(function( $ ) {// jscs:ignore validateLineBreaks 'use strict'; var api = wp.customize; api(function() { var currentURL = api.settings.url.preview, urlBase, urlParts, pageSidebarID, pageSidebarSection; if ( currentURL !== ShapelyBuilder.siteURL ) { urlParts = currentURL.split( '/' ); urlParts.pop(); urlBase = urlParts[ urlParts.length - 1 ]; if ( undefined !== ShapelyBuilder.pages[ urlBase ] ) { pageSidebarID = 'sidebar-widgets-shapely-' + urlBase; /* * Defer focus until: * 1. The section exist. * 2. The instance is embedded in the document (and so is focusable). * 3. The preview has finished loading so that the active states have been set. */ pageSidebarSection = api.section( pageSidebarID, function( instance ) { instance.deferred.embedded.done( function() { api.previewer.deferred.active.done( function() { instance.trigger('focus'); } ); } ); } ); } } } ); })( jQuery );