' . __( 'Most themes display the site title at the top of every page, in the title bar of the browser, and as the identifying name for syndicated feeds. The tagline is also displayed by many themes.' ) . '
' . __( 'The WordPress URL and the Site URL can be the same (example.com) or different; for example, having the WordPress core files (example.com/wordpress) in a subdirectory instead of the root directory.' ) . '
' . __( 'If you want site visitors to be able to register themselves, as opposed to by the site administrator, check the membership box. A default user role can be set for all new users, whether self-registered or registered by the site admin.' ) . '
' . __( 'You can set the language, and the translation files will be automatically downloaded and installed (available if your filesystem is writable).' ) . '
' . __( 'UTC means Coordinated Universal Time.' ) . '
' . __( 'You must click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen for new settings to take effect.' ) . '
' . __( 'For more information:' ) . '
' . __( 'Documentation on General Settings' ) . '
' . __( 'Support' ) . '
want your site home page to be different from your WordPress installation directory.' ), __( 'https://wordpress.org/support/article/giving-wordpress-its-own-directory/' ) ); ?>
The new address will not become active until confirmed.' ); ?>
' . esc_html( $new_admin_email ) . '' ); printf( ' %2$s', esc_url( wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'options.php?dismiss=new_admin_email' ), 'dismiss-' . get_current_blog_id() . '-new_admin_email' ) ), __( 'Cancel' ) ); ?>
UTC' ); ?>
' . date_i18n( $timezone_format, false, true ) . '' ); ?> ' . date_i18n( $timezone_format ) . '' ); ?>
format( 'I' ); if ( $dst ) { _e( 'This timezone is currently in daylight saving time.' ); } else { _e( 'This timezone is currently in standard time.' ); } ?> ' . wp_date( __( 'F j, Y' ) . ' ' . __( 'g:i a' ), $transitions[1]['ts'] ) . '' ); } else { _e( 'This timezone does not observe daylight saving time.' ); } } ?>
' . esc_html( $format ) . "
' . __( 'Preview:' ) . ' ' . date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ) ) . '' . "\n" . '
' . __( 'Preview:' ) . ' ' . date_i18n( get_option( 'time_format' ) ) . '' . "\n" . '
" . __( 'Documentation on date and time formatting.' ) . "