/** * @copyright (C) 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // @TODO remove jQuery dependency jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#toolbar-target').hide(); $('#toolbar-copy').hide(); // Save button actions, replacing the default Joomla.submitbutton() with custom function. Joomla.submitbutton = function(task) { // Using close button, normal joomla submit. if (task === 'association.cancel') { Joomla.submitform(task); } else if(task === 'copy') { document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('joomla-core-loader')); var targetLang = document.getElementById('target-association').getAttribute('data-language'), referlangInput = window.frames['reference-association'].document.getElementById('jform_language'); // Set target language, to get correct content language in the copy referlangInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); referlangInput.value = targetLang; window.frames['reference-association'].Joomla.submitbutton(document.getElementById('adminForm').getAttribute('data-associatedview') + '.save2copy'); } else if (task === 'undo-association') { // Undo association var reference = document.getElementById('reference-association'); var target = document.getElementById('target-association'); var referenceId = reference.getAttribute('data-id'); var referenceLang = reference.getAttribute('data-language').replace(/-/,'_'); var targetId = target.getAttribute('data-id'); var targetLang = target.getAttribute('data-language').replace(/-/,'_'); reference = $(reference).contents(); target = $(target).contents(); // Remove it on the reference // - For modal association selectors. reference.find('#jform_associations_' + targetLang + '_id').val(''); reference.find('#jform_associations_' + targetLang + '_name').val(''); // - For chosen association selectors (menus). reference.find('#jform_associations_' + targetLang).val(''); var lang = ''; // Remove it on the target $('#jform_itemlanguage option').each(function() { lang = $(this).val().split('|')[0]; if (typeof lang !== 'undefined') { lang = lang.replace(/-/,'_'); // - For modal association selectors. target.find('#jform_associations_' + lang + '_id').val(''); // - For chosen association selectors (menus). target.find('#jform_associations_' + lang).val(''); } }); // Same as above but reference language is not in the selector // - For modal association selectors. target.find('#jform_associations_' + referenceLang + '_id').val(''); target.find('#jform_associations_' + referenceLang + '_name').val(''); // - For chosen association selectors (menus). target.find('#jform_associations_' + referenceLang).val(''); // Reset switcher after removing association var currentLangSelect = $('#jform_itemlanguage'); var currentSwitcher = currentLangSelect.val(); var currentLang = targetLang.replace(/_/,'-'); $('#jform_itemlanguage option[value=\"' + currentSwitcher + '\"]').val(currentLang + ':0:add'); currentLangSelect.val(''); currentLangSelect[0].dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('change', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, })); // Save one of the items to confirm action Joomla.submitbutton('reference'); } else { // Saving target or reference, send the save action to the target/reference iframe. // We need to re-enable the language field to save. $('#' + task + '-association').contents().find('#jform_language').attr('disabled', false); window.frames[task + '-association'].Joomla.submitbutton(document.getElementById('adminForm').getAttribute('data-associatedview') + '.apply'); } return false; }; // Attach behaviour to toggle button. $(document).on('click', '#toogle-left-panel', function() { var referenceHide = this.getAttribute('data-hide-reference'); var referenceShow = this.getAttribute('data-show-reference'); if ($(this).text() === referenceHide) { $(this).text(referenceShow); } else { $(this).text(referenceHide); } $('#left-panel').toggle(); $('#right-panel').toggleClass('full-width'); }); // Attach behaviour to language selector change event. $(document).on('change', '#jform_itemlanguage', function() { var target = document.getElementById('target-association'); var selected = $(this).val(); // Populate the data attributes and load the the edit page in target frame. if (selected !== '' && typeof selected !== 'undefined') { target.setAttribute('data-action', selected.split(':')[2]); target.setAttribute('data-id', selected.split(':')[1]); target.setAttribute('data-language', selected.split(':')[0]); // Iframe load start, show Joomla loading layer. document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('joomla-core-loader')); // Load the target frame. target.src = target.getAttribute('data-editurl') + '&task=' + target.getAttribute('data-item') + '.' + target.getAttribute('data-action') + '&id=' + target.getAttribute('data-id'); } else { // Reset the data attributes and no item to load. $('#toolbar-target').hide(); $('#toolbar-copy').hide(); $('#select-change').addClass("hidden"); $('#remove-assoc').addClass("hidden"); target.setAttribute('data-action', ''); target.setAttribute('data-id', '0'); target.setAttribute('data-language', ''); target.src = ''; } }); // Attach behaviour to reference frame load event. $('#reference-association').on('load', function() { // Waiting until the reference has loaded before loading the target to avoid race conditions var targetURL = Joomla.getOptions('targetSrc', false); if (targetURL) { targetURL = targetURL.split('&').join('&'); document.getElementById('target-association').setAttribute('src', targetURL); Joomla.loadOptions({'targetSrc': false}); return; } // Load Target Pane AFTER reference pane has loaded to prevent session conflict with checkout document.getElementById('target-association').setAttribute('src', document.getElementById('target-association').getAttribute('src')); // If copy button used if ($(this).contents().find('#jform_id').val() !== this.getAttribute('data-id')) { var target = document.getElementById('target-association'); target.src = target.getAttribute('data-editurl') + '&task=' + target.getAttribute('data-item') + '.edit' + '&id=' + $(this).contents().find('#jform_id').val(); this.src = this.getAttribute('data-editurl') + '&task=' + this.getAttribute('data-item') + '.edit' + '&id=' + this.getAttribute('data-id'); } var reference = $(this).contents(); // Disable language field. reference.find('#jform_language').attr('disabled', ''); // Remove modal buttons on the reference reference.find('#associations').find('.btn').remove(); var parse = ''; $('#jform_itemlanguage option').each(function() { parse = $(this).val().split(':'); if (typeof parse[0] !== 'undefined') { // - For modal association selectors. var langAssociation = parse[0].replace(/-/,'_'); if (reference.find('#jform_associations_' + langAssociation + '_id').val() == '') { reference.find('#jform_associations_' + langAssociation + '_name') .val(document.getElementById('reference-association').getAttribute('data-no-assoc')); } } }); // Iframe load finished, hide Joomla loading layer. var spinner = document.querySelector('joomla-core-loader'); if (spinner) { spinner.parentNode.removeChild(spinner); } }); // Attach behaviour to target frame load event. $('#target-association').on('load', function() { // We need to check if we are not loading a blank iframe. if (this.getAttribute('src') != '') { $('#toolbar-target').show(); $('#toolbar-copy').show(); $('#select-change').removeClass("hidden"); var targetLanguage = this.getAttribute('data-language'); var targetId = this.getAttribute('data-id'); var targetLoadedId = $(this).contents().find('#jform_id').val() || '0'; // Remove modal buttons on the target $(this).contents().find('a[href=\"#associations\"]').parent().find('.btn').remove(); $(this).contents().find('#associations').find('.btn').remove(); // Always show General tab first if associations tab is selected on the reference if ($(this).contents().find('#associations').hasClass('active')) { $(this).contents().find('a[href=\"#associations\"]').parent().removeClass('active'); $(this).contents().find('#associations').removeClass('active'); $(this).contents().find('.nav-tabs').find('li').first().addClass('active'); $(this).contents().find('.tab-content').find('.tab-pane').first().addClass('active'); } // Update language field with the selected language and them disable it. $(this).contents().find('#jform_language').val(targetLanguage).attr('disabled', ''); // If we are creating a new association (before save) we need to add the new association. if (targetLoadedId == '0') { document.getElementById('select-change-text').innerHTML = Joomla.sanitizeHtml(document.getElementById('select-change').getAttribute('data-select')); } // If we are editing an association. else { // Show change language button document.getElementById('select-change-text').innerHTML = Joomla.sanitizeHtml(document.getElementById('select-change').getAttribute('data-change')); $('#remove-assoc').removeClass("hidden"); $('#toolbar-copy').hide(); // Add the id to list of items to check in on close. var currentIdList = document.getElementById('target-id').value; var updatedList = currentIdList == '' ? targetLoadedId : currentIdList + ',' + targetLoadedId; document.getElementById('target-id').value = updatedList; // If we created a new association (after save). if (targetLoadedId != targetId) { // Refresh the language selector with the new id (used after save). $('#jform_itemlanguage option[value^=\"' + targetLanguage + ':' + targetId + ':add\"]').val(targetLanguage + ':' + targetLoadedId + ':edit'); // Update main frame data-id attribute (used after save). this.setAttribute('data-id', targetLoadedId); this.setAttribute('data-action', 'edit'); } // Update the reference item associations tab. var reference = document.getElementById('reference-association'); var languageCode = targetLanguage.replace(/-/, '_'); var referenceTitle = reference.getAttribute('data-title'); var title = $(this).contents().find('#jform_' + referenceTitle).val(); // - For modal association selectors. $(reference).contents().find('#jform_associations_' + languageCode + '_id').val(targetLoadedId); $(reference).contents().find('#jform_associations_' + languageCode + '_name').val(title); // - For chosen association selectors (menus). $(reference).contents().find('#jform_associations_' + languageCode).append('
' + title + '
'); $(reference).contents().find('#jform_associations_' + languageCode).val(targetLoadedId); } // Update the target item associations tab. var reference = document.getElementById('reference-association'); var referenceId = reference.getAttribute('data-id'); var languageCode = reference.getAttribute('data-language').replace(/-/, '_'); var target = document.getElementById('target-association'); var targetTitle = target.getAttribute('data-title'); var title = reference.getAttribute('data-title-value'); var target = $(this).contents(); // - For modal association selectors. target.find('#jform_associations_' + languageCode + '_id').val(referenceId); target.find('#jform_associations_' + languageCode + '_name').val(title); // - For chosen association selectors (menus). var chosenField = target.find('#jform_associations_' + languageCode); chosenField.append('
' + title + '
'); chosenField.val(referenceId); var parse, langAssociation; $('#jform_itemlanguage option').each(function() { parse = $(this).val().split(':'); if (typeof parse[1] !== 'undefined' && parse[1] !== '0') { // - For modal association selectors. langAssociation = parse[0].replace(/-/,'_'); target.find('#jform_associations_' + langAssociation + '_id').val(parse[1]); // - For chosen association selectors (menus). chosenField = target.find('#jform_associations_' + langAssociation); chosenField.append('
'); chosenField.val(parse[1]); } }); // Iframe load finished, hide Joomla loading layer. var spinner = document.querySelector('joomla-core-loader'); if (spinner) { spinner.parentNode.removeChild(spinner); } } }); });