// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * AMD module for the user enrolment status field in the course participants page. * * @module core_user/status_field * @copyright 2017 Jun Pataleta * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['core/templates', 'jquery', 'core/str', 'core/config', 'core/notification', 'core/modal_factory', 'core/modal_events', 'core/fragment', 'core/ajax' ], function(Template, $, Str, Config, Notification, ModalFactory, ModalEvents, Fragment, Ajax) { /** * Action selectors. * * @access private * @type {{EDIT_ENROLMENT: string, SHOW_DETAILS: string, UNENROL: string}} */ var SELECTORS = { EDIT_ENROLMENT: '[data-action="editenrolment"]', SHOW_DETAILS: '[data-action="showdetails"]', UNENROL: '[data-action="unenrol"]' }; /** * Constructor * * @param {Object} options Object containing options. The only valid option at this time is contextid. * Each call to templates.render gets it's own instance of this class. */ var StatusFieldActions = function(options) { this.contextid = options.contextid; this.courseid = options.courseid; // Bind click event to editenrol buttons. this.bindEditEnrol(); // Bind click event to unenrol buttons. this.bindUnenrol(); // Bind click event to status details buttons. this.bindStatusDetails(); }; // Class variables and functions. /** @var {number} courseid The course ID. */ StatusFieldActions.prototype.courseid = 0; /** * Private method * * @method initModal * @private */ StatusFieldActions.prototype.bindEditEnrol = function() { var statusFieldInstsance = this; $(SELECTORS.EDIT_ENROLMENT).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // The particular edit button that was clicked. var clickedEditTrigger = $(this); // Get the parent container (it contains the data attributes associated with the status field). var parentContainer = clickedEditTrigger.parent(); // Get the name of the user whose enrolment status is being edited. var fullname = parentContainer.data('fullname'); // Get the user enrolment ID. var ueid = clickedEditTrigger.attr('rel'); $.when(Str.get_string('edituserenrolment', 'enrol', fullname)).then(function(modalTitle) { return ModalFactory.create({ large: true, title: modalTitle, type: ModalFactory.types.SAVE_CANCEL }); }).done(function(modal) { // Handle save event. modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.save, function(e) { // Don't close the modal yet. e.preventDefault(); // Submit form data. statusFieldInstsance.submitEditFormAjax(modal); }); // Handle hidden event. modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.hidden, function() { // Destroy when hidden. modal.destroy(); }); // Set the modal body. modal.setBody(statusFieldInstsance.getBody(ueid)); // Show the modal! modal.show(); }).fail(Notification.exception); }); }; /** * Private method * * @method bindUnenrol * @private */ StatusFieldActions.prototype.bindUnenrol = function() { var statusFieldInstsance = this; $(SELECTORS.UNENROL).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var unenrolLink = $(this); var parentContainer = unenrolLink.parent(); var strings = [ { key: 'unenrol', component: 'enrol' }, { key: 'unenrolconfirm', component: 'enrol', param: { user: parentContainer.data('fullname'), course: parentContainer.data('coursename'), enrolinstancename: parentContainer.data('enrolinstancename') } } ]; var deleteModalPromise = ModalFactory.create({ type: ModalFactory.types.SAVE_CANCEL }); $.when(Str.get_strings(strings), deleteModalPromise).done(function(results, modal) { var title = results[0]; var confirmMessage = results[1]; modal.setTitle(title); modal.setBody(confirmMessage); modal.setSaveButtonText(title); // Handle confirm event. modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.save, function() { // Build params. var unenrolParams = { 'ueid': $(unenrolLink).attr('rel') }; // Don't close the modal yet. e.preventDefault(); // Submit data. statusFieldInstsance.submitUnenrolFormAjax(modal, unenrolParams); }); // Handle hidden event. modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.hidden, function() { // Destroy when hidden. modal.destroy(); }); // Display the delete confirmation modal. modal.show(); }).fail(Notification.exception); }); }; /** * Private method * * @method bindStatusDetails * @private */ StatusFieldActions.prototype.bindStatusDetails = function() { $(SELECTORS.SHOW_DETAILS).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var detailsButton = $(this); var parentContainer = detailsButton.parent(); var context = { "fullname": parentContainer.data('fullname'), "coursename": parentContainer.data('coursename'), "enrolinstancename": parentContainer.data('enrolinstancename'), "status": parentContainer.data('status'), "statusclass": parentContainer.find('span').attr('class'), "timestart": parentContainer.data('timestart'), "timeend": parentContainer.data('timeend'), "timeenrolled": parentContainer.data('timeenrolled') }; // Get default string for the modal and modal type. var strings = [ { key: 'enroldetails', component: 'enrol' } ]; // Find the edit enrolment link. var editEnrolLink = detailsButton.next(SELECTORS.EDIT_ENROLMENT); if (editEnrolLink.length) { // If there's an edit enrolment link for this user, clone it into the context for the modal. context.editenrollink = $('
').append(editEnrolLink.clone()).html(); } var modalStringsPromise = Str.get_strings(strings); var modalPromise = ModalFactory.create({large: true, type: ModalFactory.types.CANCEL}); $.when(modalStringsPromise, modalPromise).done(function(strings, modal) { var modalBodyPromise = Template.render('core_user/status_details', context); modal.setTitle(strings[0]); modal.setBody(modalBodyPromise); if (editEnrolLink.length) { modal.getRoot().on('click', SELECTORS.EDIT_ENROLMENT, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); modal.hide(); // Trigger click event for the edit enrolment link to show the edit enrolment modal. $(editEnrolLink).trigger('click'); }); } modal.show(); // Handle hidden event. modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.hidden, function() { // Destroy when hidden. modal.destroy(); }); }).fail(Notification.exception); }); }; /** * Private method * * @method submitEditFormAjax * @param {Object} modal The the AMD modal object containing the form. * @private */ StatusFieldActions.prototype.submitEditFormAjax = function(modal) { var statusFieldInstsance = this; var form = modal.getRoot().find('form'); // User enrolment ID. var ueid = $(form).find('[name="ue"]').val(); var request = { methodname: 'core_enrol_submit_user_enrolment_form', args: { formdata: form.serialize() } }; Ajax.call([request])[0].done(function(data) { if (data.result) { // Dismiss the modal. modal.hide(); // Reload the page, don't show changed data warnings. if (typeof window.M.core_formchangechecker !== "undefined") { window.M.core_formchangechecker.reset_form_dirty_state(); } window.location.reload(); } else { // Serialise the form data and reload the form fragment to show validation errors. var formData = JSON.stringify(form.serialize()); modal.setBody(statusFieldInstsance.getBody(ueid, formData)); } }).fail(Notification.exception); }; /** * Private method * * @method submitUnenrolFormAjax * @param {Object} modal The the AMD modal object containing the form. * @param {Object} unenrolParams The unenrol parameters. * @private */ StatusFieldActions.prototype.submitUnenrolFormAjax = function(modal, unenrolParams) { var request = { methodname: 'core_enrol_unenrol_user_enrolment', args: unenrolParams }; Ajax.call([request])[0].done(function(data) { if (data.result) { // Dismiss the modal. modal.hide(); // Reload the page, don't show changed data warnings. if (typeof window.M.core_formchangechecker !== "undefined") { window.M.core_formchangechecker.reset_form_dirty_state(); } window.location.reload(); } else { // Display an alert containing the error message Notification.alert(data.errors[0].key, data.errors[0].message); } }).fail(Notification.exception); }; /** * Private method * * @method getBody * @private * @param {Number} ueid The user enrolment ID associated with the user. * @param {string} formData Serialized string of the edit enrolment form data. * @return {Promise} */ StatusFieldActions.prototype.getBody = function(ueid, formData) { var params = { 'ueid': ueid }; if (typeof formData !== 'undefined') { params.formdata = formData; } return Fragment.loadFragment('enrol', 'user_enrolment_form', this.contextid, params).fail(Notification.exception); }; return /** @alias module:core_user/editenrolment */ { // Public variables and functions. /** * Every call to init creates a new instance of the class with it's own event listeners etc. * * @method init * @public * @param {object} config - config variables for the module. */ init: function(config) { (new StatusFieldActions(config)); } }; });