD); return $plaintext; } else { throw new Ex\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException( 'Integrity check failed.' ); } } /** * Raw unauthenticated encryption (insecure on its own). * * @param string $plaintext * @param string $key * @param string $iv * * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * * @return string */ protected static function plainEncrypt($plaintext, $key, $iv) { Core::ensureConstantExists('OPENSSL_RAW_DATA'); Core::ensureFunctionExists('openssl_encrypt'); /** @var string $ciphertext */ $ciphertext = \openssl_encrypt( $plaintext, Core::CIPHER_METHOD, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv ); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($ciphertext), 'openssl_encrypt() failed'); return $ciphertext; } /** * Raw unauthenticated decryption (insecure on its own). * * @param string $ciphertext * @param string $key * @param string $iv * @param string $cipherMethod * * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * * @return string */ protected static function plainDecrypt($ciphertext, $key, $iv, $cipherMethod) { Core::ensureConstantExists('OPENSSL_RAW_DATA'); Core::ensureFunctionExists('openssl_decrypt'); /** @var string $plaintext */ $plaintext = \openssl_decrypt( $ciphertext, $cipherMethod, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv ); Core::ensureTrue(\is_string($plaintext), 'openssl_decrypt() failed.'); return $plaintext; } /** * Verifies an HMAC without leaking information through side-channels. * * @param string $expected_hmac * @param string $message * @param string $key * * @throws Ex\EnvironmentIsBrokenException * * @return bool */ protected static function verifyHMAC($expected_hmac, $message, $key) { $message_hmac = \hash_hmac(Core::HASH_FUNCTION_NAME, $message, $key, true); return Core::hashEquals($message_hmac, $expected_hmac); } }