// stylelint-disable property-blacklist, scss/dollar-variable-default // SCSS RFS mixin // // Automated responsive values for font sizes, paddings, margins and much more // // Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/rfs/blob/main/LICENSE) // Configuration // Base value $rfs-base-value: 1.25rem !default; $rfs-unit: rem !default; @if $rfs-unit != rem and $rfs-unit != px { @error "`#{$rfs-unit}` is not a valid unit for $rfs-unit. Use `px` or `rem`."; } // Breakpoint at where values start decreasing if screen width is smaller $rfs-breakpoint: 1200px !default; $rfs-breakpoint-unit: px !default; @if $rfs-breakpoint-unit != px and $rfs-breakpoint-unit != em and $rfs-breakpoint-unit != rem { @error "`#{$rfs-breakpoint-unit}` is not a valid unit for $rfs-breakpoint-unit. Use `px`, `em` or `rem`."; } // Resize values based on screen height and width $rfs-two-dimensional: false !default; // Factor of decrease $rfs-factor: 10 !default; @if type-of($rfs-factor) != number or $rfs-factor <= 1 { @error "`#{$rfs-factor}` is not a valid $rfs-factor, it must be greater than 1."; } // Mode. Possibilities: "min-media-query", "max-media-query" $rfs-mode: min-media-query !default; // Generate enable or disable classes. Possibilities: false, "enable" or "disable" $rfs-class: false !default; // 1 rem = $rfs-rem-value px $rfs-rem-value: 16 !default; // Safari iframe resize bug: https://github.com/twbs/rfs/issues/14 $rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix: false !default; // Disable RFS by setting $enable-rfs to false $enable-rfs: true !default; // Cache $rfs-base-value unit $rfs-base-value-unit: unit($rfs-base-value); @function divide($dividend, $divisor, $precision: 10) { $sign: if($dividend > 0 and $divisor > 0 or $dividend < 0 and $divisor < 0, 1, -1); $dividend: abs($dividend); $divisor: abs($divisor); @if $dividend == 0 { @return 0; } @if $divisor == 0 { @error "Cannot divide by 0"; } $remainder: $dividend; $result: 0; $factor: 10; @while ($remainder > 0 and $precision >= 0) { $quotient: 0; @while ($remainder >= $divisor) { $remainder: $remainder - $divisor; $quotient: $quotient + 1; } $result: $result * 10 + $quotient; $factor: $factor * .1; $remainder: $remainder * 10; $precision: $precision - 1; @if ($precision < 0 and $remainder >= $divisor * 5) { $result: $result + 1; } } $result: $result * $factor * $sign; $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); $unit-map: ( "px": 1px, "rem": 1rem, "em": 1em, "%": 1% ); @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { $result: $result * map-get($unit-map, $dividend-unit); } @return $result; } // Remove px-unit from $rfs-base-value for calculations @if $rfs-base-value-unit == px { $rfs-base-value: divide($rfs-base-value, $rfs-base-value * 0 + 1); } @else if $rfs-base-value-unit == rem { $rfs-base-value: divide($rfs-base-value, divide($rfs-base-value * 0 + 1, $rfs-rem-value)); } // Cache $rfs-breakpoint unit to prevent multiple calls $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache: unit($rfs-breakpoint); // Remove unit from $rfs-breakpoint for calculations @if $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == px { $rfs-breakpoint: divide($rfs-breakpoint, $rfs-breakpoint * 0 + 1); } @else if $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == rem or $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == "em" { $rfs-breakpoint: divide($rfs-breakpoint, divide($rfs-breakpoint * 0 + 1, $rfs-rem-value)); } // Calculate the media query value $rfs-mq-value: if($rfs-breakpoint-unit == px, #{$rfs-breakpoint}px, #{divide($rfs-breakpoint, $rfs-rem-value)}#{$rfs-breakpoint-unit}); $rfs-mq-property-width: if($rfs-mode == max-media-query, max-width, min-width); $rfs-mq-property-height: if($rfs-mode == max-media-query, max-height, min-height); // Internal mixin used to determine which media query needs to be used @mixin _rfs-media-query { @if $rfs-two-dimensional { @if $rfs-mode == max-media-query { @media (#{$rfs-mq-property-width}: #{$rfs-mq-value}), (#{$rfs-mq-property-height}: #{$rfs-mq-value}) { @content; } } @else { @media (#{$rfs-mq-property-width}: #{$rfs-mq-value}) and (#{$rfs-mq-property-height}: #{$rfs-mq-value}) { @content; } } } @else { @media (#{$rfs-mq-property-width}: #{$rfs-mq-value}) { @content; } } } // Internal mixin that adds disable classes to the selector if needed. @mixin _rfs-rule { @if $rfs-class == disable and $rfs-mode == max-media-query { // Adding an extra class increases specificity, which prevents the media query to override the property &, .disable-rfs &, &.disable-rfs { @content; } } @else if $rfs-class == enable and $rfs-mode == min-media-query { .enable-rfs &, &.enable-rfs { @content; } } @else { @content; } } // Internal mixin that adds enable classes to the selector if needed. @mixin _rfs-media-query-rule { @if $rfs-class == enable { @if $rfs-mode == min-media-query { @content; } @include _rfs-media-query { .enable-rfs &, &.enable-rfs { @content; } } } @else { @if $rfs-class == disable and $rfs-mode == min-media-query { .disable-rfs &, &.disable-rfs { @content; } } @include _rfs-media-query { @content; } } } // Helper function to get the formatted non-responsive value @function rfs-value($values) { // Convert to list $values: if(type-of($values) != list, ($values,), $values); $val: ''; // Loop over each value and calculate value @each $value in $values { @if $value == 0 { $val: $val + ' 0'; } @else { // Cache $value unit $unit: if(type-of($value) == "number", unit($value), false); @if $unit == px { // Convert to rem if needed $val: $val + ' ' + if($rfs-unit == rem, #{divide($value, $value * 0 + $rfs-rem-value)}rem, $value); } @else if $unit == rem { // Convert to px if needed $val: $val + ' ' + if($rfs-unit == px, #{divide($value, $value * 0 + 1) * $rfs-rem-value}px, $value); } @else { // If $value isn't a number (like inherit) or $value has a unit (not px or rem, like 1.5em) or $ is 0, just print the value $val: $val + ' ' + $value; } } } // Remove first space @return unquote(str-slice($val, 2)); } // Helper function to get the responsive value calculated by RFS @function rfs-fluid-value($values) { // Convert to list $values: if(type-of($values) != list, ($values,), $values); $val: ''; // Loop over each value and calculate value @each $value in $values { @if $value == 0 { $val: $val + ' 0'; } @else { // Cache $value unit $unit: if(type-of($value) == "number", unit($value), false); // If $value isn't a number (like inherit) or $value has a unit (not px or rem, like 1.5em) or $ is 0, just print the value @if not $unit or $unit != px and $unit != rem { $val: $val + ' ' + $value; } @else { // Remove unit from $value for calculations $value: divide($value, $value * 0 + if($unit == px, 1, divide(1, $rfs-rem-value))); // Only add the media query if the value is greater than the minimum value @if abs($value) <= $rfs-base-value or not $enable-rfs { $val: $val + ' ' + if($rfs-unit == rem, #{divide($value, $rfs-rem-value)}rem, #{$value}px); } @else { // Calculate the minimum value $value-min: $rfs-base-value + divide(abs($value) - $rfs-base-value, $rfs-factor); // Calculate difference between $value and the minimum value $value-diff: abs($value) - $value-min; // Base value formatting $min-width: if($rfs-unit == rem, #{divide($value-min, $rfs-rem-value)}rem, #{$value-min}px); // Use negative value if needed $min-width: if($value < 0, -$min-width, $min-width); // Use `vmin` if two-dimensional is enabled $variable-unit: if($rfs-two-dimensional, vmin, vw); // Calculate the variable width between 0 and $rfs-breakpoint $variable-width: #{divide($value-diff * 100, $rfs-breakpoint)}#{$variable-unit}; // Return the calculated value $val: $val + ' calc(' + $min-width + if($value < 0, ' - ', ' + ') + $variable-width + ')'; } } } } // Remove first space @return unquote(str-slice($val, 2)); } // RFS mixin @mixin rfs($values, $property: font-size) { @if $values != null { $val: rfs-value($values); $fluidVal: rfs-fluid-value($values); // Do not print the media query if responsive & non-responsive values are the same @if $val == $fluidVal { #{$property}: $val; } @else { @include _rfs-rule { #{$property}: if($rfs-mode == max-media-query, $val, $fluidVal); // Include safari iframe resize fix if needed min-width: if($rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix, (0 * 1vw), null); } @include _rfs-media-query-rule { #{$property}: if($rfs-mode == max-media-query, $fluidVal, $val); } } } } // Shorthand helper mixins @mixin font-size($value) { @include rfs($value); } @mixin padding($value) { @include rfs($value, padding); } @mixin padding-top($value) { @include rfs($value, padding-top); } @mixin padding-right($value) { @include rfs($value, padding-right); } @mixin padding-bottom($value) { @include rfs($value, padding-bottom); } @mixin padding-left($value) { @include rfs($value, padding-left); } @mixin margin($value) { @include rfs($value, margin); } @mixin margin-top($value) { @include rfs($value, margin-top); } @mixin margin-right($value) { @include rfs($value, margin-right); } @mixin margin-bottom($value) { @include rfs($value, margin-bottom); } @mixin margin-left($value) { @include rfs($value, margin-left); }