; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2005 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP="Authentication - LDAP" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_AUTHMETHOD_LABEL="Authorisation Method" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_BASEDN_LABEL="Base DN" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_EMAIL_DESC="LDAP attribute which has the User's email address." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_EMAIL_LABEL="Map: Email" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_FULLNAME_DESC="LDAP attribute which has the User's full name." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_FULLNAME_LABEL="Map: Full Name" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_HOST_LABEL="Host" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_IGNORE_REQCERT_TLS_DESC="When enabled ignore the server certificate, this is useful when running for example Samba 4 with a self-signed certificate." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_IGNORE_REQCERT_TLS_LABEL="Ignore Certificate" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_LDAPDEBUG_DESC="Enables debug hardcoded to level 7" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_LDAPDEBUG_LABEL="Debug" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_NEGOCIATE_LABEL="Negotiate TLS" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD_DESC="The Connect Password is the password of an administrative account. This is used in Authenticate then Bind and Authenticated Compare authorisation methods." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD_LABEL="Connect Password" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_PORT_LABEL="Port" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_REFERRALS_DESC="This option sets the value of the LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS flag. You will need to set it to No for Windows 2003 servers." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_REFERRALS_LABEL="Follow Referrals" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_SEARCHSTRING_DESC="A query string used to search for a given User. The [search] keyword is dynamically replaced by the User-provided login. An example string is: uid=[search]. Several strings can be used separated by semicolons. Only used when searching." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_SEARCHSTRING_LABEL="Search String" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_UID_DESC="LDAP Attribute which has the User's Login ID. For Active Directory this is sAMAccountName." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_UID_LABEL="Map: User ID" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_USERNAME_DESC="The Connect Username and Connect Password define connection parameters for the DN lookup phase. Two options are available:- Anonymous DN lookup (leave both fields blank); Administrative connection: Connect Username is the username of an administrative account, for example Administrator. Connect password is the actual password of your administrative account." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_USERNAME_LABEL="Connect Username" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_USERSDN_DESC="The [username] keyword is dynamically replaced by the User-provided login. An example string is: uid=[username], dc=my-domain, dc=com. Several strings can be used, separated by semicolons. Only used for direct binds." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_USERSDN_LABEL="User's DN" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_V3_DESC="Default is LDAP2, but the latest versions of OpenLdap require clients to use LDAPV3." PLG_LDAP_FIELD_V3_LABEL="LDAP V3" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_VALUE_BINDSEARCH="Bind and Search" PLG_LDAP_FIELD_VALUE_BINDUSER="Bind Directly as User" PLG_LDAP_XML_DESCRIPTION="<p>Handles User Authentication against an LDAP server.</p><p><strong>Warning! You must have at least one authentication plugin enabled or you will lose all access to your site.</strong></p>"