/** * @copyright (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ if (!Joomla) { throw new Error('Joomla API is not properly initialized'); } Joomla.MediaManager = Joomla.MediaManager || {}; class Edit { constructor() { // Get the options from Joomla.optionStorage this.options = Joomla.getOptions('com_media', {}); if (!this.options) { throw new Error('Initialization error "edit-images.js"'); } this.extension = this.options.uploadPath.split('.').pop(); this.fileType = ['jpeg', 'jpg'].includes(this.extension) ? 'jpeg' : this.extension; this.options.currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href); // Initiate the registry this.original = { filename: this.options.uploadPath.split('/').pop(), extension: this.extension, contents: `data:image/${this.fileType};base64,${this.options.contents}` }; this.previousPluginDeactivated = new Promise(resolve => resolve); this.history = {}; this.current = this.original; this.plugins = {}; this.baseContainer = document.getElementById('media-manager-edit-container'); if (!this.baseContainer) { throw new Error('The image preview container is missing'); } this.createImageContainer(this.original); Joomla.MediaManager.Edit = this; window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('media-manager-edit-init')); // Once the DOM is ready, initialize everything customElements.whenDefined('joomla-tab').then(async () => { const tabContainer = document.getElementById('myTab'); const tabsUlElement = tabContainer.firstElementChild; const links = [].slice.call(tabsUlElement.querySelectorAll('button[aria-controls]')); // Couple the tabs with the plugin objects links.forEach((link, index) => { const tab = document.getElementById(link.getAttribute('aria-controls')); if (index === 0) { tab.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.baseContainer); } link.addEventListener('joomla.tab.hidden', ({ target }) => { if (!target) { this.previousPluginDeactivated = new Promise(resolve => resolve); return; } this.previousPluginDeactivated = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.plugins[target.getAttribute('aria-controls').replace('attrib-', '')].Deactivate(this.imagePreview).then(resolve).catch(e => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(e); reject(); }); }); }); link.addEventListener('joomla.tab.shown', ({ target }) => { // Move the image container to the correct tab tab.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.baseContainer); this.previousPluginDeactivated.then(() => this.plugins[target.getAttribute('aria-controls').replace('attrib-', '')].Activate(this.imagePreview)).catch(e => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(e); }); }); }); tabContainer.activateTab(0, false); }); this.addHistoryPoint = this.addHistoryPoint.bind(this); this.createImageContainer = this.createImageContainer.bind(this); this.Reset = this.Reset.bind(this); this.Undo = this.Undo.bind(this); this.Redo = this.Redo.bind(this); this.createProgressBar = this.createProgressBar.bind(this); this.updateProgressBar = this.updateProgressBar.bind(this); this.removeProgressBar = this.removeProgressBar.bind(this); this.upload = this.upload.bind(this); // Create history entry window.addEventListener('mediaManager.history.point', this.addHistoryPoint.bind(this)); } /** * Creates a history snapshot * PRIVATE */ addHistoryPoint() { if (this.original !== this.current) { const key = Object.keys(this.history).length; if (this.history[key] && this.history[key - 1] && this.history[key] === this.history[key - 1]) { return; } this.history[key + 1] = this.current; } } /** * Creates the images for edit and preview * PRIVATE */ createImageContainer(data) { if (!data.contents) { throw new Error('Initialization error "edit-images.js"'); } this.imagePreview = document.createElement('img'); this.imagePreview.src = data.contents; this.imagePreview.id = 'image-preview'; this.imagePreview.style.height = 'auto'; this.imagePreview.style.maxWidth = '100%'; this.baseContainer.appendChild(this.imagePreview); } // Reset the image to the initial state Reset() /* current */ { this.current.contents = `data:image/${this.fileType};base64,${this.options.contents}`; this.imagePreview.setAttribute('src', this.current.contents); requestAnimationFrame(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.imagePreview.setAttribute('width', this.imagePreview.naturalWidth); this.imagePreview.setAttribute('height', this.imagePreview.naturalHeight); }); }); } // @TODO History // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this Undo() {} // @TODO History // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this Redo() {} // @TODO Create the progress bar // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this createProgressBar() {} // @TODO Update the progress bar // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this updateProgressBar() /* position */ {} // @TODO Remove the progress bar // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this removeProgressBar() {} /** * Uploads * Public */ upload(url, stateChangeCallback) { let format = Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.original.extension === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.original.extension; if (!format) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring format = /data:image\/(.+);/gm.exec(Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.original.contents)[1]; } if (!format) { throw new Error('Unable to determine image format'); } this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (typeof stateChangeCallback === 'function') { this.xhr.onreadystatechange = stateChangeCallback; } this.xhr.upload.onprogress = e => { this.updateProgressBar(e.loaded / e.total * 100); }; this.xhr.onload = () => { let resp; try { resp = JSON.parse(this.xhr.responseText); } catch (er) { resp = null; } if (resp) { if (this.xhr.status === 200) { if (resp.success === true) { this.removeProgressBar(); } if (resp.status === '1') { Joomla.renderMessages({ success: [resp.message] }, 'true'); this.removeProgressBar(); } } } else { this.removeProgressBar(); } this.xhr = null; }; this.xhr.onerror = () => { this.removeProgressBar(); this.xhr = null; }; this.xhr.open('PUT', url, true); this.xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); this.createProgressBar(); this.xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ name: Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.options.uploadPath.split('/').pop(), content: Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.current.contents.replace(`data:image/${format};base64,`, ''), [Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.options.csrfToken]: 1 })); } } // Initiate the Editor API // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Edit(); /** * Compute the corrent URL * * @param {boolean} isModal is the URL for a modal window * * @return {{}} the URL object */ const getUrl = isModal => { const newUrl = Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.options.currentUrl; const params = new URLSearchParams(newUrl.search); params.set('view', 'media'); params.delete('path'); params.delete('mediatypes'); const { uploadPath } = Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.options; let fileDirectory = uploadPath.split('/'); fileDirectory.pop(); fileDirectory = fileDirectory.join('/'); // If we are in root add a backslash if (fileDirectory.endsWith(':')) { fileDirectory = `${fileDirectory}/`; } params.set('path', fileDirectory); // Respect the images_only URI param const mediaTypes = document.querySelector('input[name="mediatypes"]'); params.set('mediatypes', mediaTypes && mediaTypes.value ? mediaTypes.value : '0'); if (isModal) { params.set('tmpl', 'component'); } newUrl.search = params; return newUrl; }; // Customize the Toolbar buttons behavior Joomla.submitbutton = task => { const url = new URL(`${Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.options.apiBaseUrl}&task=api.files&path=${Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.options.uploadPath}`); switch (task) { case 'apply': Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.upload(url, null); Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.imagePreview.src = Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.current.contents; Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.original = Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.current; Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.history = {}; (async () => { const activeTab = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('joomla-tab-element')).filter(tab => tab.hasAttribute('active')); try { await Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.plugins[activeTab[0].id.replace('attrib-', '')].Deactivate(Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.imagePreview); await Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.plugins[activeTab[0].id.replace('attrib-', '')].Activate(Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.imagePreview); } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(e); } })(); break; case 'save': Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.upload(url, () => { if (Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (window.self !== window.top) { window.location = getUrl(true); } else { window.location = getUrl(); } } }); break; case 'cancel': if (window.self !== window.top) { window.location = getUrl(true); } else { window.location = getUrl(); } break; case 'reset': Joomla.MediaManager.Edit.Reset('initial'); break; } };