(function () { 'use strict'; /** * @copyright (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ Joomla = window.Joomla || {}; (function (Joomla, document) { Joomla.hideAssociation = function (formControl, languageCode) { var controlGroup = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('#associations .control-group')); controlGroup.forEach(function (element) { // Current selected language. Hide it var el = element.querySelector('.control-label label'); if (el) { var attribute = el.getAttribute('for'); if (attribute.replace(new RegExp('_name$'), '') === formControl + "_associations_" + languageCode.replace('-', '_')) { element.classList.add('hidden'); } } }); }; Joomla.showAssociationMessage = function () { var controlGroup = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('#associations .control-group')); var associations = document.getElementById('associations'); if (associations) { var html = document.createElement('joomla-alert'); html.innerText = Joomla.Text._('JGLOBAL_ASSOC_NOT_POSSIBLE'); associations.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', html); } controlGroup.forEach(function (element) { element.classList.add('hidden'); }); }; /** * Inject associations into other association fields * * This function is called whenever the Ajax request within propagateAssociation() completes * successfully. * Its purpose is to inject the associations which have been returned in the Ajax response into * the other association fields in the form. * It does this by invoking the various callback functions of those association fields (i.e. the * function which gets called whenever the administrator selects an association via the modal), * and passing the appropriate associated record details. * * @param result The response from the Ajax request. * Its structure is that generated by the JResponseJson class, * with the data field containing the associations * @param callbackFunctionPrefix The name of the callback function which the modal window uses * to set the selected item as the association, but minus the * language tag at the end * * @return boolean * * @since 3.9.0 */ Joomla.injectAssociations = function (result, callbackFunctionPrefix) { var functionName; if (result.success) { if (result.data.length !== 0) { [].slice.call(Object.keys(result.data)).forEach(function (lang) { functionName = callbackFunctionPrefix + lang.replace('-', '_'); window[functionName](result.data[lang].id, result.data[lang].title, result.data[lang].catid, null, null, lang); }); } if (result.message) { Joomla.renderMessages({ notice: [result.message] }); } } else { Joomla.renderMessages({ warning: [Joomla.Text._('JGLOBAL_ASSOCIATIONS_PROPAGATE_FAILED')] }); } }; /** * Propagate associations from this field into other association fields * * This function is called whenever an administrator populates an association (in the association * modal field) and then clicks on the Propagate button. * The purpose of this function is to find what other records (if any) are associated with the * one which the administrator has selected, and populate the other association fields with these * records. (Otherwise, if the administrator just clicks on Save without clicking on Propagate, * those other associations will be deleted). It does this by finding the id of the selected * associated record (from a hidden field) and makes an Ajax call to the server to find the other * associations, also passing up the language of the record currently being edited, as it should * be excluded. Once it has received from the server the other associations it calls * injectAssociations to inject them into the other association fields within the form. * * @param fieldPrefix The stem of the html ids for the elements comprising the * modal field * @param callbackFunctionPrefix The name of the callback function which the modal window uses * to set the selected item as the association, but minus the * language tag at the end * * @return boolean * * @since 3.9.0 */ Joomla.propagateAssociation = function (fieldPrefix, callbackFunctionPrefix) { // Find the id of the record which has been set as an association var assocId = document.getElementById(fieldPrefix + "_id").value; // Find the language of the record being edited var languageField = document.getElementById('jform_language'); var currentLang = languageField.options[languageField.selectedIndex].value; var data = { task: 'ajax.fetchAssociations', format: 'json', assocId: assocId, excludeLang: currentLang }; data[Joomla.getOptions('csrf.token', '')] = 1; var queryString = Object.keys(data).reduce(function (a, k) { a.push(k + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[k])); return a; }, []).join('&'); var url = document.forms.adminForm.action + "&" + queryString; Joomla.request({ // Find the action url associated with the form - we need to add the token to this url: url, method: 'GET', data: JSON.stringify(data), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, onSuccess: function onSuccess(response) { Joomla.injectAssociations(JSON.parse(response), callbackFunctionPrefix); }, onError: function onError() { Joomla.renderMessages({ warning: [Joomla.Text._('JGLOBAL_ASSOCIATIONS_PROPAGATE_FAILED')] }); } }); return false; }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { var associationsEditOptions = Joomla.getOptions('system.associations.edit'); var formControl = associationsEditOptions.formControl || 'jform'; var formControlLanguage = document.getElementById(formControl + "_language"); // Hide the associations tab if needed if (parseInt(associationsEditOptions.hidden, 10) === 1) { Joomla.showAssociationMessage(); } else if (formControlLanguage) { // Hide only the associations for the current language Joomla.hideAssociation(formControl, formControlLanguage.value); } // When changing the language if (formControlLanguage) { formControlLanguage.addEventListener('change', function (_ref) { var target = _ref.target; // Remove message if any Joomla.removeMessages(); var existsAssociations = false; /** For each language, remove the associations, ie, * empty the associations fields and reset the buttons to Select/Create */ var controlGroup = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('#associations .control-group')); controlGroup.forEach(function (element) { var attribute = element.querySelector('.control-label label').getAttribute('for'); var languageCode = attribute.replace('_name', '').replace('jform_associations_', ''); // Show the association fields element.classList.remove('hidden'); // Check if there was an association selected for this language if (!existsAssociations && document.getElementById(formControl + "_associations_" + languageCode + "_id").value !== '') { existsAssociations = true; } // Call the modal clear button var clear = document.getElementById(formControl + "_associations_" + languageCode + "_clear"); if (clear.onclick) { clear.onclick(); } else if (clear.click) { clear.click(); } }); // If associations existed, send a warning to the user if (existsAssociations) { Joomla.renderMessages({ warning: [Joomla.Text._('JGLOBAL_ASSOCIATIONS_RESET_WARNING')] }); } // If the selected language is All hide the fields and add a message var selectedLanguage = target.value; if (selectedLanguage === '*') { Joomla.showAssociationMessage(); } else { // Else show the associations fields/buttons and hide the current selected language Joomla.hideAssociation(formControl, selectedLanguage); } }); } }); })(Joomla, document); }());