var or method(): public static $instance; static $default_options; static $db_options; static $options;//not used in customizer context only static $customizer_map = array(); static $theme_setting_list; static $theme_name; public $skin_classic_color_map; public $old_socials; public $font_pairs; public $fp_ids; public $sidebar_widgets; public $default_slides; public $tc_thumb_size; public $slider_full_size; public $slider_size; public $tc_grid_size; public $tc_grid_full_size; //print comments template once : plugins compatibility public static $comments_rendered = false; function __construct( $_args = array()) { //init properties add_action( 'after_setup_theme' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_init_properties') ); //Set image options set by user @since v3.2.0 //!must be available in admin for plugins like regenerate thumbnails add_action( 'after_setup_theme' , array( $this, 'czr_fn_set_user_defined_settings')); //add the text domain, various theme supports : editor style, automatic-feed-links, post formats, post-thumbnails add_action( 'after_setup_theme' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_base_customizr_setup' ) ); //IMPORTANT : this callback needs to be ran AFTER czr_fn_init_properties. add_action( 'after_setup_theme' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_cache_theme_setting_list' ), 100 ); //refresh the theme options right after the _preview_filter when previewing add_action( 'customize_preview_init' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_customize_refresh_db_opt' ) ); //modify the query with pre_get_posts //!wp_loaded is fired after WordPress is fully loaded but before the query is set // => before modern style implementation, was previously set in inc/_dev/class-content-post_list.php and core/class-fire-init.php add_action( 'wp_loaded' , array( $this, 'czr_fn_set_early_hooks') ); //Javascript detection add_action( 'wp_head' , array( $this, 'czr_fn_javascript_detection'), 0 ); //registers the menus add_action( 'after_setup_theme' , array( $this, 'czr_fn_register_menus')); //add retina support for high resolution devices add_filter( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_add_retina_support') , 10 , 2 ); add_action( 'delete_attachment' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_clean_retina_images') ); //prevent rendering the comments template more than once add_filter( 'tc_render_comments_template' , array( $this, 'czr_fn_control_coments_template_rendering' ) ); //remove hentry class when the current $post type is a page add_filter( 'post_class' , array( $this, 'czr_fn_maybe_remove_hentry_class' ), 20 ); // WP 5.0.0 compat. until the bug is fixed // this hook fires before the customize changeset is inserter / updated in database // Removing the wp_targeted_link_rel callback from the 'content_save_pre' filter prevents corrupting the changeset JSON // more details in this ticket : https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/45292 add_action( 'customize_save_validation_before' , array( $this, 'czr_fn_remove_callback_wp_targeted_link_rel' ) ); //Default images sizes $this->tc_thumb_size = array( 'width' => 270 , 'height' => 250, 'crop' => true ); //size name : tc-thumb $this->slider_full_size = array( 'width' => 9999 , 'height' => 500, 'crop' => true ); //size name : slider-full //The actual bootstrap4 container width is 1110, while it was 1170 in bootstrap2 $this->slider_size = array( 'width' => CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE ? 1110 : 1170 , 'height' => 500, 'crop' => true ); //size name : slider $this->tc_grid_size = array( 'width' => 570 , 'height' => 350, 'crop' => true ); //size name : tc-grid //Default images sizes $this->tc_grid_full_size = array( 'width' => CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE ? 1110 : 1170 , 'height' => CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE ? 444 : 350, 'crop' => true ); //size name : tc-grid-full //Main skin color array : array( link color, link hover color ) $this->skin_classic_color_map = apply_filters( 'tc_skin_color_map' , array( 'blue.css' => array( '#08c', '#005580' ), 'blue2.css' => array( '#27CBCD', '#1b8b8d' ), 'blue3.css' => array( '#27CDA5', '#1b8d71' ), 'green.css' => array( '#9db668', '#768d44' ), 'green2.css' => array( '#26CE61', '#1a8d43' ), 'yellow.css' => array( '#e9a825', '#b07b12' ), 'yellow2.css' => array( '#d2d62a', '#94971d' ), 'orange.css' => array( '#F78C40', '#e16309' ), 'orange2.css' => array( '#E79B5D', '#d87220' ), 'red.css' => array( '#e10707', '#970505' ), 'red2.css' => array( '#e7797a', '#db383a' ), 'purple.css' => array( '#e67fb9', '#da3f96' ), 'purple2.css' => array( '#8183D8', '#474ac6' ), 'grey.css' => array( '#5A5A5A', '#343434' ), 'grey2.css' => array( '#E4E4E4', '#bebebe' ), 'black.css' => array( '#000', '#000000' ), 'black2.css' => array( '#394143', '#16191a' ) ) ); //Default featured pages ids $this->fp_ids = array( 'one' , 'two' , 'three' ); //Default sidebar widgets $this->sidebar_widgets = array( 'left' => array( 'name' => __( 'Left Sidebar' , 'customizr' ), 'description' => __( 'Appears on posts, static pages, archives and search pages' , 'customizr' ) ), 'right' => array( 'name' => __( 'Right Sidebar' , 'customizr' ), 'description' => __( 'Appears on posts, static pages, archives and search pages' , 'customizr' ) ) );//end of array //Default social networks $this->old_socials = array( 'tc_rss' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Subscribe to my rss feed' , 'customizr' ), 'default' => get_bloginfo( 'rss_url' ) //kept as it's the only one used in the transition ), 'tc_email' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'E-mail' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_twitter' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Twitter' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_facebook' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Facebook' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_google' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Google+' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_instagram' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Instagram' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_tumblr' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Tumblr' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_flickr' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Flickr' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_wordpress' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on WordPress' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_youtube' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Youtube' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_pinterest' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Pin me on Pinterest' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_github' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Github' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_dribbble' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Dribbble' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_linkedin' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on LinkedIn' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_vk' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on VKontakte' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_yelp' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Yelp' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_xing' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Follow me on Xing' , 'customizr' ), ), 'tc_snapchat' => array( 'link_title' => __( 'Contact me on Snapchat' , 'customizr' ), ) );//end of social array //Default fonts pairs $this->font_pairs = array( 'gfont' => array( 'name' => __('Google fonts pairs' , 'customizr'), 'list' => apply_filters( 'tc_gfont_pairs' , array( '_g_sintony_poppins' => array( 'Sintony & Poppins' , 'Sintony|Poppins' ), '_g_fjalla_cantarell' => array( 'Fjalla One & Cantarell' , 'Fjalla+One:400|Cantarell:400' ), '_g_lobster_raleway' => array( 'Lobster & Raleway' , 'Lobster:400|Raleway' ), '_g_alegreya_roboto' => array( 'Alegreya & Roboto' , 'Alegreya:700|Roboto' ), '_g_lato_grand_hotel' => array( 'Lato & Grand Hotel', 'Lato:400|Grand+Hotel' ), '_g_dosis_opensans' => array( 'Dosis & Open Sans' , 'Dosis:400|Open+Sans' ), '_g_dancing_script_eb_garamond' => array( 'Dancing Script & EB Garamond' , 'Dancing+Script:700|EB+Garamond' ), '_g_amatic_josephin' => array( 'Amatic SC & Josefin Sans' , 'Amatic+SC|Josefin+Sans:700' ), '_g_oswald_droid' => array( 'Oswald & Droid Serif' , 'Oswald:700|Droid+Serif:400' ), '_g_playfair_alice' => array( 'Playfair Display & Alice' , 'Playfair+Display:700|Alice' ), '_g_medula_abel' => array( 'Medula One & Abel' , 'Medula+One:400|Abel' ), '_g_coustard_leckerli' => array( 'Coustard Ultra & Leckerli One' , 'Coustard:900|Leckerli+One' ), '_g_sacramento_alice' => array( 'Sacramento & Alice' , 'Sacramento:400|Alice' ), '_g_squada_allerta' => array( 'Squada One & Allerta' , 'Squada+One:400|Allerta' ), '_g_bitter_sourcesanspro' => array( 'Bitter & Source Sans Pro' , 'Bitter:400|Source+Sans+Pro' ), '_g_montserrat_neuton' => array( 'Montserrat & Neuton' , 'Montserrat:400|Neuton' ) ) ) ), 'wsfont' => array( 'name' => __('Web safe fonts pairs' , 'customizr'), 'list' => apply_filters( 'tc_wsfont_pairs' , array( 'impact_palatino' => array( 'Impact & Palatino' , 'Impact,Charcoal,sans-serif|Palatino Linotype,Book Antiqua,Palatino,serif'), 'georgia_verdana' => array( 'Georgia & Verdana' , 'Georgia,Georgia,serif|Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif' ), 'tahoma_times' => array( 'Tahoma & Times' , 'Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif|Times New Roman,Times,serif'), 'lucida_courrier' => array( 'Lucida & Courrier' , 'Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif|Courier New,Courier New,Courier,monospace') ) ) ), 'default' => array( 'name' => __('Single fonts' , 'customizr'), 'list' => apply_filters( 'tc_single_fonts' , array( '_g_poppins' => array( 'Poppins' , 'Poppins|Poppins' ), '_g_cantarell' => array( 'Cantarell' , 'Cantarell:400|Cantarell:400' ), '_g_raleway' => array( 'Raleway' , 'Raleway|Raleway' ), '_g_roboto' => array( 'Roboto' , 'Roboto|Roboto' ), '_g_grand_hotel' => array( 'Grand Hotel', 'Grand+Hotel|Grand+Hotel' ), '_g_opensans' => array( 'Open Sans' , 'Open+Sans|Open+Sans' ), '_g_script_eb_garamond' => array( 'EB Garamond' , 'EB+Garamond|EB+Garamond' ), '_g_josephin' => array( 'Josefin Sans' , 'Josefin+Sans:700|Josefin+Sans:700' ), '_g_droid' => array( 'Droid Serif' , 'Droid+Serif:400|Droid+Serif:400' ), '_g_alice' => array( 'Alice' , 'Alice|Alice' ), '_g_abel' => array( 'Abel' , 'Abel|Abel' ), '_g_leckerli' => array( 'Leckerli One' , 'Leckerli+One|Leckerli+One' ), '_g_allerta' => array( 'Allerta' , 'Allerta|Allerta' ), '_g_sourcesanspro' => array( 'Source Sans Pro' , 'Source+Sans+Pro|Source+Sans+Pro' ), '_g_neuton' => array( 'Neuton' , 'Neuton|Neuton' ), 'helvetica_arial' => array( 'Helvetica' , 'Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif|Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif' ), 'palatino' => array( 'Palatino Linotype' , 'Palatino Linotype,Book Antiqua,Palatino,serif|Palatino Linotype,Book Antiqua,Palatino,serif' ), 'verdana' => array( 'Verdana' , 'Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif|Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif' ), 'time_new_roman' => array( 'Times New Roman' , 'Times New Roman,Times,serif|Times New Roman,Times,serif' ), 'courier_new' => array( 'Courier New' , 'Courier New,Courier New,Courier,monospace|Courier New,Courier New,Courier,monospace' ) ) ) ) );//end of font pairs //Default slides content $this->default_slides = array( 1 => array( 'title' => '', 'text' => '', 'button_text' => '', 'link_id' => null, 'link_url' => null, 'active' => 'active', 'color_style' => '', 'slide_background' => sprintf('
', TC_BASE_URL.'assets/front/img/customizr-theme.jpg', __( 'Customizr is a clean responsive theme' , 'customizr' ) ) ), 2 => array( 'title' => '', 'text' => '', 'button_text' => '', 'link_id' => null, 'link_url' => null, 'active' => '', 'color_style' => '', 'slide_background' => sprintf('
', TC_BASE_URL.'assets/front/img/demo_slide_2.jpg', __( 'Many layout and design options are available from the WordPress customizer screen : see your changes live !' , 'customizr' ) ) ) );///end of slides array }//construct /** * Sets up theme defaults and registers the various WordPress features * hook : after_setup_theme | 20 * */ function czr_fn_base_customizr_setup() { /* Set default content width for post images and media. */ global $content_width; if (!isset( $content_width ) ) { $content_width = apply_filters( 'czr_content_width' , CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE ? 1140 : 1170 ); } /* * Makes Customizr available for translation. * Translations can be added to the /inc/lang/ directory. */ if ( czr_fn_is_pro() ) { load_theme_textdomain( 'customizr-pro', TC_BASE . 'lang' ); }else { load_theme_textdomain( 'customizr' , TC_BASE . '/inc/lang' ); } /* Adds RSS feed links to for posts and comments. */ add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ); /* This theme supports nine post formats. */ $post_formats = apply_filters( 'tc_post_formats', array( 'aside' , 'gallery' , 'link' , 'image' , 'quote' , 'status' , 'video' , 'audio' , 'chat' ) ); add_theme_support( 'post-formats' , $post_formats ); // Add theme support for Custom Logo. add_theme_support( 'custom-logo', array( 'width' => 250, 'height' => 100, 'flex-width' => true, 'flex-height' => true, ) ); /* support for page excerpt (added in v3.0.15) */ add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' ); /* This theme uses a custom image size for featured images, displayed on "standard" posts. */ add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); //set_post_thumbnail_size( 624, 9999 ); // Unlimited height, soft crop /* @since v3.2.3 see : https://make.wordpress.org/core/2014/10/29/title-tags-in-4-1/ */ add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ); //remove theme support => generates notice in admin @todo fix-it! /* remove_theme_support( 'custom-background' ); remove_theme_support( 'custom-header' );*/ // Add support for Gutenberg responsive embeds add_theme_support( 'responsive-embeds' ); // Add support for Block editor styles. add_theme_support( 'editor-styles' ); //post thumbnails for featured pages and post lists (archive, search, ...) $tc_thumb_size = apply_filters( 'tc_thumb_size' , CZR___::$instance->tc_thumb_size ); add_image_size( 'tc-thumb' , $tc_thumb_size['width'] , $tc_thumb_size['height'], $tc_thumb_size['crop'] ); //slider full width $slider_full_size = apply_filters( 'tc_slider_full_size' , CZR___::$instance->slider_full_size ); add_image_size( 'slider-full' , $slider_full_size['width'] , $slider_full_size['height'], $slider_full_size['crop'] ); //slider boxed $slider_size = apply_filters( 'tc_slider_size' , CZR___::$instance->slider_size ); add_image_size( 'slider' , $slider_size['width'] , $slider_size['height'], $slider_size['crop'] ); //thumbs defined only for the modern style if ( CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE ) { /* * Do we want these to be filterable? * I don't think som as we want this aspect ratio to be preserved! */ //square thumb used in post list alternate for standard posts and regular shape //also used in related posts $tc_sq_thumb_size = apply_filters( 'tc_square_thumb_size' , CZR()->tc_sq_thumb_size ); add_image_size( 'tc-sq-thumb' , $tc_sq_thumb_size['width'] , $tc_sq_thumb_size['height'], $tc_sq_thumb_size['crop'] ); //wide screen thumb (16:9) used in post list alternate for image and galleries post formats $tc_ws_thumb_size = apply_filters( 'tc_ws_thumb_size' , CZR()->tc_ws_thumb_size ); add_image_size( 'tc-ws-thumb' , $tc_ws_thumb_size['width'] , $tc_ws_thumb_size['height'], $tc_ws_thumb_size['crop'] ); //wide screen small thumb (16:9) //used by wp as responsive image of tc-ws-thumb $tc_ws_small_thumb_size = apply_filters( 'tc_ws_small_thumb_size' , CZR()->tc_ws_small_thumb_size ); add_image_size( 'tc-ws-small-thumb' , $tc_ws_small_thumb_size['width'] , $tc_ws_small_thumb_size['height'], $tc_ws_small_thumb_size['crop'] ); //used by wp as responsive image of tc-slider tc-slider-full $tc_slider_small_size = apply_filters( 'tc_slider_small_size' , CZR()->tc_slider_small_size ); add_image_size( 'tc-slider-small' , $tc_slider_small_size['width'] , $tc_slider_small_size['height'], $tc_slider_small_size['crop'] ); } // Add theme support for selective refresh for widgets. // Only add if the link manager is not enabled // cf WP core ticket #39451 if ( !get_option( 'link_manager_enabled' ) ) { add_theme_support( 'customize-selective-refresh-widgets' ); } } /* * hook : after_setup_theme */ function czr_fn_register_menus() { /* This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location. */ register_nav_menu( 'main' , __( 'Main Menu' , 'customizr' ) ); register_nav_menu( 'secondary' , __( 'Secondary (horizontal) Menu' , 'customizr' ) ); if ( CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE ) { register_nav_menu( 'topbar' , __( 'Horizontal Top Bar Menu. (make sure that the topbar is displayed in the header settings ).' , 'customizr' ) ); register_nav_menu( 'mobile' , __( 'Mobile Menu' , 'customizr' ) ); } } /** * This function handles the support for high resolution devices * * @hook wp_generate_attachment_metadata (10 ,2) * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.0.15 * @credits http://wp.tutsplus.com/author/chrisbavota/ */ function czr_fn_add_retina_support( $metadata, $attachment_id ) { //checks if retina is enabled in options. if ( 0 == czr_fn_opt( 'tc_retina_support' ) ) { return $metadata; } if ( !is_array($metadata) ) { return $metadata; } // skip gif images, @see https://github.com/presscustomizr/customizr/issues/1819 $mime = get_post_mime_type( $attachment_id ); if ( 'image/gif' === $mime ) { return $metadata; } //Create the retina image for the main file /* when the attachment is a pdf: isset($metadata['width']) && isset($metadata['height']) is false as $metadata is like: Array ( [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [file] => 15626866-1-pdf-116x150.jpg [width] => 116 [height] => 150 [mime-type] => image/jpeg ) [medium] => Array ( [file] => 15626866-1-pdf-232x300.jpg [width] => 232 [height] => 300 [mime-type] => image/jpeg ) [large] => Array ( [file] => 15626866-1-pdf-791x1024.jpg [width] => 791 [height] => 1024 [mime-type] => image/jpeg ) [full] => Array ( [file] => 15626866-1-pdf.jpg [width] => 1088 [height] => 1408 [mime-type] => image/jpeg ) ) ) */ if ( apply_filters( 'czr_build_retina_files_for_pdf_thumbnails', 'application/pdf' == $mime ) ) { if ( empty( $metadata[ 'sizes' ][ 'full' ][ 'file' ] ) ) { return $metadata; } //build attached file image from url $original_pdf_file = get_attached_file( $attachment_id ); $dirname = dirname( $original_pdf_file ); $full_image_file = trailingslashit( $dirname ) . $metadata[ 'sizes' ][ 'full' ][ 'file' ]; } //Because of the structure of the metadata array for pdf files, this will be skipped if ( isset($metadata['width']) && isset($metadata['height']) ) $this->czr_fn_create_retina_images( get_attached_file( $attachment_id ), $metadata['width'], $metadata['height'] , false, $_is_intermediate = false ); //if the full_image_file var is defined (because we built it for pdf files), use it $full_image_file = isset( $full_image_file ) ? $full_image_file : get_attached_file( $attachment_id ); //Create the retina images for each WP sizes $sizes = !empty( $metadata[ 'sizes' ] ) ? $metadata[ 'sizes' ] : null; if ( is_array( $sizes ) ) { foreach ( $sizes as $_size_name => $_attr ) { if ( is_array( $_attr ) && isset($_attr['width']) && isset($_attr['height']) ) { $this->czr_fn_create_retina_images( $full_image_file, $_attr['width'], $_attr['height'], //as for the pdf metadata structure, the full size name refers to the full jpg thumbnail, which we don't want to crop $crop = 'full' != $_size_name, //as for the pdf metadata structure, the full size name refers to the full jpg thumbnail, which is not what we intend as intermediate $_is_intermediate = 'full' != $_size_name ); } } } return $metadata; }//end of tc_retina_support /** * Creates retina-ready images * * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.0.15 * @credits http://wp.tutsplus.com/author/chrisbavota/ */ function czr_fn_create_retina_images( $file, $width, $height, $crop = false , $_is_intermediate = true) { $resized_file = wp_get_image_editor( $file ); if ( is_wp_error( $resized_file ) ) return false; if ( $width || $height ) { $_suffix = $_is_intermediate ? $width . 'x' . $height . '@2x' : '@2x'; $filename = $resized_file->generate_filename( $_suffix ); // if is not intermediate (main file name) => removes the "-" added by the generate_filename method $filename = !$_is_intermediate ? str_replace('-@2x', '@2x', $filename) : $filename; $resized_file->resize( $width * 2, $height * 2, $crop ); $resized_file->save( $filename ); /* $info = $resized_file->get_size(); return array( 'file' => wp_basename( $filename ), 'width' => $info['width'], 'height' => $info['height'], );*/ } //return false; }//end of function /** * This function deletes the generated retina images if they exist * * @hook delete_attachment * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.0.15 * @credits http://wp.tutsplus.com/author/chrisbavota/ */ function czr_fn_clean_retina_images( $attachment_id ) { $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id ); if ( !isset( $meta['file'] ) ) { //pdf case if ( apply_filters( 'czr_build_retina_files_for_pdf_thumbnails', 'application/pdf' == get_post_mime_type( $attachment_id ) ) ) { if ( empty( $meta[ 'sizes' ][ 'full' ][ 'file' ] ) ) { return; } $original_pdf_file = get_attached_file( $attachment_id ); $dirname = dirname( $original_pdf_file ); $full_image_file = trailingslashit( $dirname ) . $meta[ 'sizes' ][ 'full' ][ 'file' ]; } else { return; } } //if the full_image_file var is defined (because we built it for pdf files), use it $full_image_file = isset( $full_image_file ) ? $full_image_file : get_attached_file( $attachment_id ); $sizes = $meta['sizes']; if ( !is_array( $sizes ) ) return; // append to the sizes the original file if ( !isset( $sizes[ 'full' ] ) ) { $sizes['full'] = array( 'file' => basename( $full_image_file ) ); } //Remove the retina images for each WP sizes foreach ( $sizes as $size ) { $original_filename = str_replace( basename( $full_image_file ), $size['file'], $full_image_file ); $retina_filename = substr_replace( $original_filename, '@2x.', strrpos( $original_filename, '.' ), strlen( '.' ) ); if ( file_exists( $retina_filename ) ) @ unlink( $retina_filename ); } }//end of function /** * Controls the rendering of the comments template * * @param bool $bool * @return bool $bool * hook : tc_render_comments_template * */ function czr_fn_control_coments_template_rendering( $bool ) { $_to_return = !self::$comments_rendered && $bool; self::$comments_rendered = true; return $_to_return; } /** * Remove hentry class from post_class array * @param array $class * @return array $class * hook : post_class * */ function czr_fn_maybe_remove_hentry_class( $class ) { $remove_bool = true; $class = is_array( $class ) ? $class : array( $class ); if ( apply_filters( 'czr_post_class_remove_hentry_class', $remove_bool ) ) { $class = array_diff( $class, array( 'hentry' ) ); } // add convenient custom class e.g. for classic style js img centering $class[] = 'czr-hentry'; return $class; } /** * Set __loop hooks and various filters based on customizer options * hook : wp_loaded * */ function czr_fn_set_early_hooks() { //Filter home/blog postsa (priority 9 is to make it act before the grid hook for expanded post) add_action ( 'pre_get_posts' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_filter_home_blog_posts_by_tax' ), 9); // Make sure the infinite scroll query object is filtered as well // Fix for https://github.com/presscustomizr/customizr-pro/issues/46 add_filter ( 'infinite_scroll_query_object' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_filter_home_blog_infinite_posts_by_tax' ) ); //Include attachments in search results add_action ( 'pre_get_posts' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_include_attachments_in_search' )); //Include all post types in archive pages add_action ( 'pre_get_posts' , array( $this , 'czr_fn_include_cpt_in_lists' )); } /** * hook : pre_get_posts * Filter home/blog posts by tax: cat * @return modified query object * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.4.10 */ function czr_fn_filter_home_blog_posts_by_tax( $query ) { $this->_czr_fn_filter_home_blog_posts_by_tax( $query ); } /** * hook : infinite_scroll_query_object * Filter home/blog posts by tax: cat * @return modified query object * @package Customizr */ function czr_fn_filter_home_blog_infinite_posts_by_tax( $query ) { return $this->_czr_fn_filter_home_blog_posts_by_tax( $query, $reset_cat_category_name = true ); } // this method was implemented to fix https://github.com/presscustomizr/customizr-pro/issues/46 private function _czr_fn_filter_home_blog_posts_by_tax( $query, $reset_cat_category_name = false ) { // when we have to filter? // in home and blog page if ( is_admin() || !$query->is_main_query() || !( ( is_home() && 'posts' == get_option('show_on_front') ) || $query->is_posts_page ) ) { return $query; } //temp: do not filter in classic style when classic grid enabled and infinite scroll enabled in home/blog if ( !CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE && 'grid'== esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_post_list_grid' ) ) && class_exists( 'PC_init_infinite' ) && esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_infinite_scroll' ) ) && esc_attr( czr_fn_opt( 'tc_infinite_scroll_in_home' ) ) ) { return $query; } // categories // we have to ignore sticky posts (do not prepend them) // disable grid sticky post expansion $cats = czr_fn_opt('tc_blog_restrict_by_cat'); $cats = array_filter( $cats, 'czr_fn_category_id_exists' ); if ( is_array( $cats ) && !empty( $cats ) ){ // Fix for https://github.com/presscustomizr/customizr-pro/issues/46 // Basically when we filter the blog with more than one category // "infinite posts" are filtered by the category with the smaller ID defined in $cats. // The reason is that the infinite scroll query takes as arguments the query vars of the // "first page" query, that are localized and then sent back in the ajax request, and // when we apply the category__in 'filter' to the blog page, for some reason, the main wp_query // vars "cat" and "category_name" are set as the ID and the name of the smaller ID defined in $cats. // With the if block below we avoid this unwanted behavior. if ( $reset_cat_category_name ) { $query->set( 'cat', '' ); $query->set( 'category_name', '' ); } $query->set('category__in', $cats ); $query->set('ignore_sticky_posts', 1 ); add_filter('tc_grid_expand_featured', '__return_false'); } return $query; } /** * hook : pre_get_posts * Includes attachments in search results * @return modified query object * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.0.10 */ function czr_fn_include_attachments_in_search( $query ) { if (!is_search() || !apply_filters( 'tc_include_attachments_in_search_results' , false ) ) return; // add post status 'inherit' $post_status = $query->get( 'post_status' ); if ( !$post_status || 'publish' == $post_status ) $post_status = array( 'publish', 'inherit' ); if ( is_array( $post_status ) ) $post_status[] = 'inherit'; $query->set( 'post_status', $post_status ); } /** * hook : pre_get_posts * Includes Custom Posts Types (set to public and excluded_from_search_result = false) in archives and search results * In archives, it handles the case where a CPT has been registered and associated with an existing built-in taxonomy like category or post_tag * @return modified query object * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.1.20 */ function czr_fn_include_cpt_in_lists( $query ) { if ( is_admin() || !$query->is_main_query() || !apply_filters('tc_include_cpt_in_archives' , false) || !( $query->is_search || $query->is_archive ) ) return; //filter the post types to include, they must be public and not excluded from search //we also exclude the built-in types, to exclude pages and attachments, we'll add standard posts later $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, 'exclude_from_search' => false, '_builtin' => false) ); //add standard posts $post_types['post'] = 'post'; if ( $query->is_search ){ // add standard pages in search results => new wp behavior $post_types['page'] = 'page'; // allow attachments to be included in search results by tc_include_attachments_in_search method if ( apply_filters( 'tc_include_attachments_in_search_results' , false ) ) $post_types['attachment'] = 'attachment'; } // add standard pages in search results $query->set('post_type', $post_types ); } /** * Set user defined options for images * Thumbnail's height * Slider's height * hook : after_setup_theme * */ function czr_fn_set_user_defined_settings() { $_options = get_option('tc_theme_options'); if ( isset ( $_options['tc_slider_change_default_img_size'] ) && 0 != esc_attr( $_options['tc_slider_change_default_img_size'] ) && isset ( $_options['tc_slider_default_height'] ) && 500 != esc_attr( $_options['tc_slider_default_height'] ) ) { add_filter( 'tc_slider_full_size' , array($this, 'czr_fn_set_slider_img_height') ); add_filter( 'tc_slider_size' , array($this, 'czr_fn_set_slider_img_height') ); //ONLY FOR MODERN STYLE if ( CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE ) { add_filter( 'tc_slider_small_size' , array($this, 'czr_fn_set_slider_small_img_height') ); } } $tc_grid_full_size = $this->tc_grid_full_size; $tc_grid_size = $this->tc_grid_size; //ONLY FOR CLASSICAL STYLE if ( !CZR_IS_MODERN_STYLE ) { //add "rectangular" image size if ( isset ( $_options['tc_post_list_thumb_shape'] ) && false !== strpos(esc_attr( $_options['tc_post_list_thumb_shape'] ), 'rectangular') ) { $_user_height = isset ( $_options['tc_post_list_thumb_height'] ) ? esc_attr( $_options['tc_post_list_thumb_height'] ) : '250'; $_user_height = !esc_attr( $_options['tc_post_list_thumb_shape'] ) ? '250' : $_user_height; $_rectangular_size = apply_filters( 'tc_rectangular_size' , array( 'width' => '1170' , 'height' => $_user_height , 'crop' => true ) ); add_image_size( 'tc_rectangular_size' , $_rectangular_size['width'] , $_rectangular_size['height'], $_rectangular_size['crop'] ); } /*********** *** GRID *** ***********/ if ( isset( $_options['tc_grid_thumb_height'] ) ) { $_user_height = esc_attr( $_options['tc_grid_thumb_height'] ); } $_user_grid_height = isset( $_options['tc_grid_thumb_height'] ) && is_numeric( $_options['tc_grid_thumb_height'] ) ? esc_attr( $_options['tc_grid_thumb_height'] ) : $tc_grid_full_size['height']; add_image_size( 'tc-grid-full', $tc_grid_full_size['width'], $_user_grid_height, $tc_grid_full_size['crop'] ); add_image_size( 'tc-grid', $tc_grid_size['width'], $_user_grid_height, $tc_grid_size['crop'] ); if ( $_user_grid_height != $tc_grid_full_size['height'] ) add_filter( 'tc_grid_full_size', array( $this, 'czr_fn_set_grid_img_height') ); if ( $_user_grid_height != $tc_grid_size['height'] ) add_filter( 'tc_grid_size' , array( $this, 'czr_fn_set_grid_img_height') ); } else { //Modern style: not custom height option available add_image_size( 'tc-grid-full', $tc_grid_full_size['width'], $tc_grid_full_size['height'], $tc_grid_full_size['crop'] ); add_image_size( 'tc-grid', $tc_grid_size['width'], $tc_grid_size['height'], $tc_grid_size['crop'] ); } } /** * Set slider new image sizes * Callback of slider_full_size and slider_size filters * hook : might be called from after_setup_theme * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.2.0 * */ function czr_fn_set_slider_img_height( $_default_size ) { $_options = get_option('tc_theme_options'); $_default_size['height'] = esc_attr( $_options['tc_slider_default_height'] ); return $_default_size; } /** * Set post list desgin new image sizes * Callback of tc_grid_full_size and tc_grid_size filters * * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.1.12 * */ function czr_fn_set_grid_img_height( $_default_size ) { $_options = get_option('tc_theme_options'); $_default_size['height'] = esc_attr( $_options['tc_grid_thumb_height'] ) ; return $_default_size; } /* * Slider small thumbs */ //@hook 'tc_slider_small_size' function czr_fn_set_slider_small_img_height( $_default_size ) { $_options = get_option('tc_theme_options'); //original slider size $_slider_size = CZR()->slider_size; $_custom_height = esc_attr( $_options['tc_slider_default_height'] ); if ( isset( $_slider_size[ 'height'] ) && $_slider_size[ 'height'] != 0 ) { $_default_size['height'] = $_default_size['height'] * $_custom_height / $_slider_size[ 'height' ]; } return $_default_size; } /** * Init CZR_utils class properties after_setup_theme * Fixes the bbpress bug : Notice: bbp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly. The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init() * czr_fn_get_default_options uses is_user_logged_in() => was causing the bug * * CZR_THEME_OPTIONS, CUSTOMIZR_VER, CZR_IS_PRO is defined by the child classes before "after_setup_theme" * * hook : after_setup_theme * * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 3.2.3 */ function czr_fn_init_properties() { //fire an action hook before theme main properties have been set up // theme_name // db_options // default_options do_action( 'czr_before_caching_options' ); self::$theme_name = CZR_SANITIZED_THEMENAME; self::$db_options = false === get_option( CZR_THEME_OPTIONS ) ? array() : (array)get_option( CZR_THEME_OPTIONS ); self::$default_options = czr_fn_get_default_options(); //fire an action hook after theme main properties have been set up // theme_name // db_options // default_options do_action( 'czr_after_caching_options' ); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * CACHE THE LIST OF THEME SETTINGS ONLY /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //Fired in __construct() function czr_fn_cache_theme_setting_list() { if ( is_array(self::$theme_setting_list) && !empty( self::$theme_setting_list ) ) return; //fire an action hook before caching theme settomgs list do_action( 'czr_before_caching_theme_settings_list' ); self::$theme_setting_list = czr_fn_generate_theme_setting_list(); //fire an action hook after caching theme settomgs list do_action( 'czr_after_caching_theme_settings_list' ); } /** * The purpose of this callback is to refresh and store the theme options in a property on each customize preview refresh * => preview performance improvement * 'customize_preview_init' is fired on wp_loaded, once WordPress is fully loaded ( after 'init', before 'wp') and right after the call to 'customize_register' * This method is fired just after the theme option has been filtered for each settings by the WP_Customize_Setting::_preview_filter() callback * => if this method is fired before this hook when customizing, the user changes won't be taken into account on preview refresh * * hook : customize_preview_init * @return void */ function czr_fn_customize_refresh_db_opt(){ CZR___::$db_options = false === get_option( CZR_THEME_OPTIONS ) ? array() : (array)get_option( CZR_THEME_OPTIONS ); } /** * Handles JavaScript detection. * hook : wp_head * Adds a `js` class to the root `` element when JavaScript is detected. */ function czr_fn_javascript_detection() { echo "\n"; } /** * hook : customize_save_validation_before' */ function czr_fn_remove_callback_wp_targeted_link_rel() { if ( false !== has_filter( 'content_save_pre', 'wp_targeted_link_rel' ) ) { remove_filter( 'content_save_pre', 'wp_targeted_link_rel' ); } } } endif; //load shared fn require_once( get_template_directory() . '/core/core-functions.php' ); //require init-pro if it exists if ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/core/init-pro.php' ) ) require_once( get_template_directory() . '/core/init-pro.php' ); //setup constants czr_fn_setup_constants(); //setup started using theme option ( before checking czr_fn_is_ms() that uses the user_started_before_Version function to determine it ) czr_fn_setup_started_using_theme_option_and_constants(); add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'czr_fn_load_czr_base_fmk', 15 ); function czr_fn_load_czr_base_fmk() { // load the czr-base-fmk if ( !isset( $GLOBALS['czr_base_fmk_namespace'] ) ) { require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/czr-base-fmk/czr-base-fmk.php' ); \czr_fn\CZR_Fmk_Base( array( 'text_domain' => 'customizr', 'base_url' => CZR_BASE_URL . 'core/czr-base-fmk', 'version' => CUSTOMIZR_VER ) ); } else { //error_log('Warning => the czr_base_fmk should be loaded and instantiated by the theme.'); } } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'czr_fn_load_social_links_module', 20 ); function czr_fn_load_social_links_module() { // load the social links module require_once( CZR_BASE . CZR_CORE_PATH . 'czr-modules/social-links/social_links_module.php' ); czr_fn_register_social_links_module( array( 'setting_id' => 'tc_theme_options[tc_social_links]', 'base_url_path' => CZR_BASE_URL . '/core/czr-modules/social-links', 'version' => CUSTOMIZR_VER, 'option_value' => czr_fn_opt( 'tc_social_links' ), // for dynamic registration 'setting' => array( 'type' => 'option', 'default' => array(), 'transport' => czr_fn_is_partial_refreshed_on() ? 'postMessage' : 'refresh', 'sanitize_callback' => 'czr_fn_sanitize_callback__czr_social_module', // we only sanitize for now, to avoid : https://github.com/presscustomizr/social-links-modules/issues/1 'validate_callback' => ''//czr_fn_validate_callback__czr_social_module' ), 'section' => array( 'id' => 'socials_sec', 'title' => __( 'Social links', 'customizr' ), 'panel' => 'tc-global-panel', 'priority' => 20 ), 'control' => array( 'priority' => 10, 'label' => __( 'Create and organize your social links', 'customizr' ), 'type' => 'czr_module', ) ) ); } require_once( get_template_directory() . ( czr_fn_is_ms() ? '/core/init.php' : '/inc/czr-init-ccat.php' ) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Register a location for Nimble Builder /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ add_action( 'init', 'czr_fn_maybe_register_nimble_location'); function czr_fn_maybe_register_nimble_location() { if ( function_exists('nimble_register_location') ) { nimble_register_location('__after_header', array( 'priority' => PHP_INT_MAX ) );// fired in templates/parts/header.php nimble_register_location('__before_main_wrapper', array( 'priority' => PHP_INT_MAX ) );// fired in templates/index-no-model.php //nimble_register_location('__after_main_wrapper', array( 'priority' => PHP_INT_MAX ) ); // fired in /wp-content/themes/customizr/templates/parts/footer.php nimble_register_location('__before_footer', array( 'priority' => PHP_INT_MAX ) ); // fired in templates/parts/footer.php } } // added to fix the problem of locations not rendered when using Nimble templates for content and / or header and footer // see https://github.com/presscustomizr/nimble-builder/issues/369 foreach( array( 'after_nimble_header', 'nimble_template_before_content_sections', 'before_nimble_footer' ) as $nimble_hook ) { add_action( $nimble_hook, 'czr_fn_render_locations_when_using_nimble_templates' ); } function czr_fn_render_locations_when_using_nimble_templates() { if ( !function_exists('Nimble\Nimble_Manager') ) return; $location = ''; switch( current_filter() ) { case 'after_nimble_header' : $location = '__after_header'; break; case 'nimble_template_before_content_sections' : $location = '__before_main_wrapper'; break; case 'before_nimble_footer' : $location = '__before_footer'; break; } if ( !empty( $location ) ) { \Nimble\Nimble_Manager()->render_nimble_locations( $location ); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Loads Required Plugin Class and Setup /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( is_admin() && !czr_fn_is_customizing() && !czr_fn_is_plugin_active('nimble-builder/nimble-builder.php') ) { load_template( get_template_directory() . '/core/class-plugin-rec.php' ); } // @filter czr_model_map => removes 'main_content' model from the map since we don't need it when using the Nimble template. // @see core/init.php function czr_fn_filter_model_map_when_nimble_template_set( $map ) { if ( function_exists('Nimble\sek_get_locale_template') ) { $tmpl_name = \Nimble\sek_get_locale_template(); // when using the full nimble template, we don't need to load any Customizr model // when using the mixed Nimble template ( header and footer from theme, content from Nimble), we don't need the main_content model if ( czr_fn_is_full_nimble_tmpl() ) { $map = array(); } else if ( !empty( $tmpl_name ) ) { $new_map = array(); foreach ($map as $model) { if ( !empty( $model['id'] ) && 'main_content' === $model['id'] ) continue; $new_map[] = $model; } $map = $new_map; } } return $map; } add_filter( 'czr_model_map', 'czr_fn_filter_model_map_when_nimble_template_set');