var or method(): static $instance; private $_resources_version; private $_minify_js; public $tc_script_map; function __construct () { self::$instance =& $this; $this->_resouces_version = CZR_DEBUG_MODE || CZR_DEV_MODE || CZR_REFRESH_ASSETS ? CUSTOMIZR_VER . time() : CUSTOMIZR_VER; $this->_minify_js = CZR_DEBUG_MODE || CZR_DEV_MODE ? false : true ; add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_enqueue_front_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'czr_ajax_dismiss_welcome_note_front' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_dismiss_welcome_note_front' ) ); //stores the front scripts map in a property $this->tc_script_map = $this->czr_fn_get_script_map(); // Adds `async` and `defer` support for scripts registered or enqueued // NOT USED IN DEV MODE // and for which we've added an attribute with wp_script_add_data( $_hand, 'async', true ); // inspired from Twentytwenty WP theme // @see https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/12009 // commented after first implementation because of a suspition of regression with Customizr Pro masonry grid. add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', array( $this, 'czr_fn_filter_script_loader_tag' ), 10, 2 ); } /** * Helper to get all front end script * Fired from the constructor * * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.3+ */ private function czr_fn_get_script_map( $_handles = array() ) { $_front_path = CZR_ASSETS_PREFIX . 'front/js/'; $_libs_path = CZR_ASSETS_PREFIX . 'front/js/libs/'; $_map = array( 'tc-js-params' => array( 'path' => $_front_path, 'files' => array( 'tc-js-params.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ) ), //adds support for map method in array prototype for old ie browsers
array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'oldBrowserCompat.js', 'oldBrowserCompat.min.js' ), 'dependencies' => array() ), 'tc-smoothscroll' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'smoothscroll.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'underscore' ) ), /** ** libs **/ //bootstrap 'tc-bootstrap' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'custom-bootstrap-modern.js' , 'custom-bootstrap-modern.min.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ) ), //magnific popup 'tc-mfp' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'jquery-magnific-popup.min.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ), 'in_footer' => true, ), //flickity 'tc-flickity' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'flickity-pkgd.min.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ) ), //waypoints 'tc-waypoints' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'waypoints.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ) ), //vivus 'tc-vivus' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'vivus.min.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ) ), //holder 'tc-holder' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'holder.min.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ) ), //mcustom scrollbar 'tc-mcs' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'jquery-mCustomScrollbar.min.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ), ), /* * OWNED JQUERY PLUGINS */ //original sizes 'tc-img-original-sizes' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path . 'jquery-plugins/', 'files' => array( 'jqueryimgOriginalSizes.js' ), 'dependencies' => array('jquery') ), 'tc-dropcap' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path . 'jquery-plugins/', 'files' => array( 'jqueryaddDropCap.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'tc-js-arraymap-proto', 'jquery' , 'tc-js-params', 'underscore' ) ), 'tc-img-smartload' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path . 'jquery-plugins/', 'files' => array( 'jqueryimgSmartLoad.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'tc-js-arraymap-proto', 'jquery' , 'tc-js-params', 'underscore' ) ), 'tc-ext-links' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path . 'jquery-plugins/', 'files' => array( 'jqueryextLinks.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'tc-js-arraymap-proto', 'jquery' , 'tc-js-params', 'underscore' ) ), 'tc-parallax' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path . 'jquery-plugins/', 'files' => array( 'jqueryParallax.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'tc-js-arraymap-proto', 'jquery' , 'tc-js-params', 'underscore' ) ), // FEB 2020 => NOT ENQUEUED ANYMORE for performance considerations // 'tc-animate-svg' => array( // 'path' => $_libs_path . 'jquery-plugins/', // 'files' => array( 'jqueryAnimateSvg.js' ), // 'dependencies' => array( 'tc-js-arraymap-proto', 'jquery' , 'tc-js-params', 'tc-bootstrap', 'underscore' ) // ), 'tc-center-images' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path . 'jquery-plugins/', 'files' => array( 'jqueryCenterImages.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'tc-js-arraymap-proto', 'jquery' , 'tc-js-params', 'tc-img-original-sizes', 'tc-bootstrap', 'underscore' ) ), //fittext 'tc-fittext' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path . 'jquery-plugins/', 'files' => array( 'jqueryFittext.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ) ), /* * OUR PARTS */ 'tc-outline' => array( 'path' => $_libs_path, 'files' => array( 'outline.js' ), 'dependencies' => array() ), 'tc-main-front' => array( 'path' => $_front_path, 'files' => array( 'main-ccat.js' ), 'dependencies' => array( 'tc-js-arraymap-proto', 'jquery' , 'tc-js-params', 'tc-outline', 'tc-img-original-sizes', 'tc-bootstrap', 'tc-fittext', 'underscore' ) ), //concats all scripts 'tc-scripts' => array( 'path' => $_front_path, 'files' => array( 'tc-scripts.js' , 'tc-scripts.min.js' ), 'dependencies' => array('underscore', 'jquery' ) ) );//end of scripts map return apply_filters('tc_get_script_map' , $_map, $_handles ); } /** * Loads Customizr front scripts * Dependencies are defined in the script map property * * @return void() * @uses wp_enqueue_script() to manage script dependencies * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 1.0 */ function czr_fn_enqueue_front_scripts() { if ( czr_fn_is_full_nimble_tmpl() ) return; //wp scripts if ( is_singular() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-core' ); $main_script_injected_on_dom_ready = czr_fn_is_checked( 'tc_defer_front_script' ); if ( $main_script_injected_on_dom_ready ) { // March 2020 for https://github.com/presscustomizr/customizr/issues/1812 wp_enqueue_script( 'czr-init', sprintf( '%1$s%2$s', CZR_BASE_URL . CZR_ASSETS_PREFIX . 'front/js/', ( CZR_DEBUG_MODE || CZR_DEV_MODE ) ? 'tc-init.js' : 'tc-init.min.js' ), array( 'underscore' ), $this->_resouces_version, false ); } wp_enqueue_script( 'modernizr', CZR_BASE_URL . CZR_ASSETS_PREFIX . 'front/js/libs/modernizr.min.js', array(), $this->_resouces_version, false ); if ( !$main_script_injected_on_dom_ready ) { // load concatenated js script when not in CZR_DEBUG_MODE or CZR_DEV if ( $this->czr_fn_load_concatenated_front_scripts() ) { // if ( $this->czr_fn_is_lightbox_required() ) { // $this->czr_fn_enqueue_script( 'tc-mfp' ); // } //!!tc-scripts includes underscore, tc-js-arraymap-proto $this->czr_fn_enqueue_script( 'tc-scripts' ); wp_script_add_data( 'tc-scripts', 'defer', true ); } else { wp_enqueue_script( 'underscore' ); //!!mind the dependencies $this->czr_fn_enqueue_script( array( 'tc-js-params', 'tc-js-arraymap-proto', //libs 'tc-bootstrap', 'tc-smoothscroll',//fired if $('body').hasClass( 'czr-infinite-scroll-on' ) || ( CZRParams.SmoothScroll && CZRParams.SmoothScroll.Enabled && !czrapp.base.matchMedia( 1024 ) 'tc-outline', 'tc-waypoints', //'tc-mcs',//mCustomScrollBar will be loaded on demand //'tc-flickity',//flickity will be loaded when needed 'tc-vivus', 'tc-raf', ) ); // if ( $this->czr_fn_is_lightbox_required() ) // $this->czr_fn_enqueue_script( 'tc-mfp' ); //plugins and main front $this->czr_fn_enqueue_script( array( 'tc-dropcap' , 'tc-img-smartload', 'tc-img-original-sizes', 'tc-ext-links', 'tc-center-images', 'tc-parallax', //'tc-animate-svg', // FEB 2020 => NOT ENQUEUED ANYMORE for performance considerations 'tc-fittext', 'tc-main-front', ) ); }//end load concatenated } //has the post comments ? adds a boolean parameter in js global $wp_query; $has_post_comments = ( 0 != $wp_query->post_count && comments_open() && get_comments_number() != 0 ) ? true : false; if ( false != esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_link_scroll') ) ) wp_enqueue_script('jquery-effects-core'); $anchor_smooth_scroll_exclude = apply_filters( 'czr_anchor_smoothscroll_excl' , array( 'simple' => array( '[class*=edd]' , '.carousel-control', '[data-toggle="modal"]', '[data-toggle="dropdown"]', '[data-toggle="czr-dropdown"]', '[data-toggle="tooltip"]', '[data-toggle="popover"]', '[data-toggle="collapse"]', '[data-toggle="czr-collapse"]', '[data-toggle="tab"]', '[data-toggle="pill"]', '[data-toggle="czr-pill"]', '[class*=upme]', '[class*=um-]' ), 'deep' => array( 'classes' => array(), 'ids' => array() ) )); $smooth_scroll_enabled = apply_filters('tc_enable_smoothscroll', czr_fn_is_checked( 'tc_smoothscroll') ); $smooth_scroll_options = apply_filters('tc_smoothscroll_options', array( 'touchpadSupport' => false ) ); //smart load $smart_load_enabled = esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_img_smart_load' ) ); $smart_load_opts = apply_filters( 'tc_img_smart_load_options' , array( 'parentSelectors' => array( '[class*=grid-container], .article-container', '.__before_main_wrapper', '.widget-front', '.post-related-articles', '.tc-singular-thumbnail-wrapper' ), 'opts' => array( 'excludeImg' => array( '.tc-holder-img' ) ) )); //Welcome note preprocess $is_welcome_note_on = false; $welcome_note_content = ''; if ( !czr_fn_is_pro() && czr_fn_user_started_with_current_version() ) { $is_welcome_note_on = apply_filters( 'czr_is_welcome_front_notification_on', false //czr_fn_user_can_see_customize_notices_on_front() && !czr_fn_is_customizing() && !czr_fn_isprevdem() && 'dismissed' != get_transient( 'czr_welcome_note_status' ) ); if ( $is_welcome_note_on ) { $welcome_note_content = $this->czr_fn_get_welcome_note_content(); } } $dependant_script_for_localize = $this->czr_fn_load_concatenated_front_scripts() ? 'tc-scripts' : 'tc-js-params'; if ( $main_script_injected_on_dom_ready ) { $dependant_script_for_localize = 'czr-init'; } wp_localize_script( $dependant_script_for_localize, 'CZRParams', apply_filters( 'tc_customizr_script_params' , array( 'assetsPath' => czr_fn_get_theme_file_url( CZR_ASSETS_PREFIX . 'front/' ), 'mainScriptUrl' => sprintf( '%1$s%2$s%3$s', CZR_BASE_URL . CZR_ASSETS_PREFIX . 'front/js/', ( CZR_DEBUG_MODE || CZR_DEV_MODE ) ? 'tc-scripts.js?' : 'tc-scripts.min.js?', CUSTOMIZR_VER ), 'deferFontAwesome' => czr_fn_is_checked( 'tc_defer_font_awesome' ), 'fontAwesomeUrl' => CZR_BASE_URL . CZR_ASSETS_PREFIX . 'shared/fonts/fa/css/fontawesome-all.min.css?' . CUSTOMIZR_VER, '_disabled' => apply_filters( 'czr_disabled_front_js_parts', array() ), 'centerSliderImg' => esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_center_slider_img') ), 'isLightBoxEnabled' => $this->czr_fn_is_lightbox_required(), 'SmoothScroll' => array( 'Enabled' => $smooth_scroll_enabled, 'Options' => $smooth_scroll_options, ), 'isAnchorScrollEnabled' => czr_fn_is_checked( 'tc_link_scroll' ), // also adds the jquery effect library if smooth scroll is enabled => easeOutExpo effect 'anchorSmoothScrollExclude' => $anchor_smooth_scroll_exclude, 'timerOnScrollAllBrowsers' => apply_filters( 'tc_timer_on_scroll_for_all_browser' , true), //<= if false, for ie only 'centerAllImg' => 1, 'HasComments' => $has_post_comments, 'LoadModernizr' => apply_filters( 'tc_load_modernizr' , true ), 'stickyHeader' => czr_fn_opt( 'tc_sticky_header' ), 'extLinksStyle' => esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_ext_link_style' ) ), 'extLinksTargetExt' => esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_ext_link_target' ) ), 'extLinksSkipSelectors' => apply_filters( 'tc_ext_links_skip_selectors' , array( 'classes' => array('btn', 'button') , 'ids' => array() ) ), 'dropcapEnabled' => esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_enable_dropcap' ) ), 'dropcapWhere' => array( 'post' => esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_post_dropcap' ) ) , 'page' => esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_page_dropcap' ) ) ), 'dropcapMinWords' => esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_dropcap_minwords' ) ), 'dropcapSkipSelectors' => apply_filters( 'tc_dropcap_skip_selectors' , array( 'tags' => array('IMG' , 'IFRAME', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'UL', 'OL'), 'classes' => array('btn') , 'id' => array() ) ), 'imgSmartLoadEnabled' => $smart_load_enabled, 'imgSmartLoadOpts' => $smart_load_opts, 'imgSmartLoadsForSliders' => czr_fn_is_checked( 'tc_slider_img_smart_load' ), 'pluginCompats' => apply_filters( 'tc_js_params_plugin_compat', array() ), 'isWPMobile' => wp_is_mobile(), 'menuStickyUserSettings' => array( 'desktop' => czr_fn_opt( 'tc_header_desktop_sticky' ), 'mobile' => czr_fn_opt( 'tc_header_mobile_sticky' ) ), //AJAX 'adminAjaxUrl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'ajaxUrl' => add_query_arg( array( 'czrajax' => true ), //to scope our ajax calls set_url_scheme( home_url( '/' ) ) ), 'frontNonce' => array( 'id' => 'CZRFrontNonce', 'handle' => wp_create_nonce( 'czr-front-nonce' ) ), 'isDevMode' => CZR_DEBUG_MODE || CZR_DEV_MODE, 'isModernStyle' => CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE, 'i18n' => apply_filters( 'czr_front_js_translated_strings', array( 'Permanently dismiss' => __('Permanently dismiss', 'customizr') ) ), //FRONT NOTIFICATIONS //ordered by priority 'frontNotifications' => array( 'welcome' => array( 'enabled' => $is_welcome_note_on, 'content' => $welcome_note_content, 'dismissAction' => 'dismiss_welcome_note_front' ) ), // March 2020 : gfonts can be preloaded since https://github.com/presscustomizr/customizr/issues/1816 'preloadGfonts' => czr_fn_is_checked( 'tc_preload_gfonts' ), 'googleFonts' => CZR_resources_fonts::czr_fn_get_gfont_candidates(), 'version' => ( CZR_DEBUG_MODE || CZR_DEV_MODE ) ? time() : CUSTOMIZR_VER ), czr_fn_get_id() )//end of filter ); //holder.js is loaded when featured pages are enabled AND FP are set to show images and at least one holder should be displayed. //@TODO: enqueue holder.js only if needed if ( apply_filters( 'tc_holder_js_required', false ) || czr_fn_is_customizing() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'holder-js', CZR_FRONT_ASSETS_URL . 'js/libs/holder.min.js', array(), $this-> _resouces_version, $in_footer = true ); } //load retina.js in footer if enabled if ( apply_filters('tc_load_retinajs', 1 == czr_fn_opt( 'tc_retina_support' ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'retinajs', CZR_FRONT_ASSETS_URL . 'js/libs/retina.min.js', array(), $this-> _resouces_version, $in_footer = true); } //enqueue placeholders style if ( apply_filters( 'czr_enqueue_placeholders_resources', false ) ) { //no need to minify this wp_enqueue_script( 'customizr-front-placeholders', CZR_FRONT_ASSETS_URL . 'js/libs/customizr-placeholders.js', array(), $this-> _resouces_version, $in_footer = true ); } } /** * Convenient method to normalize script enqueueing in the Customizr theme * @return void * @uses wp_enqueue_script() to manage script dependencies * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.3+ */ function czr_fn_enqueue_script( $_handles = array() ) { if ( empty($_handles) ) return; $_map = $this->tc_script_map; //Picks the requested handles from map if ( 'string' == gettype($_handles) && isset($_map[$_handles]) ) { $_scripts = array( $_handles => $_map[$_handles] ); } else { $_scripts = array(); foreach ( $_handles as $_hand ) { if ( !isset( $_map[$_hand]) ) continue; $_scripts[$_hand] = $_map[$_hand]; } } //Enqueue the scripts with normalizes args foreach ( $_scripts as $_hand => $_params ) { call_user_func_array( 'wp_enqueue_script', $this->czr_fn_normalize_script_args( $_hand, $_params ) ); //wp_script_add_data( $_hand, 'async', true ); } }//end of fn /** * Fired @'script_loader_tag' * Adds async/defer attributes to enqueued / registered scripts. * based on a solution found in Twentytwenty * NOT USED IN DEV MODE * and for which we've added an attribute with wp_script_add_data( $_hand, 'async', true ); * If #12009 lands in WordPress, this function can no-op since it would be handled in core. * * @param string $tag The script tag. * @param string $handle The script handle. * @return string Script HTML string. */ public function czr_fn_filter_script_loader_tag( $tag, $handle ) { // load concatenated js script when not in CZR_DEBUG_MODE or CZR_DEV // if ( !$this->czr_fn_load_concatenated_front_scripts() ) // return $tag; foreach ( [ 'async', 'defer' ] as $attr ) { if ( !wp_scripts()->get_data( $handle, $attr ) ) { continue; } // Prevent adding attribute when already added in #12009. if ( !preg_match( ":\s$attr(=|>|\s):", $tag ) ) { $tag = preg_replace( ':(?=>):', " $attr", $tag, 1 ); } // Only allow async or defer, not both. break; } return $tag; } /** * Helper to normalize the arguments passed to wp_enqueue_script() * Also handles the minified version of the file * * @return array of arguments for wp_enqueue_script * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.3+ */ private function czr_fn_normalize_script_args( $_handle, $_params ) { //Do we load the minified version if available ? if ( count( $_params['files'] ) > 1 ) { $_filename = !$this->_minify_js ? $_params['files'][0] : $_params['files'][1]; } else { $_filename = $_params['files'][0]; } //default is false $_params[ 'in_footer' ] = isset( $_params[ 'in_footer' ] ) ? $_params[ 'in_footer' ] : false; return array( $_handle, sprintf( '%1$s%2$s%3$s', CZR_BASE_URL , $_params['path'], $_filename ), $_params['dependencies'], $this-> _resouces_version, apply_filters( "tc_load_{$_handle}_in_footer", $_params['in_footer'] ) ); } /** * Helper to check if we need fancybox or not on front * * @return boolean * @package Customizr * @since v3.3+ */ private function czr_fn_is_lightbox_required() { return czr_fn_opt( 'tc_fancybox' ) || czr_fn_opt( 'tc_gallery_fancybox'); } /** * Helper * 'CZR_DEBUG_MODE' = isset( $_GET['czr_debug'] ) && 1 == $_GET['czr_debug'] * * @return boolean * @package Customizr * @since v3.3+ */ function czr_fn_load_concatenated_front_scripts() { if ( defined( 'CZR_LOAD_CONCATENATED_SCRIPTS' ) && true === CZR_LOAD_CONCATENATED_SCRIPTS ) return true; if ( defined( 'CZR_DEBUG_MODE' ) && true === CZR_DEBUG_MODE ) return false; return apply_filters( 'tc_load_concatenated_front_scripts' , !defined('CZR_DEV') || ( defined('CZR_DEV') && false == CZR_DEV ) ); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * WELCOME NOTE /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //This function is invoked only when : //1) !czr_fn_is_pro() && czr_fn_user_started_with_current_version() //2) AND if the welcome note can be displayed : czr_fn_user_can_see_customize_notices_on_front() && !czr_fn_is_customizing() && !czr_fn_isprevdem() && 'dismissed' != get_transient( 'czr_welcome_note_status' ) //It returns a welcome note html string that will be localized in the front js //@return html string function czr_fn_get_welcome_note_content() { // beautify notice text using some defaults the_content filter callbacks // => turns emoticon :D into an svg foreach ( array( 'wptexturize', 'convert_smilies', 'wpautop') as $callback ) { if ( function_exists( $callback ) ) add_filter( 'czr_front_welcome_note_html', $callback ); } ob_start(); ?>
%4$s', __('The theme offers a wide range', 'customizr'), admin_url( 'customize.php'), __('of customization options', 'customizr'), __('to let you create the best possible websites.', 'customizr' ) ); printf('
%1$s :
', __("If you need inspiration, you can visit our online demos", 'customizr'), esc_url('https://wp-themes.com/customizr/'), __('Customizr Demo 1', 'customizr'), esc_url('demo.presscustomizr.com/'), __('Customizr Demo 2', 'customizr') ); printf( '
', __('To help you getting started with Customizr, we have published', 'customizr'), esc_url('http://docs.presscustomizr.com/article/175-first-steps-with-the-customizr-wordpress-theme'), __('a short guide here.', 'customizr') ); ?> 'dismissed' ) ); } }//end of CZR_resources_js endif;