; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc.
; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_FIELDS_SQL="Fields - SQL" PLG_FIELDS_SQL_CREATE_NOT_POSSIBLE="Only a Super User can create or edit an SQL field!" PLG_FIELDS_SQL_LABEL="SQL (%s)" PLG_FIELDS_SQL_PARAMS_MULTIPLE_LABEL="Multiple" PLG_FIELDS_SQL_PARAMS_QUERY_DESC="The SQL query which will provide the data for the dropdown list. The query must return two columns; one called 'value' which will hold the values of the list items; the other called 'text' with the text in the dropdown list." ; The terms 'value' and 'text' should not be translated PLG_FIELDS_SQL_PARAMS_QUERY_LABEL="Query" PLG_FIELDS_SQL_XML_DESCRIPTION="This plugin lets you create new fields of type 'sql' in any extensions where custom fields are supported."