/* * Input Mask Core * http://github.com/RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask * Copyright (c) 2010 - Robin Herbots * Licensed under the MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * Version: 0.0.0-dev */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["./dependencyLibs/inputmask.dependencyLib", "./global/window", "./global/document"], factory); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { module.exports = factory(require("./dependencyLibs/inputmask.dependencyLib"), require("./global/window"), require("./global/document")); } else { window.Inputmask = factory(window.dependencyLib || jQuery, window, document); } } (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var ua = navigator.userAgent, mobile = /mobile/i.test(ua), iemobile = /iemobile/i.test(ua), iphone = /iphone/i.test(ua) && !iemobile, android = /android/i.test(ua) && !iemobile; function Inputmask(alias, options, internal) { //allow instanciating without new if (!(this instanceof Inputmask)) { return new Inputmask(alias, options, internal); } this.el = undefined; this.events = {}; this.maskset = undefined; this.refreshValue = false; //indicate a refresh from the inputvalue is needed (form.reset) if (internal !== true) { //init options if ($.isPlainObject(alias)) { options = alias; } else { options = options || {}; options.alias = alias; } this.opts = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, options); this.noMasksCache = options && options.definitions !== undefined; this.userOptions = options || {}; //user passed options this.isRTL = this.opts.numericInput; resolveAlias(this.opts.alias, options, this.opts); } } Inputmask.prototype = { dataAttribute: "data-inputmask", //data attribute prefix used for attribute binding //options default defaults: { placeholder: "_", optionalmarker: { start: "[", end: "]" }, quantifiermarker: { start: "{", end: "}" }, groupmarker: { start: "(", end: ")" }, alternatormarker: "|", escapeChar: "\\", mask: null, //needs tobe null instead of undefined as the extend method does not consider props with the undefined value regex: null, //regular expression as a mask oncomplete: $.noop, //executes when the mask is complete onincomplete: $.noop, //executes when the mask is incomplete and focus is lost oncleared: $.noop, //executes when the mask is cleared repeat: 0, //repetitions of the mask: * ~ forever, otherwise specify an integer greedy: true, //true: allocated buffer for the mask and repetitions - false: allocate only if needed autoUnmask: false, //automatically unmask when retrieving the value with $.fn.val or value if the browser supports __lookupGetter__ or getOwnPropertyDescriptor removeMaskOnSubmit: false, //remove the mask before submitting the form. clearMaskOnLostFocus: true, insertMode: true, //insert the input or overwrite the input clearIncomplete: false, //clear the incomplete input on blur alias: null, onKeyDown: $.noop, //callback to implement autocomplete on certain keys for example. args => event, buffer, caretPos, opts onBeforeMask: null, //executes before masking the initial value to allow preprocessing of the initial value. args => initialValue, opts => return processedValue onBeforePaste: function (pastedValue, opts) { return $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) ? opts.onBeforeMask.call(this, pastedValue, opts) : pastedValue; }, //executes before masking the pasted value to allow preprocessing of the pasted value. args => pastedValue, opts => return processedValue onBeforeWrite: null, //executes before writing to the masked element. args => event, opts onUnMask: null, //executes after unmasking to allow postprocessing of the unmaskedvalue. args => maskedValue, unmaskedValue, opts showMaskOnFocus: true, //show the mask-placeholder when the input has focus showMaskOnHover: true, //show the mask-placeholder when hovering the empty input onKeyValidation: $.noop, //executes on every key-press with the result of isValid. Params: key, result, opts skipOptionalPartCharacter: " ", //a character which can be used to skip an optional part of a mask numericInput: false, //numericInput input direction style (input shifts to the left while holding the caret position) rightAlign: false, //align to the right undoOnEscape: true, //pressing escape reverts the value to the value before focus //numeric basic properties radixPoint: "", //".", // | "," radixPointDefinitionSymbol: undefined, //set the radixPoint definitionSymbol ~ used for awareness of the radixpoint groupSeparator: "", //",", // | "." //numeric basic properties keepStatic: null, //try to keep the mask static while typing. Decisions to alter the mask will be posponed if possible - null see auto selection for multi masks positionCaretOnTab: true, //when enabled the caret position is set after the latest valid position on TAB tabThrough: false, //allows for tabbing through the different parts of the masked field supportsInputType: ["text", "tel", "password"], //list with the supported input types //specify keyCodes which should not be considered in the keypress event, otherwise the preventDefault will stop their default behavior especially in FF ignorables: [8, 9, 13, 19, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46, 93, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 0, 229], isComplete: null, //override for isComplete - args => buffer, opts - return true || false canClearPosition: $.noop, //hook to alter the clear behavior in the stripValidPositions args => maskset, position, lastValidPosition, opts => return true|false/command object preValidation: null, //hook to preValidate the input. Usefull for validating regardless the definition. args => buffer, pos, char, isSelection, opts => return true/false/command object postValidation: null, //hook to postValidate the result from isValid. Usefull for validating the entry as a whole. args => buffer, currentResult, opts => return true/false/json staticDefinitionSymbol: undefined, //specify a definitionSymbol for static content, used to make matches for alternators jitMasking: false, //just in time masking ~ only mask while typing, can n (number), true or false nullable: true, //return nothing instead of the buffertemplate when the user hasn't entered anything. inputEventOnly: false, //dev option - testing inputfallback behavior noValuePatching: false, //disable value property patching positionCaretOnClick: "lvp", //none, lvp (based on the last valid position (default), radixFocus (position caret to radixpoint on initial click) casing: null, //mask-level casing. Options: null, "upper", "lower" or "title" or callback args => elem, test, pos, validPositions return charValue inputmode: "verbatim", //specify the inputmode - already in place for when browsers will support it colorMask: false, //enable css styleable mask androidHack: false, //see README_android.md importDataAttributes: true //import data-inputmask attributes }, definitions: { "9": { //\uFF11-\uFF19 #1606 validator: "[0-9\uFF11-\uFF19]", cardinality: 1, definitionSymbol: "*" }, "a": { //\u0410-\u044F\u0401\u0451\u00C0-\u00FF\u00B5 #76 validator: "[A-Za-z\u0410-\u044F\u0401\u0451\u00C0-\u00FF\u00B5]", cardinality: 1, definitionSymbol: "*" }, "*": { validator: "[0-9\uFF11-\uFF19A-Za-z\u0410-\u044F\u0401\u0451\u00C0-\u00FF\u00B5]", cardinality: 1 } }, aliases: {}, //aliases definitions => see jquery.inputmask.extensions.js masksCache: {}, mask: function (elems) { var that = this; function importAttributeOptions(npt, opts, userOptions, dataAttribute) { if (opts.importDataAttributes === true) { var attrOptions = npt.getAttribute(dataAttribute), option, dataoptions, optionData, p; function importOption(option, optionData) { optionData = optionData !== undefined ? optionData : npt.getAttribute(dataAttribute + "-" + option); if (optionData !== null) { if (typeof optionData === "string") { if (option.indexOf("on") === 0) optionData = window[optionData]; //get function definition else if (optionData === "false") optionData = false; else if (optionData === "true") optionData = true; } userOptions[option] = optionData; } } if (attrOptions && attrOptions !== "") { attrOptions = attrOptions.replace(new RegExp("'", "g"), '"'); dataoptions = JSON.parse("{" + attrOptions + "}"); } //resolve aliases if (dataoptions) { //pickup alias from dataAttribute optionData = undefined; for (p in dataoptions) { if (p.toLowerCase() === "alias") { optionData = dataoptions[p]; break; } } } importOption("alias", optionData); //pickup alias from dataAttribute-alias if (userOptions.alias) { resolveAlias(userOptions.alias, userOptions, opts); } for (option in opts) { if (dataoptions) { optionData = undefined; for (p in dataoptions) { if (p.toLowerCase() === option.toLowerCase()) { optionData = dataoptions[p]; break; } } } importOption(option, optionData); } } $.extend(true, opts, userOptions); //handle dir=rtl if (npt.dir === "rtl" || opts.rightAlign) { npt.style.textAlign = "right"; } if (npt.dir === "rtl" || opts.numericInput) { npt.dir = "ltr"; npt.removeAttribute("dir"); opts.isRTL = true; } return opts; } if (typeof elems === "string") { elems = document.getElementById(elems) || document.querySelectorAll(elems); } elems = elems.nodeName ? [elems] : elems; $.each(elems, function (ndx, el) { var scopedOpts = $.extend(true, {}, that.opts); importAttributeOptions(el, scopedOpts, $.extend(true, {}, that.userOptions), that.dataAttribute); var maskset = generateMaskSet(scopedOpts, that.noMasksCache); if (maskset !== undefined) { if (el.inputmask !== undefined) { el.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask = true; //force autounmasking when remasking el.inputmask.remove(); } //store inputmask instance on the input with element reference el.inputmask = new Inputmask(undefined, undefined, true); el.inputmask.opts = scopedOpts; el.inputmask.noMasksCache = that.noMasksCache; el.inputmask.userOptions = $.extend(true, {}, that.userOptions); el.inputmask.isRTL = scopedOpts.isRTL || scopedOpts.numericInput; el.inputmask.el = el; el.inputmask.maskset = maskset; $.data(el, "_inputmask_opts", scopedOpts); maskScope.call(el.inputmask, { "action": "mask" }); } }); return elems && elems[0] ? (elems[0].inputmask || this) : this; }, option: function (options, noremask) { //set extra options || retrieve value of a current option if (typeof options === "string") { return this.opts[options]; } else if (typeof options === "object") { $.extend(this.userOptions, options); //user passed options //remask if (this.el && noremask !== true) { this.mask(this.el); } return this; } }, unmaskedvalue: function (value) { this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache); return maskScope.call(this, { "action": "unmaskedvalue", "value": value }); }, remove: function () { return maskScope.call(this, { "action": "remove" }); }, getemptymask: function () { //return the default (empty) mask value, usefull for setting the default value in validation this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache); return maskScope.call(this, { "action": "getemptymask" }); }, hasMaskedValue: function () { //check wheter the returned value is masked or not; currently only works reliable when using jquery.val fn to retrieve the value return !this.opts.autoUnmask; }, isComplete: function () { this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache); return maskScope.call(this, { "action": "isComplete" }); }, getmetadata: function () { //return mask metadata if exists this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache); return maskScope.call(this, { "action": "getmetadata" }); }, isValid: function (value) { this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache); return maskScope.call(this, { "action": "isValid", "value": value }); }, format: function (value, metadata) { this.maskset = this.maskset || generateMaskSet(this.opts, this.noMasksCache); return maskScope.call(this, { "action": "format", "value": value, "metadata": metadata //true/false getmetadata }); }, analyseMask: function (mask, regexMask, opts) { var tokenizer = /(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9\+\*]+(?:,[0-9\+\*]*)?\})|[^.?*+^${[]()|\\]+|./g, //Thx to https://github.com/slevithan/regex-colorizer for the regexTokenizer regex regexTokenizer = /\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\[\S\s]?)*]?|\\(?:0(?:[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?)?|[1-9][0-9]*|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|c[A-Za-z]|[\S\s]?)|\((?:\?[:=!]?)?|(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]*)?\})\??|[^.?*+^${[()|\\]+|./g, escaped = false, currentToken = new MaskToken(), match, m, openenings = [], maskTokens = [], openingToken, currentOpeningToken, alternator, lastMatch, groupToken; function MaskToken(isGroup, isOptional, isQuantifier, isAlternator) { this.matches = []; this.openGroup = isGroup || false; this.alternatorGroup = false; this.isGroup = isGroup || false; this.isOptional = isOptional || false; this.isQuantifier = isQuantifier || false; this.isAlternator = isAlternator || false; this.quantifier = { min: 1, max: 1 }; } //test definition => {fn: RegExp/function, cardinality: int, optionality: bool, newBlockMarker: bool, casing: null/upper/lower, def: definitionSymbol, placeholder: placeholder, mask: real maskDefinition} function insertTestDefinition(mtoken, element, position) { position = position !== undefined ? position : mtoken.matches.length; var prevMatch = mtoken.matches[position - 1]; if (regexMask) { if (element.indexOf("[") === 0 || (escaped && /\\d|\\s|\\w]/i.test(element)) || element === ".") { mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, { fn: new RegExp(element, opts.casing ? "i" : ""), cardinality: 1, optionality: mtoken.isOptional, newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || prevMatch.def !== element, casing: null, def: element, placeholder: undefined, nativeDef: element }); } else { if (escaped) element = element[element.length - 1]; $.each(element.split(""), function (ndx, lmnt) { prevMatch = mtoken.matches[position - 1]; mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, { fn: null, cardinality: 0, optionality: mtoken.isOptional, newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || (prevMatch.def !== lmnt && prevMatch.fn !== null), casing: null, def: opts.staticDefinitionSymbol || lmnt, placeholder: opts.staticDefinitionSymbol !== undefined ? lmnt : undefined, nativeDef: lmnt }); }); } escaped = false; } else { var maskdef = (opts.definitions ? opts.definitions[element] : undefined) || Inputmask.prototype.definitions[element]; if (maskdef && !escaped) { var prevalidators = maskdef.prevalidator, prevalidatorsL = prevalidators ? prevalidators.length : 0; //handle prevalidators for (var i = 1; i < maskdef.cardinality; i++) { var prevalidator = prevalidatorsL >= i ? prevalidators[i - 1] : [], validator = prevalidator.validator, cardinality = prevalidator.cardinality; mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, { fn: validator ? typeof validator === "string" ? new RegExp(validator, opts.casing ? "i" : "") : new function () { this.test = validator; } : new RegExp("."), cardinality: cardinality ? cardinality : 1, optionality: mtoken.isOptional, newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || prevMatch.def !== (maskdef.definitionSymbol || element), casing: maskdef.casing, def: maskdef.definitionSymbol || element, placeholder: maskdef.placeholder, nativeDef: element }); prevMatch = mtoken.matches[position - 1]; } mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, { fn: maskdef.validator ? typeof maskdef.validator == "string" ? new RegExp(maskdef.validator, opts.casing ? "i" : "") : new function () { this.test = maskdef.validator; } : new RegExp("."), cardinality: maskdef.cardinality, optionality: mtoken.isOptional, newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || prevMatch.def !== (maskdef.definitionSymbol || element), casing: maskdef.casing, def: maskdef.definitionSymbol || element, placeholder: maskdef.placeholder, nativeDef: element }); } else { mtoken.matches.splice(position++, 0, { fn: null, cardinality: 0, optionality: mtoken.isOptional, newBlockMarker: prevMatch === undefined || (prevMatch.def !== element && prevMatch.fn !== null), casing: null, def: opts.staticDefinitionSymbol || element, placeholder: opts.staticDefinitionSymbol !== undefined ? element : undefined, nativeDef: element }); escaped = false; } } } function verifyGroupMarker(maskToken) { if (maskToken && maskToken.matches) { $.each(maskToken.matches, function (ndx, token) { var nextToken = maskToken.matches[ndx + 1]; if ((nextToken === undefined || (nextToken.matches === undefined || nextToken.isQuantifier === false)) && token && token.isGroup) { //this is not a group but a normal mask => convert token.isGroup = false; if (!regexMask) { insertTestDefinition(token, opts.groupmarker.start, 0); if (token.openGroup !== true) { insertTestDefinition(token, opts.groupmarker.end); } } } verifyGroupMarker(token); } ); } } function defaultCase() { if (openenings.length > 0) { currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]; insertTestDefinition(currentOpeningToken, m); if (currentOpeningToken.isAlternator) { //handle alternator a | b case alternator = openenings.pop(); for (var mndx = 0; mndx < alternator.matches.length; mndx++) { alternator.matches[mndx].isGroup = false; //don't mark alternate groups as group } if (openenings.length > 0) { currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]; currentOpeningToken.matches.push(alternator); } else { currentToken.matches.push(alternator); } } } else { insertTestDefinition(currentToken, m); } } function reverseTokens(maskToken) { function reverseStatic(st) { if (st === opts.optionalmarker.start) st = opts.optionalmarker.end; else if (st === opts.optionalmarker.end) st = opts.optionalmarker.start; else if (st === opts.groupmarker.start) st = opts.groupmarker.end; else if (st === opts.groupmarker.end) st = opts.groupmarker.start; return st; } maskToken.matches = maskToken.matches.reverse(); for (var match in maskToken.matches) { if (maskToken.matches.hasOwnProperty(match)) { var intMatch = parseInt(match); if (maskToken.matches[match].isQuantifier && maskToken.matches[intMatch + 1] && maskToken.matches[intMatch + 1].isGroup) { //reposition quantifier var qt = maskToken.matches[match]; maskToken.matches.splice(match, 1); maskToken.matches.splice(intMatch + 1, 0, qt); } if (maskToken.matches[match].matches !== undefined) { maskToken.matches[match] = reverseTokens(maskToken.matches[match]); } else { maskToken.matches[match] = reverseStatic(maskToken.matches[match]); } } } return maskToken; } if (regexMask) { opts.optionalmarker.start = undefined; opts.optionalmarker.end = undefined; } while (match = regexMask ? regexTokenizer.exec(mask) : tokenizer.exec(mask)) { m = match[0]; if (regexMask) { switch (m.charAt(0)) { //Quantifier case "?": m = "{0,1}"; break; case "+": case "*": m = "{" + m + "}"; break; } } if (escaped) { defaultCase(); continue; } switch (m.charAt(0)) { case opts.escapeChar: escaped = true; if (regexMask) { defaultCase(); } break; case opts.optionalmarker.end: // optional closing case opts.groupmarker.end: // Group closing openingToken = openenings.pop(); openingToken.openGroup = false; //mark group as complete if (openingToken !== undefined) { if (openenings.length > 0) { currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]; currentOpeningToken.matches.push(openingToken); if (currentOpeningToken.isAlternator) { //handle alternator (a) | (b) case alternator = openenings.pop(); for (var mndx = 0; mndx < alternator.matches.length; mndx++) { alternator.matches[mndx].isGroup = false; //don't mark alternate groups as group alternator.matches[mndx].alternatorGroup = false; } if (openenings.length > 0) { currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]; currentOpeningToken.matches.push(alternator); } else { currentToken.matches.push(alternator); } } } else { currentToken.matches.push(openingToken); } } else defaultCase(); break; case opts.optionalmarker.start: // optional opening openenings.push(new MaskToken(false, true)); break; case opts.groupmarker.start: // Group opening openenings.push(new MaskToken(true)); break; case opts.quantifiermarker.start: //Quantifier var quantifier = new MaskToken(false, false, true); m = m.replace(/[{}]/g, ""); var mq = m.split(","), mq0 = isNaN(mq[0]) ? mq[0] : parseInt(mq[0]), mq1 = mq.length === 1 ? mq0 : (isNaN(mq[1]) ? mq[1] : parseInt(mq[1])); if (mq1 === "*" || mq1 === "+") { mq0 = mq1 === "*" ? 0 : 1; } quantifier.quantifier = { min: mq0, max: mq1 }; if (openenings.length > 0) { var matches = openenings[openenings.length - 1].matches; match = matches.pop(); if (!match.isGroup) { groupToken = new MaskToken(true); groupToken.matches.push(match); match = groupToken; } matches.push(match); matches.push(quantifier); } else { match = currentToken.matches.pop(); if (!match.isGroup) { if (regexMask && match.fn === null) { if (match.def === ".") match.fn = new RegExp(match.def, opts.casing ? "i" : ""); } groupToken = new MaskToken(true); groupToken.matches.push(match); match = groupToken; } currentToken.matches.push(match); currentToken.matches.push(quantifier); } break; case opts.alternatormarker: if (openenings.length > 0) { currentOpeningToken = openenings[openenings.length - 1]; var subToken = currentOpeningToken.matches[currentOpeningToken.matches.length - 1]; if (currentOpeningToken.openGroup && //regexp alt syntax (subToken.matches === undefined || (subToken.isGroup === false && subToken.isAlternator === false))) { //alternations within group lastMatch = openenings.pop(); } else { lastMatch = currentOpeningToken.matches.pop(); } } else { lastMatch = currentToken.matches.pop(); } if (lastMatch.isAlternator) { openenings.push(lastMatch); } else { if (lastMatch.alternatorGroup) { alternator = openenings.pop(); lastMatch.alternatorGroup = false; } else { alternator = new MaskToken(false, false, false, true); } alternator.matches.push(lastMatch); openenings.push(alternator); if (lastMatch.openGroup) { //regexp alt syntax lastMatch.openGroup = false; var alternatorGroup = new MaskToken(true); alternatorGroup.alternatorGroup = true; openenings.push(alternatorGroup); } } break; default: defaultCase(); } } while (openenings.length > 0) { openingToken = openenings.pop(); currentToken.matches.push(openingToken); } if (currentToken.matches.length > 0) { verifyGroupMarker(currentToken); maskTokens.push(currentToken); } if (opts.numericInput || opts.isRTL) { reverseTokens(maskTokens[0]); } // console.log(JSON.stringify(maskTokens)); return maskTokens; } }; //apply defaults, definitions, aliases Inputmask.extendDefaults = function (options) { $.extend(true, Inputmask.prototype.defaults, options); }; Inputmask.extendDefinitions = function (definition) { $.extend(true, Inputmask.prototype.definitions, definition); }; Inputmask.extendAliases = function (alias) { $.extend(true, Inputmask.prototype.aliases, alias); }; //static fn on inputmask Inputmask.format = function (value, options, metadata) { return Inputmask(options).format(value, metadata); }; Inputmask.unmask = function (value, options) { return Inputmask(options).unmaskedvalue(value); }; Inputmask.isValid = function (value, options) { return Inputmask(options).isValid(value); }; Inputmask.remove = function (elems) { $.each(elems, function (ndx, el) { if (el.inputmask) el.inputmask.remove(); }); }; Inputmask.escapeRegex = function (str) { var specials = ["/", ".", "*", "+", "?", "|", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "$", "^"]; return str.replace(new RegExp("(\\" + specials.join("|\\") + ")", "gim"), "\\$1"); }; Inputmask.keyCode = { ALT: 18, BACKSPACE: 8, BACKSPACE_SAFARI: 127, CAPS_LOCK: 20, COMMA: 188, COMMAND: 91, COMMAND_LEFT: 91, COMMAND_RIGHT: 93, CONTROL: 17, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, INSERT: 45, LEFT: 37, MENU: 93, NUMPAD_ADD: 107, NUMPAD_DECIMAL: 110, NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106, NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: 109, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SHIFT: 16, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38, WINDOWS: 91, X: 88 }; function resolveAlias(aliasStr, options, opts) { var aliasDefinition = Inputmask.prototype.aliases[aliasStr]; if (aliasDefinition) { if (aliasDefinition.alias) resolveAlias(aliasDefinition.alias, undefined, opts); //alias is another alias $.extend(true, opts, aliasDefinition); //merge alias definition in the options $.extend(true, opts, options); //reapply extra given options return true; } else //alias not found - try as mask if (opts.mask === null) { opts.mask = aliasStr; } return false; } function generateMaskSet(opts, nocache) { function generateMask(mask, metadata, opts) { var regexMask = false; if (mask === null || mask === "") { regexMask = opts.regex !== null; if (regexMask) { mask = opts.regex; mask = mask.replace(/^(\^)(.*)(\$)$/, "$2"); } else { regexMask = true; mask = ".*"; } } if (mask.length === 1 && opts.greedy === false && opts.repeat !== 0) { opts.placeholder = ""; } //hide placeholder with single non-greedy mask if (opts.repeat > 0 || opts.repeat === "*" || opts.repeat === "+") { var repeatStart = opts.repeat === "*" ? 0 : (opts.repeat === "+" ? 1 : opts.repeat); mask = opts.groupmarker.start + mask + opts.groupmarker.end + opts.quantifiermarker.start + repeatStart + "," + opts.repeat + opts.quantifiermarker.end; } // console.log(mask); var masksetDefinition, maskdefKey = regexMask ? "regex_" + opts.regex : (opts.numericInput ? mask.split("").reverse().join("") : mask); if (Inputmask.prototype.masksCache[maskdefKey] === undefined || nocache === true) { masksetDefinition = { "mask": mask, "maskToken": Inputmask.prototype.analyseMask(mask, regexMask, opts), "validPositions": {}, "_buffer": undefined, "buffer": undefined, "tests": {}, "metadata": metadata, maskLength: undefined }; if (nocache !== true) { Inputmask.prototype.masksCache[maskdefKey] = masksetDefinition; masksetDefinition = $.extend(true, {}, Inputmask.prototype.masksCache[maskdefKey]); } } else masksetDefinition = $.extend(true, {}, Inputmask.prototype.masksCache[maskdefKey]); return masksetDefinition; } var ms; if ($.isFunction(opts.mask)) { //allow mask to be a preprocessing fn - should return a valid mask opts.mask = opts.mask(opts); } if ($.isArray(opts.mask)) { if (opts.mask.length > 1) { opts.keepStatic = opts.keepStatic === null ? true : opts.keepStatic; //enable by default when passing multiple masks when the option is not explicitly specified var altMask = opts.groupmarker.start; $.each(opts.numericInput ? opts.mask.reverse() : opts.mask, function (ndx, msk) { if (altMask.length > 1) { altMask += opts.groupmarker.end + opts.alternatormarker + opts.groupmarker.start; } if (msk.mask !== undefined && !$.isFunction(msk.mask)) { altMask += msk.mask; } else { altMask += msk; } }); altMask += opts.groupmarker.end; // console.log(altMask); return generateMask(altMask, opts.mask, opts); } else opts.mask = opts.mask.pop(); } if (opts.mask && opts.mask.mask !== undefined && !$.isFunction(opts.mask.mask)) { ms = generateMask(opts.mask.mask, opts.mask, opts); } else { ms = generateMask(opts.mask, opts.mask, opts); } return ms; }; //masking scope //actionObj definition see below function maskScope(actionObj, maskset, opts) { maskset = maskset || this.maskset; opts = opts || this.opts; var inputmask = this, el = this.el, isRTL = this.isRTL, undoValue, $el, skipKeyPressEvent = false, //Safari 5.1.x - modal dialog fires keypress twice workaround skipInputEvent = false, //skip when triggered from within inputmask ignorable = false, maxLength, mouseEnter = false, colorMask; //maskset helperfunctions function getMaskTemplate(baseOnInput, minimalPos, includeMode) { //includeMode true => input, undefined => placeholder, false => mask minimalPos = minimalPos || 0; var maskTemplate = [], ndxIntlzr, pos = 0, test, testPos, lvp = getLastValidPosition(); do { if (baseOnInput === true && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]) { testPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]; test = testPos.match; ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(); maskTemplate.push(includeMode === true ? testPos.input : includeMode === false ? test.nativeDef : getPlaceholder(pos, test)); } else { testPos = getTestTemplate(pos, ndxIntlzr, pos - 1); test = testPos.match; ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(); if (opts.jitMasking === false || pos < lvp || (typeof opts.jitMasking === "number" && isFinite(opts.jitMasking) && opts.jitMasking > pos)) { maskTemplate.push(includeMode === false ? test.nativeDef : getPlaceholder(pos, test)); } } pos++; } while ((maxLength === undefined || pos < maxLength) && (test.fn !== null || test.def !== "") || minimalPos > pos); if (maskTemplate[maskTemplate.length - 1] === "") { maskTemplate.pop(); //drop the last one which is empty } getMaskSet().maskLength = pos + 1; return maskTemplate; } function getMaskSet() { return maskset; } function resetMaskSet(soft) { var maskset = getMaskSet(); maskset.buffer = undefined; if (soft !== true) { // maskset._buffer = undefined; maskset.validPositions = {}; maskset.p = 0; } } function getLastValidPosition(closestTo, strict, validPositions) { var before = -1, after = -1, valids = validPositions || getMaskSet().validPositions; //for use in valhook ~ context switch if (closestTo === undefined) closestTo = -1; for (var posNdx in valids) { var psNdx = parseInt(posNdx); if (valids[psNdx] && (strict || valids[psNdx].generatedInput !== true)) { if (psNdx <= closestTo) before = psNdx; if (psNdx >= closestTo) after = psNdx; } } return (before !== -1 && (closestTo - before) > 1) || after < closestTo ? before : after; } function stripValidPositions(start, end, nocheck, strict) { function IsEnclosedStatic(pos) { var posMatch = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]; if (posMatch !== undefined && posMatch.match.fn === null) { var prevMatch = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1], nextMatch = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos + 1]; return prevMatch !== undefined && nextMatch !== undefined; } return false; } var i, startPos = start, positionsClone = $.extend(true, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions), needsValidation = false; getMaskSet().p = start; //needed for alternated position after overtype selection for (i = end - 1; i >= startPos; i--) { //clear selection if (getMaskSet().validPositions[i] !== undefined) { if (nocheck === true || ((getMaskSet().validPositions[i].match.optionality || !IsEnclosedStatic(i)) && opts.canClearPosition(getMaskSet(), i, getLastValidPosition(), strict, opts) !== false)) { delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i]; } } } //clear buffer resetMaskSet(true); for (i = startPos + 1; i <= getLastValidPosition();) { while (getMaskSet().validPositions[startPos] !== undefined) startPos++; if (i < startPos) i = startPos + 1; if (getMaskSet().validPositions[i] !== undefined || !isMask(i)) { var t = getTestTemplate(i); if (needsValidation === false && positionsClone[startPos] && positionsClone[startPos].match.def === t.match.def) { //obvious match getMaskSet().validPositions[startPos] = $.extend(true, {}, positionsClone[startPos]); getMaskSet().validPositions[startPos].input = t.input; delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i]; i++; } else if (positionCanMatchDefinition(startPos, t.match.def)) { if (isValid(startPos, t.input || getPlaceholder(i), true) !== false) { delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i]; i++; needsValidation = true; } } else if (!isMask(i)) { i++; startPos--; } startPos++; } else i++; } resetMaskSet(true); } function determineTestTemplate(tests, guessNextBest) { var testPos, testPositions = tests, lvp = getLastValidPosition(), lvTest = getMaskSet().validPositions[lvp] || getTests(0)[0], lvTestAltArr = (lvTest.alternation !== undefined) ? lvTest.locator[lvTest.alternation].toString().split(",") : []; for (var ndx = 0; ndx < testPositions.length; ndx++) { testPos = testPositions[ndx]; if (testPos.match && (((opts.greedy && testPos.match.optionalQuantifier !== true) || (testPos.match.optionality === false || testPos.match.newBlockMarker === false) && testPos.match.optionalQuantifier !== true) && ((lvTest.alternation === undefined || lvTest.alternation !== testPos.alternation) || (testPos.locator[lvTest.alternation] !== undefined && checkAlternationMatch(testPos.locator[lvTest.alternation].toString().split(","), lvTestAltArr))))) { if (guessNextBest !== true || (testPos.match.fn === null && !/[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(testPos.match.def))) { break; } } } return testPos; } function getTestTemplate(pos, ndxIntlzr, tstPs) { return getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] || determineTestTemplate(getTests(pos, ndxIntlzr ? ndxIntlzr.slice() : ndxIntlzr, tstPs)); } function getTest(pos) { if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]) { return getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]; } return getTests(pos)[0]; } function positionCanMatchDefinition(pos, def) { var valid = false, tests = getTests(pos); for (var tndx = 0; tndx < tests.length; tndx++) { if (tests[tndx].match && tests[tndx].match.def === def) { valid = true; break; } } return valid; } function getTests(pos, ndxIntlzr, tstPs) { var maskTokens = getMaskSet().maskToken, testPos = ndxIntlzr ? tstPs : 0, ndxInitializer = ndxIntlzr ? ndxIntlzr.slice() : [0], matches = [], insertStop = false, latestMatch, cacheDependency = ndxIntlzr ? ndxIntlzr.join("") : ""; function resolveTestFromToken(maskToken, ndxInitializer, loopNdx, quantifierRecurse) { //ndxInitializer contains a set of indexes to speedup searches in the mtokens function handleMatch(match, loopNdx, quantifierRecurse) { function isFirstMatch(latestMatch, tokenGroup) { var firstMatch = $.inArray(latestMatch, tokenGroup.matches) === 0; if (!firstMatch) { $.each(tokenGroup.matches, function (ndx, match) { if (match.isQuantifier === true) { firstMatch = isFirstMatch(latestMatch, tokenGroup.matches[ndx - 1]); if (firstMatch) return false; } }); } return firstMatch; } function resolveNdxInitializer(pos, alternateNdx, targetAlternation) { var bestMatch, indexPos; if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1] && targetAlternation && getMaskSet().tests[pos]) { //detect altarnation offset var vpAlternation = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1].locator; var tpAlternation = getMaskSet().tests[pos][0].locator; for (var i = 0; i < targetAlternation; i++) { if (vpAlternation[i] !== tpAlternation[i]) { return vpAlternation.slice(targetAlternation + 1); } } } if (getMaskSet().tests[pos] || getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]) { $.each(getMaskSet().tests[pos] || [getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]], function (ndx, lmnt) { var alternation = targetAlternation !== undefined ? targetAlternation : lmnt.alternation, ndxPos = lmnt.locator[alternation] !== undefined ? lmnt.locator[alternation].toString().indexOf(alternateNdx) : -1; if ((indexPos === undefined || ndxPos < indexPos) && ndxPos !== -1) { bestMatch = lmnt; indexPos = ndxPos; } }); } return bestMatch ? bestMatch.locator.slice((targetAlternation !== undefined ? targetAlternation : bestMatch.alternation) + 1) : targetAlternation !== undefined ? resolveNdxInitializer(pos, alternateNdx) : undefined; } function definitionCanMatchDefinition(source, target) { return source.match.nativeDef === target.match.nativeDef || source.match.def === target.match.nativeDef || source.match.nativeDef === target.match.def; } function isSubsetOf(source, target) { if (source.match.fn !== null && target.match.fn !== null) {//is regex a subset //do we need a dfa for this? //currently only a simplistic approach return target.match.fn.test(source.match.def.replace(/[\[\]]/g, ""), getMaskSet(), pos, false, opts, false); } return false; } function staticCanMatchDefinition(source, target) { return source.match.fn === null && target.match.fn !== null ? target.match.fn.test(source.match.def, getMaskSet(), pos, false, opts, false) : false; } if (testPos > 10000) { throw "Inputmask: There is probably an error in your mask definition or in the code. Create an issue on github with an example of the mask you are using. " + getMaskSet().mask; } if (testPos === pos && match.matches === undefined) { matches.push({ "match": match, "locator": loopNdx.reverse(), "cd": cacheDependency }); return true; } else if (match.matches !== undefined) { if (match.isGroup && quantifierRecurse !== match) { //when a group pass along to the quantifier match = handleMatch(maskToken.matches[$.inArray(match, maskToken.matches) + 1], loopNdx); if (match) return true; } else if (match.isOptional) { var optionalToken = match; match = resolveTestFromToken(match, ndxInitializer, loopNdx, quantifierRecurse); if (match) { latestMatch = matches[matches.length - 1].match; if (isFirstMatch(latestMatch, optionalToken)) { insertStop = true; //insert a stop testPos = pos; //match the position after the group } else return true; } } else if (match.isAlternator) { var alternateToken = match, malternateMatches = [], maltMatches, currentMatches = matches.slice(), loopNdxCnt = loopNdx.length; var altIndex = ndxInitializer.length > 0 ? ndxInitializer.shift() : -1; if (altIndex === -1 || typeof altIndex === "string") { var currentPos = testPos, ndxInitializerClone = ndxInitializer.slice(), altIndexArr = [], amndx; if (typeof altIndex == "string") { altIndexArr = altIndex.split(","); } else { for (amndx = 0; amndx < alternateToken.matches.length; amndx++) { altIndexArr.push(amndx); } } for (var ndx = 0; ndx < altIndexArr.length; ndx++) { amndx = parseInt(altIndexArr[ndx]); matches = []; //set the correct ndxInitializer ndxInitializer = resolveNdxInitializer(testPos, amndx, loopNdxCnt) || ndxInitializerClone.slice(); match = handleMatch(alternateToken.matches[amndx] || maskToken.matches[amndx], [amndx].concat(loopNdx), quantifierRecurse) || match; if (match !== true && match !== undefined && (altIndexArr[altIndexArr.length - 1] < alternateToken.matches.length)) { //no match in the alternations (length mismatch) => look further var ntndx = $.inArray(match, maskToken.matches) + 1; if (maskToken.matches.length > ntndx) { match = handleMatch(maskToken.matches[ntndx], [ntndx].concat(loopNdx.slice(1, loopNdx.length)), quantifierRecurse); if (match) { altIndexArr.push(ntndx.toString()); $.each(matches, function (ndx, lmnt) { lmnt.alternation = loopNdx.length - 1; }); } } } maltMatches = matches.slice(); testPos = currentPos; matches = []; //fuzzy merge matches for (var ndx1 = 0; ndx1 < maltMatches.length; ndx1++) { var altMatch = maltMatches[ndx1], dropMatch = false; altMatch.alternation = altMatch.alternation || loopNdxCnt; for (var ndx2 = 0; ndx2 < malternateMatches.length; ndx2++) { var altMatch2 = malternateMatches[ndx2]; //verify equality if (typeof altIndex !== "string" || $.inArray(altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation].toString(), altIndexArr) !== -1) { if (definitionCanMatchDefinition(altMatch, altMatch2)) { dropMatch = true; if (altMatch.alternation === altMatch2.alternation && altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation].toString().indexOf(altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation]) === -1) { altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation] = altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation] + "," + altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation]; altMatch2.alternation = altMatch.alternation; //we pass the alternation index => used in determineLastRequiredPosition } if (altMatch.match.nativeDef === altMatch2.match.def) { altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation] = altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation]; malternateMatches.splice(malternateMatches.indexOf(altMatch2), 1, altMatch); } break; } else if (altMatch.match.def === altMatch2.match.def) { dropMatch = false; break; } else if (staticCanMatchDefinition(altMatch, altMatch2) || isSubsetOf(altMatch, altMatch2)) { // console.log("case 5"); if (altMatch.alternation === altMatch2.alternation && altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation].toString().indexOf(altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation].toString().split("")[0]) === -1) { //no alternation marker altMatch.na = altMatch.na || altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation].toString(); if (altMatch.na.indexOf(altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation].toString().split("")[0]) === -1) { altMatch.na = altMatch.na + "," + altMatch.locator[altMatch2.alternation].toString().split("")[0]; } //insert match above general match dropMatch = true; altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation] = altMatch2.locator[altMatch2.alternation].toString().split("")[0] + "," + altMatch.locator[altMatch.alternation]; malternateMatches.splice(malternateMatches.indexOf(altMatch2), 0, altMatch); } break; } } } if (!dropMatch) { malternateMatches.push(altMatch); } } } if (typeof altIndex == "string") { //filter matches malternateMatches = $.map(malternateMatches, function (lmnt, ndx) { if (isFinite(ndx)) { var mamatch, alternation = lmnt.alternation, altLocArr = lmnt.locator[alternation].toString().split(","); lmnt.locator[alternation] = undefined; lmnt.alternation = undefined; for (var alndx = 0; alndx < altLocArr.length; alndx++) { mamatch = $.inArray(altLocArr[alndx], altIndexArr) !== -1; if (mamatch) { //rebuild the locator with valid entries if (lmnt.locator[alternation] !== undefined) { lmnt.locator[alternation] += ","; lmnt.locator[alternation] += altLocArr[alndx]; } else lmnt.locator[alternation] = parseInt(altLocArr[alndx]); lmnt.alternation = alternation; } } if (lmnt.locator[alternation] !== undefined) return lmnt; } }); } matches = currentMatches.concat(malternateMatches); testPos = pos; insertStop = matches.length > 0; //insert a stopelemnt when there is an alternate - needed for non-greedy option match = malternateMatches.length > 0; //set correct match state //cloneback ndxInitializer = ndxInitializerClone.slice(); } else { // if (alternateToken.matches[altIndex]) { //if not in the initial alternation => look further match = handleMatch(alternateToken.matches[altIndex] || maskToken.matches[altIndex], [altIndex].concat(loopNdx), quantifierRecurse); // } else match = false; } if (match) return true; } else if (match.isQuantifier && quantifierRecurse !== maskToken.matches[$.inArray(match, maskToken.matches) - 1]) { var qt = match; for (var qndx = (ndxInitializer.length > 0) ? ndxInitializer.shift() : 0; (qndx < (isNaN(qt.quantifier.max) ? qndx + 1 : qt.quantifier.max)) && testPos <= pos; qndx++) { var tokenGroup = maskToken.matches[$.inArray(qt, maskToken.matches) - 1]; match = handleMatch(tokenGroup, [qndx].concat(loopNdx), tokenGroup); //set the tokenGroup as quantifierRecurse marker if (match) { //get latest match latestMatch = matches[matches.length - 1].match; latestMatch.optionalQuantifier = qndx > (qt.quantifier.min - 1); if (isFirstMatch(latestMatch, tokenGroup)) { //search for next possible match if (qndx > (qt.quantifier.min - 1)) { insertStop = true; testPos = pos; //match the position after the group break; //stop quantifierloop } else return true; } else { return true; } } } } else { match = resolveTestFromToken(match, ndxInitializer, loopNdx, quantifierRecurse); if (match) return true; } } else { testPos++; } } for (var tndx = (ndxInitializer.length > 0 ? ndxInitializer.shift() : 0); tndx < maskToken.matches.length; tndx++) { if (maskToken.matches[tndx].isQuantifier !== true) { var match = handleMatch(maskToken.matches[tndx], [tndx].concat(loopNdx), quantifierRecurse); if (match && testPos === pos) { return match; } else if (testPos > pos) { break; } } } } function mergeLocators(tests) { var locator = []; if (!$.isArray(tests)) tests = [tests]; if (tests.length > 0) { if (tests[0].alternation === undefined) { locator = determineTestTemplate(tests.slice()).locator.slice(); if (locator.length === 0) locator = tests[0].locator.slice(); } else { $.each(tests, function (ndx, tst) { if (tst.def !== "") { if (locator.length === 0) locator = tst.locator.slice(); else { for (var i = 0; i < locator.length; i++) { if (tst.locator[i] && locator[i].toString().indexOf(tst.locator[i]) === -1) { locator[i] += "," + tst.locator[i]; } } } } }); } } return locator; } function filterTests(tests) { if (opts.keepStatic && pos > 0) { if (tests.length > 1 + (tests[tests.length - 1].match.def === "" ? 1 : 0)) { if (tests[0].match.optionality !== true && tests[0].match.optionalQuantifier !== true && tests[0].match.fn === null && !/[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(tests[0].match.def)) { if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1] === undefined) { return [determineTestTemplate(tests)]; } else if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1].alternation === tests[0].alternation) { return [determineTestTemplate(tests)]; } else if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1]) { return [determineTestTemplate(tests)]; } } } } return tests; } if (pos > -1) { if (ndxIntlzr === undefined) { //determine index initializer var previousPos = pos - 1, test; while ((test = getMaskSet().validPositions[previousPos] || getMaskSet().tests[previousPos]) === undefined && previousPos > -1) { previousPos--; } if (test !== undefined && previousPos > -1) { ndxInitializer = mergeLocators(test); cacheDependency = ndxInitializer.join(""); testPos = previousPos; } } if (getMaskSet().tests[pos] && getMaskSet().tests[pos][0].cd === cacheDependency) { //cacheDependency is set on all tests, just check on the first //console.log("cache hit " + pos + " - " + ndxIntlzr); return filterTests(getMaskSet().tests[pos]); } for (var mtndx = ndxInitializer.shift(); mtndx < maskTokens.length; mtndx++) { var match = resolveTestFromToken(maskTokens[mtndx], ndxInitializer, [mtndx]); if ((match && testPos === pos) || testPos > pos) { break; } } } if (matches.length === 0 || insertStop) { matches.push({ match: { fn: null, cardinality: 0, optionality: true, casing: null, def: "", placeholder: "" }, locator: [], cd: cacheDependency }); } if (ndxIntlzr !== undefined && getMaskSet().tests[pos]) { //prioritize full tests for caching return filterTests($.extend(true, [], matches)); } getMaskSet().tests[pos] = $.extend(true, [], matches); //set a clone to prevent overwriting some props // console.log(pos + " - " + JSON.stringify(matches)); return filterTests(getMaskSet().tests[pos]); } function getBufferTemplate() { if (getMaskSet()._buffer === undefined) { //generate template getMaskSet()._buffer = getMaskTemplate(false, 1); if (getMaskSet().buffer === undefined) { getMaskSet().buffer = getMaskSet()._buffer.slice(); } } return getMaskSet()._buffer; } function getBuffer(noCache) { if (getMaskSet().buffer === undefined || noCache === true) { getMaskSet().buffer = getMaskTemplate(true, getLastValidPosition(), true); } return getMaskSet().buffer; } function refreshFromBuffer(start, end, buffer) { var i, p; if (start === true) { resetMaskSet(); start = 0; end = buffer.length; } else { for (i = start; i < end; i++) { delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i]; } } p = start; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { resetMaskSet(true); //prevents clobber from the buffer if (buffer[i] !== opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter) { var valResult = isValid(p, buffer[i], true, true); if (valResult !== false) { resetMaskSet(true); p = valResult.caret !== undefined ? valResult.caret : valResult.pos + 1; } } } } function casing(elem, test, pos) { switch (opts.casing || test.casing) { case "upper": elem = elem.toUpperCase(); break; case "lower": elem = elem.toLowerCase(); break; case "title": var posBefore = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos - 1]; if (pos === 0 || posBefore && posBefore.input === String.fromCharCode(Inputmask.keyCode.SPACE)) { elem = elem.toUpperCase(); } else { elem = elem.toLowerCase(); } break; default: if ($.isFunction(opts.casing)) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.push(getMaskSet().validPositions); elem = opts.casing.apply(this, args); } } return elem; } function checkAlternationMatch(altArr1, altArr2, na) { var altArrC = opts.greedy ? altArr2 : altArr2.slice(0, 1), isMatch = false, naArr = na !== undefined ? na.split(",") : [], naNdx; //remove no alternate indexes from alternation array for (var i = 0; i < naArr.length; i++) { if ((naNdx = altArr1.indexOf(naArr[i])) !== -1) { altArr1.splice(naNdx, 1); } } for (var alndx = 0; alndx < altArr1.length; alndx++) { if ($.inArray(altArr1[alndx], altArrC) !== -1) { isMatch = true; break; } } return isMatch; } function isValid(pos, c, strict, fromSetValid, fromAlternate, validateOnly) { //strict true ~ no correction or autofill function isSelection(posObj) { var selection = isRTL ? (posObj.begin - posObj.end) > 1 || ((posObj.begin - posObj.end) === 1) : (posObj.end - posObj.begin) > 1 || ((posObj.end - posObj.begin) === 1); return selection && posObj.begin === 0 && posObj.end === getMaskSet().maskLength ? "full" : selection; } strict = strict === true; //always set a value to strict to prevent possible strange behavior in the extensions var maskPos = pos; if (pos.begin !== undefined) { //position was a position object - used to handle a delete by typing over a selection maskPos = isRTL && !isSelection(pos) ? pos.end : pos.begin; } function _isValid(position, c, strict) { var rslt = false; $.each(getTests(position), function (ndx, tst) { var test = tst.match, loopend = c ? 1 : 0, chrs = ""; for (var i = test.cardinality; i > loopend; i--) { chrs += getBufferElement(position - (i - 1)); } if (c) { chrs += c; } //make sure the buffer is set and correct getBuffer(true); //return is false or a json object => { pos: ??, c: ??} or true rslt = test.fn != null ? test.fn.test(chrs, getMaskSet(), position, strict, opts, isSelection(pos)) : (c === test.def || c === opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter) && test.def !== "" ? //non mask { c: getPlaceholder(position, test, true) || test.def, pos: position } : false; if (rslt !== false) { var elem = rslt.c !== undefined ? rslt.c : c; elem = (elem === opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter && test.fn === null) ? (getPlaceholder(position, test, true) || test.def) : elem; var validatedPos = position, possibleModifiedBuffer = getBuffer(); if (rslt.remove !== undefined) { //remove position(s) if (!$.isArray(rslt.remove)) rslt.remove = [rslt.remove]; $.each(rslt.remove.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; }), function (ndx, lmnt) { stripValidPositions(lmnt, lmnt + 1, true); }); } if (rslt.insert !== undefined) { //insert position(s) if (!$.isArray(rslt.insert)) rslt.insert = [rslt.insert]; $.each(rslt.insert.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }), function (ndx, lmnt) { isValid(lmnt.pos, lmnt.c, true, fromSetValid); }); } if (rslt.refreshFromBuffer) { var refresh = rslt.refreshFromBuffer; // strict = true; refreshFromBuffer(refresh === true ? refresh : refresh.start, refresh.end, possibleModifiedBuffer); if (rslt.pos === undefined && rslt.c === undefined) { rslt.pos = getLastValidPosition(); return false; //breakout if refreshFromBuffer && nothing to insert } validatedPos = rslt.pos !== undefined ? rslt.pos : position; if (validatedPos !== position) { rslt = $.extend(rslt, isValid(validatedPos, elem, true, fromSetValid)); //revalidate new position strict return false; } } else if (rslt !== true && rslt.pos !== undefined && rslt.pos !== position) { //their is a position offset validatedPos = rslt.pos; refreshFromBuffer(position, validatedPos, getBuffer().slice()); if (validatedPos !== position) { rslt = $.extend(rslt, isValid(validatedPos, elem, true)); //revalidate new position strict return false; } } if (rslt !== true && rslt.pos === undefined && rslt.c === undefined) { return false; //breakout if nothing to insert } if (ndx > 0) { resetMaskSet(true); } if (!setValidPosition(validatedPos, $.extend({}, tst, { "input": casing(elem, test, validatedPos) }), fromSetValid, isSelection(pos))) { rslt = false; } return false; //break from $.each } } ); return rslt; } function alternate(pos, c, strict) { var validPsClone = $.extend(true, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions), lastAlt, alternation, isValidRslt = false, altPos, prevAltPos, i, validPos, lAltPos = getLastValidPosition(), altNdxs, decisionPos; //find last modified alternation prevAltPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[lAltPos]; for (; lAltPos >= 0; lAltPos--) { altPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[lAltPos]; if (altPos && altPos.alternation !== undefined) { lastAlt = lAltPos; alternation = getMaskSet().validPositions[lastAlt].alternation; if (prevAltPos.locator[altPos.alternation] !== altPos.locator[altPos.alternation]) { break; } prevAltPos = altPos; } } if (alternation !== undefined) { decisionPos = parseInt(lastAlt); var decisionTaker = prevAltPos.locator[prevAltPos.alternation || alternation] !== undefined ? prevAltPos.locator[prevAltPos.alternation || alternation] : altNdxs[0]; //no match in the alternations (length mismatch) if (decisionTaker.length > 0) { //no decision taken ~ take first one as decider decisionTaker = decisionTaker.split(",")[0]; } var possibilityPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos], prevPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos - 1]; $.each(getTests(decisionPos, prevPos ? prevPos.locator : undefined, decisionPos - 1), function (ndx, test) { altNdxs = test.locator[alternation] ? test.locator[alternation].toString().split(",") : []; for (var mndx = 0; mndx < altNdxs.length; mndx++) { var validInputs = [], staticInputsBeforePos = 0, staticInputsBeforePosAlternate = 0, verifyValidInput = false; if (decisionTaker < altNdxs[mndx] && (test.na === undefined || ($.inArray(altNdxs[mndx], test.na.split(",")) === -1 || $.inArray(decisionTaker.toString(), altNdxs) === -1))) { getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos] = $.extend(true, {}, test); var possibilities = getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].locator; getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].locator[alternation] = parseInt(altNdxs[mndx]); //set forced decision if (test.match.fn == null) { if (possibilityPos.input !== test.match.def) { verifyValidInput = true; //verify that the new definition matches the input if (possibilityPos.generatedInput !== true) { validInputs.push(possibilityPos.input); } } staticInputsBeforePosAlternate++; getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].generatedInput = !/[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(test.match.def); getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].input = test.match.def; } else { getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].input = possibilityPos.input; } for (i = decisionPos + 1; i < getLastValidPosition(undefined, true) + 1; i++) { validPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[i]; if (validPos && validPos.generatedInput !== true && /[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(validPos.input)) { validInputs.push(validPos.input); } else if (i < pos) staticInputsBeforePos++; delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i]; } if (verifyValidInput && validInputs[0] === test.match.def) { validInputs.shift(); } resetMaskSet(true); //clear getbuffer isValidRslt = true; while (validInputs.length > 0) { var input = validInputs.shift(); if (input !== opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter) { if (!(isValidRslt = isValid(getLastValidPosition(undefined, true) + 1, input, false, fromSetValid, true))) { break; } } } if (isValidRslt) { getMaskSet().validPositions[decisionPos].locator = possibilities; //reset forceddecision ~ needed for proper delete var targetLvp = getLastValidPosition(pos) + 1; for (i = decisionPos + 1; i < getLastValidPosition() + 1; i++) { validPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[i]; if ((validPos === undefined || validPos.match.fn == null) && i < (pos + (staticInputsBeforePosAlternate - staticInputsBeforePos))) { staticInputsBeforePosAlternate++; } } pos = pos + (staticInputsBeforePosAlternate - staticInputsBeforePos); isValidRslt = isValid(pos > targetLvp ? targetLvp : pos, c, strict, fromSetValid, true); } if (!isValidRslt) { resetMaskSet(); getMaskSet().validPositions = $.extend(true, {}, validPsClone); } else return false; //exit $.each } } }); } return isValidRslt; } //set alternator choice on previous skipped placeholder positions function trackbackAlternations(originalPos, newPos) { var vp = getMaskSet().validPositions[newPos]; if (vp) { var targetLocator = vp.locator, tll = targetLocator.length; for (var ps = originalPos; ps < newPos; ps++) { if (getMaskSet().validPositions[ps] === undefined && !isMask(ps, true)) { var tests = getTests(ps).slice(), bestMatch = determineTestTemplate(tests, true), equality = -1; if (tests[tests.length - 1].match.def === "") tests.pop(); $.each(tests, function (ndx, tst) { //find best matching for (var i = 0; i < tll; i++) { if (tst.locator[i] !== undefined && checkAlternationMatch(tst.locator[i].toString().split(","), targetLocator[i].toString().split(","), tst.na)) { if (equality < i) { equality = i; bestMatch = tst; } } else { //check if alternationIndex is closer then the current bestmatch var targetAI = targetLocator[i], bestMatchAI = bestMatch.locator[i], tstAI = tst.locator[i]; if ((targetAI - bestMatchAI) > Math.abs(targetAI - tstAI)) { bestMatch = tst; } break; } } }); bestMatch = $.extend({}, bestMatch, { "input": getPlaceholder(ps, bestMatch.match, true) || bestMatch.match.def }); bestMatch.generatedInput = true; setValidPosition(ps, bestMatch, true); //revalidate the new position to update the locator value getMaskSet().validPositions[newPos] = undefined; _isValid(newPos, vp.input, true); } } } } function setValidPosition(pos, validTest, fromSetValid, isSelection) { if (isSelection || (opts.insertMode && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] !== undefined && fromSetValid === undefined)) { //reposition & revalidate others var positionsClone = $.extend(true, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions), lvp = getLastValidPosition(undefined, true), i; for (i = pos; i <= lvp; i++) { //clear selection delete getMaskSet().validPositions[i]; } getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] = $.extend(true, {}, validTest); var valid = true, j, vps = getMaskSet().validPositions, needsValidation = false, initialLength = getMaskSet().maskLength; for (i = (j = pos); i <= lvp; i++) { var t = positionsClone[i]; if (t !== undefined /*&& (t.generatedInput !== true || t.match.fn === null)*/) { var posMatch = j; while (posMatch < getMaskSet().maskLength && ((t.match.fn === null && vps[i] && (vps[i].match.optionalQuantifier === true || vps[i].match.optionality === true)) || t.match.fn != null)) { posMatch++; if (needsValidation === false && positionsClone[posMatch] && positionsClone[posMatch].match.def === t.match.def) { //obvious match getMaskSet().validPositions[posMatch] = $.extend(true, {}, positionsClone[posMatch]); getMaskSet().validPositions[posMatch].input = t.input; fillMissingNonMask(posMatch); j = posMatch; valid = true; } else if (positionCanMatchDefinition(posMatch, t.match.def)) { //validated match var result = isValid(posMatch, t.input, true, true); valid = result !== false; j = (result.caret || result.insert) ? getLastValidPosition() : posMatch; needsValidation = true; } else { valid = t.generatedInput === true; if (!valid && posMatch >= getMaskSet().maskLength - 1) break; } if (getMaskSet().maskLength < initialLength) getMaskSet().maskLength = initialLength; //a bit hacky but the masklength is corrected later on if (valid) break; } } if (!valid) break; } if (!valid) { getMaskSet().validPositions = $.extend(true, {}, positionsClone); resetMaskSet(true); return false; } } else { getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] = $.extend(true, {}, validTest); } resetMaskSet(true); return true; } var result = true, positionsClone = $.extend(true, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions); //clone the currentPositions function fillMissingNonMask(maskPos) { //Check for a nonmask before the pos //find previous valid for (var pndx = maskPos - 1; pndx > -1; pndx--) { if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pndx]) break; } ////fill missing nonmask and valid placeholders var testTemplate, testsFromPos; for (pndx++; pndx < maskPos; pndx++) { if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pndx] === undefined && (opts.jitMasking === false || opts.jitMasking > pndx)) { testsFromPos = getTests(pndx, getTestTemplate(pndx - 1).locator, pndx - 1).slice(); if (testsFromPos[testsFromPos.length - 1].match.def === "") testsFromPos.pop(); testTemplate = determineTestTemplate(testsFromPos); if (testTemplate && (testTemplate.match.def === opts.radixPointDefinitionSymbol || !isMask(pndx, true) || ($.inArray(opts.radixPoint, getBuffer()) < pndx && testTemplate.match.fn && testTemplate.match.fn.test(getPlaceholder(pndx), getMaskSet(), pndx, false, opts)))) { result = _isValid(pndx, getPlaceholder(pndx, testTemplate.match, true) || (testTemplate.match.fn == null ? testTemplate.match.def : (getPlaceholder(pndx) !== "" ? getPlaceholder(pndx) : getBuffer()[pndx])), true); if (result !== false) { getMaskSet().validPositions[result.pos || pndx].generatedInput = true; } } } } } if ($.isFunction(opts.preValidation) && !strict && fromSetValid !== true && validateOnly !== true) { result = opts.preValidation(getBuffer(), maskPos, c, isSelection(pos), opts); } if (result === true) { fillMissingNonMask(maskPos); if (isSelection(pos)) { handleRemove(undefined, Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE, pos, true, true); maskPos = getMaskSet().p; } if (maskPos < getMaskSet().maskLength && (maxLength === undefined || maskPos < maxLength)) { result = _isValid(maskPos, c, strict); if ((!strict || fromSetValid === true) && result === false && validateOnly !== true) { var currentPosValid = getMaskSet().validPositions[maskPos]; if (currentPosValid && currentPosValid.match.fn === null && (currentPosValid.match.def === c || c === opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter)) { result = { "caret": seekNext(maskPos) }; } else if ((opts.insertMode || getMaskSet().validPositions[seekNext(maskPos)] === undefined) && !isMask(maskPos, true)) { //does the input match on a further position? for (var nPos = maskPos + 1, snPos = seekNext(maskPos); nPos <= snPos; nPos++) { // if (!isMask(nPos, true)) { // continue; // } result = _isValid(nPos, c, strict); if (result !== false) { trackbackAlternations(maskPos, result.pos !== undefined ? result.pos : nPos); maskPos = nPos; break; } } } } } if (result === false && opts.keepStatic && !strict && fromAlternate !== true) { //try fuzzy alternator logic result = alternate(maskPos, c, strict); } if (result === true) { result = { "pos": maskPos }; } } if ($.isFunction(opts.postValidation) && result !== false && !strict && fromSetValid !== true && validateOnly !== true) { var postResult = opts.postValidation(getBuffer(true), result, opts); if (postResult.refreshFromBuffer && postResult.buffer) { var refresh = postResult.refreshFromBuffer; refreshFromBuffer(refresh === true ? refresh : refresh.start, refresh.end, postResult.buffer); } result = postResult === true ? result : postResult; } if (result && result.pos === undefined) { result.pos = maskPos; } if (result === false || validateOnly === true) { resetMaskSet(true); getMaskSet().validPositions = $.extend(true, {}, positionsClone); //revert validation changes } return result; } function isMask(pos, strict) { var test = getTestTemplate(pos).match; if (test.def === "") test = getTest(pos).match; if (test.fn != null) { return test.fn; } if (strict !== true && pos > -1) { var tests = getTests(pos); return tests.length > 1 + (tests[tests.length - 1].match.def === "" ? 1 : 0); } return false; } function seekNext(pos, newBlock) { var maskL = getMaskSet().maskLength; if (pos >= maskL) return maskL; var position = pos; if (getTests(maskL + 1).length > 1) { getMaskTemplate(true, maskL + 1, true); maskL = getMaskSet().maskLength; } while (++position < maskL && ((newBlock === true && (getTest(position).match.newBlockMarker !== true || !isMask(position))) || (newBlock !== true && !isMask(position)))) { } return position; } function seekPrevious(pos, newBlock) { var position = pos, tests; if (position <= 0) return 0; while (--position > 0 && ((newBlock === true && getTest(position).match.newBlockMarker !== true) || (newBlock !== true && !isMask(position) && (tests = getTests(position), tests.length < 2 || (tests.length === 2 && tests[1].match.def === ""))))) { } return position; } function getBufferElement(position) { return getMaskSet().validPositions[position] === undefined ? getPlaceholder(position) : getMaskSet().validPositions[position].input; } function writeBuffer(input, buffer, caretPos, event, triggerInputEvent) { if (event && $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeWrite)) { // buffer = buffer.slice(); //prevent uncontrolled manipulation of the internal buffer var result = opts.onBeforeWrite.call(inputmask, event, buffer, caretPos, opts); if (result) { if (result.refreshFromBuffer) { var refresh = result.refreshFromBuffer; refreshFromBuffer(refresh === true ? refresh : refresh.start, refresh.end, result.buffer || buffer); buffer = getBuffer(true); } //only alter when intented !== undefined if (caretPos !== undefined) caretPos = result.caret !== undefined ? result.caret : caretPos; } } if (input !== undefined) { input.inputmask._valueSet(buffer.join("")); if (caretPos !== undefined && (event === undefined || event.type !== "blur")) { if (android && event && event.type === "input") { setTimeout(function () { caret(input, caretPos); }, 0); } else caret(input, caretPos); } else renderColorMask(input, caretPos, buffer.length === 0); if (triggerInputEvent === true) { skipInputEvent = true; $(input).trigger("input"); } } } function getPlaceholder(pos, test, returnPL) { test = test || getTest(pos).match; if (test.placeholder !== undefined || returnPL === true) { return $.isFunction(test.placeholder) ? test.placeholder(opts) : test.placeholder; } else if (test.fn === null) { if (pos > -1 && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos] === undefined) { var tests = getTests(pos), staticAlternations = [], prevTest; if (tests.length > 1 + (tests[tests.length - 1].match.def === "" ? 1 : 0)) { for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { if (tests[i].match.optionality !== true && tests[i].match.optionalQuantifier !== true && (tests[i].match.fn === null || (prevTest === undefined || tests[i].match.fn.test(prevTest.match.def, getMaskSet(), pos, true, opts) !== false))) { staticAlternations.push(tests[i]); if (tests[i].match.fn === null) prevTest = tests[i]; if (staticAlternations.length > 1) { if (/[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(staticAlternations[0].match.def)) { return opts.placeholder.charAt(pos % opts.placeholder.length); } } } } } } return test.def; } return opts.placeholder.charAt(pos % opts.placeholder.length); } var EventRuler = { on: function (input, eventName, eventHandler) { var ev = function (e) { // console.log("triggered " + e.type); if (this.inputmask === undefined && this.nodeName !== "FORM") { //happens when cloning an object with jquery.clone var imOpts = $.data(this, "_inputmask_opts"); if (imOpts) (new Inputmask(imOpts)).mask(this); else EventRuler.off(this); } else if (e.type !== "setvalue" && this.nodeName !== "FORM" && (this.disabled || (this.readOnly && !(e.type === "keydown" && (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 67) || (opts.tabThrough === false && e.keyCode === Inputmask.keyCode.TAB))))) { e.preventDefault(); } else { switch (e.type) { case "input": if (skipInputEvent === true) { skipInputEvent = false; return e.preventDefault(); } break; case "keydown": //Safari 5.1.x - modal dialog fires keypress twice workaround skipKeyPressEvent = false; skipInputEvent = false; break; case "keypress": if (skipKeyPressEvent === true) { return e.preventDefault(); } skipKeyPressEvent = true; break; case "click": if (iemobile || iphone) { var that = this, args = arguments; setTimeout(function () { eventHandler.apply(that, args); }, 0); return false; } break; } // console.log("executed " + e.type); var returnVal = eventHandler.apply(this, arguments); if (returnVal === false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } return returnVal; } }; //keep instance of the event input.inputmask.events[eventName] = input.inputmask.events[eventName] || []; input.inputmask.events[eventName].push(ev); if ($.inArray(eventName, ["submit", "reset"]) !== -1) { if (input.form !== null) $(input.form).on(eventName, ev); } else { $(input).on(eventName, ev); } }, off: function (input, event) { if (input.inputmask && input.inputmask.events) { var events; if (event) { events = []; events[event] = input.inputmask.events[event]; } else { events = input.inputmask.events; } $.each(events, function (eventName, evArr) { while (evArr.length > 0) { var ev = evArr.pop(); if ($.inArray(eventName, ["submit", "reset"]) !== -1) { if (input.form !== null) $(input.form).off(eventName, ev); } else { $(input).off(eventName, ev); } } delete input.inputmask.events[eventName]; }); } } }; var EventHandlers = { keydownEvent: function (e) { function isInputEventSupported(eventName) { var el = document.createElement("input"), evName = "on" + eventName, isSupported = (evName in el); if (!isSupported) { el.setAttribute(evName, "return;"); isSupported = typeof el[evName] === "function"; } el = null; return isSupported; } var input = this, $input = $(input), k = e.keyCode, pos = caret(input); //backspace, delete, and escape get special treatment if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE || k === Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE || (iphone && k === Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE_SAFARI) || (e.ctrlKey && k === Inputmask.keyCode.X && !isInputEventSupported("cut"))) { //backspace/delete e.preventDefault(); //stop default action but allow propagation handleRemove(input, k, pos); writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(true), getMaskSet().p, e, input.inputmask._valueGet() !== getBuffer().join("")); if (input.inputmask._valueGet() === getBufferTemplate().join("")) { $input.trigger("cleared"); } else if (isComplete(getBuffer()) === true) { $input.trigger("complete"); } } else if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.END || k === Inputmask.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN) { //when END or PAGE_DOWN pressed set position at lastmatch e.preventDefault(); var caretPos = seekNext(getLastValidPosition()); if (!opts.insertMode && caretPos === getMaskSet().maskLength && !e.shiftKey) caretPos--; caret(input, e.shiftKey ? pos.begin : caretPos, caretPos, true); } else if ((k === Inputmask.keyCode.HOME && !e.shiftKey) || k === Inputmask.keyCode.PAGE_UP) { //Home or page_up e.preventDefault(); caret(input, 0, e.shiftKey ? pos.begin : 0, true); } else if (((opts.undoOnEscape && k === Inputmask.keyCode.ESCAPE) || (k === 90 && e.ctrlKey)) && e.altKey !== true) { //escape && undo && #762 checkVal(input, true, false, undoValue.split("")); $input.trigger("click"); } else if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.INSERT && !(e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey)) { //insert opts.insertMode = !opts.insertMode; caret(input, !opts.insertMode && pos.begin === getMaskSet().maskLength ? pos.begin - 1 : pos.begin); } else if (opts.tabThrough === true && k === Inputmask.keyCode.TAB) { if (e.shiftKey === true) { if (getTest(pos.begin).match.fn === null) { pos.begin = seekNext(pos.begin); } pos.end = seekPrevious(pos.begin, true); pos.begin = seekPrevious(pos.end, true); } else { pos.begin = seekNext(pos.begin, true); pos.end = seekNext(pos.begin, true); if (pos.end < getMaskSet().maskLength) pos.end--; } if (pos.begin < getMaskSet().maskLength) { e.preventDefault(); caret(input, pos.begin, pos.end); } } else if (!e.shiftKey) { if (opts.insertMode === false) { if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.RIGHT) { setTimeout(function () { var caretPos = caret(input); caret(input, caretPos.begin); }, 0); } else if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.LEFT) { setTimeout(function () { var caretPos = caret(input); caret(input, isRTL ? caretPos.begin + 1 : caretPos.begin - 1); }, 0); } } } opts.onKeyDown.call(this, e, getBuffer(), caret(input).begin, opts); ignorable = $.inArray(k, opts.ignorables) !== -1; }, keypressEvent: function (e, checkval, writeOut, strict, ndx) { var input = this, $input = $(input), k = e.which || e.charCode || e.keyCode; if (checkval !== true && (!(e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || ignorable))) { if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.ENTER && undoValue !== getBuffer().join("")) { undoValue = getBuffer().join(""); // e.preventDefault(); setTimeout(function () { $input.trigger("change"); }, 0); } return true; } else { if (k) { //special treat the decimal separator if (k === 46 && e.shiftKey === false && opts.radixPoint !== "") k = opts.radixPoint.charCodeAt(0); var pos = checkval ? { begin: ndx, end: ndx } : caret(input), forwardPosition, c = String.fromCharCode(k); getMaskSet().writeOutBuffer = true; var valResult = isValid(pos, c, strict); if (valResult !== false) { resetMaskSet(true); forwardPosition = valResult.caret !== undefined ? valResult.caret : checkval ? valResult.pos + 1 : seekNext(valResult.pos); getMaskSet().p = forwardPosition; //needed for checkval } if (writeOut !== false) { setTimeout(function () { opts.onKeyValidation.call(input, k, valResult, opts); }, 0); if (getMaskSet().writeOutBuffer && valResult !== false) { var buffer = getBuffer(); writeBuffer(input, buffer, (opts.numericInput && valResult.caret === undefined) ? seekPrevious(forwardPosition) : forwardPosition, e, checkval !== true); if (checkval !== true) { setTimeout(function () { //timeout needed for IE if (isComplete(buffer) === true) $input.trigger("complete"); }, 0); } } } e.preventDefault(); if (checkval) { if (valResult !== false) valResult.forwardPosition = forwardPosition; return valResult; } } } }, pasteEvent: function (e) { var input = this, ev = e.originalEvent || e, $input = $(input), inputValue = input.inputmask._valueGet(true), caretPos = caret(input), tempValue; // console.log(inputValue); if (isRTL) { tempValue = caretPos.end; caretPos.end = caretPos.begin; caretPos.begin = tempValue; } var valueBeforeCaret = inputValue.substr(0, caretPos.begin), valueAfterCaret = inputValue.substr(caretPos.end, inputValue.length); if (valueBeforeCaret === (isRTL ? getBufferTemplate().reverse() : getBufferTemplate()).slice(0, caretPos.begin).join("")) valueBeforeCaret = ""; if (valueAfterCaret === (isRTL ? getBufferTemplate().reverse() : getBufferTemplate()).slice(caretPos.end).join("")) valueAfterCaret = ""; if (isRTL) { tempValue = valueBeforeCaret; valueBeforeCaret = valueAfterCaret; valueAfterCaret = tempValue; } if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData) { // IE inputValue = valueBeforeCaret + window.clipboardData.getData("Text") + valueAfterCaret; } else if (ev.clipboardData && ev.clipboardData.getData) { inputValue = valueBeforeCaret + ev.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") + valueAfterCaret; } else return true; //allow native paste event as fallback ~ masking will continue by inputfallback var pasteValue = inputValue; // console.log(inputValue); if ($.isFunction(opts.onBeforePaste)) { pasteValue = opts.onBeforePaste.call(inputmask, inputValue, opts); if (pasteValue === false) { return e.preventDefault(); } if (!pasteValue) { pasteValue = inputValue; } } checkVal(input, false, false, isRTL ? pasteValue.split("").reverse() : pasteValue.toString().split("")); writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), seekNext(getLastValidPosition()), e, undoValue !== getBuffer().join("")); if (isComplete(getBuffer()) === true) { $input.trigger("complete"); } return e.preventDefault(); }, inputFallBackEvent: function (e) { //fallback when keypress is not triggered function repositionCaret(input, frontPart, backPart) { var targetPos = caret(input).begin, currentValue = input.inputmask._valueGet(), pos = currentValue.indexOf(frontPart), currentPos = targetPos; if (pos === 0 && targetPos !== frontPart.length) { targetPos = frontPart.length; } else { while (currentValue.match(Inputmask.escapeRegex(backPart) + "$") === null) { backPart = backPart.substr(1); } var pos2 = currentValue.indexOf(backPart); if (pos2 !== -1 && backPart !== "" && targetPos > pos2 && pos2 > pos) { targetPos = pos2; } } if (!isMask(targetPos)) targetPos = seekNext(targetPos); if (currentPos !== targetPos) { caret(input, targetPos); if (android) { //caret is set by android after inputevent setTimeout(function () { caret(input, targetPos); }, 0); } } } function radixPointHandler(input, inputValue, caretPos) { //radixpoint tweak if (inputValue.charAt(caretPos.begin - 1) === "." && opts.radixPoint !== "") { inputValue = inputValue.split(""); inputValue[caretPos.begin - 1] = opts.radixPoint.charAt(0); inputValue = inputValue.join(""); } if (inputValue.charAt(caretPos.begin - 1) === opts.radixPoint && inputValue.length > getBuffer().length) { var keypress = new $.Event("keypress"); keypress.which = opts.radixPoint.charCodeAt(0); EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(input, keypress, true, true, false, caretPos.begin - 1); return false; } } function ieMobileHandler(input, inputValue, caretPos) { if (iemobile) { //iemobile just set the character at the end althought the caret position is correctly set var inputChar = inputValue.replace(getBuffer().join(""), ""); if (inputChar.length === 1) { var keypress = new $.Event("keypress"); keypress.which = inputChar.charCodeAt(0); EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(input, keypress, true, true, false, getMaskSet().validPositions[caretPos.begin - 1] ? caretPos.begin : caretPos.begin - 1); return false; } } } var input = this, inputValue = input.inputmask._valueGet(); if (getBuffer().join("") !== inputValue) { var caretPos = caret(input); if (radixPointHandler(input, inputValue, caretPos) === false) return false; inputValue = inputValue.replace(new RegExp("(" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(getBufferTemplate().join("")) + ")*"), ""); if (ieMobileHandler(input, inputValue, caretPos) === false) return false; if (caretPos.begin > inputValue.length) { caret(input, inputValue.length); caretPos = caret(input); } var buffer = getBuffer().join(""), frontPart = inputValue.substr(0, caretPos.begin), backPart = inputValue.substr(caretPos.begin), frontBufferPart = buffer.substr(0, caretPos.begin), backBufferPart = buffer.substr(caretPos.begin); //check if thare was a selection var selection = caretPos, entries = "", isEntry = false; if (frontPart !== frontBufferPart) { selection.begin = 0; var fpl = (isEntry = frontPart.length >= frontBufferPart.length) ? frontPart.length : frontBufferPart.length for (var i = 0; frontPart.charAt(i) === frontBufferPart.charAt(i) && i < fpl; i++) { selection.begin++; } if (isEntry) { entries += frontPart.slice(selection.begin, selection.end); } } if (backPart !== backBufferPart) { if (backPart.length > backBufferPart.length) { if (isEntry) { selection.end = selection.begin; } } else { if (backPart.length < backBufferPart.length) { selection.end += backBufferPart.length - backPart.length; } else if (backPart.charAt(0) !== backBufferPart.charAt(0)) { selection.end++; } } } writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), selection); if (entries.length > 0) { $.each(entries.split(""), function (ndx, entry) { var keypress = new $.Event("keypress"); keypress.which = entry.charCodeAt(0); ignorable = false; //make sure ignorable is ignored ;-) EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(input, keypress); }); } else { if (selection.begin === selection.end - 1) { caret(input, seekPrevious(selection.begin + 1), selection.end); } e.keyCode = Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE; EventHandlers.keydownEvent.call(input, e); } e.preventDefault(); } }, setValueEvent: function (e) { this.inputmask.refreshValue = false; var input = this, value = input.inputmask._valueGet(true); if ($.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask)) value = opts.onBeforeMask.call(inputmask, value, opts) || value; value = value.split(""); checkVal(input, true, false, isRTL ? value.reverse() : value); undoValue = getBuffer().join(""); if ((opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus || opts.clearIncomplete) && input.inputmask._valueGet() === getBufferTemplate().join("")) { input.inputmask._valueSet(""); } } , focusEvent: function (e) { var input = this, nptValue = input.inputmask._valueGet(); if (opts.showMaskOnFocus && (!opts.showMaskOnHover || (opts.showMaskOnHover && nptValue === ""))) { if (input.inputmask._valueGet() !== getBuffer().join("")) { writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), seekNext(getLastValidPosition())); } else if (mouseEnter === false) { //only executed on focus without mouseenter caret(input, seekNext(getLastValidPosition())); } } if (opts.positionCaretOnTab === true && mouseEnter === false && nptValue !== "") { writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), caret(input)); EventHandlers.clickEvent.apply(input, [e, true]); } undoValue = getBuffer().join(""); } , mouseleaveEvent: function (e) { var input = this; mouseEnter = false; if (opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus && document.activeElement !== input) { var buffer = getBuffer().slice(), nptValue = input.inputmask._valueGet(); if (nptValue !== input.getAttribute("placeholder") && nptValue !== "") { if (getLastValidPosition() === -1 && nptValue === getBufferTemplate().join("")) { buffer = []; } else { //clearout optional tail of the mask clearOptionalTail(buffer); } writeBuffer(input, buffer); } } } , clickEvent: function (e, tabbed) { function doRadixFocus(clickPos) { if (opts.radixPoint !== "") { var vps = getMaskSet().validPositions; if (vps[clickPos] === undefined || (vps[clickPos].input === getPlaceholder(clickPos))) { if (clickPos < seekNext(-1)) return true; var radixPos = $.inArray(opts.radixPoint, getBuffer()); if (radixPos !== -1) { for (var vp in vps) { if (radixPos < vp && vps[vp].input !== getPlaceholder(vp)) { return false; } } return true; } } } return false; } var input = this; setTimeout(function () { //needed for Chrome ~ initial selection clears after the clickevent if (document.activeElement === input) { var selectedCaret = caret(input); if (tabbed) { if (isRTL) { selectedCaret.end = selectedCaret.begin; } else { selectedCaret.begin = selectedCaret.end; } } if (selectedCaret.begin === selectedCaret.end) { switch (opts.positionCaretOnClick) { case "none": break; case "radixFocus": if (doRadixFocus(selectedCaret.begin)) { var radixPos = getBuffer().join("").indexOf(opts.radixPoint); caret(input, opts.numericInput ? seekNext(radixPos) : radixPos); break; } default: //lvp: var clickPosition = selectedCaret.begin, lvclickPosition = getLastValidPosition(clickPosition, true), lastPosition = seekNext(lvclickPosition); if (clickPosition < lastPosition) { caret(input, !isMask(clickPosition, true) && !isMask(clickPosition - 1, true) ? seekNext(clickPosition) : clickPosition); } else { var lvp = getMaskSet().validPositions[lvclickPosition], tt = getTestTemplate(lastPosition, lvp ? lvp.match.locator : undefined, lvp), placeholder = getPlaceholder(lastPosition, tt.match); if ((placeholder !== "" && getBuffer()[lastPosition] !== placeholder && tt.match.optionalQuantifier !== true && tt.match.newBlockMarker !== true) || (!isMask(lastPosition, true) && tt.match.def === placeholder)) { var newPos = seekNext(lastPosition); if (clickPosition >= newPos || clickPosition === lastPosition) { lastPosition = newPos; } } caret(input, lastPosition); } break; } } } }, 0); } , dblclickEvent: function (e) { var input = this; setTimeout(function () { caret(input, 0, seekNext(getLastValidPosition())); }, 0); } , cutEvent: function (e) { var input = this, $input = $(input), pos = caret(input), ev = e.originalEvent || e; //correct clipboardData var clipboardData = window.clipboardData || ev.clipboardData, clipData = isRTL ? getBuffer().slice(pos.end, pos.begin) : getBuffer().slice(pos.begin, pos.end); clipboardData.setData("text", isRTL ? clipData.reverse().join("") : clipData.join("")); if (document.execCommand) document.execCommand("copy"); // copy selected content to system clipbaord handleRemove(input, Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE, pos); writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), getMaskSet().p, e, undoValue !== getBuffer().join("")); if (input.inputmask._valueGet() === getBufferTemplate().join("")) { $input.trigger("cleared"); } } , blurEvent: function (e) { var $input = $(this), input = this; if (input.inputmask) { var nptValue = input.inputmask._valueGet(), buffer = getBuffer().slice(); if (nptValue !== "") { if (opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus) { if (getLastValidPosition() === -1 && nptValue === getBufferTemplate().join("")) { buffer = []; } else { //clearout optional tail of the mask clearOptionalTail(buffer); } } if (isComplete(buffer) === false) { setTimeout(function () { $input.trigger("incomplete"); }, 0); if (opts.clearIncomplete) { resetMaskSet(); if (opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus) { buffer = []; } else { buffer = getBufferTemplate().slice(); } } } writeBuffer(input, buffer, undefined, e); } if (undoValue !== getBuffer().join("")) { undoValue = buffer.join(""); $input.trigger("change"); } } } , mouseenterEvent: function (e) { var input = this; mouseEnter = true; if (document.activeElement !== input && opts.showMaskOnHover) { if (input.inputmask._valueGet() !== getBuffer().join("")) { writeBuffer(input, getBuffer()); } } } , submitEvent: function (e) { //trigger change on submit if any if (undoValue !== getBuffer().join("")) { $el.trigger("change"); } if (opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus && getLastValidPosition() === -1 && el.inputmask._valueGet && el.inputmask._valueGet() === getBufferTemplate().join("")) { el.inputmask._valueSet(""); //clear masktemplete on submit and still has focus } if (opts.removeMaskOnSubmit) { el.inputmask._valueSet(el.inputmask.unmaskedvalue(), true); setTimeout(function () { writeBuffer(el, getBuffer()); }, 0); } } , resetEvent: function (e) { el.inputmask.refreshValue = true; //indicate a forced refresh when there is a call to the value before leaving the triggering event fn setTimeout(function () { $el.trigger("setvalue"); }, 0); } }; function checkVal(input, writeOut, strict, nptvl, initiatingEvent) { var inputValue = nptvl.slice(), charCodes = "", initialNdx = -1, result = undefined; // console.log(nptvl); function isTemplateMatch(ndx, charCodes) { var charCodeNdx = getBufferTemplate().slice(ndx, seekNext(ndx)).join("").indexOf(charCodes); return charCodeNdx !== -1 && !isMask(ndx) && getTest(ndx).match.nativeDef === charCodes.charAt(charCodes.length - 1); } resetMaskSet(); if (!strict && opts.autoUnmask !== true) { var staticInput = getBufferTemplate().slice(0, seekNext(-1)).join(""), matches = inputValue.join("").match(new RegExp("^" + Inputmask.escapeRegex(staticInput), "g")); if (matches && matches.length > 0) { inputValue.splice(0, matches.length * staticInput.length); initialNdx = seekNext(initialNdx); } } else { initialNdx = seekNext(initialNdx); } if (initialNdx === -1) { getMaskSet().p = seekNext(initialNdx); initialNdx = 0; } else getMaskSet().p = initialNdx; $.each(inputValue, function (ndx, charCode) { // console.log(charCode); if (charCode !== undefined) { //inputfallback strips some elements out of the inputarray. $.each logically presents them as undefined if (getMaskSet().validPositions[ndx] === undefined && inputValue[ndx] === getPlaceholder(ndx) && isMask(ndx, true) && isValid(ndx, inputValue[ndx], true, undefined, undefined, true) === false) { getMaskSet().p++; } else { var keypress = new $.Event("_checkval"); keypress.which = charCode.charCodeAt(0); charCodes += charCode; var lvp = getLastValidPosition(undefined, true), lvTest = getMaskSet().validPositions[lvp], nextTest = getTestTemplate(lvp + 1, lvTest ? lvTest.locator.slice() : undefined, lvp); if (!isTemplateMatch(initialNdx, charCodes) || strict || opts.autoUnmask) { var pos = strict ? ndx : (nextTest.match.fn == null && nextTest.match.optionality && (lvp + 1) < getMaskSet().p ? lvp + 1 : getMaskSet().p); result = EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(input, keypress, true, false, strict, pos); initialNdx = pos + 1; charCodes = ""; } else { result = EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(input, keypress, true, false, true, lvp + 1); } if (result !== false && !strict && $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeWrite)) { var origResult = result; result = opts.onBeforeWrite.call(inputmask, keypress, getBuffer(), result.forwardPosition, opts); result = $.extend(origResult, result); if (result && result.refreshFromBuffer) { var refresh = result.refreshFromBuffer; refreshFromBuffer(refresh === true ? refresh : refresh.start, refresh.end, result.buffer); resetMaskSet(true); if (result.caret) { getMaskSet().p = result.caret; result.forwardPosition = result.caret; } } } } } }); if (writeOut) { var caretPos = undefined; if (document.activeElement === input && result) { caretPos = opts.numericInput ? seekPrevious(result.forwardPosition) : result.forwardPosition; } writeBuffer(input, getBuffer(), caretPos, initiatingEvent || new $.Event("checkval"), initiatingEvent && initiatingEvent.type === "input"); } } function unmaskedvalue(input) { if (input) { if (input.inputmask === undefined) { return input.value; } if (input.inputmask && input.inputmask.refreshValue) { //forced refresh from the value form.reset EventHandlers.setValueEvent.call(input); } } var umValue = [], vps = getMaskSet().validPositions; for (var pndx in vps) { if (vps[pndx].match && vps[pndx].match.fn != null) { umValue.push(vps[pndx].input); } } var unmaskedValue = umValue.length === 0 ? "" : (isRTL ? umValue.reverse() : umValue).join(""); if ($.isFunction(opts.onUnMask)) { var bufferValue = (isRTL ? getBuffer().slice().reverse() : getBuffer()).join(""); unmaskedValue = opts.onUnMask.call(inputmask, bufferValue, unmaskedValue, opts); } return unmaskedValue; } function caret(input, begin, end, notranslate) { function translatePosition(pos) { if (notranslate !== true && isRTL && typeof pos === "number" && (!opts.greedy || opts.placeholder !== "")) { var bffrLght = getBuffer().join("").length; //join is needed because sometimes we get an empty buffer element which must not be counted for the caret position (numeric alias) pos = bffrLght - pos; } return pos; } var range; if (begin !== undefined) { if (begin.begin !== undefined) { end = begin.end; begin = begin.begin; } if (typeof begin === "number") { begin = translatePosition(begin); end = translatePosition(end); end = (typeof end == "number") ? end : begin; // if (!$(input).is(":visible")) { // return; // } var scrollCalc = parseInt(((input.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle ? (input.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle(input, null) : input.currentStyle).fontSize) * end; input.scrollLeft = scrollCalc > input.scrollWidth ? scrollCalc : 0; if (!mobile && opts.insertMode === false && begin === end) end++; //set visualization for insert/overwrite mode if (input.setSelectionRange) { input.selectionStart = begin; input.selectionEnd = end; } else if (window.getSelection) { range = document.createRange(); if (input.firstChild === undefined || input.firstChild === null) { var textNode = document.createTextNode(""); input.appendChild(textNode); } range.setStart(input.firstChild, begin < input.inputmask._valueGet().length ? begin : input.inputmask._valueGet().length); range.setEnd(input.firstChild, end < input.inputmask._valueGet().length ? end : input.inputmask._valueGet().length); range.collapse(true); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); //input.focus(); } else if (input.createTextRange) { range = input.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd("character", end); range.moveStart("character", begin); range.select(); } renderColorMask(input, {begin: begin, end: end}); } } else { if (input.setSelectionRange) { begin = input.selectionStart; end = input.selectionEnd; } else if (window.getSelection) { range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); if (range.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode === input || range.commonAncestorContainer === input) { begin = range.startOffset; end = range.endOffset; } } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { range = document.selection.createRange(); begin = 0 - range.duplicate().moveStart("character", -input.inputmask._valueGet().length); end = begin + range.text.length; } /*eslint-disable consistent-return */ return { "begin": translatePosition(begin), "end": translatePosition(end) }; /*eslint-enable consistent-return */ } } function determineLastRequiredPosition(returnDefinition) { var buffer = getBuffer(), bl = buffer.length, pos, lvp = getLastValidPosition(), positions = {}, lvTest = getMaskSet().validPositions[lvp], ndxIntlzr = lvTest !== undefined ? lvTest.locator.slice() : undefined, testPos; for (pos = lvp + 1; pos < buffer.length; pos++) { testPos = getTestTemplate(pos, ndxIntlzr, pos - 1); ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(); positions[pos] = $.extend(true, {}, testPos); } var lvTestAlt = lvTest && lvTest.alternation !== undefined ? lvTest.locator[lvTest.alternation] : undefined; for (pos = bl - 1; pos > lvp; pos--) { testPos = positions[pos]; if ((testPos.match.optionality || (testPos.match.optionalQuantifier && testPos.match.newBlockMarker) || (lvTestAlt && ((lvTestAlt !== positions[pos].locator[lvTest.alternation] && testPos.match.fn != null) || (testPos.match.fn === null && testPos.locator[lvTest.alternation] && checkAlternationMatch(testPos.locator[lvTest.alternation].toString().split(","), lvTestAlt.toString().split(",")) && getTests(pos)[0].def !== "")))) && buffer[pos] === getPlaceholder(pos, testPos.match)) { bl--; } else break; } return returnDefinition ? { "l": bl, "def": positions[bl] ? positions[bl].match : undefined } : bl; } function clearOptionalTail(buffer) { var rl = determineLastRequiredPosition(), validPos, bl = buffer.length; var lv = getMaskSet().validPositions[getLastValidPosition()]; while (rl < bl && !isMask(rl, true) && (validPos = (lv !== undefined ? getTestTemplate(rl, lv.locator.slice(""), lv) : getTest(rl))) && validPos.match.optionality !== true && ((validPos.match.optionalQuantifier !== true && validPos.match.newBlockMarker !== true) || (rl + 1 === bl && (lv !== undefined ? getTestTemplate(rl + 1, lv.locator.slice(""), lv) : getTest(rl + 1)).match.def === ""))) { rl++; } //exceptionally strip from the validatedPositions while ((validPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[rl - 1]) && validPos && validPos.match.optionality && validPos.input === opts.skipOptionalPartCharacter) { rl--; } buffer.splice(rl); return buffer; } function isComplete(buffer) { //return true / false / undefined (repeat *) if ($.isFunction(opts.isComplete)) return opts.isComplete(buffer, opts); if (opts.repeat === "*") return undefined; var complete = false, lrp = determineLastRequiredPosition(true), aml = seekPrevious(lrp.l); if (lrp.def === undefined || lrp.def.newBlockMarker || lrp.def.optionality || lrp.def.optionalQuantifier) { complete = true; for (var i = 0; i <= aml; i++) { var test = getTestTemplate(i).match; if ((test.fn !== null && getMaskSet().validPositions[i] === undefined && test.optionality !== true && test.optionalQuantifier !== true) || (test.fn === null && buffer[i] !== getPlaceholder(i, test))) { complete = false; break; } } } return complete; } function handleRemove(input, k, pos, strict, fromIsValid) { function generalize() { if (opts.keepStatic) { var validInputs = [], lastAlt = getLastValidPosition(-1, true), positionsClone = $.extend(true, {}, getMaskSet().validPositions), prevAltPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[lastAlt]; //find last alternation for (; lastAlt >= 0; lastAlt--) { var altPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[lastAlt]; if (altPos) { if (altPos.generatedInput !== true && /[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(altPos.input)) { validInputs.push(altPos.input); } delete getMaskSet().validPositions[lastAlt]; if (altPos.alternation !== undefined && altPos.locator[altPos.alternation] !== prevAltPos.locator[altPos.alternation]) { break; } prevAltPos = altPos; } } if (lastAlt > -1) { getMaskSet().p = seekNext(getLastValidPosition(-1, true)); while (validInputs.length > 0) { var keypress = new $.Event("keypress"); keypress.which = validInputs.pop().charCodeAt(0); // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(input, keypress, true, false, false, getMaskSet().p); } } else getMaskSet().validPositions = $.extend(true, {}, positionsClone); //restore original positions } } if (opts.numericInput || isRTL) { if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE) { k = Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE; } else if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE) { k = Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE; } if (isRTL) { var pend = pos.end; pos.end = pos.begin; pos.begin = pend; } } if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.BACKSPACE && (pos.end - pos.begin < 1 || opts.insertMode === false)) { pos.begin = seekPrevious(pos.begin); if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.begin] !== undefined && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.begin].input === opts.groupSeparator) { pos.begin--; } } else if (k === Inputmask.keyCode.DELETE && pos.begin === pos.end) { pos.end = isMask(pos.end, true) && (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.end] && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.end].input !== opts.radixPoint ) ? pos.end + 1 : seekNext(pos.end) + 1; if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.begin] !== undefined && getMaskSet().validPositions[pos.begin].input === opts.groupSeparator) { pos.end++; } } stripValidPositions(pos.begin, pos.end, false, strict); if (strict !== true) { generalize(); //revert the alternation } var lvp = getLastValidPosition(pos.begin, true); if (lvp < pos.begin) { //if (lvp === -1) resetMaskSet(); getMaskSet().p = seekNext(lvp); } else if (strict !== true) { getMaskSet().p = pos.begin; if (fromIsValid !== true) { //put position on first valid from pos.begin ~ #1351 while (getMaskSet().p < lvp && getMaskSet().validPositions[getMaskSet().p] === undefined) { getMaskSet().p++; } } } } function initializeColorMask(input) { var computedStyle = (input.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle(input, null); function findCaretPos(clientx) { //calculate text width var e = document.createElement("span"), caretPos; for (var style in computedStyle) { //clone styles if (isNaN(style) && style.indexOf("font") !== -1) { e.style[style] = computedStyle[style]; } } e.style.textTransform = computedStyle.textTransform; e.style.letterSpacing = computedStyle.letterSpacing; e.style.position = "absolute"; e.style.height = "auto"; e.style.width = "auto"; e.style.visibility = "hidden"; e.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; document.body.appendChild(e); var inputText = input.inputmask._valueGet(), previousWidth = 0, itl; for (caretPos = 0, itl = inputText.length; caretPos <= itl; caretPos++) { e.innerHTML += inputText.charAt(caretPos) || "_"; if (e.offsetWidth >= clientx) { var offset1 = (clientx - previousWidth); var offset2 = e.offsetWidth - clientx; e.innerHTML = inputText.charAt(caretPos); offset1 -= (e.offsetWidth / 3); caretPos = offset1 < offset2 ? caretPos - 1 : caretPos; break; } previousWidth = e.offsetWidth; } document.body.removeChild(e); return caretPos; } var template = document.createElement("div"); template.style.width = computedStyle.width; template.style.textAlign = computedStyle.textAlign; colorMask = document.createElement("div"); colorMask.className = "im-colormask"; input.parentNode.insertBefore(colorMask, input); input.parentNode.removeChild(input); colorMask.appendChild(template); colorMask.appendChild(input); input.style.left = template.offsetLeft + "px"; $(input).on("click", function (e) { caret(input, findCaretPos(e.clientX)); return EventHandlers.clickEvent.call(input, [e]); }); $(input).on("keydown", function (e) { if (!e.shiftKey && opts.insertMode !== false) { setTimeout(function () { renderColorMask(input); }, 0); } }); } Inputmask.prototype.positionColorMask = function (input, template) { input.style.left = template.offsetLeft + "px"; } function renderColorMask(input, caretPos, clear) { var maskTemplate = "", isStatic = false, test, testPos, ndxIntlzr, pos = 0; function handleStatic() { if (!isStatic && (test.fn === null || testPos.input === undefined)) { isStatic = true; maskTemplate += "
" } else if (isStatic && ((test.fn !== null && testPos.input !== undefined) || test.def === "")) { isStatic = false; maskTemplate += "
" } } function handleCaret(force) { if ((force === true || pos === caretPos.begin) && document.activeElement === input) { maskTemplate += "
"; } } if (colorMask !== undefined) { var buffer = getBuffer(); if (caretPos === undefined) { caretPos = caret(input); } else if (caretPos.begin === undefined) { caretPos = {begin: caretPos, end: caretPos}; } if (clear !== true) { var lvp = getLastValidPosition(); do { handleCaret(); if (getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]) { testPos = getMaskSet().validPositions[pos]; test = testPos.match; ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(); handleStatic(); maskTemplate += buffer[pos]; } else { testPos = getTestTemplate(pos, ndxIntlzr, pos - 1); test = testPos.match; ndxIntlzr = testPos.locator.slice(); if (opts.jitMasking === false || pos < lvp || (typeof opts.jitMasking === "number" && isFinite(opts.jitMasking) && opts.jitMasking > pos)) { handleStatic(); maskTemplate += getPlaceholder(pos, test); } } pos++; } while ((maxLength === undefined || pos < maxLength) && (test.fn !== null || test.def !== "") || lvp > pos || isStatic); if (maskTemplate.indexOf("im-caret") === -1) handleCaret(true); if (isStatic) handleStatic(); } var template = colorMask.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; template.innerHTML = maskTemplate; input.inputmask.positionColorMask(input, template); } } function mask(elem) { function isElementTypeSupported(input, opts) { function patchValueProperty(npt) { var valueGet; var valueSet; function patchValhook(type) { if ($.valHooks && ($.valHooks[type] === undefined || $.valHooks[type].inputmaskpatch !== true)) { var valhookGet = $.valHooks[type] && $.valHooks[type].get ? $.valHooks[type].get : function (elem) { return elem.value; }; var valhookSet = $.valHooks[type] && $.valHooks[type].set ? $.valHooks[type].set : function (elem, value) { elem.value = value; return elem; }; $.valHooks[type] = { get: function (elem) { if (elem.inputmask) { if (elem.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask) { return elem.inputmask.unmaskedvalue(); } else { var result = valhookGet(elem); return getLastValidPosition(undefined, undefined, elem.inputmask.maskset.validPositions) !== -1 || opts.nullable !== true ? result : ""; } } else return valhookGet(elem); }, set: function (elem, value) { var $elem = $(elem), result; result = valhookSet(elem, value); if (elem.inputmask) { $elem.trigger("setvalue"); } return result; }, inputmaskpatch: true }; } } function getter() { if (this.inputmask) { return this.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask ? this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue() : (getLastValidPosition() !== -1 || opts.nullable !== true ? (document.activeElement === this && opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus ? (isRTL ? clearOptionalTail(getBuffer().slice()).reverse() : clearOptionalTail(getBuffer().slice())).join("") : valueGet.call(this)) : ""); } else return valueGet.call(this); } function setter(value) { valueSet.call(this, value); if (this.inputmask) { $(this).trigger("setvalue"); } } function installNativeValueSetFallback(npt) { EventRuler.on(npt, "mouseenter", function (event) { var $input = $(this), input = this, value = input.inputmask._valueGet(); if (value !== getBuffer().join("") /*&& getLastValidPosition() > 0*/) { $input.trigger("setvalue"); } }); } if (!npt.inputmask.__valueGet) { if (opts.noValuePatching !== true) { if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) { if (typeof Object.getPrototypeOf !== "function") { Object.getPrototypeOf = typeof "test".__proto__ === "object" ? function (object) { return object.__proto__; } : function (object) { return object.constructor.prototype; }; } var valueProperty = Object.getPrototypeOf ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(npt), "value") : undefined; if (valueProperty && valueProperty.get && valueProperty.set) { valueGet = valueProperty.get; valueSet = valueProperty.set; Object.defineProperty(npt, "value", { get: getter, set: setter, configurable: true }); } else if (npt.tagName !== "INPUT") { valueGet = function () { return this.textContent; }; valueSet = function (value) { this.textContent = value; }; Object.defineProperty(npt, "value", { get: getter, set: setter, configurable: true }); } } else if (document.__lookupGetter__ && npt.__lookupGetter__("value")) { valueGet = npt.__lookupGetter__("value"); valueSet = npt.__lookupSetter__("value"); npt.__defineGetter__("value", getter); npt.__defineSetter__("value", setter); } npt.inputmask.__valueGet = valueGet; //store native property getter npt.inputmask.__valueSet = valueSet; //store native property setter } npt.inputmask._valueGet = function (overruleRTL) { return isRTL && overruleRTL !== true ? valueGet.call(this.el).split("").reverse().join("") : valueGet.call(this.el); }; npt.inputmask._valueSet = function (value, overruleRTL) { //null check is needed for IE8 => otherwise converts to "null" valueSet.call(this.el, (value === null || value === undefined) ? "" : ((overruleRTL !== true && isRTL) ? value.split("").reverse().join("") : value)); }; if (valueGet === undefined) { //jquery.val fallback valueGet = function () { return this.value; }; valueSet = function (value) { this.value = value; }; patchValhook(npt.type); installNativeValueSetFallback(npt); } } } var elementType = input.getAttribute("type"); var isSupported = (input.tagName === "INPUT" && $.inArray(elementType, opts.supportsInputType) !== -1) || input.isContentEditable || input.tagName === "TEXTAREA"; if (!isSupported) { if (input.tagName === "INPUT") { var el = document.createElement("input"); el.setAttribute("type", elementType); isSupported = el.type === "text"; //apply mask only if the type is not natively supported el = null; } else isSupported = "partial"; } if (isSupported !== false) { patchValueProperty(input); } else input.inputmask = undefined; return isSupported; } //unbind all events - to make sure that no other mask will interfere when re-masking EventRuler.off(elem); var isSupported = isElementTypeSupported(elem, opts); if (isSupported !== false) { el = elem; $el = $(el); //read maxlength prop from el maxLength = el !== undefined ? el.maxLength : undefined; if (maxLength === -1) maxLength = undefined; if (opts.colorMask === true) { initializeColorMask(el); } if (android) { if (el.hasOwnProperty("inputmode")) { el.inputmode = opts.inputmode; el.setAttribute("inputmode", opts.inputmode); } if (opts.androidHack === "rtfm") { if (opts.colorMask !== true) { initializeColorMask(el); } el.type = "password"; } } if (isSupported === true) { //bind events EventRuler.on(el, "submit", EventHandlers.submitEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "reset", EventHandlers.resetEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "mouseenter", EventHandlers.mouseenterEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "blur", EventHandlers.blurEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "focus", EventHandlers.focusEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "mouseleave", EventHandlers.mouseleaveEvent); if (opts.colorMask !== true) { EventRuler.on(el, "click", EventHandlers.clickEvent); } EventRuler.on(el, "dblclick", EventHandlers.dblclickEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "paste", EventHandlers.pasteEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "dragdrop", EventHandlers.pasteEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "drop", EventHandlers.pasteEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "cut", EventHandlers.cutEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "complete", opts.oncomplete); EventRuler.on(el, "incomplete", opts.onincomplete); EventRuler.on(el, "cleared", opts.oncleared); if (!android && opts.inputEventOnly !== true) { EventRuler.on(el, "keydown", EventHandlers.keydownEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "keypress", EventHandlers.keypressEvent); } else el.removeAttribute("maxLength"); EventRuler.on(el, "compositionstart", $.noop); EventRuler.on(el, "compositionupdate", $.noop); EventRuler.on(el, "compositionend", $.noop); EventRuler.on(el, "keyup", $.noop); EventRuler.on(el, "input", EventHandlers.inputFallBackEvent); EventRuler.on(el, "beforeinput", $.noop); //https://github.com/w3c/input-events - to implement } EventRuler.on(el, "setvalue", EventHandlers.setValueEvent); //apply mask undoValue = getBufferTemplate().join(""); //initialize the buffer and getmasklength if (el.inputmask._valueGet(true) !== "" || opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus === false || document.activeElement === el) { var initialValue = $.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) ? (opts.onBeforeMask.call(inputmask, el.inputmask._valueGet(true), opts) || el.inputmask._valueGet(true)) : el.inputmask._valueGet(true); if (initialValue !== "") checkVal(el, true, false, isRTL ? initialValue.split("").reverse() : initialValue.split("")); var buffer = getBuffer().slice(); undoValue = buffer.join(""); // Wrap document.activeElement in a try/catch block since IE9 throw "Unspecified error" if document.activeElement is undefined when we are in an IFrame. if (isComplete(buffer) === false) { if (opts.clearIncomplete) { resetMaskSet(); } } if (opts.clearMaskOnLostFocus && document.activeElement !== el) { if (getLastValidPosition() === -1) { buffer = []; } else { clearOptionalTail(buffer); } } writeBuffer(el, buffer); if (document.activeElement === el) { //position the caret when in focus caret(el, seekNext(getLastValidPosition())); } } } } //action object var valueBuffer; if (actionObj !== undefined) { switch (actionObj.action) { case "isComplete": el = actionObj.el; return isComplete(getBuffer()); case "unmaskedvalue": if (el === undefined || actionObj.value !== undefined) { valueBuffer = actionObj.value; valueBuffer = ($.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) ? (opts.onBeforeMask.call(inputmask, valueBuffer, opts) || valueBuffer) : valueBuffer).split(""); checkVal(undefined, false, false, isRTL ? valueBuffer.reverse() : valueBuffer); if ($.isFunction(opts.onBeforeWrite)) opts.onBeforeWrite.call(inputmask, undefined, getBuffer(), 0, opts); } return unmaskedvalue(el); case "mask": mask(el); break; case "format": valueBuffer = ($.isFunction(opts.onBeforeMask) ? (opts.onBeforeMask.call(inputmask, actionObj.value, opts) || actionObj.value) : actionObj.value).split(""); checkVal(undefined, true, false, isRTL ? valueBuffer.reverse() : valueBuffer); if (actionObj.metadata) { return { value: isRTL ? getBuffer().slice().reverse().join("") : getBuffer().join(""), metadata: maskScope.call(this, { "action": "getmetadata" }, maskset, opts) }; } return isRTL ? getBuffer().slice().reverse().join("") : getBuffer().join(""); case "isValid": if (actionObj.value) { valueBuffer = actionObj.value.split(""); checkVal(undefined, true, true, isRTL ? valueBuffer.reverse() : valueBuffer); } else { actionObj.value = getBuffer().join(""); } var buffer = getBuffer(); var rl = determineLastRequiredPosition(), lmib = buffer.length - 1; for (; lmib > rl; lmib--) { if (isMask(lmib)) break; } buffer.splice(rl, lmib + 1 - rl); return isComplete(buffer) && actionObj.value === getBuffer().join(""); case "getemptymask": return getBufferTemplate().join(""); case "remove": if (el && el.inputmask) { $el = $(el); //writeout the value el.inputmask._valueSet(opts.autoUnmask ? unmaskedvalue(el) : el.inputmask._valueGet(true)); //unbind all events EventRuler.off(el); //restore the value property var valueProperty; if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Object.getPrototypeOf) { valueProperty = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(el), "value"); if (valueProperty) { if (el.inputmask.__valueGet) { Object.defineProperty(el, "value", { get: el.inputmask.__valueGet, set: el.inputmask.__valueSet, configurable: true }); } } } else if (document.__lookupGetter__ && el.__lookupGetter__("value")) { if (el.inputmask.__valueGet) { el.__defineGetter__("value", el.inputmask.__valueGet); el.__defineSetter__("value", el.inputmask.__valueSet); } } //clear data el.inputmask = undefined; } return el; break; case "getmetadata": if ($.isArray(maskset.metadata)) { var maskTarget = getMaskTemplate(true, 0, false).join(""); $.each(maskset.metadata, function (ndx, mtdt) { if (mtdt.mask === maskTarget) { maskTarget = mtdt; return false; } }); return maskTarget; } return maskset.metadata; } } } //make inputmask available return Inputmask; })) ;